AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #1

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I have not read this much at all. I assumed they were similar in age to him. Not so ?

A poster did some math and came up with one of the victims being age 6. I cant remember how old the oldest one was. Or if we even know. Anyone? I'm bouncing around the threads today.
That's what worries me. Anytime a crime is hidden behind a facade and "treated" by say religion the outcome is never good. Especially for victims. So much damage has been done to these girls.
Right ! A boy of 14 has biological things going on. To ignore that or to punish him for that and ridicule him for that and say if he prayed harder and had more faith, that would not happen, is ABUSE! For the victims of abuse within these families ( religious radical , not necessarily duggars ) when they begin to have abnormal thoughts and feelings associated with the abuse, they are told again pray harder, have more faith. My personal favorite is the devil made you think those things. If you're abused and you're depressed, it's the devil. Some don't believe there is such thing as mental illness and think all psychiatry is a sin and that all of it is ' of the devil'.
That's what worries me. Anytime a crime is hidden behind a facade and "treated" by say religion the outcome is never good. Especially for victims. So much damage has been done to these girls.

NO! For some reason I thought of equal aged kids , like all pre teens or what not and that doesn't excuse it but it's moderately common at that age. Six years old?

WTF !????????
Right ! A boy of 14 has biological things going on. To ignore that or to punish him for that and ridicule him for that and say if he prayed harder and had more faith, that would not happen, is ABUSE! For the victims of abuse within these families ( religious radical , not necessarily duggars ) when they begin to have abnormal thoughts and feelings associated with the abuse, they are told again pray harder, have more faith. My personal favorite is the devil made you think those things. If you're abused and you're depressed, it's the devil. Some don't believe there is such thing as mental illness and think all psychiatry is a sin and that all of it is ' of the devil'.

Agree. I am hoping those are the very reasons Josh chose to commit these crimes on children. It would at least provide a small chance he is not the typical offender. I hope for the sake of his own children and others.
Hints about the victims being blamed:

As we studied as a family, we found we could come up with our idea of what we thought modesty was, but we really wanted to see what the scriptures said about it. Our interpretation was that from the neck down to the knee should be covered. By keeping those private areas covered, there's not any "defrauding" going on. My kids are taught the definition of defrauding as stirring up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled. We don't believe in defrauding others by the way we dress. And different people may be defrauded by different things. We can't control their thoughts, but we're responsible before God for our part. And so years ago, I just felt between me and my Lord that I really needed to dress modestly.

Like Arkansas' very own morality police, they're also on the look out for ladies (perhaps words like "jezebel" and "harlot" were edited out in early drafts) who aren't subscribing to a similar dress code. Sure, they don't arrest people, but the family have a special code word for these provocative women, which is "Nike." Really, there's a code word: "That's a signal to the boys, and even to Dad, that they should nonchalantly drop their eyes and look down at their shoes as we walk past her... It's meant to help keep the guys' eyes from seeing things they shouldn't be seeing. By using the single-word signal, the warning can be given quietly and discreetly."

It's disconcertingly judgemental, and the narrative that men, even good Quiverfull men, are perennial victims of their crazed sex drives is far too common in contemporary religious-based lifestyle literature. (The Duggars mention it again when remembering Michelle's past as a cheerleader before finding God and Jim Bob: "She had no idea that dancing around in a short skirt in front of a bunch of boys was causing many of them to think sensual thoughts about her," the book reads.)

And I got it:
This is what the Duggar's long time religious leader, Bil Gothard, head of ATI (also caught in a sex scandal involving young girls, BTW, along with the molester Doug Phillips of Vision Forum who was also a dear, close friend of the Duggars), says about counseling those who have been sexually abused:

(More later).

Wow. Who'd have thought the word NIKE, which by definition is the greek goddess for victory, would be their code word. How bizzare.
Just wanted to say some of my posts may appear as I am excusing Josh. They are not. I just desperately hope there are unusual circumstances here where he has not and will not re offend.
A poster did some math and came up with one of the victims being age 6. I cant remember how old the oldest one was. Or if we even know. Anyone? I'm bouncing around the threads today.

Does anyone know who the kids are and their ages? I don't know anything about these people. I read the police report and the kids were coached on their statements, in my opinion.
Wow. Who'd have thought the word NIKE, which by definition is the greek goddess for victory, would be their code word. How bizzare.

Truly. Wonder how Nike feels about this. Lordy!!! No pun intended.
I think it increases the possibility.

**speculation ahead ** If you take 5 or 10 young boys and teach them all their lives that an erection, a naturally occurring part of their physical makeup, is a SIN and would not have happened had they been more prayerful and more diligent in not talking to girls or looking at girls , etc. , then you will have problems. . I don't know which is the case here but I'd gander a little of this and a little of that if I had to say. Also , some religions and / or religious families forbid masturbation. So , it doesn't take rocket scientists to figure out that you cannot forbid all of nature and expect things to go smoothly. It might go smoothly with some males but certainly not with all.
bolded by me

for instance -- and i believe this could be possible -- if josh actually had sex with one of those girls (didn't like typing that :( ) , she would be considered in those circles to be 'damaged goods' and henceforth unable to be married ; or at least not married with very strict rules and surveillance imposed upon her, by her husband.
This is what i'm assuming from what i've read about these people.
I haven't personally met or even know of anyone like this group.

and fgs josh and the rest of your family and frc --- stop waging war on the lgbt community ! for creeps sakes . Like someone else's lifestyle (which btw does not harm the duggars in the least ) is going to harm you.
as if being in a consenting relationship with another adult who loves you is somehow worse than abusing young children !


Does anyone know who the kids are and their ages? I don't know anything about these people. I read the police report and the kids were coached on their statements, in my opinion.

IIRC 4 were his Sisters and one was a non Family member
I don't watch this show or know much about these people other than the obvious. Is Josh now an adult and married with kids? TIA
'Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims': TLC takes 19 Kids and Counting off the air after revelation Josh molested young girls and his parents covered it up

TLC pulled 19 Kids and Counting off the schedule following the revelation that Josh Duggar molested young girls as a teenager

The move comes one day after the network decided to air a marathon of the show heavily featuring Josh

The show has not been officially cancelled at this time

'Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims,' said TLC in a statement Friday afternoon

This is the fifth show on TLC to have run into trouble after a member of the cast was found to have molested or sexual assaulted a child

Read more:
I feel it is not right in sleuthing the female victims.
Josh is like any other criminal/sexual predator. He's already proven he's capable of lying and covering up the crimes he committed and only revealed them when he was forced to do so. He hasn't apologized to his victims, he hasn't accepted any level of accountability for his actions. Just because he's from a famous religious family doesn't make his crimes and sick behavior any more acceptable than that of a common sexual predator.

According to Josh he sought forgiveness from his victims: "I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions," says Josh. "I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God's grace, mercy and redemption."
I don't watch this show or know much about these people other than the obvious. Is Josh now an adult and married with kids? TIA

I did watch the show. He is married to Anna and they have 3 children and one on the way. Michael, Marcus and Mikayla (sp?)
I am watching Josh and Anna's wedding on Youtube and it bothers me that they're making a huge deal out of how pure he is, he is given a book to explain to him how sex works although he has a general idea, it's like lego bricks and it will be their first kiss on the wedding day and is he nervous about it and it will be a lot of firsts...

All the while he was an experienced vagina toucher.

Great post. The birds and the bees talk on a 20 year old's wedding night creeped me out.

Josh is like any other criminal/sexual predator. He's already proven he's capable of lying and covering up the crimes he committed and only revealed them when he was forced to do so. He hasn't apologized to his victims, he hasn't accepted any level of accountability for his actions. Just because he's from a famous religious family doesn't make his crimes and sick behavior any more acceptable than that of a common sexual predator.

The police reports stated that he did apologize to each of his victims. Not sure if that helps them much but apparently he did.

Nevertheless, he was so smug in his religious superiority over the years on that show that many people on some of the anti-fundamentalist sites nick named him "Smuggar".
I actually feel a lot of sympathy for Josh. He was only 14. I think the weird, stilted religious family dynamics had a big impact upon his biological urges. He made very bad choices and I obviously hold him responsible. But I think back to my son at 14---he had a 'girlfriend' and they went to the movies and they held hands and had steamy make out sessions at that age. Josh had no outlets like that available to him. And he was taught those feelings/urges were wrong/bad/evil/sinful/ I feel kind of sorry for him. :sigh:

I feel sorry for his victims...they weren't willing participants. Then, when he confessed, they weren't given any say in any kind of justice or recognition of their confusion or pain as victims.
Ya know I am never going to hear the end of this when hubby gets wind of this news lol. When I would watch he would ask me why I watched. I explained there were a few aspects to this lifestyle I found refreshing. And there were a few. He would just say the whole lifestyle is just not normal and nothing good will come of this. He may have been right!
He sought forgiveness from 6 yr olds? Children who have no idea what kind of a lasting impact that would have on them? Five total victims? This is a big mess, way bigger than I thought.
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