AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #1

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The comment he made " She was gone like a whisper in the wind." is just weird to me...and it seems the mother and bf have broken up now..hmm

Totally agreed.
I have been planning a trip to Stuttgart to visit my family this week end. My sister just text me about a big search going on Saturday. We are now planning to be involved. I will post any information we learn.
I thought the "feeling left out, like they are trying to take over my daughter" comment was kind of weird. And then the part about being worried that Cassie doesn't have her new phone number. Why would she need to get a new phone number? Even when you get new cell phones, you get to keep your same number, right?
I thought the "feeling left out, like they are trying to take over my daughter" comment was kind of weird. And then the part about being worried that Cassie doesn't have her new phone number. Why would she need to get a new phone number? Even when you get new cell phones, you get to keep your same number, right?

Some prepaid phone don't stay the same... I know someone that has a new number every other month just about.
Oh, okay. I was just thinking I've had three or four phones, but the same cell number for 9 years.
I think she meant that the police took her phone and she had gotten another one. This seems so strange. And I guess she didn't go to school, since the mom said she wanted her to get her GED. My gut says her mom knows something.
I think she meant that the police took her phone and she had gotten another one. This seems so strange. And I guess she didn't go to school, since the mom said she wanted her to get her GED. My gut says her mom knows something.

And whatever it wont be good.
Any time someone emphasizes how sick they were (or the missing party was) the night they went missing..
I wonder the whereabouts of Mom's BF between around 7ish to about 9:15?

Mom said "About two hours later, Cassie's mother, Judy Compton, had her boyfriend call Snyder to see if she or her son knew where Cassie was that night. No one had any clue where she had gone."

SNYDER: Well, there was three phone calls. They started about 9:14 that night. And he first asked if Cassie was still at our house.
I thought the "feeling left out, like they are trying to take over my daughter" comment was kind of weird. And then the part about being worried that Cassie doesn't have her new phone number. Why would she need to get a new phone number? Even when you get new cell phones, you get to keep your same number, right?
If you let your service lapse you will lose your number.
This whole situation sounds like a runaway deal to me.

I think she is gonna show back up.
I agree with a lot of other posters, this screams shades of Hailey Dunn. I would certainly be looking at moms BF if I were LE. I have so many questions...

My first one is where is Cassie's BIO dad? Have we not heard anything from him or any grandparents?

Her photos (imo) depict a very sad young lady. And based upon the comment from the friends mom I am reading into it that perhaps this young came from a very troubled home. With the mom refusing to be shown for an interview I have to wonder a few things. I wonder if there was drug use/abuse within the home by the adults? What kind of violence has happened around this young lady?

At first when I started reading this thread (sorry I have not popped in for a while so today is the first time I have read this thread) I thought perhaps she left to meet up with someone she met at the derby, but now I am leaning towards the need to look within the home based on the actions of mom and mom's BF.
The mother's interview was somewhat awkward, but nothing jumped out to me too much at this point. I can see why it would throw red flags, but also, it appears to me that Cassie's mom could be a bit of a simpleton. She also appeared to be under the influence of something, legal or illegal, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if being under the influence wasn't the norm, though. Her daughter's been missing for a month now, so the lack of tears until she broke down at the end doesn't send any red flags to me.

However, her lack of mentioning her bf is very telling IMO!
I sort of agree that the interview with the mother is somewhat odd, and by odd I mean it reminds me of another interview I watched about 20 years ago with a mother who had a lot of weepy, whiny voice, but no tears to go along with it. Her name was Susan Smith. I knew the minute I watched that interview that she was lying. I don't get that so much from this woman, if anything I'm getting that the relationship she was having with the new boyfriend is what created a lot of friction between her and Cassie. The mom gets all wrapped up in her life, with the new man in her life, and the daughter gets pushed to the side and ignored for the most part.

Another problem that some of these single mom's create is when they get a new man in their life and they want the new man to be the "Dad" to their teenagers, who never really had a "Dad". The teenager knows good and well that this person isn't their dad, isn't really an authority figure, and for the most part, could really care less about them. Some Moms believe that a little guidance from a male role model would be good for the teenager in regards to making them toll the line and provide a more well-rounded home life. This is a good theory, but it has a lot of potential to backfire when dealing with rebellious teenagers.

If anything, that's what I'm getting from the interview with the mom. She lets some dude move in and play house, gives him the authority to discipline and scold the teenage daughter as he sees fit, and what's ultimately created is alienation of the daughter from the family unit. Mom's new man is more important to her than Cassie is, plain and simple. Cassie decides she doesn't like this arrangement, and most likely her new "Dad" either, and she finds a way to escape the entire situation.

Yeah, maybe a male role model would do Cassie some good......but she'll decide who and where that male will be, not her mom. So, when all of this blows up, the first thing that happens is the new "Dad" bails out of it and washes his hands of the entire mess he helped to create. Mom is left looking for the daughter that she helped to alienate. Mom's new boyfriend vanishes from her life and leaves her to fend for herself.
Some "Dad", huh ?

These kids have intricate networks of contacts and friends through social media, and since she took her phone with her, it may prove to be almost impossible to track down her last contacts and text messages. Cassie left home, doesn't want her Mom to bother her or talk to her, and so she is cutting ties. So far, it is working out pretty good. At her age though, she is still considered to be an endangered runaway, so the cops are basically bound by law to try and hunt her down.

I think she'll show up again. I also think she may be monitoring this entire thing via the internet and staying one step ahead of LE. It's left to be seen whether she'll grow tired of the chase and turn herself in, or if the person that took her in will start to feel too much heat and take her back home themselves.

The cops would have taken the mothers phone for analysis, thus her having a new phone number that Cassie doesn't know about. But believe me, if Cassie calls her Mom's old number, somebody will be there to answer it.......
It is stated the mom has a new number, because of that I am assuming they had prepaid accounts like a lot of people have these days like NET10 or the likes. So I have a question for those of you who are more savvy about things like this than I am, is it possible for the police to work with a prepay phone company to get pings, call logs and texts for these kinds of accounts? I do know this, the mom would not have had to get a new number if she had the prepay that Walmart sells (straight talk) , If her time had not run out all she had to do was to call customer service and they would have went into the computer and set up the new phone with the same number. The reason I know this is my sons girlfriend had a phone that was messing up on her, I had recently upgraded my phone and I still had my iPhone, it worked just fine, I just was up for an upgrade and wanted a new phone, so I sent her the working iPhone and she called the company from another phone and they just transferred everything over to my old phone for her and she retained her number and the remaining time left on that card. It did not affect me in any way as she just used her own SIM card and gave them the information from the iPhone.

steelman, I have a sister who is one of those moms and it just irritates me to no end. It makes it very hard on the kids, you can look at them and know its not a good life, I can see it in their eyes and it saddens me deeply.

I really hope that some of the posters are correct and that Cassie shows up and is safe, but just from reading for so long on this site I know that the odds of that happening are really against her, and more and more against her each and every day she remains missing.

The moms boyfriend splitting already just doesn't look good at all. I understand that there is stress in the household over the missing child and that will cause relationships to struggle, so that makes me wonder how long they had been a couple? How long they knew each other before they decided to live together? I ask these things because you would think that a month into this that if they really loved each other they would stick it out, at least for now. Maybe I am just old or old school, but I would never move in with someone unless I was really in love and I felt it was a sure thing, and that would take a year or more of seeing that person before I would even consider that type of commitment.
So I have a question for those of you who are more savvy about things like this than I am, is it possible for the police to work with a prepay phone company to get pings, call logs and texts for these kinds of accounts?

I believe that it is possibly to get some insight using prepaid phone information but it is more difficult. It is my understanding that the smaller prepaid companies do not own cell towers and have to rely on the major companies. The call or text is routed to the tower that has the lowest volume of traffic at the time, which may not be the closest tower. I pray that I am wrong but in this case I do not see LE putting in the extra effort to trace the phone.
I am no expert but this is my understanding.
I agree with a lot of other posters, this screams shades of Hailey Dunn. I would certainly be looking at moms BF if I were LE. I have so many questions...

My first one is where is Cassie's BIO dad? Have we not heard anything from him or any grandparents?

Her photos (imo) depict a very sad young lady. And based upon the comment from the friends mom I am reading into it that perhaps this young came from a very troubled home. With the mom refusing to be shown for an interview I have to wonder a few things. I wonder if there was drug use/abuse within the home by the adults? What kind of violence has happened around this young lady?

At first when I started reading this thread (sorry I have not popped in for a while so today is the first time I have read this thread) I thought perhaps she left to meet up with someone she met at the derby, but now I am leaning towards the need to look within the home based on the actions of mom and mom's BF.

Bio dad and family live in Oklahoma. I heard this locally first then was confirmed in the JVM link.
I believe that it is possibly to get some insight using prepaid phone information but it is more difficult. It is my understanding that the smaller prepaid companies do not own cell towers and have to rely on the major companies. The call or text is routed to the tower that has the lowest volume of traffic at the time, which may not be the closest tower. I pray that I am wrong but in this case I do not see LE putting in the extra effort to trace the phone.
I am no expert but this is my understanding.

Did I read that the FBI are involved? If so then perhaps there will be better luck in getting phone information.
What is very concerning to me is the last communication that Cassie had that day was a TEXT that she sent her friend after he dropped her off back at home.
Anyone could have sent that text from her phone.
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