AR AR - Joseph Cripps, Little Rock, 19 Oct 2016

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Today marks 3 months since Joe disappeared and it appears we are no closer to bringing him home.

Family and police are being very tight-lipped, even after an emotional trip to LR by his former bandmate to search for him. We as of yet still do not know what direction he was seen heading after he left the night club. Was he heading home? Was he heading towards the river/lake? Was he heading towards the railroad tracks? Was he heading towards downtown where more bars awaited? Was he heading towards a liquor store? Just a basic direction would help tremendously, but this information is still being withheld from the public.

In my opinion, had he went anywhere but the river/lake and met with foul play, his body would have been recovered by now. A mugger or someone committing a random act of violence is unlikely to spend much time hiding a body. Even lifting a body up into a dumpster takes a lot of effort and time that few bother with. The one area, however, that concerns me is if he went near the river/lake. It would be very easy for a mugger to simply push him into the water, or given his mental state to fall into it. But the lake portion was the closest to him, meaning the current would be lower and less likely that a body would be pushed downstream. It would make sense that his body would have surfaced by now had this been the case.

What scenarios exist that do not involve foul play?

Some friends have said he might be in rehab. Joe had went to rehab in the past for alcoholism and it seems Joe had begun drinking again the night he went missing. Could he have decided to take his last paycheck and admit himself and cut ties with everyone until he was released? It's a possibility. Family has stated they have contacted some rehabs looking for him, but we have no information on which ones. It's also unclear whether a rehab facility would even tell you if a person has been admitted, especially if the person tells them they do not want anyone to know they are there. Rehab for alcoholism typically lasts 90 days, which if this is the case for Joe he might be released any day. Some programs, however, can last as long as 18 months. Inpatient rehabs are extremely expensive; 90 days could cost as much as $60,000. An outpatient program is much cheaper - costing only $5,000 for a 90 day program - but that would seem unlikely.

Some have pondered that Joe may have uncovered a drug ring in Little Rock related to the men he worked with at the Rehab facility. Could there have been drug Cartel connections and Joe was put into a witness protection type program? Or did Joe make one of these men in Rehab angry - possibly by sending them back to prison? Was Joe worried enough about it that he had family help him go somewhere that he could lay low? Interestingly, someone had mentioned that Joe came to Little Rock to lay low - is it possible someone from Denton had been angered at him that caused him to need to lay low and they were threatening to come after him in Little Rock? Recent posts on Facebook seem to indicate Joe was possibly being threatened by someone. The post to his nephew may have been a code to let family know that he was going to be leaving. Is it possible the inebriation at the bar he was last seen was just an act?

The day he went missing, Joe had contacted his nephew about camping. Many have indicated Joe would go into the Pacific Northwest to camp; others still have said he would go near Buffalo River in Arkansas to camp. Did he just decide to go camping without family? It's also possible this was a signal to family he simply was leaving and would be laying low for awhile. No information has been forthcoming from family or police that any camping areas that Joe frequented have been checked.

Joe had a gig in Austin in November that was related to "wizards and witches." The Craigslist ad has since been removed, but the introduction made little sense. It did indicate the possibility that it could turn into more work down the road. Is it possible Joe left early for the gig and is still working it in the Austin area? The same friend who told Joe about the "wizard" gig was sent several posts from Joe that included pictures of "wizards" in various locations throughout Little Rock. Wizards can indicate someone who is smoking marijuana, so it's difficult to tell with any certainty what the posts meant.

Another possibility is that Joe is in a hospital due to a mental or physical condition that is not allowing him to remember who he is. Family has indicated they have contacted all local hospitals without success.

Police seem to be content to work the case without any help from Joe's many friends. Many have contacted family asking about search parties and raising funds for external help, but they have all been thwarted.

I definitely hope Joe is okay and simply laying low for some reason. Hopefully whatever has caused him to do so will soon pass and he can again come home to friends and family in the very near future. He has lots of folks all over the world worried and praying for his safe return.

I really hope he went to rehab.

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Joe's Facebook account shows he checked-in to a bar in Denton, Texas on November 2nd, 2016 and The Kibitz Room in West Hollywood, CA on December 4th, 2016. You can set Facebook up to automatically check-in whenever you get wi-fi from a business. Is this an indication Joe is alive and well?

UPDATE: Check-ins coming from friends tagging him in posts related to these locations, so not actually Joe checking in at these locations.
Oh wow. I hope this means he's safe, not that someone else has his phone. Although it would be odd for a stranger to wind up in Denton of all places.

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Oh wow. I hope this means he's safe, not that someone else has his phone. Although it would be odd for a stranger to wind up in Denton of all places.

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I read somewhere that he's known to frequent Denton, TX. Maybe that is him.

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I read somewhere that he's known to frequent Denton, TX. Maybe that is him.

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That's why I commented it would strange for someone other than him to end up in Denton.

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I'm praying too. I've been sober 12 years and I know how hard it can be. Hopefully he slipped up and is maybe laying low somewhere because he's embarrassed? I know the clues don't indicate that but I'm hoping.

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Been there.. Done this.. 😶

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Bumping for Joe.

The wizard thing really has me puzzled. I've smoked pot for nearly fifteen years, and I'm sure some of you reading this have been smoking pot longer than I've been on this earth, HOWEVER I've also lived in ten states all over the country, but I've never heard anything about wizards and pot.

The other thing I've been thinking about was the text. Someone said they didn't think it could be a butt dial due to the switching between letters and numbers, but that is untrue. My phone can type text, numbers, characters, and even emojis in my pocket.

Sent from my Life One X2 using Tapatalk
Bumping for Joe.

The wizard thing really has me puzzled. I've smoked pot for nearly fifteen years, and I'm sure some of you reading this have been smoking pot longer than I've been on this earth, HOWEVER I've also lived in ten states all over the country, but I've never heard anything about wizards and pot.

The other thing I've been thinking about was the text. Someone said they didn't think it could be a butt dial due to the switching between letters and numbers, but that is untrue. My phone can type text, numbers, characters, and even emojis in my pocket.

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Wot? You lost me at "wizards".

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Wot? You lost me at "wizards".

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It's just a few posts back.. 😵

'Joe had a gig in Austin in November that was related to "wizards and witches." The Craigslist ad has since been removed, but the introduction made little sense. It did indicate the possibility that it could turn into more work down the road. Is it possible Joe left early for the gig and is still working it in the Austin area? The same friend who told Joe about the "wizard" gig was sent several posts from Joe that included pictures of "wizards" in various locations throughout Little Rock. Wizards can indicate someone who is smoking marijuana, so it's difficult to tell with any certainty what the posts meant.'!

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Wot? You lost me at "wizards".

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From previous posts:
Joe seemed to post in "code" in several of his entries. For example, numerous posts talk about "wizards." In September, a friend had tagged Joe on a Craigslist job posting in Austin for "one talented witch or wizard" that was needed to assist "in a special project in the next few weeks." Family has said he was expected to be in Austin for a gig the first part of November, so this could be the referenced job. On October 15th, he posted to a friend: "I don't mean to bother you, we have very serious wizard activity near Downtown Little Rock. We need the squid over here posthaste. I'm coming down to your neighborhood in early November. Wizards!" Interestingly, "wizard" is sometimes used as code for marijuana. Due to its "magic-inducing powers," Urban Dictionary states that those who partake in it turns into witches and warlocks. Is it possible Joe and his friend were speaking in code? Maybe, or perhaps it was just a joke post.

Joe made a final, yet mysterious, post on the morning of October 20th: “MOm yoaxx_m”. Joe was very reliant on voice-to-text to post to Facebook, and was often remarking how it would make a mess of his posts. Obviously, the last post was not voice-to-text, which was uncharacteristic for him. While there's a possibility this was a "butt post" - a post of gibberish made to Facebook while the phone is in a pocket - that seems unlikely. The post was not made of letters and characters that are nearby one another on the keyboard and would have required constant switching between alpha and numeric/symbols keyboards.

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A couple of things I would like to address here.

1. Policy-of-truth stated that, “Lastly, if he (joe Cripps) walked home and travelled in the correct direction he would have to cross a major freeway”. That is not a true statement! Mr. Cripps could have easily walked along the tracks just to the East of Whitewater Tavern and headed South. Another possibility is that he could have walked East on 7th St. and traveled down any of the streets (Thayer, Rice or Park) that go UNDER I-630.
2. Policy-of-truth (speaking of the musician that was murdered) that he “was shot in the head, at a home no where near where he lived - actually about a 30 minute drive or more”. While it is a fact that Terry “T.C.” Edwards walked everywhere due to his autism, it IS NOT A FACT THAT HE WAS FOUND “30 minutes or more” from his house. He was found about 3/4 miles from his house.
That should read 3 to 4 miles away from his house (not 3/4 of a mile)
Odd that you mention the train tracks... I have heard talk that when Bubba Hernandez (a Denton area musician and former band mate of Joe's) had gone to investigate in Little Rock, he was specifically warned against walking the train tracks because the homeless people there can be violent and will be likely to mug a person alone at the tracks. If I am not mistaken, Joe had quite a bit of cash on him that night when he walked away from the Whitewater Tavern. I hate to say it in this way, but for some reason, this is the first time I've seen it as a possible mugging. Despite the fact that he had a bit of cash on him that night, it seems that he also had been exhibiting semi-suicidal behaviors. He had stopped taking his blood pressure medication, not even refilling it. Anything seems to be possible in this world, but it's likely that he succumbed to a drunken incident walking home. What that incident was, we may not know for quite a while to come. I really do wish that he were safe somewhere, but I just don't see it being likely. It's been such a long time and the night he disappeared does not seem like an ideal situation for a planned disappearance.

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