GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 5

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I know the person the daughter stayed with personally. She picked the daughter up at school that Thursday because CL was already at clinicals. She had to be at clinicals at 4:30 p.m. and it's a good 20 minute drive just to get to LR from Jacksonville. If there was $600 paid before the arrest then that was before the order that she now pays child support so legally that money was for the previous month and would be her money. I will ask around about it. I think I know who is handling her affairs while she is in jail.

Why didn't the dad come and get the daughters clothes when he had the chance? He was a no show. I know this for a fact from the person who had to clean out her house when the dad was a no show because that person had to round up other friends to get the house cleaned out before the realtor locked everything up in it.

NJ, are you saying that they were moved out of the house after placed in jail? So it was a rental? I know at one point it was said that it was a crime scene and taped off. Was that because of BC's phone or did the murder perhaps happen there?
Is her possible involvement in this kidnapping/murder, or even helping cover it up or not report him, or whatever got her jailed with some major charges, was that a total shock to this side of her family or did you think someday she would be involved with AL in some manner with his crazy scammer lifestyle? I do know people can change quickly when around certain people and drugs whether she was using or not. Did anybody see this kind of thing coming with her and AL. Not specifically kidnapping and/or murder, but crime and punishment?

Complete shock!! This side of the family has always viewed Crystal as selfish and manipulative....but not violent in any way. We knew this guy was a loser...but so were all the boyfriends before him, so that wasn't anything knew. There's a boyfriend from a few years ago in jail on drug charges. The children said they didn't like him...but never implied that he was violent or abusive. They just described him as a jerk. Everyone on this side of the family would be very shocked if it comes out that she was directly/hands on involved in the kidnapping/murder (and we hope she's not) but helping him cover it up after the fact....lying to the police about what she knew/didn't know....would not be shocking.

Our main concern is the wellbeing of the kids.
NJ-why would it be her ex-husband's job to clean out her house? Like I said there were 2 separate trips to little rock to get the daughter on 2 separate occasions and he was not allowed to get any of her things on either trip. How was he a no-show?

The last child support payment was processed after her arrest...and it's not really a big deal. I think it just says a lot that she would go out of her way to have child support money transferred to her jail account.

If you have a source that says the daughter was picked up from school that Thursday and taken to a friends be it. The daughter told me different.
Is the next hearing a week today the 1st of December for AL? Thanks for all your updates and posts they are appreciated.
Complete shock!! This side of the family has always viewed Crystal as selfish and manipulative....but not violent in any way. We knew this guy was a loser...but so were all the boyfriends before him, so that wasn't anything knew. There's a boyfriend from a few years ago in jail on drug charges. The children said they didn't like him...but never implied that he was violent or abusive. They just described him as a jerk. Everyone on this side of the family would be very shocked if it comes out that she was directly/hands on involved in the kidnapping/murder (and we hope she's not) but helping him cover it up after the fact....lying to the police about what she knew/didn't know....would not be shocking.

Our main concern is the wellbeing of the kids.

I cannot imagine the pain the children are experiencing over this. Having had a parent in trouble when I was in high school on a way smaller scale than this, caused me a lot of anxiety and that was way before the Internet. It was in the paper what he was accused of and I didn't want to face anyone at school. And still, today, more than 30 years later, it's an issue for me. So, take care of these teens and make sure to be open and honest with them. Let them know what's going on. The real what's going on. I didn't know until a few years ago how my family member was not sent to prison. I found something on the Internet because my folks, well everything is better unspoken or was back in those days.
NJ-why would it be her ex-husband's job to clean out her house? Like I said there were 2 separate trips to little rock to get the daughter on 2 separate occasions and he was not allowed to get any of her things on either trip. How was he a no-show?

The last child support payment was processed after her arrest...and it's not really a big deal. I think it just says a lot that she would go out of her way to have child support money transferred to her jail account.

If you have a source that says the daughter was picked up from school that Thursday and taken to a friends be it. The daughter told me different.

It was the ex husband's job because he made it his job by volunteering? At least that is the information I got. Then he was a no show and most things had to be disposed of when he was a no show. That's what I was told by a friend who knows the person that has control of CL estate while she is jailed.

I'm glad to see that you don't believe she is capable of kidnapping and murder. I don't believe it myself. It's obvious you are not a fan.
The children are doing as well as can be expected. Crystal (for all her faults) was not some horrible monster mother....that they are glad to be away from. It's the exact opposite! They love their mom and are shocked that this is happening. The daughter is adjusting well at her new school. She's made friends and both kids are doing well academically. Their dad accepts her collect calls 3-5X/week (which is quite expensive) but he's happy to make sure the kids get to maintain contact with their mom....because he knows that's what's best for them. They are also getting professional help from counselor.
Her ex-husband was never asked and never volunteered to clean out her house. NJ-I sent you a PM.
NJ-why would it be her ex-husband's job to clean out her house? Like I said there were 2 separate trips to little rock to get the daughter on 2 separate occasions and he was not allowed to get any of her things on either trip. How was he a no-show?

The last child support payment was processed after her arrest...and it's not really a big deal. I think it just says a lot that she would go out of her way to have child support money transferred to her jail account.

If you have a source that says the daughter was picked up from school that Thursday and taken to a friends be it. The daughter told me different.

Thanks for being here and sharing, Butler321.
I know the person the daughter stayed with personally. She picked the daughter up at school that Thursday because CL was already at clinicals. She had to be at clinicals at 4:30 p.m. and it's a good 20 minute drive just to get to LR from Jacksonville. If there was $600 paid before the arrest then that was before the order that she now pays child support so legally that money was for the previous month and would be her money. I will ask around about it. I think I know who is handling her affairs while she is in jail.

Why didn't the dad come and get the daughters clothes when he had the chance? He was a no show. I know this for a fact from the person who had to clean out her house when the dad was a no show because that person had to round up other friends to get the house cleaned out before the realtor locked everything up in it.

Just curious as if to this person who allegedly helped clean out her house is the ex-boyfriend of where she was staying the weekend?
How friendly was CL and the "ex-boyfriend" prior to Beverly's murder I wonder? Could AL have had some jealousy and/or suspicions over CL's and the ex-boyfriend's relationship?
NJ-I've glanced over some of your previous posts and want to clarify a few things.

1. Her ex has never been a day late in child support ever. You previously stated he was "2 years behind." He is career military and has ALWAYS had his child support taken directly from his check.

2. Also, there were 4 guns (not sure about a taser) taken from CLs home after the search. You mentioned that you saw the list of what they took...but it should be noted that there were 2 separate searches done on 2 different days to CL's home.
NJ-I've glanced over some of your previous posts and want to clarify a few things.

1. Her ex has never been a day late in child support ever. You previously stated he was "2 years behind." He is career military and has ALWAYS had his child support taken directly from his check.

2. Also, there were 4 guns (not sure about a taser) taken from CLs home after the search. You mentioned that you saw the list of what they took...but it should be noted that there were 2 separate searches done on 2 different days to CL's home.

How soon did you all know about the kidnapping/murder? That Sunday when ALs picture was posted bloodied from the wreck? Before that? After his arrest?
@Butler321 how is it known that CL said she knew Beverly was deceased by Sunday? Or how was it said?

Thank you for joining here and posting.
The first time anyone from this side of the family heard about any of this was Sunday night. Crystal and her ex spoke on the phone and she told him "she didn't know anything about what was going on"

Earlier this week when speaking to her ex he flat out asked her "what evidence they have against her" and she replied that "she didn't know anything about it until it was over" implying that she wasn't directly involved. Then he asked her "so when we spoke that Sunday night and you said you didn't know anything you were lying?" and she replied "yes"
The first time anyone from this side of the family heard about any of this was Sunday night. Crystal and her ex spoke on the phone and she told him "she didn't know anything about what was going on"

Earlier this week when speaking to her ex he flat out asked her "what evidence they have against her" and she replied that "she didn't know anything about it until it was over" implying that she wasn't directly involved. Then he asked her "so when we spoke that Sunday night and you said you didn't know anything you were lying?" and she replied "yes"

I'd guess she's lying both times. I don't think she would be charged with kidnapping if she didn't know anything until it was "over." And capital murder, wouldn't you have to be there or help plan it to be charged with capital murder? Why not lie twice, she's supposedly admitting to lying Sunday night?
The first time anyone from this side of the family heard about any of this was Sunday night. Crystal and her ex spoke on the phone and she told him "she didn't know anything about what was going on"

Earlier this week when speaking to her ex he flat out asked her "what evidence they have against her" and she replied that "she didn't know anything about it until it was over" implying that she wasn't directly involved. Then he asked her "so when we spoke that Sunday night and you said you didn't know anything you were lying?" and she replied "yes"
Did CL say what happened to Beverly, was it an accident like AL said?
Not trying to be disrespectful but she had the *advertiser censored* before AL. The daughter spent the night every clinical night away from home. She was not "sent away" as you put it. In fact between 3-4 the daughter would have been at school since school gets out at 4:00 pm and the pick up was already arranged for the sleep over that evening because the person she stayed with picked her up from school. The daughter never stayed at home when CL was gone to clinical.

the TP incident was already reported here. I doubt she has admitted anything to family members. Did you not watch her perp walk?

I think you are repeating rumors that are floating around without any actual knowledge. If CL FB page was still up it would verify when she got the *advertiser censored*. AL was not in the picture. In fact, I think he was still in jail.

As to the child support the court papers have her paying support now not the ex spouse so how would she get $600? That would not make sense.

That's unusual. Why would she spend the night with friends when her mother had clinicals?
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