GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 6

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I cannot believe neither of them has rolled over on the other yet.

Honestly that's another point to CL's innocence in my opinion. If she were involved as LE believes, it would seem to me that AL would be all to happy to have her take the fall with/for him. He has already shown he is willing to throw her under the bus for his own benefit as evidenced by his trying to extort money from CL's ex.
I bet there are prints on my roll of duct tape at my house. If my husband decides to take that roll and use it to kidnap someone, I guess I am **** out of luck......

You know in the Scott Peterson case they kept saying there was no hair DNA, which means to me at least that there was some fantastic clean up done. I have very thick hair, shoulder length and naturally red, and I find my hair in all of our cars, on my hubby's clothes, so if I went missing ever, I would probably leave a trail of hair.
I guess the next question is this: If AL is talking and did cook up some elaborate scheme with CL involved, would his word alone be enough for the charges or would they need other evidence? I can see him being the type to concoct some story to bring her down especially if he feels wronged by CL. And if he is telling stories, and they have prints on the duct tape, and they have phone evidence, it might all look like CL is guilty when she isn't... Not saying that's the case, just thinking out loud.

And I just had another thought! What if and I mean a big WHAT IF... AL set this whole thing up to frame CL because she had kicked him out and was planning to leave him? I know that's a stretch but possible right?
One thing that stumps me, is until we hear the ex's story about him being her alibi that weekend, we will have no idea the truth. I hate this for the people that love her. It is hard to think much less believe your friend could be capable of murder.
On a video of crystals arrest, the LEO said, we haven't spoken to AL since the night we arrested him.
So, that implies it was not his story that got her arrested.
One thing that stumps me, is until we hear the ex's story about him being her alibi that weekend, we will have no idea the truth. I hate this for the people that love her. It is hard to think much less believe your friend could be capable of murder.

I wonder if the ex went to the hospital with her? Just my opinion, but I don't believe her alibis have held up or she wouldn't have been arrested and charged with Capital Murder and Kidnapping. Of course LE looked into her alibi. They had a month between the day AL was arrested and when they arrested CL for the same charges. I don't think that Pulaski County Law Enforcement is going to not check things like that and that they could get a judge to bind her over for trial on charges that don't have merit. Is she guilty, is AL guilty? I think so, but I don't know. We don't have enough information to make that decision. I doubt I could sit on the jury having posted on this forum, but I would be able to listen to the evidence and make a decision based upon what happens in the courtroom. A man I know in his late 70s has sat on a couple of jury trials in the courtrooms of LR. He said when they get in the jury room there are one or two who go the other way against the evidence. I think jury's usually get it right, but I know sometimes they are way wrong. There have been cases where people have been exonerated by DNA because they were tried and convicted pre DNA evidence being used. That shouldn't be an issue like it was in the past. As sloppy as this/these perps appeared to be, I can't help but believe there is DNA, text, phone, pings, fingerprints, etc., to be shared by the prosecution.
I bet there are prints on my roll of duct tape at my house. If my husband decides to take that roll and use it to kidnap someone, I guess I am **** out of luck......

Someone has to unroll that tape. I dont know how its possible for anyones prints to be on the sticky side just by picking up the roll.
Don't forget he had the gloves on him that's he dropped during the pursuit just before his arrest. On a hot day. I think it's significant since he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt .... And gloves....
It really irks me when people assume that somebody is guilty or that they have something to hide if they lawyer up. There's plenty of good reasons for having a lawyer present when speaking to police, even when you have nothing to hide.

There's a ton of guilty people that have spoken to the police without a lawyer present, but do we assume they're innocent and have nothing to hide because they didn't ask for a lawyer? Of course not!

This was not directed towards anybody in this thread, just me ranting about the subject.

I think there is nothing wrong with playing it safe. I think I'd want an attorney just to make sure I understood everything correctly. But I also think context and cooperation levels say a lot in most cases, attorney or not.
I have read a lot of cases such as these and I am always amazed with the use of duct tape. Too me, that would be something that would be the last thing I would want to use. It seems like that would surely have fingerprints on it.

Maybe AL used the kind with moustaches on it, thinking it was a disguise. ;)
This is good to review. The uncut sheriffs presser from after the body was found. The crux of it starts about 8 mins in and I heard some confirming tidbits from the Captain.

He said that AL himself DID make the appointment for the showing. He said that victim and subject did NOT previously know each other. Said AL was a "stranger" to BC I believe. He said that they believed AL had committed the crime alone, on his own. And when questioned by the press if they were going to possibly bring any sexual charges up against him, he said they weren't comfortable discussing that at this time... I'm thinking if they were certain that was out of the question - wouldn't they simply say, No we aren't? Of course this was all based on information available at that time before much of the investigation could play out -but I found it helpful to relisten to this. It's 26 mins but the first 8 are mostly thanking everyone by name.
This is good to review. The uncut sheriffs presser from after the body was found. The crux of it starts about 8 mins in and I heard some confirming tidbits from the Captain.

He said that AL himself DID make the appointment for the showing. He said that victim and subject did NOT previously know each other. Said AL was a "stranger" to BC I believe. He said that they believed AL had committed the crime alone, on his own. And when questioned by the press if they were going to possibly bring any sexual charges up against him, he said they weren't comfortable discussing that at this time... I'm thinking if they were certain that was out of the question - wouldn't they simply say, No we aren't? Of course this was all based on information available at that time before much of the investigation could play out -but I found it helpful to relisten to this. It's 26 mins but the first 8 are mostly thanking everyone by name.
I think a lot of that PC should be taken with a grain of salt. They are holding a lot of info to themselves. I would have been surprised if they had given a clear answer on the sexual attack because no autopsy had been completed at that time. I think they mainly did the PC to thank the volunteers and to put the public at rest that there was not some serial killer on the loose. This was all info from before CL had been interrogated that day too. JMO
Last I talked to CL (the day of her arrest) she had not served him yet. I wonder if he even knows yet that she filed for divorce?

We don't know that he didn't. One theory is that he sang like a canary after he was served with divorce papers. NJ-do you know what the time frame was between him getting served with divorce papers and her getting arrested is?

I bet he knows, but JMHO would be if AL atty has told him/ the reporter who did interview/someone within the prison... the summons that was issued Oct 17th when CL filed, does not show an entry for it being served.
On a video of crystals arrest, the LEO said, we haven't spoken to AL since the night we arrested him.
So, that implies it was not his story that got her arrested.

I agree. And they have also said few times of how AL is a liar. For the same charges they have charged BOTH of them with, those are serious charges and have to have hard evidence to at least charge them, I would think. Not just a story from felon parolee, who confessed to kidnapping someone they later found deceased.
Some were talking about CL not getting an attorney before speaking to police. I was re reading some things and a couple things stood out. Stuff that has been spoken here quite a bit. It seems to me at least, getting served with the Emergency Custody Change papers is what kicked it into gear for CL to get an attorney.

Oct 17, at 915 am CL was served with the Emergency change of custody orders signed by Judge Kilgore on Oct 16, granting TL temp custody.
Unsure what time CL went to court hearing on the custody this date, but at 1:13 pm Entry of Appearance of Attorney Richard E. Holiman was entered in CL Theft by Receiving case. Then at 2:40 electronically filed for divorce entered, 2:25pm Summons issued, and 2:45 A Payment of -$165.00 was made on receipt 60CI176943. I will go out on a limb and say she went to the lawyer 1st, and then did the divorce filing, then on to court hearing on custody. Most likely having in hand the divorce papers ~ showing electronically filed and which stated she didn't know he was a 7 time felon when she married him. I say this because of the way #3 reads on the Oct 17th Emergency hearing, where The Court questioned the credulity of CL not knowing he was a 7 time felon.

Something else I realized in the wording... Been over this enough times to make ill... but hear me out then I done..per court order on Oct 17, the court was prepared to return custody to CL after she testified under oath that she did not do illegal drugs. So they did a urine test, which came back positive for PCP. So they grant temp custody to TL. An expedited hearing will be granted if CL submitted to a hair follicle drug screen. #8 states "If the hearing is more than 2 weeks from Oct 21, 2014..." by it stating this date, I feel confident that is the date appointment set w/company while in court.

Hearing took place on Friday Oct 17th, SIGNED by Judge Kilgore and was electronically filed on Oct 31 st. Day after CL was arrested. This was filed Friday Oct 31 and the next Friday, Nov the 7th, Judgment /Order/ Decree in the Nov 7th ORDER
#2 states that on OCT 21st a 5 panel hair follicle test was done and results were negative. <<< in the Oct 17th EMERG Custody Order the #8 ref this same date. Oct 17 was Friday and Oct 21 was following Tuesday. CL either lied/misspoke to NJ or it was confused in translation that both urine test and hair follicle test were done on same day. My reasoning and i could very well be flawed but just how the 2 orders read, I believe the testing was set up on Oct 17 to be done 21st. And in Nov 7th ORDER, it states test was CONDUCTED on 21st. #3 TL is awarded temp custody of children and a final hearing set within 3 months of the entry of this order. #4 states that CL is incarcerated. So this order was more or less a pulling it all together of facts in case and giving a time frame for final custody order.
Speaking of CL Theft by Receiving case
Case Description has been updated

Filing Date: Monday , September 29th, 2014
Court: 60 - PULASKI

Looks like Arron Lewis new Attorney was busy Thanksgiving evening, entries at 6:42 pm. I will now ASSUME by electronic filing, that the entry is entered in the docket also. Until my just now DUH moment, I just thought that ment they were faxed/sent electronically, and posted to the online docket by a real employee.

11/27/2014: Appearance of Attorney James Earl Hensley Jr.

Motion Discovery:

Motion for Disclosure and Discovery

Motion for Discovery of Prior Criminal Record of State's Witnesses

Motion to Compel Disclosure of Sentencing Evidence

I would think these are all common Motions entered in this type of trial. I know time frames are big in when motions are filed. So is by entering these Motions when they did, before the warrants could be served pushed the envelope if you will, does that change in anyway what info the Pros give at todays plea hearing? I mean as in say Death Penalty or Life .. what they are going after. Or does it just start the time clock for when things have to be given to the Def? They want to know criminal record of all state witnesses. Again probably common, but interesting to me... make ya mind wonder ooh who could that be lol
Another thing I was looking at earlier. I had forgot/just not thought about it. But there is a city CAT/Central Arkansas Transit bus stop at the Hospital. I tried to look up the times, but they aren't posted. So, I will assume they run that stop example every 20 min. (if someone is local and can stop and see what is posted at one of the stops. That could help in understanding a little on timeframe). Very possible that AL didn't have anyone to pick him up at the hospital. Possible he got on a bus. The area where he was sighted an arrested from is at the end of that bus route, and from there the bus goes back towards downtown Little Rock. Here are links to the Bus Schedule. Bus #3 would be the bus at hospital listed as Baptist Medical Center. And the bus route for where AL was arrested is #8. NOTE: both of these routes provide limited night and Sunday service. as does taking the end of Baptist bus, turns into #14, if there is somehow to connect to #22 it goes to Mablevale which is the Alexander area. Not sure where the Argo Lot is there. Here is links to bus and map
Again on the dump truck, which keeps nagging at me. The link to IIRC Ch7, says the company "THINKS" is was stolen Sunday. JMHO, but I think once AL took off from the hospital, and LEO started looking for him everyone was looking. Probable they even contacted the Argo company. It being a Sunday evening by this time, could be why/when the company noticed it missing. I haven't found anything other than that clip more or less talking about it. And also the only company location (could very well be missing something) reading of any LEO activity was at the Jacksonville location. I saw pictures of multi cars at night Monday night iirc, and reading posts people in area saying it. Then in the wee hours of Tues morning - hours after the talk of them being at the Jacksonville location, we found out BC was found at the Cabot location- just up the interstate North of Jacksonville.

Its possible the dump truck was "property" of the Alexander location, but was being used at the Jacksonville location. There is a Major interstate project going on right down the road from the Jacksonville location. Which would make sense for the huge police presence on Monday night. Possible they got GPS from the Dump truck. I am curious if AL knows someone who works for the company, even someone he just met working there. Do we even know which location he was employed at? I know Argo owns a lot of what use to be owned by others. The location in Jacksonville has had several names, it Gilliam Bros. years ago. I think the location where BC found was also known locally by another name.
Sorry for so many posts. Not trying to be a page Hog. Have a few notes and reading others thoughts makes me adjust ;) Please correct me as needed, trying to get straight in my mind, if that's possible.

Arron Lewis wrecks and is taken to BH in Little Rock via ambulance. I wonder if he called CL from the ambulance? EMT would know.

Butler321 and NJ have stated CL went to the Hospital and then to PD * do you know what time she went to hospital and then to the PD?

When was it that the Police were at CL and AL home? Sunday night? Was CL home when they searched or did they do the search while she was at the PD?

Did CL give them access when she was at the PD? or did they have a search warrant?

I believe this when they found the phone, Sunday night correct?

CL was arrested on the 29th mid morning right? then out later that night. How long, time wise was it from when AL was spotted and hit the airwaves, until CL was arrested on the Theft charges?

I know Butler321 said Detective contacted the Ex husb and how Stepmom contacted Det back of where CL and Stepmom were going to meet. Just thinking out loud, yes I sure they didn't want CL going across state line, but iirc they arrested CL really close to the time after calls came in that AL was spotted. If I am right on time, it was probably a very quick turn of events. Det knows CL suppose to meet Stepmom in diff state, then AL is spotted. I bet they were in a hustle to get CL arrested before she possibly heard AL apprehended and left and not come back. Thinking about it, it could have been a very scary possibility that even out of fear, left with her daughter and disappeared. I am thankful, no matter what that the daughter is with her Dad, in another state. Thou its horrible no matter what and so many lives torn apart. At least she and her brother are away from the constant news cycle and people you know and love whispering around. Constant reminders. Keeping all involved in my thoughts and prayers. So many lives messed up, needlessly.
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