Found Deceased AR - John Glasgow, 45, Little Rock, 28 January 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am still trying to get a better understanding of where the remains were found. I hiked at Petit Jean two years ago in the fall. If the remains were found, as I think, on the "inside" rim of the park boundaries, sort of across from Mather Lodge, that's a fairly strenuous lengthy hike, especially if spur of the moment so to speak.....if he was up hill from the bottom on the opposite side so to speak.....why? unless he was going to climb out and go back around on the road....not really logical. We stayed at Mather, drove around on Red Bluff Rd. and hiked down on a couple of the trails. At Mather, we hiked down into the canyon on a couple of the's possible to go all the way around some folks takes some time and the folks we saw usually had small packs and water at least...if the remains were on the "outside" of the rim...just doesn't seem at all logical the car would have been at Mather...more likely parked in one of the parking spots on Red Bluff Rd. Heck, if one wanted to jump off a it right at Mather...guess I need to see an X pinpointing the spot but I haven't been able to locate that. Was he a hiker? Did he go there often? P.s. it is a very nice park and the lodge was recently renovated. I would love to go back. Thinking it could have been accident i.e. sudden death..but why not tell the wife? Just seems weird being somewhat familiar with the terrain.
Ok, I went and looked at the park map...yes, he could have parked at Mather, gone down the Cedar Falls/Bear Cave trail and picked up the Boy Scout trail and been where the newspaper map above indicates his remains were located...but this would have been a several hour hike, up and down, up and down, fairly rugged....sort of a day trip if you will....why not tell his wife he was going hiking to clear his head....if it was suicide, which I hope it wasn' would have been a more remote area.....but again there would have been plenty of other closer places on the same mountain to accomplish hurdling oneself off a cliff with an uncertain result and it would have been possible to park a whole lot close to that area.....location still seems odd, which sort of explains why maybe he wasn't found when the searches were going on. As I recall, no wrong doing was ever uncovered..hopefully the cause of death will be revealed....from reading about the financial seemed to me like Dillards was trying to make him a scapegoat....I wonder what his brother really knows. May he and the family find some peace. Sad, sad, sad.
It is also not out of the realm of possibility that he was in fact just hiking to think and clear his head and had some sort of accident.

But, that being said, from everything that I've read about him, this would have been very uncharacteristic of him. It seems he would have had to have been fairly emotionally upset to go off like that without telling anyone.

Couple that with how all the work issued items were found all neatly together in his car and suicide starts seeming pretty likely. If he were just hiking...why not take the phone?

I would venture to say that that time of year, the longer, rougher back trails like that were probably pretty comparison to the trail to Cedar Falls, etc (i've hiked that many times).

I theorize he intentionally hiked far, far away from Mather because he didn't want to be found for a long time. He could have felt he had more privacy on those trails.
Honestly I do not believe that LE says "no foul play" just to avoid an investigation. I am sure they get much more resistance from families by calling a death a suicide, so it is not really an "easy" way out, Imo.when they say "no foul play" , for the most part, I believe them. Of course I have always suspected suicide in this case, but jmo.
While I think this is likely suicide/accident, I still would not rule out foul play. I think the forensic examination might yield some important clues.
There is a fairly remote landing strip on the mountain. He was not an avid hiker. Short of hiring a relentless PI, with the investigator saying the case is closed...I doubt anyone who knows anything will come forward. This is a major employer here. Without a smoking gun, tidbits of info will not come forward.
A case doesn't always have to start with a clear motive. It's about capability.
DNA results in one day?? That got fast tracked.
"On Thursday, Arkansas State Park employees blocked the access point to where two juniors in college found a skull which DNA testing a day later proved to be that of Little Rock businessman John Glasgow.
Had Marshall Armour, a student at Arkansas Tech University and Lance Ward, a student at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville not skipped class to go hiking on Wednesday – Glasgow would still be considered a missing person."
There is a fairly remote landing strip on the mountain. He was not an avid hiker. Short of hiring a relentless PI, with the investigator saying the case is closed...I doubt anyone who knows anything will come forward. This is a major employer here. Without a smoking gun, tidbits of info will not come forward.
A case doesn't always have to start with a clear motive. It's about capability.


I think that this will depend on what the forensics show. There could be evidence of an attack. A bullet 9or shot) could be found in the remains. Some of the bones could show evidence of knife attack. The could find remains of something used to strangle him.

There also could be evidence of a fall or of an animal attack.

I think the bolded statement is excellent and I may cite it in another case. :)
This article says John's remains, inside his clothing, were located 200 yards south of his skull.
So that means an animal must have moved the skull, correct? I mean if it was homicide, no person is going to detach the skull and move 600 feet. So what animals are in the are that could move the skull? Eagles? Cougars? Coyotes?

Rats, depending on the terrain. Racoons. Bears possibly. Another possibly is that, as the decomposed, the skull became separated and rolled. A combination of both.
I found this interview with JG's former co-worker William Clark interesting & a little strange - especially beginning at 2:21 where he mentions that JG's step-son (MG's son from a previous marriage) said that JG was a frequent visitor to Petit Jean State Park and Mr. Clark stated that when they learned where JG's phone had pinged that the step-son knew exactly that law enforcement should then be looking at Mather Lodge for JG.
Can't watch bc hubby is asleep but that directly contradicts JG's brother's saying he wasn't an avid hiker

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I found this interview with JG's former co-worker William Clark interesting & a little strange - especially beginning at 2:21 where he mentions that JG's step-son (MG's son from a previous marriage) said that JG was a frequent visitor to Petit Jean State Park and Mr. Clark stated that when they learned where JG's phone had pinged that the step-son knew exactly that law enforcement should then be looking at Mather Lodge for JG.

JG might have gone there for some other reason, fishing, a day out just to watch nature. He not have been a serious hiker camper but someone who went out for a day trip. The lodge has cabins that can be rented.

He might have just gone up there previously for a little break.

(I have to say that it would not be my first choice.)
There would be a number of questions.

First would have to be how close to the road and paths was the body found. The terrain is very rugged and it might be difficult to walk someone at gun point to that area. JG could have made a break for it.

Second, while the skull was found at the bottom of a cliff, the remains may not have been. Is the drop steep enough to have ensured JG's death?

Third, if there was a killer, how did he get away. Yes, the killer could have driven the car back to Mather Lodge, but how did he get out of the area? There would need to be a second vehicle.

Do people live up there? So far fetched but someone could've flown in and out. Far fetched enough it'd be nearly impossible to ever prove. I just think it's so weird he'd go there and off himself or randomly go hiking on a winter morning w/o telling anyone, park his car way away from his destination. If he didn't want to be found, leaving his car there wasn't the best way to conceal himself. The mountains are the first place anyone would look. But I suggest maybe he was held against his will and pushed off a remote cliff after the search crews left...or in a place it'd take years to find. Looking forward too seeing COD. However after this long if he was pushed, accidentally or intentionally fell off...I fear it'd be impossible to tell.

You don't wipe your prints off of your own car

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I'm not sure if the car was wiped or if they just couldn't get prints.

It took 7+ years to find the remains, so it wasn't too easy to find where he was.

It looks like Mather Lodge it is a motel type affair. You rent the rooms for a few days.

Pushed/fell may or may not be likely, depending on the site. The ledge may have been only 2-3 feet from the next point.

One thing I would be looking at as well would be broken bones.

13 Feb 08

With the family of missing CDI Contractors chief financial officer John Glasgow looking on, Little Rock attorney Chip Welch addressed the media at Allsopp Park today, saying that the family now believes that "evidence points away from the mountain." He referred to Petit Jean, where Glasgow's car was found Jan. 29 and which has been searched extensively without turning up a trace of him.

Among the news from the event:

The reward for Glasgow has been increased to $70,000 -- $50,000 from the family, and and additional $20,000 from

Glasgow's Volvo has been forensically examined, and found to contain what Welch categorized as "no fingerprints," indicating that it may have been wiped down before being parked on Petit Jean.

Trained search dogs found no trace of Glasgow's scent leading away from his parked car, or anywhere else on the mountain.
In addition to Glasgow's cell phone and laptop computer, his bank card was found in the car. His wallet and car keys have not been found.

A park ranger at Mather Lodge on Petit Jean told police that Glasgow's car appeared in the parking lot there between noon and 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday. He'd last been seen leaving his home before 6 a.m. the day before, Monday, Jan. 28.

Welch said that while Glasgow had left a bank account number and the combination to a safe on a notepad at his home -- which some have taken as a suggestion that Glasgow was preparing to end it all -- he added that the numbers were found written several sheets from the top sheet of a pad of paper, and there is no way of knowing when they were written.

He reiterated, in response to a question, that there was no indication of any financial irregularities at CDI, one of the state's largest construction companies, a venture owned in equal parts by the Dillard Department Store family and the family of the late William Clark. A deal reportedly was nearing completion for purchase of Clark's share of the company by his son and investors including Glasgow.

more at link
Curious as to what "evidence" they had that made them believe at the time that JG was not on the mountain (as we now know his remains were found there).

I cant get over the car being located unlocked, with his cell phone, laptop, and bank card inside.

“He left his house around 5:15 last Monday morning, and it was probably 2:30 in the afternoon when people at work called his wife to find out why he hadn’t shown up for work. She thought he’d left home early to go to work, so that was really the first that anyone realized that there was something amiss,” said Gary Glasgow.

John Glasgow’s car was found the following day in the Mather Lodge parking lot on Petit Jean Mountain south of Morrilton
*JG left home at 5:15am on Monday. It didn't appear to be any concern to anyone until approx. 2:30 pm when his work contacted JG wife.... And JG car didn't appear in the parking lot of the Lodge until the next day, Tues between noon and 1:30 per the article above.

Where was he or his veh between 5:15am Monday and Noon/1:30pm Tuesday??

ETA: per the ID show, his car was there the day he was missing?
According to the Petition to have JG declared deceased, his veh was located the next day Jan 29th (Tues). Page 2, #6, it also states that Arkansas State Police conducted a forensic exam of the vehicle. "This examination failed to turn up any forensic evidence at all- no fingerprints from anybody, no blood, hair , or other body substances were found. The vehicle was clean." * also it was noted that his cell phone battery was dead when they found it in the car. Wouldn't they have to use police report/records to back this up? I mean they couldn't just state that could they?

I watched the ID episode. It was first time I had watched. Knowing now that his remains were found, I saw it in a diff light. I also know that this was an edited for ratings tv series. They have an agenda of sorts. Also, there is more than one way to Petit Jean Mtn. and it appears they centered about the way they presumed he would have traveled from his home. You can go Hwy 10 or Interstate 40 to get there. Either way would be arriving from a different direction. The whole veh being found, causes my hinky meter to go up hmmm
Respectfully snipped

Where was he or his veh between 5:15am Monday and Noon/1:30pm Tuesday??

ETA: per the ID show, his car was there the day he was missing?

The drive time should be 1.25 to 1.45 hours, depending on his exact address and the exact location of Mather Lodge. Do we have an approximate time the photo was taken?
The restaurant at Mather Lodge is quite nice with big windows affording beautiful views. So one could go there for lunch or any other meal actually. There also meeting spaces, and common spaces where one could meet with less privacy. Basically from that parking lot, it would be hiking if one wasn't staying there. There are cabins and also private rustic, sort of motelish, type rooms at the lodge, recently renovated (where we stayed). The question, I have now, was his car found in the Mather parking lot that day or the next day? Was he a hiker or wasn't he? I am still having a hard time believing he hiked to where his body was found, if he wasn't a serious hiker. If he was and a frequent visitor, perhaps but it could also be the place to meet someone. Yes, there are some folks who live on the mountain outside of the park. There is also the Rockefeller Retreat Center. An automobile museum, a few shops/stores etc. I believe there is still a Rockefeller Cattle Ranch. And the air strip. Win Rockefeller had a major retreat/home on top of Petit Jean which is now the retreat center. And various access roads to the mountain top.

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