GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 7

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I am just now reading the rest of AL's paperwork. So he is suing 14 people both officially and personally. Yep, he wants to sue LE personally, because they make so much money. What a nutcase. Though, I am surprised he remembered all 14 people. He must have been taking notes.

I think this would be some violation of his amendments. Maybe 4th amendment or 5th amendment rights? I've read recently where someone else was suing but can't remember the name of prisoner to post a link. I just remember it was a violation of some amendment right.
Did anyone else notice in his complaint that he stated on line number 32 that he would not speak without his attorney present and named and attorney. Milas Hale was who he listed. Do any of you know is he a big attorney in that area or maybe a public defender that AL knew from before.

Depending on if that was Milas Jr or Sr? Both are/were the judge of Sherwood, AR and attorneys. I don't think Sr practices any longer and is retired but I COULD BE WRONG. Disclaimer: Not posting that as FACT so please no need to go and prove me wrong that Milas Sr is still practicing. Just posting what I THINK is correct!!!!!!!

Disclaimer not directed at you Tullala.Belle of course!
I looked him up, and one of his practice areas is real estate law.

He practices ALL kinds of law. Not sure why it only showed RE law. Disclaimer: I do not work for Milas Hale or any attorney. I have NO friends or sources that work for Milas Hale or any other attorney. These are my opinions only based on my knowledge.
Notice AL spelling of his name is HIS correct spelling. I would be shocked if he doesn't make some kind of point about that (personally I would) but here is my thoughts on name :
The Bench Warrant was issued on Sunday 9/28 with the incorrect spelling.
He was booked on 9/30 under the incorrect spelling on that warrant.
ID # 12921781 > AARON M LEWIS, no aliases The FORMAL Capital Murder/Kidnapping/Firearms are all with the orig-incorrect spelling. I believe this is so they could later go back and do some sort of name change, but they continued with this charge because that's what the ORIG Kidnapping warrant said, also that's the spelling on the arresting warrant dated 9/30 that was in the formal filing that stated AL confessed. So the flow was consist in name spelling.

ID #10437936 ARRON MICHAEL LEWIS aliases Aaron M Lewis> The Court Docket that has the Capital Murder, Kidnapping, Robbery, 3 felony and 1 mis firearm charge, those are listed with CORRECT spelling.
This is also the docket ID # of the 2011 charges (the ones he was released on parole in 2013 from) they show they also orig spelled it AARON, then the did a name correction to ARRON. They also added the incorrect as an Alias

Something interesting when I was looking at the docket for 2011 charges, 11/29/2011 he pled guilty... his name was not corrected until April 12, 2012


When was it that AL sued the state? I wonder if that had anything to do on the amendment of name... something else to look up lol

The documents say AKA so they are saying he uses both spellings or at least is in the system under both spellings. I doubt a claim of misspelled name will get much attention.
Some thoughts on the AL doc filed suing PCSO
Most all of the things he wrote, as detailed as he was, should be verifiable, if true or not. Cameras in hallways so forth, his movement thru the complex. They would turn on the mic and video once they brought him into the Inv room I would think. He is smart enough to know to keep asking for medical attention and in places where monitored. Hopefully this will be cut and dry.

#1 Upon arrival to the PCSO (Jail) both knees and ankle hurt when jumped out of 3rd story window. Back hurt. Glass imbedded in scalp around the crown off his head- from accident.

#2 Brief search, waist chains and shackles applied. Escorted from jail to the Admin end. Ankles had blood from cuts/scratches and ankle swollen. Put in Inv room, said was not going to speak in that room and was taken to an office

#3 I find it interesting that he said would only speak with his lawyer MILAS HALE, present. (M Hale, Criminal Lawyer, also I BELIEVE he is the Judge Pulaski County in Hot Check Court, or was). He asks again about medical attention and was placed back in the investigation room to wait for his lawyer... SO I am wondering if Milas Hale is the attorney who AL said wouldn't let him plea guilty? I know there is a lady listed on the dockets for some reason I am thinking she was a Pub def. Have to go back and look. Possible she worked in Hale's office?

#4 AL Crystal was being questioned at the time Arron was. Don't ya know that Media people pi$$ed about that. Here everyone on FH and news fb and story comment pages are asking about if she had been arrested because it showed warrant on Clerks page.. all the time they are camped out, she is inside being questioned too! (Kinda made me laugh) Then the Detective says going for a little ride....

#5 Said was escorted back to the jail (this is the first "perp" walk where he was asking WHO? Who is Beverly Carter and gave the peace sign to reporters in the car correct?) He states was placed in a Sheriffs car.. told Det Allison he thought his buddy broke my arm.. after going thru 3 diff counties was returned back to the jail and finally booked. AARON Michael Lewis was booked on Kidnapping charge and a Parole hold at 12:42 a.m.

#6 Booking Sgt who shoved him told AL to shut his mouth. Put on ID bracelet.. too tight
#7 Older white nurse noted all his injuries he showed her his arm, she said def looked dislocated - deal with it. (should be in records if she noted all his injuries as well as his hand being purple) Female black deputy cut off ID braclet.. didn't say if put new back on *in Amended report it states the Black Female deputy commented to the Booking Sgt about the ID bracelet being so tight

#8 Asked all day Sep 30th to see medical not allowed (Beverly Carter body was located in wee hours this date) and had a video arraignment, isn't this the dated of the 2nd perp walk where he said his lawyer wouldn't let him plea guilty?
Oct 1 Nurse Speer came and saw AL, Dr Johnson exam and x-rayed his arm, LT Bennett, Sgt Hazel and Dep Lowe took to UAMS (hosp) arm put back in place and an immobilizer put on. Returned to jail, Nurse Mitchell met at cell, Lt Bennett took off immobilizer, Nurse stripped of clothes
** sounds like they had him on suicide watch... why? Would they have to document if they thought he was suicidal? Was it to keep him uncomfortable to get him to talk? is this part of the give and take. ** just questions, not insinuating anything again, these are just allegations made by someone charged with doing something Horrible.

#10 says remained dislocated until Oct 9th this when he was transferred to the Prison?

#11 no mattress entire time at jail... again wonder if was on suicide watch. Wonder if this continued at the prison? doubtful, because he got to do an interview there

#12 was interesting to me. He knew his wife was at the Pul Cty Detention Center. I wonder when he found that out? Says he wrote the Sheriff... He knew that she was there being questioned...did he think at that time she had been arrested at that time too? I THINK he did, because he says he wrote the Sheriff on Oct 10th and Oct 30th. CL arrested on the Theft by Receiving and out same night Sept 29. She wasn't arrested on the murder until Oct 30th. But he says she put $50 on his books on Oct 14. I feel like she did put the $ on there or someone did in her name. I think it was Casey Anthony case, where there was documents showing who put $ on her commissary account. I could be wrong, seems like I remember tho.

ETA per his Amended complaint dated 11/24/2014 filed 12/02/2014 AL states he was on Suicide watch entire time.

#12 Which date is it? You posted earlier 11/17/14 and now you say Oct 14? I'm getting confused? Do I need to go quote you so you can tell us why you are posting these different dates and only a few posts apart? Naw I don't have time for that drama.

If you have never read up on the West Memphis 3 you should. That was a HUGE case that happened here in AR and LE turned off tape recorders and cameras when they were threatening Jessie Miskelley (Disclaimer: may be misspelling his name, no need to correct me). He ended up confessing to murdering 3 little boys to get LE out of his face because he was so worn down.

I'm not saying that is what happened to AL at all. My point is simply this….it does happen. What AL is saying does and can happen. Again, not saying that is what happened to AL but there are reported cases of it and not just the West Memphis 3. And they spent over 20 years or so in jail (again I'm not stating this as fact of exact time just going by my failed memory so no need to go hunt down exact date and prove me wrong), one of them on death row.

Being on suicide watch is common for new prisoners. CL was/is in solitude.
NJ, you are cracking me up this morning. You are punchy today! ;)

Why do you think CL was in solitary? For her protection? Was she also on suicide watch?
Beverly was bound with duct tape. His id bracelet was too tight .

Beverly was kidnapped. He wasn't allowed to poop in private.

Did he seek medical attention for Beverly after the " accident"?

I'm sick and infuriated.
I tell you what, with what LEO go thru, to catch a crook, all the paperwork all the time invested and then to see the crook out on the streets prob out than the officer shift is over... or sent to Prison as in case of AL and out in short order. I can see how they would be frustrated, but that does not make it right to step over the line. I have many friends in diff levels of LE. (no family) and I have great respect for them. Seeing all this mess going on as in Ferguson MO. OMG there stuff online can watch live stream. How they keep from knocking the crap out of someone spitting in their face, cussing, threating their families. I loose it watching :facepalm:

I worked with a lady years back. She and her husband both retired from a prison in California. She work in some kind of administrative position and he was a correctional officer in whatever you call the BAD part. Wow at the stories. Some funny some down right scary. Anyway. He had never married prior but she had and her grown kids lived in AR. So they moved here. Her husband had a heart attack less than 6 months after he retired. She told us, that when they were doing his retirement exit stuff, they told both him and her, that statistics show within a year, but high % within 6 mo either have serious health issues or die. Its such a stressful job and working day in and day out, their system gets use to it - best way I can remb how she put it. Takes a strong person not to knock a knot (or squeeze some stress balls ;) ) seeing so much horrible stuff day in and day out.

Guess it's a good thing you aren't a correctional officer or jury member right? We don't want you to go loosing it on anyone! HA HA
I see people going back and forth and even saw heated discussions. My thoughts are and were, only reason it mattered is THATS WHAT SHE WAS LAST SEEN IN ~ as in if you saw this lady and she had on *advertiser censored* using diff clothing descriptions is confusing/conflicting . I guess if she still was wearing them, they would be listed on the ME report. Not sure we would see that tho. One thing I like about following a FL trial, for the trial following stuff. In reality I think its harmful to the Defendant and taints jury pool. Especially the high profile ones. JMHO

Well with the photo that was circulating that looked nothing like her I doubt red shorts vs red capris would have hampered the investigation. That photo didn't even look like Beverly and I knew her in "real" life.

#3, Regardless of what his attorney said, not guilty is the only option he could plead. This is what is called a first appearance. You cannot plead guilty in District Court, which is what that was, because they have no authority to resolve felony cases. News media obviously know this, so I am not sure why they didn’t state this. I guess the headline of “Lewis Pleads Not Guilty” sells more papers. First appearance, advises you of your charges and your rights, and starts the clock rolling for the DA to file formal charges. They have to do this within so many days. Not sure if the amount of days vary by state or not. Anyway, AL couldn’t have pleaded guilty even if he had wanted to do so, at that point.

#10 According to the media it was reported on 10/3/14 “…he has left the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility and has been transferred to the custody of the Arkansas Department of Corrections.”

Just noticed that arkansasmimi called Milas Hale a "hot check judge". OMG really? He is the district judge of Sherwood not a "hot check judge". That is almost offensive to me and I'm not even MIlas Hale. He is a "real" district judge for Sherwood NOT Pulaski County.

Here is a link so no need to go try to prove me wrong. It's in writing!
I totally understand what the hearing was and what for. I was wondering is Milas Hale ever showed up, since he name dropped him in the paperwork. Butch Hale is what most call if. He is District Judge in Sherwood.

Pretty interesting on about the Pub Defender he had for that initial hearing Elizabeth Suzanne Johnston - She wasn't a newbie been a PD since 1995 and she requested to be removed and Hensley was added same date 9/30. So Hensley been around since the beginning... In the article in Arkansas DemGaz "Hensley declined to say who hired him to represent Lewis" So by saying that makes me think maybe he wasn't pro bono.

Wait so you call him a hot check judge then come down a few posts later and say he is the District Judge and call him by his nickname of Butch? This wears me out. You call me out for petty mistakes on dates and then you do this nonsense? Beating head on concrete again!
I totally understand what the hearing was and what for. I was wondering is Milas Hale ever showed up, since he name dropped him in the paperwork. Butch Hale is what most call if. He is District Judge in Sherwood.

Pretty interesting on about the Pub Defender he had for that initial hearing Elizabeth Suzanne Johnston - She wasn't a newbie been a PD since 1995 and she requested to be removed and Hensley was added same date 9/30. So Hensley been around since the beginning... In the article in Arkansas DemGaz "Hensley declined to say who hired him to represent Lewis" So by saying that makes me think maybe he wasn't pro bono.

You need to provide us a link if you think he was not pro bono. Who do you think hired him? Did you see AL's books? Nobody is supporting him.
Beverly was bound with duct tape. His id bracelet was too tight .

Beverly was kidnapped. He wasn't allowed to poop in private.

Did he seek medical attention for Beverly after the " accident"?

I'm sick and infuriated.

Very good points, Savvy! All of it infuriates me too. There's no telling how scared, uncomfortable, etc. Beverly was during all of this craziness. Like I said yesterday...too bad Beverly doesn't get the opportunity to tell her story or file any complaints.
I think there are groups that do that. IIRC when Ronald Gene Simmons was scheduled to death, he didn't want to appeal so forth. Some group filed motions to intervene, been so long now.. just remember some group did it, A Cause of some sort... maybe same thing here. However this lawyer got involved it was quick, or appears to me it was.

You have a link?
I don't think I've mentioned this before. Daughter told me that when she was waiting at the police station for her aunt to pick her up she was told to hang out in some random office (LE ordered her a pizza while she was waiting) she said she could here AL yelling from somewhere down the hall for "someone to bring him a blanket" "that he was effing cold and he needed a blanket" she said he went on ranting about a blanket for 30 minutes. Her exact words to me were .... "he's such a big cry baby." I'm surprised he didn't mention that in his lawsuit.

Bless her. This little girl will never forget that night. Her whole life changed.
Well with the photo that was circulating that looked nothing like her I doubt red shorts vs red capris would have hampered the investigation. That photo didn't even look like Beverly and I knew her in "real" life.

IIRC the talk about shorts vs Capri was discussed because Beverly was working at the time. AL alluded to the idea that they were meeting there. Rumor mill started questioning whether or not she would meet a client in shorts.
Check your date please. I think it said 10/17/14. Of course maybe I'm wrong AGAIN!

dang fat finger 10's and 11's Thanks I will see if I can edit. Actually it said 10/14 not 10/17 or 11/17
ETA: sorry unable to change date typo. At least we have the documents to refer back to.
Bless her. This little girl will never forget that night. Her whole life changed.
This is what upsets me the most about CL and her not so great choices/decisions. Her daughter and other children are suffering the consequences of her bad decisions. Sad! Sad! Sad!
Hey maybe you could go get us a link or something and we can go over this. I never read that. I would love to know more about his parents. I was told he has no relationship with them and from the looks of his jail books that seems to be true.

Well I believe it was on thread 4 or 5....iirc. Wasn't a VI so, ya know might not be true. But comment post I read were pretty consistent each time on the story... if I come across it I will post for ya. Oh and for the record, I didn't say the member said anything about AL/Dad and their relationship. Don't want no rumor started.
Under money look at this snippet:

Inmates earn good time, not money. It costs the
state more than $22,000 a year to house each inmate,
and the state pays for all healthcare, eyeglasses, food,
clothing, education, vocational education, substance
abuse treatment, and other programs.
Money may be sent to inmates by money orders
and a deposit slip to the following address: Arkansas
Department of Correction, Trust Fund Centralized
Banking, P.O. Box 8908, Pine Bluff, AR 71611
Only money orders are accepted. They should be
made payable to the inmate’s name and ADC number,
along with a completed deposit slip so that the correct
account can be credited. Deposit slips are available
online at the ADC Web site:
Inmates also have access to the deposit slips at each
unit and can forward them to family members.
There is no limit on how much money an inmate
can have in his or her account.
Each unit has a pen store, or commissary, where
inmates can buy snack foods, candy, personal products,
radios, shoes and other approved items.
The profits go into the Inmate Welfare Fund, which
is used to benefit inmates. The Inmate Welfare Fund is
used for recreational equipment, movie purchases,
money added to inmate accounts at Christmas and gate
money when inmates are released from prison.
If an inmate meets the requirements to be considered
indigent, money ($12 a month) from the telephone
fund allows the inmate to purchase hygiene items. Indigent
inmates are also given stamped envelopes so that
they can correspond with family and friends.
It is possible for an inmate to continue to receive
Veterans Administration or other government benefits
while incarcerated. ADC contacts the agency providing
the benefits and that agency decides whether to continue
sending them. Under some circumstances, inmates
are allowed to continue receiving benefits

**the part about possible for an inmate to continue to receive VA or other government benefits angers me. Hell Veterans on the outside have problems getting medical or food or educational resources without an act of Congress more times than not... and In Prison each inmate the state pays for all healthcare,eyeglasses, food, clothing, education, vocational education, substance abuse treatment, and other programs. AND may continue to receive VA or other government benefits! SOMETHING IS SEVERALLY WRONG!

I didn't read all posts yet, so this may have already been explained. Veteran's Disability benefits are greatly reduced after a Veteran is CONVICTED of a felony. Pension benefits are stopped. The spouse can receive partial payments through apportionment for themselves and children.
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