AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #2

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Cassie Kay Compton

Missing Stuttgart Girl Last Seen Sept. 14
LITTLE ROCK, AR - A search is under way for a Stuttgart girl who disappeared 11 days ago. Cassie Kay Compton, 15, has been missing since Sept. 14. She is 5'3" tall and weighs about 100 pounds. The teen has blonde hair and blue eyes. The Stuttgart Police Department, Arkansas State Police, and FBI—Little Rock Field Office are investigating the girl's disappearance.

Timeline/Media links

Thread #1
Stuttgart parents seek help locating missing daughter
Judy said last Sunday night, Cassie came home from the derby in Dewitt with her friend Hunter around 6:00 p.m. She was home for a short amount of time before she walked out the door while Judy and her fiancé Brandon Rhodes weren't in the room. Cassie hasn't been seen since. “I just want my baby girl back home,” sobbed Judy as Brandon puts his arm around her. Stuttgart police say since there is no imminent harm or possible death, Cassie doesn't qualify for a Morgan Nick-amber alert. On Friday, Stuttgart police said while they don't believe Cassie has been abducted; they have filed Cassie's description with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. They've also been following up on leads with family in Kingston, Oklahoma throughout the week. “I'm so scared someone kidnapped her, it's such a dangerous time,” said Judy. Tracey Snyder is Hunter's mother. She said Cassie sent Hunter a text around 7:00 p.m. saying she was going to get cigarettes. Snyder believes that was the last time Cassie contacted anyone before she went missing.

Agreed. I understand that a prayer box is (obviously) a place to put your prayers -- a tangible way for you to know that once you've put it to your God in a prayer, and put the text in the prayer box, that you are to not worry about it any more. It helps some people a lot, I'm sure. I've never seen one, btw, but it did look coffin-like to me, too -- especially the shape of the one she had -- it looked morbid to me. Please forgive, I am not trying to trivialize prayer boxes in the least. They have a wonderful purpose. But seeing little Cassie's picture in there did worry me & make me wonder... I might have put a prayer for her in there, but never her picture -- but that is me, not JC. I hope it did help her to perhaps sleep better at night, and to cope better in the daytime.

I agree that maybe it by design isn't the greatest but she seems to be pretty religious from what I've seen. What that really made me wonder was -what was the paper that was placed over Cassie's photo? I'd think she'd want to see her as soon as she opened it. Jmo I don't want to knock prayer boxes either but I did get an odd feeling about putting her daughters photo in a place she can't be seen. But with that said I do wonder 1- are there photos up around the home of Cassie? 2- have any been added or removed? 3- Does she light a candle in her home for Cassie? I ask this after knowing a few moms of missing children & how they've responded to their child's disappearance.
I can't seem to pull a post forward on the app. The last one I was commenting on when it closed & did a copy/paste. :/
Anyways I just wanted to say that even though there are HIPAA laws with a missing person or possible crime-there are requests that can be made so that information can be accessed. I just don't believe that LE would be privy to repeat that unless it would help locate Cassie or protect her. Jmo but according to this site they can get this info to assist in their case.
Wow what a night!!! Great info and great thoughts percolating.

Regarding Cassie being quiet on the ride-I have no dog in the fight per say, but if Cassie considered TS and HS a safe haven, having to return to her home might have caused her to be unenthusiastic and quiet. I wish we knew if it was uncharacteristic for her to be quiet. It feels like it might have been part of her personality. My 30K foot view is that we have a teen who was suffering here, regardless of the causes. It is clear her life was not easy. IMO. (in my opinion.)

I want to bump some of the search posts and comments regarding local areas and the possibility of surveillance cameras. The possibility that suspicious activity was captured on camera gives me some serious hope.
I'm hoping this works....if not, it's posts #858 & #860 if the last thread. I said I'd pull these forward in discussions about TS & HS & possibilities once Cassie arrived home. There was mention that HS had an extra 10 mins into what time it would take to leave home to take Cassie home & return. Do we know if he stopped for gas? At a drive thru? I'm sure if there was traffic 5 mins each way isn't too crazy unless he was on back roads. I'm guessing they didn't sit in her driveway & talk or that would have been said considering she was so quiet-right?
I have never understood why BR would call TS and ask her if Cassie was still there. Mom states clearly that Cassie was dropped off by Hunter. Things get messy on whether or not Cassie was actually seen or just heard after that point...I think it is a discrepancy worth investigating again fwiw. (for what it is worth.)
Wow what a night!!! Great info and great thoughts percolating.

Regarding Cassie being quiet on the ride-I have no dog in the fight per say, but if Cassie considered TS and HS a safe haven, having to return to her home might have caused her to be unenthusiastic and quiet. I wish we knew if it was uncharacteristic for her to be quiet. It feels like it might have been part of her personality. My 30K foot view is that we have a teen who was suffering here, regardless of the causes. It is clear her life was not easy. IMO. (in my opinion.)

I want to bump some of the search posts and comments regarding local areas and the possibility of surveillance cameras. The possibility that suspicious activity was captured on camera gives me some serious hope.

I agree-I had asked that same question-just bumped those posts. I'm thinking though that while at the S home she must not have been or it wouldn't have seemed like something to mention. JMO.
Having teen boys myself I wonder what & how questions are being asked of HS. Because I know with my kids -they tell me a lot of what goes on, but if I want to know about something they don't always give details that they think are important until it comes up. Could easily be that HS knows something he doesn't even realize he does. Especially if HS & TS-per the JVM transcript didn't even know that there were issues in the home until Cassie disappeared.
I'm hoping this works....if not, it's posts #858 & #860 if the last thread. I said I'd pull these forward in discussions about TS & HS & possibilities once Cassie arrived home. There was mention that HS had an extra 10 mins into what time it would take to leave home to take Cassie home & return. Do we know if he stopped for gas? At a drive thru? I'm sure if there was traffic 5 mins each way isn't too crazy unless he was on back roads. I'm guessing they didn't sit in her driveway & talk or that would have been said considering she was so quiet-right?

Objectively speaking, if his travel was verified that time line is really really tight. If we consider that Cassie has not been found yet. If we are talking about a timeline involving JC and/or BR, the timeline is wider. At some point, there was an all clear. This is why I would like to see the MP report, incident reports and dispatch records. Those records are what they are. They arent secret-they are a matter of public record and available to anyone via the Freedom of Information Act. Anyone can request a copy and I have seen them referenced on here. :). IF JC and BR are involved in this, at some point they/he/she felt comfortable going to LE and reporting her. If one of them did. I am still not clear on that one, lol.
I agree-I had asked that same question-just bumped those posts. I'm thinking though that while at the S home she must not have been or it wouldn't have seemed like something to mention. JMO.
Having teen boys myself I wonder what & how questions are being asked of HS. Because I know with my kids -they tell me a lot of what goes on, but if I want to know about something they don't always give details that they think are important until it comes up. Could easily be that HS knows something he doesn't even realize he does. Especially if HS & TS-per the JVM transcript didn't even know that there were issues in the home until Cassie disappeared.

You and I are completely on the same wave length this AM!!
I am not sure that JC can legally sign off on the request to have Cassie's medical records turned over only because after the age of 13, most minors are afforded some privacy and control regarding their medical care, arent they? A simple record keeping subpoena by LE can get them. The MD could fight it or not. Any school records prior to home schooling should be available as well and probably have been turned over.

As for the homeschooling, I assume that Cassie was taking online tests and the like to indicate that she was actively being homeschooled?
I dont want to get distracted to some of the search and ping info so heading to the other thread to pull it over.....
The first search (October 4, led by local LE and FBI) started in the area of the local airport and ended in the Casscoe area due to phone pings (not sure who's phone). This was told to me by the SAR leader who led the second search and was a team leader in the first search. The second search (October 11) started one block from Cassie's home and visited many areas in and around Stuttgart. We all started along railroad tracks and in a wooded area within 2 blocks of her home. We were advised that if she was taken somewhere this close to the home that she very well could have been dismembered for easier transportation. We also searched some other areas on the edge of town and near reservoirs where BR reportedly likes to ride his bike. We searched a large rice hull dump area and coal ash dump site as well, where there would be little traffic besides the occasional semi or dump truck. We searched along the banks of reservoirs in the area, on the lookout for any rolled up blankets, tarp, etc and any recently dumped trash bags. There was also a group that searched a cemetery in town because a resident in the neighborhood called LE on BR because he seemed to be loitering and snooping around the area. The resident told LE that he had asked him how much traffic goes through there on a daily basis. This information came from the SAR leader. (I'm guessing I can say these things now that BR is definitely a suspect, right?)

Originally Posted by SmallTownMomma

When I participated in the volunteer search in October we met in the parking lot of Ponder's Auction (on Leslie Street between 15th and 16th). We began our searches around the railroad tracks about 200 feet east and the woods that bordered those tracks behind RW Manufacturing (1506 S Wood Street). We were told that there was a good chance that if anything was done without using transportation that she would be in that area. We were also cautioned against the possibility of finding body parts and told to look for such evidence. (I hope I can say that here. We heard that several times from the man leading the search that is a regular at SAR.)

She was reported missing that Sunday night and officers came to her house the next morning to make a report. The only time that seems to be unaccounted for that evening was between approximately 6pm (when Hunter Snyder supposedly dropped her home) and 9:14pm (when Brandon called Tracey Snyder to ask if she was still with them). Then there was the text message at 7:15 (I think but may be wrong) that she may or may not have sent herself. However, she was first thought of as a runaway so I am not sure when the house or property was first searched and the time gap between.

Two posts from STM about searching as a recovery mission and the ping info.
Another post STM referring to pings:

Yes, the October 11 search which was volunteer only. I put in an earlier post that I searched early October because I couldn't recall the exact date. I'm sorry if this confused anyone. I could not attend the LE-organized search because I could not find a sitter. I really do not know too much about the first search.

I do not know of any media information or verified sources mentioning the cell phone pings (I could be wrong), I think this is information that LE is keeping quiet. I do know that the SAR leader for the volunteer search on October 11 confirmed pings in the Casscoe area, thus the foot searches the week before.
Cemetery discussion:

Tonight is the first I have read / heard about the cemetery being searched. I presume you are speaking of Love Rest cemetery near the overpass. It is rarely used for burials anymore, but the EAST Lab computer class at the high school completed a full survey with GPS tech equipment only 2 or 3 years ago after we found an unmarked grave for a Vietnam casualty that was in the news. I know the Rice Hull truck route runs the road parallel to the tracks during the day using the north gate, but has to switch to the east gate (of the security fence enclosing the entire mill area installed after 9/11) after 6 p.m. I wonder if the resident conveyed that information (about the change in route) to Brandon which is a horrible correlation to the time she went missing. Over and over again, I am bewildered that Cassie is not being found -- because we are looking in so many reasonably "hot" areas!

It was actually Lone Tree where they searched, along the side closest to the railroad tracks and gravel road, I do believe.

Lone Tree cemetery? That's a lot further from home. On LT Road, there is a small bridge over King's Bayou (sewage plant runoff). Wondering if the John Deere place or even Stratton Seed has cameras to the SE to catch the less-traveled route to 10th Street / 79 cell tower intersection. Doesn't have a good place to turn around to busier 22nd / 79 B when going NW.
Stealing this from Ima's Media Links thread:

If you saw Cassie on Sunday, Sept. 14, or thereafter, you're urged to call one of these numbers:

Stuttgart Police Department (870) 673-1414

Arkansas State Police (870) 850-8630

FBI-Little Rock (501) 221-9100

For those nervous about calling LE or having a tip directly attributed to them please consider calling Klaas Kids at:



Trying to keep this case in prospective.
Mom sends 22 year old Boyfriend to file police report, 22 year old BF is the one to call and question TS about if Cassie is still there. Mom has a history of allowing abuse ,or procuring it.

I do realize that the criminal history was 17 years ago ,but I would like to point out that her BF is really young, he acts young and rides a bike around town. If Brandon is involved (likely) than I believe JC would also be involved .
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