GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 8

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They should not be discussing him or his case with anyone who is not suppose to be asking. I would hate for people to get in trouble over this or lose their jobs. But, what I am reading happened, should not have happened.

In my opinion, there was nothing wrong in what was asked and discussed about AL. It is after all public record. So there should be no reason it can't be discussed. But charges that are under seal, is another thing altogether. I guess the OP was meaning it sarky and I didn't get that at first.
Honestly, I am not sure about guessing possibilities. Isn't that considered rumor which is not allowed. This is the first case that I started posting on but I have read on many others here on WS and I thought that in the TOS you had to provide links and that rumors were not allowed, among other things. As to the animosity, in my opinion that began because one poster kept copying over and over every word one of the VI's said, as if they were on trial. No one here should be attacked, regardless of what you believe. Maybe someone more seasoned sleuths can advise on what is allowed and what is not.

We can sleuth possibilities as to what occurred. Rumors are different and are not allowed. If you are posting something as fact, it must be linked. If you are "guessing" what you think happened, well, that is your opinion. Mods, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Honestly, I am not sure about guessing possibilities. Isn't that considered rumor which is not allowed. This is the first case that I started posting on but I have read on many others here on WS and I thought that in the TOS you had to provide links and that rumors were not allowed, among other things. As to the animosity, in my opinion that began because one poster kept copying over and over every word one of the VI's said, as if they were on trial. No one here should be attacked, regardless of what you believe. Maybe someone more seasoned sleuths can advise on what is allowed and what is not.

You most certainly can post a guess as to what you think happen without posting a link. Thoughts and opinions don't need links as they are opinions. Rumors are not allowed, but an opinion is not a rumor. Example, I think CL was involved is allowed because it is an opinion. If I said, I read on blank blank FB page that CL was doing X with X, that isn't allowed because it can't be proven. If the FB page can be linked, you can post it and tell people what post to go to and see the post.
So what would have been found at their home that would have fit into my almost-theory about needing the vacant property? Would they have been staging the vacant house for something?

My primary reason for following this line is this: I don't think there is much chance that CL would have gone along with kidnapping. But given her participation in the superman stunt, I think there is a very good chance she would have gone along with something far less sinister. Using the house for some scheme to make money? Staging it for something? Maybe another stunt of AL's and BC got hurt in the process? That's pretty far-fetched but I still think there was some other reason they were there and BC got "in the way".

But why would they have needed a Realtor? He could have easily broken into a home and never needed a Realtor in the picture. Plus, wouldn't they have used a home in a more discreet location. But you are right, there is something big here that we are missing.
Honestly, I am not sure about guessing possibilities. Isn't that considered rumor which is not allowed. This is the first case that I started posting on but I have read on many others here on WS and I thought that in the TOS you had to provide links and that rumors were not allowed, among other things. As to the animosity, in my opinion that began because one poster kept copying over and over every word one of the VI's said, as if they were on trial. No one here should be attacked, regardless of what you believe. Maybe someone more seasoned sleuths can advise on what is allowed and what is not.

A rumor is something that has already been stated and is being passed off as truth, in my opinion, something heard outside of here and being repeated. Brainstorming is just that, us bouncing ideas off one another as in; 'Maybe this happened...' Trying to make sense of a topic.
Let me give you an the Shane Montgomery case on here, there are possibilities brought up amongst the participants that perhaps Shane was intoxicated or under the influence of other substances, heck, even that he may have been having a less than pure kind of meeting with someone when he went missing. There has been absolutely no hand slapping from anyone there, as everyone is just grabbing at straws as to what happened. Nobody has asked of proof that Shane may have smoked weed or links to support that possibility. Everyone's ideas have brought to light a number of possible theories.
Admittedly, there are no VIs on there that are trying to preserve his character, and we all agree there that you never really know everything about even those close to you.
I guess I'll wait for clarification from a mod to see if throwing possibilities out there is allowed before I add a thought about what evidence they may have found that could make her considered complicit enough to be charged as she is and equally as AL.
...And if it was some video or stunt of AL's gone wrong... BOOM recorded evidence of both of their involvement!

I know this isn't relevant but I wondered when he had time to learn such a stunt. I mean he is either in jail or committing crimes. I would think a stunt such as that took some time to perfect. Talk about crazy.
OT, but I notice my Thanks button' keeps disappearing and reappearing. Does anyone know why that might be?
concernedmother, I am not sure where I am going with that so it will be hard for me to elaborate but I think it is something to talk through. I think that it becomes easier to make sense of some things if we start thinking that kidnap for ransom wasn't the first plan. I do not think BC or another realtor fit into their plan other than to get them access to the property. CL's involvement starts to make more sense if we think that kidnapping wasn't the original plan. I just can't see where CL would go along with kidnapping for ransom. She is smarter than that. Even AL would know there is really no way to pull that off without getting caught. So what else could they have been up to that would involve the showing of that house? Drugs? A real estate scam as has been discussed before? Something else? I tried to picture scenarios but couldn't come up with anything.

Bolded by me--- With all due respect, I have not seen much that has convinced me she was smart in her thoughts or actions. I am not saying she is "dumb" by IQ standards, but her dating choices, her parenting choices, her immaturity, her entire world, really!!! Nothing screams "smart" to me. She allowed this guy in over and over, even supporting him AFTER he was arrested for murder and kidnapping!!! After he admitted to playing a part in this! If she was smart or innocent, why would she ALLEGEDLY (see the word, y'all? Don't freak all out) put money on this guy's prison account? If I were truly innocent and found out someone I loved did such a horrific thing and I had no part, I would be scrubbing myself with steel wool to get the funky feeling off of me. The last thing I would be doing is buying him Snickers!

My opinion isn't directed at you, SC. It was just a jumping off place.
What if........... Say their was a real client that was referred to BC ( in a truck). Client see the house and leaves, then Al showed up.What if the house was a place to use, make drugs, or other criminal activity. From the YouTube videos I would assume that AL already knows how to get past the locks. Say BC threatened to call police and AL took the phone........God knows what happened next............. Al take BC's phone to CL's home. Could CL have used BC phone? ( looking for past AL's digressions ) Maybe she thought BC and AL had a thing and contacted CC. With her fingerprints on the phone was enough to be a suspect . AGAIN THIS IS JUST MY THEORY...........
OT, but I notice my Thanks button' keeps disappearing and reappearing. Does anyone know why that might be?

Yes. Cause it happens to me all the time! :) It means that when your new post posted, there are other comments that have been posted, as well. I refresh the page and they are back
Is it still ok to guess possibilities on here? Brainstorm, so to speak? I follow a few cases on here and in every other one, everyone is free to post their 'guesses' without having to post a link for proof, since in opinions there is no link. <Mod Snip>.

You can speculate with what is known thru the media and or law enforcement. Out and out rumor is not allowed. If it is an opinion just state that it is. Does that help? :smile:
Bolded by me--- With all due respect, I have not seen much that has convinced me she was smart in her thoughts or actions. I am not saying she is "dumb" by IQ standards, but her dating choices, her parenting choices, her immaturity, her entire world, really!!! Nothing screams "smart" to me. She allowed this guy in over and over, even supporting him AFTER he was arrested for murder and kidnapping!!! After he admitted to playing a part in this! If she was smart or innocent, why would she ALLEGEDLY (see the word, y'all? Don't freak all out) put money on this guy's prison account? If I were truly innocent and found out someone I loved did such a horrific thing and I had no part, I would be scrubbing myself with steel wool to get the funky feeling off of me. The last thing I would be doing is buying him Snickers!

My opinion isn't directed at you, SC. It was just a jumping off place.

No offense taken at all. But allow me to clarify. Yes, CL's choices have been stupid but she was in nursing school and was by all accounts a loving parent. Let's be real. She wouldn't believe that kidnapping for ransom could occur without getting caught. But something less sinister she might go along with. Something that could be chalked up to another "dumb choice" but that turned into murder. By the way, I think even both of our VI's have said this is completely out of character for CL so there must be something we are missing.
No offense taken at all. But allow me to clarify. Yes, CL's choices have been stupid but she was in nursing school and was by all accounts a loving parent. Let's be real. She wouldn't believe that kidnapping for ransom could occur without getting caught. But something less sinister she might go along with. Something that could be chalked up to another "dumb choice" but that turned into murder. By the way, I think even both of our VI's have said this is completely out of character for CL so there must be something we are missing.

I agree with you. Also, the fact that she never had a record such as AL did. I feel she either didn't realize what was happening or something we are not aware of. I will happily eat crow if I am wrong, but I just don't see CL as the type of person that would be okay with kidnapping and killing anyone. JMO
You can speculate with what is known thru the media and or law enforcement. Out and out rumor is not allowed. If it is an opinion just state that it is. Does that help? :smile:

Kinda. Delete if this isn't allowed, I guess.
First, a question...Do we know if Beverly was shot? I don't recall seeing that officially stated to be true or not. If that is still an unknown...
Could they have found an item of clothing, shoes, etc. with what is suspected to be Beverly's spattered or in droplet form or tested for gunshot residue? I'm not clear on the time elapsed between them searching and them arresting her.
Also, we don't have any idea about what all they took from the search. No Justice mentioned seeing a list but I'm unclear just what that list was. I've asked her here, up thread.
My opinion... Due to both VI's saying this is out of character........I think CL was just in the wrong place wrong time..... Maybe answered BC"S phone while sitting on her under garments........
Kinda. Delete if this isn't allowed, I guess.
First, a question...Do we know if Beverly was shot? I don't recall seeing that officially stated to be true or not. If that is still an unknown...
Could they have found an item of clothing, shoes, etc. with what is suspected to be Beverly's spattered or in droplet form or tested for gunshot residue? I'm not clear on the time elapsed between them searching and them arresting her.
Also, we don't have any idea about what all they took from the search. No Justice mentioned seeing a list but I'm unclear just what that list was. I've asked her here, up thread.

They have not released cause of death or her being shot. But, I would think you can say "Her COD hasn't been released, but IF it involved a gunshot, it is possible Crystal's clothing had gunshot residue or blood spatter. I would think that could be some pretty strong evidence." I'm not mod- far from one- but that seems reasonable to me- some theory and speculation without stating this as a fact of what happened.
Kinda. Delete if this isn't allowed, I guess.
First, a question...Do we know if Beverly was shot? I don't recall seeing that officially stated to be true or not. If that is still an unknown...
Could they have found an item of clothing, shoes, etc. with what is suspected to be Beverly's spattered or in droplet form or tested for gunshot residue? I'm not clear on the time elapsed between them searching and them arresting her.
Also, we don't have any idea about what all they took from the search. No Justice mentioned seeing a list but I'm unclear just what that list was. I've asked her here, up thread.

To my knowledge, nothing at all has been released in regards to how she died. I guess the reason I keep going back to an accident is why have her bound with duct tape, if she was already dead. Of course, I guess they could have held her somewhere and then killed her later. All of that is horrible to think about.

I also wonder what they found the first time they searched and then the last time they searched. So far, the only thing I know that the media has released is that an envelope was found in the garbage.
They shouldn't be releasing anything or been having conversations with her about him. I believe that was the point. Why not ask why she was arrested?

Anybody in ADOC or court documents filed is public knowledge. Them discussing citizen concerns with me was not out of line. It's the public's right to know those things. They did nothing wrong. JMO
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