GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 8

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I have always assumed it was something with older records because in my brother's case, it seems that's where it showed that way....but I don't know that to be for sure. That said, I've seen it too many times (with other people as well) to think it's a simple typo. It has to be some sort of default date or something and whatever the reason, it is far from unique to this case. Same exact date is on many, many other records.

Chiming in as I'm a software/database developer. An archaic, obsolete, and inefficient way of handling null and/or default dates way back when was to use a specific value when loading bulk or single records. Particularly an uncommon value, such as this 1950 date. That way they could filter on that date value, whether for inclusion or exclusion, and didn't have to worry about null values. The government is hopelessly behind on technology and still frequently uses outdated constructs such as this. This is just an educated guess based on experience - I don't know if its actually the case here.

ETA: posted before I saw NJ's post
Playing catch up again today but I think I am finally done. I have a few things.

1. Today's conversation has centered somewhat around AL not having a job and his parole being revoked as a result. While I would not excuse him not working, I will say that I can imagine it is difficult to find work as a convicted felon. I mean seriously almost every job application asks if you have been convicted of a crime. Yes, there are things he could do but I also think that is why parole officers tend to be more "lenient" when it comes to whether or not a parolee is working. I think they allow them time to be able to find a place that will hire someone with a record.

2. I rarely think about things this site once I log out however last night as I was dozing off, I found myself thinking about this case. It occurred to me that there are too many missing pieces and too many things that don't make sense so I started looking at it from a different angle.

I do think there may be some truth in the statements AL made about BC's death being an accident and that house being just a "meeting place". I also started to wonder how CL could have gotten involved in something this serious. She seems too smart to think they could kidnap for ransom and get away with it. But it does seem that CL would be involved in something far less nefarious than kidnapping and murder, especially if it involved money or gain for her. So here is what I am thinking... What if they were using the house and real estate showing for some other purpose? What would they be doing there? What kind of things would CL participate in that would require an empty house for a "meeting"? Is it possible that they were trying to do something else and BC discovered their plan or got in the way?
Playing catch up again today but I think I am finally done. I have a few things.

1. Today's conversation has centered somewhat around AL not having a job and his parole being revoked as a result. While I would not excuse him not working, I will say that I can imagine it is difficult to find work as a convicted felon. I mean seriously almost every job application asks if you have been convicted of a crime. Yes, there are things he could do but I also think that is why parole officers tend to be more "lenient" when it comes to whether or not a parolee is working. I think they allow them time to be able to find a place that will hire someone with a record.

2. I rarely think about things this site once I log out however last night as I was dozing off, I found myself thinking about this case. It occurred to me that there are too many missing pieces and too many things that don't make sense so I started looking at it from a different angle.

I do think there may be some truth in the statements AL made about BC's death being an accident and that house being just a "meeting place". I also started to wonder how CL could have gotten involved in something this serious. She seems too smart to think they could kidnap for ransom and get away with it. But it does seem that CL would be involved in something far less nefarious than kidnapping and murder, especially if it involved money or gain for her. So here is what I am thinking... What if they were using the house and real estate showing for some other purpose? What would they be doing there? What kind of things would CL participate in that would require an empty house for a "meeting"? Is it possible that they were trying to do something else and BC discovered their plan or got in the way?

Interested in your theory but not quite following. The appointment was prearranged. How would her or another realtor fit in the plan? If the meeting was criminal they wouldn't do it in front of BC and only needed her to unlock the lock. Want to speculate more about this or share your ideas? Are you thinking that they got BC out of the way before this meeting? I dont believe its ever really been discussed from this angle so Im interested.
As far as murder.
The fact is Beverly was murdered. I don't see AL or CL either one as murderers either but something went wrong. Her death could have been an accident (suffocating in the trunk for example) and it also could have been done because desperate people do desperate things. Kidnapping is serious stuff so having a victim identify them may have been all they needed to kill her.Thus, it wasnt intended.They didnt set out to kill her.
concernedmother, I am not sure where I am going with that so it will be hard for me to elaborate but I think it is something to talk through. I think that it becomes easier to make sense of some things if we start thinking that kidnap for ransom wasn't the first plan. I do not think BC or another realtor fit into their plan other than to get them access to the property. CL's involvement starts to make more sense if we think that kidnapping wasn't the original plan. I just can't see where CL would go along with kidnapping for ransom. She is smarter than that. Even AL would know there is really no way to pull that off without getting caught. So what else could they have been up to that would involve the showing of that house? Drugs? A real estate scam as has been discussed before? Something else? I tried to picture scenarios but couldn't come up with anything.
I also think that maybe they weren't aware of how a real estate showing takes place. Maybe they thought they would be able to get some time alone in the house to pull off whatever it was they were planning but BC wouldn't leave? Just thinking out loud but I really like this line of thinking because I think it fills in a lot of holes in theories.
The only thing I can think of is some kind of scam that would make them money. Im not sure how accessing the vacant house would play in though. His insinuation to me meant one or 2 things. He was selling drugs or affair.
Otherwise, Im brain dead. lol If anyone can think of a possible reason that house would have been a meeting place Im interested in hearing it.
I also think that maybe they weren't aware of how a real estate showing takes place. Maybe they thought they would be able to get some time alone in the house to pull off whatever it was they were planning but BC wouldn't leave? Just thinking out loud but I really like this line of thinking because I think it fills in a lot of holes in theories.

Unless they needed access to the house to meet someone else there and thought she would leave. We still have that truck hanging in the air. Someone else may have showed up after Beverly was taken out.
Weve read lock or key was missing. Maybe BC wouldn't leave without locking it and bamn. Maybe he needed a way to access that house in the future. IDK.

Called and talked to several employees at ADOC. They state that AL did not make his TE date of 7/1/13 but that he has a current TE Release date currently of 9/2/2017. I told them this is incorrect and that he was actually out on parole and is now charged with other crimes and back in prison. I was then transferred to another person. I also questioned how can he have a release date of 9/2/17, when he is charged with kidnapping, murder, and firearms possession. That employee had no good answer but transferred me to several other employees in records keeping. None of them could explain why on the current detainer letter filed on December 2, 2014 shows a TE date of 7/1/13. This seems to be a mistake in the paperwork or at least that is what the last employee in records told me. They are going to check on it and see if corrections need to be made.

They will be checking into this and hopefully correcting any error. Moving on from this subject too!

Good grief. Scary that they didn't even know he was released.
4 weeks from today is AL's birthday. In prison. (1/13/81) He turns 34. I wonder if anyone will bake him a cake.....

I bet he has spent a lot of birthdays and holidays in prison. Seems not to phase him. Can't imagine a life like that.
After Lowery was arrested at her Jacksonville home Thursday, investigators turned the home into a crime scene, collecting evidence that they later delivered to the sheriff's office.

Lowery was first interviewed on September 29, the day her husband was arrested. Investigators tell Channel 7 News that it was evidence collected - not anything Lewis said - that led them to arrest and charge Lowery.

When asked what kind of role authorities believe Lowery played in Carter's death, PCSO spokesman Lt. Carl Minden said the fact she was charged with the same capital murder and kidnapping chargers as her husband is evidence that authorities believe both parties to be equally involved.

It seems like evidence found in the home is what brought them back to arrest CL for murder too. The 29th search brought the theft by receiving charge. Given it was a month later, some evidence in the home (from the 29th) linking BC and CL must have came back from the lab. jmo
"it was evidence collected"

"equally involved"

But of course, we all know, innocent until proven guilty.
IMO, it all goes back to the phone being found on the dirty panties.
They shouldn't be releasing anything or been having conversations with her about him. I believe that was the point. Why not ask why she was arrested?

Because it is not the job of the clerk's office to give out info such as that. This I do know for fact as my mother was clerk of court for over 35 years.
After Lowery was arrested at her Jacksonville home Thursday, investigators turned the home into a crime scene, collecting evidence that they later delivered to the sheriff's office.

Lowery was first interviewed on September 29, the day her husband was arrested. Investigators tell Channel 7 News that it was evidence collected - not anything Lewis said - that led them to arrest and charge Lowery.

When asked what kind of role authorities believe Lowery played in Carter's death, PCSO spokesman Lt. Carl Minden said the fact she was charged with the same capital murder and kidnapping chargers as her husband is evidence that authorities believe both parties to be equally involved.

It seems like evidence found in the home is what brought them back to arrest CL for murder too. The 29th search brought the theft by receiving charge. Given it was a month later, some evidence in the home (from the 29th) linking BC and CL must have came back from the lab. jmo

So what would have been found at their home that would have fit into my almost-theory about needing the vacant property? Would they have been staging the vacant house for something?

My primary reason for following this line is this: I don't think there is much chance that CL would have gone along with kidnapping. But given her participation in the superman stunt, I think there is a very good chance she would have gone along with something far less sinister. Using the house for some scheme to make money? Staging it for something? Maybe another stunt of AL's and BC got hurt in the process? That's pretty far-fetched but I still think there was some other reason they were there and BC got "in the way".
Also, NoJustice, I *think* you mentioned helping Crystal make a timeline and while doing so having seen a list of search items. Were these items listed things that they were authorized to search for or a list of things removed as possible evidence?
Because it is not the job of the clerk's office to give out info such as that. This I do know for fact as my mother was clerk of court for over 35 years.

They should not be discussing him or his case with anyone who is not suppose to be asking. I would hate for people to get in trouble over this or lose their jobs. But, what I am reading happened, should not have happened.
Is it still ok to guess possibilities on here? Brainstorm, so to speak? I follow a few cases on here and in every other one, everyone is free to post their 'guesses' without having to post a link for proof, since in opinions there is no link. This case is getting very discouraging to me because a few are so intent in proving one of the accused innocent that I'm hesitant to post lest I get accused of making things up or having diarrhea of the mouth or being accused of being a lynch mob member.
I thought this was a place to brainstorm and come up with possible scenarios but I'm not sure anymore.
Before I throw a guess out there, I want to make sure that is allowed.

Honestly, I am not sure about guessing possibilities. Isn't that considered rumor which is not allowed. This is the first case that I started posting on but I have read on many others here on WS and I thought that in the TOS you had to provide links and that rumors were not allowed, among other things. As to the animosity, in my opinion that began because one poster kept copying over and over every word one of the VI's said, as if they were on trial. No one here should be attacked, regardless of what you believe. Maybe someone more seasoned sleuths can advise on what is allowed and what is not.
...And if it was some video or stunt of AL's gone wrong... BOOM recorded evidence of both of their involvement!
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