AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #3

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Lets get back to the Christmas float and how to do it well:

We have several sleuthers with access to the people apparently putting together the promotion. If it is done the right way, it could be really effective so please pass along Oriah's suggestions:

Please please please have them handing out fliers with all proper info, and contact info for the SPD, the ASP, the FBI, tip line and 1800THELOST. Maybe if local LE has cars or motorcycles or FD has rescue squad equipment in parade, put Cassie's float in the middle?

And please let it be focused on finding Cassie....please....if they throw candy, please have it wrapped in tip paper, with contact info printed on it....and please have a tip box on it....
As for all the proper info, if there was ever a time for a full and accurate description of Cassie and her clothing, now would be good. We can start to plan a push on SM as well and perhaps get together our streamlined FB page?
I dont have access to it. Just was told that JC will be doing one and I'm sure TwinMomma will be on there too... but she hasnt come back here.
The Find Cassie Compton FB page has cleared 800 likes now-that is fantastic!
To your point, GigTu, yes the FBI would and will take care of all of that. Because they are the FBI. I have also heard good things about ASP. So I think it is very likely that Cassie's investigation itself is in really good hands. I just have this sinking feeling that a huge opportunity was missed during Thanksgiving week, but we dont know. Maybe somebody found something and with enough awareness, they will put two and two together and call it in.
Just catching up, its great someone made a twitter account! Here it is

About to hit it up some RT's, lets see if we can help it get more followers!

ETA, noticed Mark Klass is following as we follow each other, GREAT!!!
Is this confirmed per LE / MSM that there IS video?

Not that I have seen anywhere.
I speculated upthread the possibilities of why that might be. My personal opinion only....I think the possibility of audio/video may exist, but may have been accidentally over recorded, and/or misplaced.....but maybe someone else can find it in msm....
Ok I tweeted @FindCassie to Tricia and kimster and a few others, lets hope we can help it get some exposure!
Re: the Christmas float. When I read that post yesterday, I happened to be sitting with a SAR buddy of mine, who kinda shook his head and smiled and said at least they're trying. We both know small towns and Christmas parades, and how they bring everyone out- and are usually very sweet and fun and family oriented with Santa coming last etc seems like a great place to get Cassie's face out there.
However, his hesitation (shared by myself) was the flip side of that same coin. First off, it is hometown Stuttgart- the population in attendance should already be very aware of Cassie's disappearance.... And we wouldn't want it to lean toward a 'rememberence' type event, because Cassie may very well be alive, but unsafe, somewhere. We want the goal to be FINDING this local child. Now, how to get that across at a Christmas parade, attended by a ton of locals?
My first thought is to get people talking and sharing thoughts. Like, OK, Cassie's favorite color is purple....everyone wear purple but maybe take it up a notch and wear cowboy boots too. (Were her cowboy boots maybe light purple suede?) Talk about looking for Cassie when you are out and about and see purple- for example, you take a trip into Little Rock to go Xmas shopping, you see someone wearing a purple ski jacket at the a quick face check off all the strangers around you, with an eye for Cassie's face, etc. Somehow, we need to get those little tricks of memory and awareness back into the local community kwim? The float could be really useful for that, but disastrous if it turns into either a debacle, or a drama scene, or a rememberance event.

We know the FB people care, and read here, and are asking and working hard at taking advice. Let's help them with this.

Personally, I think plentiful and well managed tip boxes are critical, as well as child safety in the community, unsafe situations, places and people to go to when you feel unsafe that ARE safe, runaway and suicide and teen helplines etc etc. And reminders to families that we all need to look after not only our own children, but others as well. It takes a village really is true. No more children through the cracks.

My thoughts to whomever it was up thread that inquired about the FBI, real vs wannabe's- can't recall which post, but it made me laugh. I suspect we've got a bit of both going on, lol. But jmvhoo.
Just catching up, its great someone made a twitter account! Here it is

About to hit it up some RT's, lets see if we can help it get more followers!

ETA, noticed Mark Klass is following as we follow each other, GREAT!!!

I just saw the (startlingly full) twitter account, but don't see a way to contact someone about errors! Biggest one being that Brandon is 22. He just turned 25 at the end of November. He was 22, I believe, when he moved into household. Any publicly made comments with errors will bring down the credibility. Just saying . . . .
Re: the Christmas float. When I read that post yesterday, I happened to be sitting with a SAR buddy of mine, who kinda shook his head and smiled and said at least they're trying. We both know small towns and Christmas parades, and how they bring everyone out- and are usually very sweet and fun and family oriented with Santa coming last etc seems like a great place to get Cassie's face out there.
However, his hesitation (shared by myself) was the flip side of that same coin. First off, it is hometown Stuttgart- the population in attendance should already be very aware of Cassie's disappearance.... And we wouldn't want it to lean toward a 'rememberence' type event, because Cassie may very well be alive, but unsafe, somewhere. We want the goal to be FINDING this local child. Now, how to get that across at a Christmas parade, attended by a ton of locals?
My first thought is to get people talking and sharing thoughts. Like, OK, Cassie's favorite color is purple....everyone wear purple but maybe take it up a notch and wear cowboy boots too. (Were her cowboy boots maybe light purple suede?) Talk about looking for Cassie when you are out and about and see purple- for example, you take a trip into Little Rock to go Xmas shopping, you see someone wearing a purple ski jacket at the a quick face check off all the strangers around you, with an eye for Cassie's face, etc. Somehow, we need to get those little tricks of memory and awareness back into the local community kwim? The float could be really useful for that, but disastrous if it turns into either a debacle, or a drama scene, or a rememberance event.

We know the FB people care, and read here, and are asking and working hard at taking advice. Let's help them with this.

Personally, I think plentiful and well managed tip boxes are critical, as well as child safety in the community, unsafe situations, places and people to go to when you feel unsafe that ARE safe, runaway and suicide and teen helplines etc etc. And reminders to families that we all need to look after not only our own children, but others as well. It takes a village really is true. No more children through the cracks.


My thought -- the only time I have been in a situation where a "tip box" is used (instead of an anonymous telephone tip line) is in the schools, especially at the elementary level. The counselor's office ran a "bully box" where the kids could write about being bullied on the bus, on the playground, wherever. The school resource officer KC (seems to me) could be the most useful person to run one as she has immediate access to the most teenagers on a daily basis. If there is protocol, or examples from past experience, to be shared -- I would suggest her. I started thinking about a box in relation to parade, and I can't see someone carry paper and pencil with them to put in a box / bag like the Chamber does for Letters to Santa. Nor do I see anyone, even an adult, coming to the police station to drop in a tip into a secure box.
I wonder if scanner logs would have reports on it.. Cant you rewind those if you need to to certain dates?

I am behind in this thread...

so please forgive me if this has been discussed...

But... Soulmagent... This is a terrific idea!

could Our beloved Peachy possibly get a rewind of the fire LE call in the scanner thread?

should we request this from her?

Just a thought...
I just saw the (startlingly full) twitter account, but don't see a way to contact someone about errors! Biggest one being that Brandon is 22. He just turned 25 at the end of November. He was 22, I believe, when he moved into household. Any publicly made comments with errors will bring down the credibility. Just saying . . . .

I saw the same as I was off to bed, totally forgot this morning! You can only message on Twitter of both users are following each other but you can do a reply tweet & comment that it should be updated. I also saw one about TS filing the MP report & while there may be multiples-I haven't seen it so I'm not sure of the accuracy of that tweet either. I do love that there is a lot of info out there & hope that we can get media to pay attention & fact check then report something for Cassie.
For those that aren't twitter users-you can post to all the media sites asking about Cassie, baiting media with/for info. The more people that show interest the more they will want to work the story IMO. I have gone on a bunch of pages now a few times. I've had one reporter respond recapping their coverage basically but I have them more questions & info that needs to be looked at. I think if more of us do that we may be able to get someone at some point-media or otherwise to scratch their head & ask what is really going on here.
I saw the same as I was off to bed, totally forgot this morning! You can only message on Twitter of both users are following each other but you can do a reply tweet & comment that it should be updated. I also saw one about TS filing the MP report & while there may be multiples-I haven't seen it so I'm not sure of the accuracy of that tweet either. I do love that there is a lot of info out there & hope that we can get media to pay attention & fact check then report something for Cassie.

I've got same user name here as there, so hoping they recognize me :seeya:
Hi all!

I am going to request the scanner gurus to attempt to get the 9-1-1 call for the fire in Stuttgart around the time Cassie went missing...

I am wondering about the following information so as to keep the rewinding job manageable for our scanners...

- Approximate date of the fire?...

- Was it actually AT the Compton residence?
211 E. 15th Street
Stuttgart, AR. 72160


With all due respect, tip boxes work-especially in small communities, at local social events. We've been doing this for 20 years- Stuttgart seems to be kinda new to taking an initiative in locating their missing persons.

Point in fact, we had a 'runaway' case, small community of about 4800 about five, six years ago. The 16 year old was assumed a runaway by everyone including LE and family- incidentally, also assumed pregnant and kind of a loner and 'quiet' home life. Had recently dropped out of school.

At a Christmas parade, we had a SAR Gator decorated with her missing info etc etc, handing out hotline and safety kits and pamphlets, safe houses, contact info for teens. We also had six tip boxes, and a lot of 'plants' in the community crowded around, learning about SAR work, the Gator, K9s (everyone comes over for dogs) and adults and teens alike dropping notes of support and tips into the tip boxes. The boxes were labeled exactly as that- note of support, tips, Christmas wishes, prayers, etc. Not unlike an anonymous prayer box at a church.

One teen dropped a note in, with a ' please pray for me, I'm just like ******. My daddy did it to me too.'
I'm not going to go into any more detail, but it led to the recovery of an abused, terrified, and very much endangered child within three days.

Tip boxes work, and I would hate to see that possibility go unexplored in Cassie's case. Even if the chance is miniscule.

ETA- it also helped another terrified, abused, and endangered child- the one who left the note.
To your point, GigTu, yes the FBI would and will take care of all of that. Because they are the FBI. I have also heard good things about ASP. So I think it is very likely that Cassie's investigation itself is in really good hands. I just have this sinking feeling that a huge opportunity was missed during Thanksgiving week, but we dont know. Maybe somebody found something and with enough awareness, they will put two and two together and call it in.
It seems odd that there's no talk out there. How do know what's missing so we can put the pieces together when we don't know what is known?
The boxes were labeled exactly as that- note of support, tips, Christmas wishes, prayers, etc. Not unlike an anonymous prayer box at a church.

GREAT suggestion. I sincerely hope the organizers incorporate something like this. If enough people are dropping in notes of support, a person with actual info might feel more comfortable using this as a tip box if not explicitly (and exclusively) designated as such.

It's wonderful to have people like you, with years of knowledge and experience, on the case.

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