AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #6

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If JC feels like she wasn't around when her daughter needed her, for whatever the reason, JC may possibly be remembering a time when her & Cassie were close & maybe there was a time when Cassie used to like to draw, if JC wasn't a big part of Cassie's life when she disappeared, there's a pretty good chance JC didn't know what she liked or was "in to" anymore! So by her talking in past tense could just be what the only memories she remembers.
Idk if that makes any sense but I know what my brain is thinking just having a hard time getting it to come out understandable. Sorry.
If JC feels like she wasn't around when her daughter needed her, for whatever the reason, JC may possibly be remembering a time when her & Cassie were close & maybe there was a time when Cassie used to like to draw, if JC wasn't a big part of Cassie's life when she disappeared, there's a pretty good chance JC didn't know what she liked or was "in to" anymore! So by her talking in past tense could just be what the only memories she remembers.
Idk if that makes any sense but I know what my brain is thinking just having a hard time getting it to come out understandable. Sorry.

If I may:

I have never NOT been involved in my DD's life. But as she entered her teens, she took on interests that were very different from mine.

So while I listened and tried to "get" the stuff she talked about, in some ways it was "Greek" to me, and I could see her not-exactly-exasperation-but-darned-close expression as she tried once AGAIN to explain robotics, 3d printing or Elon Musk to me.

We are still very close, but she "gets" my interest in European history like I "get" her interests. And when I mention some past interestof hers that has passed by the wayside (sometimes as long as a whole WEEK ago), I get the astonished "You have no idea WHO I am, do you?" response.

I don't much fault JC for this stuff. Although admittedly, she seems a bit "removed" from life in general.
Anybody remember reading or might know if Cassie had her belly button pierced, if so what kind of ring she wore & did she wear any kind of jewelry regularly, like maybe a ring that might have been handed down from JC (old wedding ring) or maybe a grandmother's old wedding ring that might have been passed down?
This is thread for an unidentifiable female that was found in Oklahoma, just trying to cross reference. Always a possibility with Cassie having family in Oklahoma.

I believe her bio-Dad lives in OK and that JC made a comment on the FB page that If CC returned home they could move to OK and start new ( massive paraphrase), but yes there is an OK connection and since we know next to nothing, everything should be kept in mind.

I know there are many other ppl who disappeared but Cassie is special since nobody in AK seems to work much on her case, since the beginning, hence the reason I'm bumping this thread for her!
Thank you! Cassie & Brandon Lawson (another mp thread on WS) are always on my mind, these are my 1st cases to follow & neither seem to have anyone working on their cases to find them!
I agree iron_angel. We need help to move this along. Cassie Compton should not be forgotten, she is very special. I know I won't give up.
So, I am new and made an account just because of this thread. It really made me sad that no one (other than the people here) seem to care about Cassie. I can't imagine not caring about a family member or friend if they were suddenly gone.

I do have an opinion (that I hope it's okay to post). There were 2 scenarios which i thought might make sense. 1) I think that maybe BR called TS looking for Cassie after she was dropped off because he didn't think HS saw him and so he thought he could cover his tracks by making it seem like he wasn't there or didn't see her when she got home. Or 2) After Cassie was home he or JC got into an argument with Cassie and she left so he thought maybe Cassie called HS to come pick her up.

My nieces and nephews (my son is to young) when they were that age would have stormed out after a fight and called a friend to pick them or they would have walked around to calm down. I don't think HS or T'S has anything to do with this because I think if they did both JC and BR would be all over them, it would clear them both. If I had done something to someone and knew that someone else had seen and been with them (and admitted being with them to LE) I would be telling LE until I was blue in the face that she never came home.

This is all just my opinion. I hope Cassie ran away and decided she never wanted anything to do with anyone from home again. I hope she is safe.
I too, feel like she ran away with help. IMO, she had told someone about her wretched home life and they gave her a gateway to get out. I so hope she is safe somewhere is my prayer.
Nine months later and still no answers. I had to step away from this case and WS for a bit. This case was really bothering me a lot. I have to admit it is disappointing to come back in this thread and find that she's still not been located and it seems that everyone has gone silent so there's not much of anything new to work with. My hope for this kid is that she is being protected by someone, gone "underground" by choice and is happy and healthy.
Welcome to WS, jammer72. Welcome back, honesty.

I think Cassie has most certainly 'gone underground', as honesty just put it. But I don't believe she ran away or chose to be disappeared. I also think that if JC and BR were in fact the last to see her, JC could be in a great deal of hot water if BR had anything to do with her disappearance.

JC has quite recently quietly begun her own efforts to finding Cassie. minnermomma posted above about the Morgan Nick Never-Forget event that was announced in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on 6/11/15.

I wonder where ol BR is these days.
I I seen that JC was at the Morgan Nick event, that actually took me by surprise. I almost feel creepy saying that, but it did and I feel that way because this is a mom who has not been screaming from the rooftops to find her baby. If one of mine should become missing I would be banging on doors, I would get the needed attention to help me spread the word and help me search.

I too wonder what ole BR is up to these days, as well as so,e of the other players in this case, it seems that everyone has gone quiet. It would be great to find Cassie before the one year mark, however if she is not located before then I do hope that there will be a massive media campaign around the one year mark to get people interested again and perhaps drum up some new leads. It would be wonderful for some interviews to be shown with TS, BR and JC. Maybe some tough investigative questions would bring some new life to the case.
I just want to mention a case not long ago in New Hampshire, when a young teen disappeared from the road home. She went dark on her phone, on social media and had no indication she ever wanted to vanish. There was a lot of speculation, hoping she was safe and being supported, that maybe someone was harboring her, etc.
A lot of nasty things were said on news comments and social media about her and about her Mom.
The FBI and SPD along with LPD were involved daily. Yes there was publicity, but in that case I felt that the publicity without answers fueled the negative speculation that swirled around her case.

Ultimately it was found that Nathaniel Kibby had held that child victim captive in a storage trailer while brutalizing her daily for 9 straight months using dog shock collars, restraints and other abuses.**ARREST**

Can we lay off the Mom unless we know something other than the police said she was a suspect but was never arrested or indicted? In fact it was only said by a reporter. Is there anything else other than judgement, analysis and speculation? Did a woman, a mother not lose a child, her daughter?

Perhaps her quiet and the quiet of LE is to not draw that kind of negativity, attention, or spook a perp.

IMO Nathaniel Kibby was feeding off the public attention and even taunted his victim with the newspaper.

Just a different view.

Steleheart, thank you. I don't believe JC has anything to do with Cassie's disappearance and I don't think she knows where Cassie is.

I do think, however, IF BR had anything to do with it, there will be criminal repurcussions to JC stemming from past inabilities to recognize and stop dangerous behavior towards her daughters. IMO, that is the only motive I can conjure up to keep her from "shouting from the rooftops".

On that note, in light of recent revelations, I also do not believe BR has anything to do with her disappearance.

I think this entire matter lays in the HS camp, and he knows exactly what happened and where she is right now. I also think it's very possible that AB knows "something" about what occurred and is keeping quiet. I'm on the fence about DB's possible knowledge level of all this.

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