AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #3

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Happy Birthday sweet girl hope you are some place safe!


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i just looked at the support fb page that has the nail covers, and kissing photo. I dont see anything wrong with the nail covers. Whatever it takes to get the word out. Seems like that is something that would make people ask questions.

Now the kissing photo.... just in bad taste. It's not quickly obvious what the purpose is, and therefore should be removed.
I know forensic astrology links are not allowed on here but there is one for Cassie with a map should one decide to google
Personally anything that spreads the word for a missing is not a bad thing when missing this long. Easy to be critical
Curious if search area on the map was covered when search took place. Sorry Not local.
If you have ideas to make the page better why not volunteer to help. Help assemble the fact page for them to post.
It takes an army and Cassie deserves anyone who can help.
Having mutiple fb pages would be confusing. Jmo.
Can we just start posting media links to Cassie's personal facebook page? I mean if she ran away or shared info with a friend..if the request for info is not reaching the right places,it is falling on deaf ears..
Anyone who is her facebook friend should post msgs to her. Kids use all kinds of social media now.
Until she is found. I would post everywhere.
I think this video flyer shows her people care and are looking
It could easily be posted on facebook pages!
Please show support and work together. Lots of respect for those who have been working to keep her story in front of people.
Phew...caught up. I have been reading on and off all day-crazy Mom stuff gets in the way (totally kidding). Stuttgart is about 30 min from me...I'm anxious to visit with some friends that spend a lot of time there hunting/trapping. He's the sheriff of the county I live in-he may have gotten some inside info-may not have-but I'm anxious to see. Hopefully, I'll see them soon. I was here frequently during the months after H-Cummings and H-Dunn went missing-I never dreamed we'd have one much less two missing children so close to me within a short amount of time. The Malik case is driving me nuts and it looks like this one will as well. If this is inappropriate mods please snip-you all are the only ones that 'get' what it's like to read about these children. Am I alone in my thinking here-how does Mom-JC play around on facebook 3 days after her child went missing - changing profile pics (to herself no less)-posting animal videos. And all this-noone is involving me crud-where is her natural born mama bear instinct? To heck with what people 'wanted' me to know or how they wanted to include me-I'd be a crazed woman on a mission. I would beg for cameras to be in my face-not turning down interviews. None of her siblings are pleading her return-it looks as though one got married? It's like she's gone and they're all ok with it-gone on with their lives and a couple times here and there JC will post some lunacy such as here's my number don't hesitate to call - to keep up appearances. How many times have we read (Klass I think) do everything-everything possible to clear yourself so LE can focus elsewhere. If you can't be cleared months after your child is missing----you have failed miserably as a parent. The same thing rings true in every single case like this-when the parent is focused on the drama and what's being said about them instead of the goal-which is finding their child-there's a reason. It takes the focus off the missing child. At one point she stated in so many words that once she discovered the media and others were starting to search for her is when she decided to get involved? The post-it's safe to come home-butthead is gone for good-what? it wasn't safe before-and she was aware of this? She may or may not know what happened to Cassie-but she absolutely failed her in so many ways it's sickening.
This is all my opinion only-I so wish I had some of your mad sleuthing skills.

Another poster missing sites should all be asked to post again that she is still missing. If you send this last media link it will confirm.
That is something everyone can help with. Remind people she is still missing send her video flyer
I appreciate the new energy and people speaking up for Cassie and for everyone. I also think that people are appropriately venting their frustration regarding the SM campaign and it is clear that the peeps have taken notes in the past. We can help. We are willing. This has been going on for a very long time now and I think that the peeps running her SM campaign are contented with their take and I respect that.

Collectively at WS we have people who have a lot of experience and a lot of expertise and I think it is reasonable to push something that we genuinely feel might be a more streamlined more effective approach. I dont think there havent been offers made-I think you will find several people here who have reached out and tried to do just that.
I am pretty sure I read that there were some surveillance videos from store(s) Cassie went to buy cigarettes from. Let's just say that's true and not rumor. If so, why aren't they being blasted all over the media the same way HG images were?

Can anyone confirm that Cassie, or any key players, were captured on video?
I am pretty sure I read that there were some surveillance videos from store(s) Cassie went to buy cigarettes from. Let's just say that's true and not rumor. If so, why aren't they being blasted all over the media the same way HG images were?

Can anyone confirm that Cassie, or any key players, were captured on video?

I would guess that she wasnt on them. JMO. If she was, I would think that it would be blasted everywhere because that would be her last known contact....and it would be independent verification.
Locals, if you have combed the daily paper and come up with Police Logs and Fire Logs after 9/15, I would massively appreciate seeing them.
In regards to the FB page.
I agree multiple pages are confusing-I see all the others have a ton more watching with NO POSTS-why? In the least there should be a few posts to forward people to one set page & close them. Keep it all in one place.
I followed a case once where there were some locals/WSers that created a FB for a case.
There was some drama as the missing persons family believed the husband was a suspect-and he was later found guilty-and the husband wasn't happy about what was posted on the page. BUT that page fought for the missing person, posted fliers, media links, told you about the missing person, how you could help, asked opinions, stated facts with backed up info & ask for people to help them in things they wanted to accomplish to get answers & eventually in asking for Justice. There were online & on the ground campaigns run-flier distributions, politician type posters for homes printed, t shirts, bumpers stickers, ribbons tied to trees, balloon releases etc But the admins in no way did it alone, they implored the people of the page to help them, to work together and in doing so, so much was done and a "family" created for that missing person of Justice seekers. I think a lot of that is missing from the FB page of Cassie's. It's not from lack of suggestion either- I want go into details as I don't feel it's necessary to bash them. They're trying & that is appreciated but they need to understand that if they can't handle what is needed for Cassie to ask for help from others & add the right people that have the time. This is why I suggested the page be a KK run page.
I agree with Believe09 about others posting. Especially friends of Cassie, those kids need an outlet, the community -local & otherwise should see ppl care & if Cassie is out there somewhere-SHE should see that someone does, not to mention her family should know someone loved this girl. Enough with the keep to yourself mentality, I don't know what is going on or has gone on in Stuttgart for ppl to feel like if it isn't them it's not their business but goooooodnesss-these kids need to know it's ok to speak up for others & say how they feel. Why is everything behind closed doors? If this is continued to be encouraged Cassie won't be the only one that goes missing, not found & without justice. I live in a much smaller town than Stuttgart & l can't even go to the corner store for milk in sweats before my friend on the other side of town knowing before I check out. Something has to give IMO.
I am pretty sure I read that there were some surveillance videos from store(s) Cassie went to buy cigarettes from. Let's just say that's true and not rumor. If so, why aren't they being blasted all over the media the same way HG images were?

Can anyone confirm that Cassie, or any key players, were captured on video?

I posted this a bit up thread. I have poked a few reporters with bites yet.
Locals, if you have combed the daily paper and come up with Police Logs and Fire Logs after 9/15, I would massively appreciate seeing them.

If you go to Stuttgart Daily Leader you can search the archives. You may have to buy them though. Maybe someone here gets the paper & keeps them? My MIL used to do that when she had a wood stove.
How about a Find Cassie Compton twitter account? I just looked to see if there was one and don't see anything.
If you go to Stuttgart Daily Leader you can search the archives. You may have to buy them though. Maybe someone here gets the paper & keeps them? My MIL used to do that when she had a wood stove.

Best bet would be for someone to go the public library as they should have a place to keep all dailies. (I don't keep them for more than a week as we regularly recycle cardboard and paper at my house.) Logs usually appear on page 3. Police log is run as address only by block, so you'd have to be aware of the address when looking for an event. District court sentencing list runs more often on the back page by name and offense. But if someone is pulled in before the judge on probation violation issues, a lot of times they call it "fine review" (FTPs and FTAs) and it doesn't refer to past crime. I know the other guy in the other jail had his name pop up for an appearance, but it wasn't where I saw anything to post about. Can't anyway per TOS.

And there will be a gap of papers available at the library (at 6 months to a year?) when they have been sent off to the microfilm people. This problem has come up when I've received genealogy requests for obituary lookups.
If you go to Stuttgart Daily Leader you can search the archives. You may have to buy them though. Maybe someone here gets the paper & keeps them? My MIL used to do that when she had a wood stove.

I looked thru the on-line edition. The only thing I found on BR was from 2013, I did not buy it so don't know what all it said.
I looked thru the on-line edition. The only thing I found on BR was from 2013, I did not buy it so don't know what all it said.

I'll buy a 10 article pass as I can't see archived either even though I am subscriber. Give me an hour . . . .
STM, what about cowboy boots? If we need to stick to single or double screening, then can you get a pair of light colored boots in the art? That helps resolve the loss of facial features and it gives people something very specific to look for. I really think a discarded boot may be one of the first things to surface.

A discarded cowboy boot may have already surfaced and no one have a clue because evidently NO ONE knows what Cassie's boots look like. :gaah:
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