AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #3

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I told you all a few weeks ago that I was going to put her into NAMUS, and I wanted to. I still do. But there isnt enough information. We dont have enough firm info for me to get her in there and make it count. After 90 days. It is incredibly sad and immensely frustrating. At the bare minimum, that mark/mole/scar/birthmark should go into the NCIC database. It is so much more than identifying Cassie if she is recognizable is also about correctly and accurately identifying images that might be floating around out there. I have serious doubts about so much of her physical description-I am sure LE does as well. It looks bad when you cant accurately describe someone that you have spent enormous amounts of time with. It is a red flag.

I honestly dont know when Cassie was last seen. I dont know when she was last independently verified as being around. There are no pictures of derby. That is astonishing. So when was she actually seen for the very last time? smh. The crack she slipped through is the Grand Canyon. :(
There's no reason to provide detailed identifying information when you either know the person won't be found, or don't want her identified if she is!!

logically I know this makes total sense. but . . . The heart wants to believe otherwise.
I told you all a few weeks ago that I was going to put her into NAMUS, and I wanted to. I still do. But there isnt enough information. We dont have enough firm info for me to get her in there and make it count. After 90 days. It is incredibly sad and immensely frustrating. At the bare minimum, that mark/mole/scar/birthmark should go into the NCIC database. It is so much more than identifying Cassie if she is recognizable is also about correctly and accurately identifying images that might be floating around out there. I have serious doubts about so much of her physical description-I am sure LE does as well. It looks bad when you cant accurately describe someone that you have spent enormous amounts of time with. It is a red flag.

I honestly dont know when Cassie was last seen. I dont know when she was last independently verified as being around. There are no pictures of derby. That is astonishing. So when was she actually seen for the very last time? smh. The crack she slipped through is the Grand Canyon. :(

I understand your frustration because it is mine and that of others. I believe the last known sighting of Cassie by HS is where I feel comfortable. But you are right. With so much still unknown and things that should be solid so amorphous, well, I get it.
I told you all a few weeks ago that I was going to put her into NAMUS, and I wanted to. I still do. But there isnt enough information. We dont have enough firm info for me to get her in there and make it count. After 90 days. It is incredibly sad and immensely frustrating. At the bare minimum, that mark/mole/scar/birthmark should go into the NCIC database. It is so much more than identifying Cassie if she is recognizable is also about correctly and accurately identifying images that might be floating around out there. I have serious doubts about so much of her physical description-I am sure LE does as well. It looks bad when you cant accurately describe someone that you have spent enormous amounts of time with. It is a red flag.

I honestly dont know when Cassie was last seen. I dont know when she was last independently verified as being around. There are no pictures of derby. That is astonishing. So when was she actually seen for the very last time? smh. The crack she slipped through is the Grand Canyon. :(

I honestly wish that LE would do that. With their lack of info they should have to attach their name to it in the database.

Remind me because I feel like with our lost
posts I'm loosing my mind. Had we at one point confirmed that the over night bag taken by Cassie was at home? If not, from what I'm seeing we have JC who THOUGHT she heard Cassie enter the house-never actually saw her. HS who says he dropped her off, BR who later calls TS/HS asking where Cassie leaves me asking where her phone pings because to me all the players have been way too quiet for my comfort.

I'll have to listen to the BR interviews again & see if he says he saw Cassie himself. IMO it seems the only thing dependable we have is what her photos show us...WHY?
I would like to ask a question also. Klass K was involved in Cassie's case. They were there, in Stuttgart, then they were gone.
So my question is ......Why would they do that? Show up do very little or nothing and leave? Is that common?
I honestly wish that LE would do that. With their lack of info they should have to attach their name to it in the database.

Remind me because I feel like with our lost
posts I'm loosing my mind. Had we at one point confirmed that the over night bag taken by Cassie was at home? If not, from what I'm seeing we have JC who THOUGHT she heard Cassie enter the house-never actually saw her. HS who says he dropped her off, BR who later calls TS/HS asking where Cassie leaves me asking where her phone pings because to me all the players have been way too quiet for my comfort.

I'll have to listen to the BR interviews again & see if he says he saw Cassie himself. IMO it seems the only thing dependable we have is what her photos show us...WHY?

I know we have had discussion about the bag. Maybe JC made a comment about it in MSM? I cant remember. There is nothing in the MP report concerning it.

I understand being comfortable with the TS/HS self reporting on JVM and in MSM concerning their LKC with Cassie. I am not saying they are lying-I am saying that they are the only ones with evidence and it isnt public other than their word. There is much I am confused about even with them. If the multiple phone calls from BR happened and the subject of the discussion was Cassie, did HS hit the road looking for his BFF? Did he call around asking? Kids their age live their lives online, but there is very very little chatter about Cassie and what might have happened to her. I just dont understand it.
I would like to ask a question also. Klass K was involved in Cassie's case. They were there, in Stuttgart, then they were gone.
So my question is ......Why would they do that? Show up do very little or nothing and leave? Is that common?

Brad Dennis is a member here at WS and is a Director at KK. PM him and would be great if he could comment. He may not be able to, but it would be fantastic to get some reassurance from him that Cassie's case is still active for them.
Did you meet with Klaas Kids, got4, when they were in town?
In going through media with BR & JC mentioned, I found this piece (I'm sure many have seen it) from 10/3.
In the video-but it's not in the article, the reporter says that the "parents are too emotional to speak on camera" WHAT?!?!?

O/T but did that reporter just call her Casey?

I remember this piece. It was the moms in town sleeping less than 4 hours a night in their passion to bring Cassie home using social media. This was the other FB page, right? Not the Find Cassie Compton one? What I meant was whether or not this piece was done before the falling out...
This should answer my question above. So back to Cassie did make it home-her stuff is there.
(If on mobile make sure to hit next page)

“Her phone is all she took,” her mother, Judy Compton, said recently when asked to describe that day. “She left her purse, overnight bag and her (phone) charger in her purse.”
A blog site has a really long list, a timeline of sorts, showing what we know of Cassie's known steps, and key players known steps. It seems to be a work in progress still, with more information to be entered, but it's at least helpful to see things 'in some order' and all in one place. The contradictions are glaring.

That person must have hours and hours of reading to be able to piece it all together like that. I hope it's accurate, and if not someone should contact them privately so they can make corrections.
I just found out about Cassie missing by someone (I'm sorry I forgot now who it was) that posted on Malik's thread. Whoever it was, thanks. You got my attention.
I have friends in AR, OK, KS and MO, among other places so I immediately shared her Missing Poster on my FB, then started about reading through from the start. I am finally to the end of the post thus far and am so disappointed, frustrated and downright mad that those closest to Cassie and also the LE there that can't or won't pull themselves up and get it together to get the poster right, her details right (who leaves out a flipping birthmark when someone is missing?). I understand I've never had a missing child and think I'd be a big hot bawling mess, wouldn't be able to sleep, and wouldn't be able to function without meds but UGH!
I have concerns about mom's ex boyfriend, just like many of you. I'm out on JC though. Sometimes I would be reading and think WTH and other times I feel like life has gotten her down and she needs lifted up. Some asked about her disability and I never saw an answer but I'd probably be mentally disabled if one of my kids had been molested by anyone, let alone someone I brought into their life. So, with that said maybe that is her disability? I say all of this because perhaps that is why she can't/isn't doing what some, including me, wish she would be doing.
I come from a large, close family. Does Cassie not have anyone willing to step up front and center for her? I mean if I were incapacitated in any way I know my family would step up for my child to get any and all information out there to help bring her home.
Praying for you, Cassie and hoping against odds that you are safe.

Maybe TS is being quiet because her name and family's name has been ran through the mud for merely trying to help Cassie. Maybe she feels she as a mother has a duty to her own child to protect him as well. JMO
I feel I need to say this..

Anyone who is not coming forward with information ,about Cassie ,be it something she told you ,or something you saw IT IS NOT helping Cassie by keeping quiet.

If Cassie had a conversation with you or shared private information ,you may think you are being loyal to her. You are NOT. If you care about Cassie or even just heard in passing something it might not seem important it could be SHARE IT. Everyone one can see that there are things being kept quiet and it is only leading to more damage in Cassie's situation.

If Cassie ran away ..she will not be in trouble if that is what you believe,it is false... Everyone wants her to be safe. However it does not look as if she is so right now it looks as if the silence is enabling a murderer to get away with murder.. So please Help save the next girl and speak up , or if you know what happened to her or have an idea or know what was going on with Cassie let people know!!

If you have turned a tip into LE please follow up with that tip with Klass Kids, or NMEC. That will double document the tip and make sure information is relayed across the board.
Thank you!
Maybe TS is being quite because her name and familys name has been ran through the mud for merely trying to help Cassie. Maybe she feels she as a mother has a duty to her own child to protect him as well. JMO

Imo if that was the case, it's having the adverse effect. We aren't allowed to sleuth minors here but if we could that silence would be enough to make many of us think there was more than enough reason for it. If anything her dropping her desire to help distracts from the rest of the case & makes one wonder what happened & why. Why after only knowing Cassie 3 wks was she so passionate then she drops it like a hot potato just as fast? Yes this is MOO but why insert yourself only to hot tail it later, just one more person in my book abandoning Cassie. Where is one person she could count on 24-7-365 when ---- got deep, ya know? Again, all JMO...
I'm almost certain TS has given all her information to LE. I don't find it necessary in my opinion that by her not sharing it with anyone else other than LE means she's not helping. I'm saying I think at this point her being quiet (because she's given all her information to LE) is her protecting her own. And in my opinion there is nothing wrong w that. JMO
Imo if that was the case, it's having the adverse effect. We aren't allowed to sleuth minors here but if we could that silence would be enough to make many of us think there was more than enough reason for it. If anything her dropping her desire to help distracts from the rest of the case & makes one wonder what happened & why. Why after only knowing Cassie 3 wks was she so passionate then she drops it like a hot potato just as fast? Yes this is MOO but why insert yourself only to hot tail it later, just one more person in my book abandoning Cassie. Where is one person she could count on 24-7-365 when ---- got deep, ya know? Again, all JMO...

Her desires have not dropped wanting to help Cassie. Just most here on WS don't have in front of them as to what TS is still doing to help find Cassie.
I'm almost certain TS has given all her information to LE. I don't find it necessary in my opinion that by her not sharing it with anyone else other than LE means she's not helping. I'm saying I think at this point her being quiet (because she's given all her information to LE) is her protecting her own. And in my opinion there is nothing wrong w that. JMO

My post was not directed towards her. I think LE asked her to be quiet, but I do believe she should email her info to Klass or NMEC. It never hurts to have the checks and balances. JMO.
I'm almost certain TS has given all her information to LE. I don't find it necessary in my opinion that by her not sharing it with anyone else other than LE means she's not helping. I'm saying I think at this point her being quiet (because she's given all her information to LE) is her protecting her own. And in my opinion there is nothing wrong w that. JMO

O/T have you been Verified yet?

I'm guessing if you're "almost certain" that you know TS. Just for the record I'm referring to her silence-not her sharing the case. No FB sharing, no media, no comments, disappeared everywhere. More silence doesn't help Cassie-where are the people that care outside the FB group admins? Unless she's here honestly both your opinion and mine are assumptions....
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