GUILTY AR - Malik Drummond, 2, Searcy, 23 Nov 2014 - #2

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Sounds like maybe they need to bring in a child psychiatrist/counselor to interview his twin sister without the parents or anybody else in the room. She apparently is the only eye witness as to what happened prior to the cops being called that afternoon. On the other hand, she may not have seen or heard a single thing. At the very least, maybe she could verify the account of Malik walking out of the door that day, and whether or not she was asked where he went..

I would think by now if either guardian had failed a polygraph miserably, they would be in more of a hot seat, and be questioned relentlessly.

The only suggestion I would have left is for LE to serve a search warrant on the house and go in there and spray some luminol around to see if any traces of blood show up anywhere. Short of seems like a waiting game.

Yeah, absolutely. I'm surprised that it was bio mom who took the sister for an interview, not LE. It's also surprising that LE hasn't executed search warrants.

Malik and Aryanna's mother Tanya Drummond and Grandfather John Clifton spoke to KATV on Tuesday said she took Aryanna to be examined on Tuesday.“She went to Children's Safety over on Race street. They tried to get her to talk to see what they could find but they can't find nothing, she won't speak," Drummond said.

Here's the web site for White County Children's (or Child) Safety Center:

They mostly advocate for children who have been abused but they also do forensic interviews and work with LE so maybe LE was involved but it's hard to tell without more info.

BTW, I'm not quite ready to get out the feathers and start heating up the tar. I have suspicions but it's still not out of the realm of possibility that this was a stranger abduction. If so then I'd take a long, hard look at the neighbors.

If the kids had been with dad for a couple of weeks then someone in the neighborhood could have been keeping an eye on them – in a bad way. It doesn't take much to suss out a family's habits. It was already dark that evening so the lights were on and the outer door was open. Someone could get a good enough view through the screen door to see that the kids were alone.

All it really takes is one tiny window of opportunity for a predator to make a move.
RE: MsMarple and OT: No kidding! While my daughter and I were talking on the phone her 2 boys decided to be super-heroes and managed to flip the heavy sofa over. They knew to be quiet while she was on the phone and they were a whopping 15 feet away from her. That was a few years ago and we like to rub it in now that one is a teen and the other is a tween.
I'd like to know when the last confirmed sighting of this child alive and well was independent of the two adults in that home because I don't buy none of what they are selling..

One way I can think of proving Malik was in the home that day is by checking for his most recently used diaper in the trash. I wonder if LE asked.
RE: MsMarple and OT: No kidding! While my daughter and I were talking on the phone her 2 boys decided to be super-heroes and managed to flip the heavy sofa over. They knew to be quiet while she was on the phone and they were a whopping 15 feet away from her. That was a few years ago and we like to rub it in now that one is a teen and the other is a tween.

Oh, you betcha! Phone time! Almost as bad as mommy needing to go pee, lol. But yes, it makes for good stories to tease them with when they grow up. ;)
One way I can think of proving Malik was in the home that day is by checking for his most recently used diaper in the trash. I wonder if LE asked.

That would be a huge clue, if it weren't for the fact there are twins living there. Unless they buy boy-diapers and girl diapers (which I doubt) there's no way to tell the difference.
I do not believe he wandered outside and was kidnapped. I mean, really, what are the odds that someone sees him and also wants a two-year old? Someone else's two-year old?
Could Aryanna have been "threatened" not to say anything about what happened to Malik? Like maybe, "if you tell anybody the same thing will happen to you". Also, seems like mom and/or grandmother would have been more likely to get info from this little girl than a stranger would. I know having the mother ask the questions would probably be worthless in court but maybe some info would come out that would help locate Malik. I don't think I've read anything about this but I would be interested to know how the twins were treated by the g/f. Did she punish them and if she did what type of punishment did she use?
I haven't been able to follow this case as closely as I'd like, but I still maintain, based on all I have read, that baby didn't walk out that door. I believe he did go OUT that door, but it wasn't willingly.

I know dad's place of employment was on his FB, but I'm wondering, did he work that Sunday? What shift was he on? What time did he get home? If not working, where was he all day? Home? (I have these questions floating around in my head because dad was reportedly napping at 5:30 in the early evening and this seems like an odd time of the dad to be snoozing unless he was just getting home after a hard day at work and waiting for dinner - otherwise, it's just odd). When did DAD last see baby Malik? I don't know if these questions have been answered in msm articles but all I've seen is statements from live-in girlfriend of dad.

For the record, I don't think dad had anything to do with baby Malik going missing. I certainly don't feel the same way about others, however.

Could Aryanna have been "threatened" not to say anything about what happened to Malik? Like maybe, "if you tell anybody the same thing will happen to you". Also, seems like mom and/or grandmother would have been more likely to get info from this little girl than a stranger would. I know having the mother ask the questions would probably be worthless in court but maybe some info would come out that would help locate Malik. I don't think I've read anything about this but I would be interested to know how the twins were treated by the g/f. Did she punish them and if she did what type of punishment did she use?

She certainly could have been, but in all my years of ever being around 2.5 year olds, a threat like that isn't all that effective. Toddlers that age don't have have the maturity to equate threats with consequences. They just say whatever they want, because that's what toddlers do. My own 2.5 yr old grandson was just here for a week and no matter how many times I told him to do this or that, he'd forget in 2 minutes and do the other. Because that's what most kids that age do. It's a pretty rare thing for a kid that age to be thinking analytically and logically enough to be genuinely afraid of threats.

Also, from all I've read, it's actually MORE effective for a LE official specifically trained to deal with children, to speak with them and get critical info from them, than it is for the parents. While parents will ask the obvious questions, LE will converse with them in specific ways and ask questions the parents would have never thought of.

Just a few thoughts. MOO.
That would be a huge clue, if it weren't for the fact there are twins living there. Unless they buy boy-diapers and girl diapers (which I doubt) there's no way to tell the difference.

True. However if push comes to shove, the diaper could be DNA tested. Fraternal twins have different DNA.
She certainly could have been, but in all my years of ever being around 2.5 year olds, a threat like that isn't all that effective. Toddlers that age don't have have the maturity to equate threats with consequences. They just say whatever they want, because that's what toddlers do. My own 2.5 yr old grandson was just here for a week and no matter how many times I told him to do this or that, he'd forget in 2 minutes and do the other. Because that's what most kids that age do. It's a pretty rare thing for a kid that age to be thinking analytically and logically enough to be genuinely afraid of threats.

Also, from all I've read, it's actually MORE effective for a LE official specifically trained to deal with children, to speak with them and get critical info from them, than it is for the parents. While parents will ask the obvious questions, LE will converse with them in specific ways and ask questions the parents would have never thought of.

Just a few thoughts. MOO.

Thanks for your insightful comments, they make sense. The biological mom said she took the little girl to a place called White County Child Safety Center, where one of their services is conducting forensic interviews. I don't know if she did it on her own or if LE requested it. According to her the girl refused to say anything.

The family has stopped speaking to msm which is probably a smart move but it leaves all of us hanging.
Thank you Ms. Marpe and all for all your thoughts and information.

Search continues for toddler who vanished in Arkansas
Updated: Thursday, December 4, 2014","pt":"wall"}#.VIEpZFWJOua
"This particular area is a very popular, common area for people to travel. There have been tips, whether there was any basis to the tip, or just someone guessing is still yet to be determined," said Chief Jeremy Clark.
On Monday, police said they no longer believe the boy is lost or hiding in the area and suspended the volunteer search efforts.

10 Days of Searching, Still No Sign of Missing Searcy Toddler
12/04/2014 08:55 AM12/04/2014 08:56 AM
“The community is absolutely, I think this is fresh and in the forefront of everybody’s mind,” says Chief Jeremy Clark.
...“Probably there’s a lot of frustration out there, but the frustration is starting at the police department. You can’t sit around while you’ve got a 2-and-a-half-year old still out there waiting to be found. I think just a lot of people are ready for us to find him and get to the truth and get some answers. And that’s what we’re trying to do,” explains Clark.
...“I applaud the police department and all the people that came out to help find him but i’m real concerned the outcome is not going to be good,” says Julie Jones," says Jones.
(KARK, Little Rock)

Twitter: Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2014 1:13 pm "Searcy Police, Malik Drummond, 2, remains missing, state and federal agencies still involved."

River dive comes up empty: Detectives following up on email, tips about missing 2-year-old
By Matt Burks Posted: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 4:45 pm (pay wall)
Thank you Ms. Marpe and all for all your thoughts and information.

Search continues for toddler who vanished in Arkansas
Updated: Thursday, December 4, 2014","pt":"wall"}#.VIEpZFWJOua

10 Days of Searching, Still No Sign of Missing Searcy Toddler
12/04/2014 08:55 AM12/04/2014 08:56 AM

Twitter: Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2014 1:13 pm "Searcy Police, Malik Drummond, 2, remains missing, state and federal agencies still involved."

River dive comes up empty: Detectives following up on email, tips about missing 2-year-old
By Matt Burks Posted: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 4:45 pm

FindHG, :tyou: for posting! I encountered a paywall for thedailycitizen article :( It looks like a good read. I am so thankful local and national MSM continue to cover Malik's story.

This precious child has captured many hearts. I just hope with all I have that his twin will be reunited. It's a Christmas Miracle of epic proportions, but I am dreaming big.

I find myself on a :rollercoaster: of emotions lately, of hoping beyond measure, and thinking the worst. :tears:




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Law enforcement tell KATV they went out to the Riverside Park area, near the Little Red River, then a cadaver dog actually led investigators down to the boat landing by the river.

This article was regarding the search Tuesday 12/2/14 of Little Red River. The boat ramp has stood out to me since I first read about it.

Boat ramp coordinates 35.278366, -91.714234

Sorry for the delay in coming to the thread. Just saw the PM! I'll try and catch up now. Or has someone already helped with the SAR questions?

This article was regarding the search Tuesday 12/2/14 of Little Red River. The boat ramp has stood out to me since I first read about it.

Boat ramp coordinates 35.278366, -91.714234


If he was placed in the river there ,after being removed from the house under the cover of nightfall..what was he hidden in?
Sorry for the delay in coming to the thread. Just saw the PM! I'll try and catch up now. Or has someone already helped with the SAR questions?

Your authoritative answer would be very appreciated, I'm certain. Thank you for taking the time.
If he was placed in the river there ,after being removed from the house under the cover of nightfall..what was he hidden in?
I've been wondering why anyone would throw a body in a river as there's so little control of where it may float? Unless, the intent was to it make look like an accident, due to messed up thinking of some kind, or to distance the body from their own culpability? Forgive me for trying to answer your question with more questions, Soulmagent. My guess would be in nothing. Could there be some way to have a body in somehow held in place in that river? The chances of a two and half year old little boy, cold and hungry making it that far to the river, alone, still alive aren't good. sarx may have an answer for what the cadaver dog hits at the boat landing may mean. Some points of reference below, some about other missing boys in Ark.

Is that a trailer park down from 367 past a bend on the west side of LRR,-91.6641793,784m/data=!3m1!1e3,+Searcy,+AR+72143,+USA/Minnie+Lee+Ln,+Kensett,+AR+72082,+USA/@35.2420899,-91.7424965,10242m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87d3a9787aa249e5:0x533ac70b8c443339!2m2!1d-91.745195!2d35.2468965!1m5!1m1!1s0x87d3a6329b7509bd:0xe59c27fcd53d3850!2m2!1d-91.6659819!2d35.2492734,-91.663974,44a,20y,83.54t/data=!3m1!1e3
Screenshot 2014-12-05 at 4.47.27 AM.jpg
The police saying that he actually was "visiting the father for a few weeks" is very concerning. The bio mom would know the last time she spoke to her little boy to see how he was doing and wish him good night. I wish we knew when the last time he was confirmed to be present at the house was. I wonder what was happening the following day on the Monday that could have made that Sunday night "T minus time" so to speak.
True. However if push comes to shove, the diaper could be DNA tested. Fraternal twins have different DNA.

Wow, great idea. Hopefully they collected trash from the family.....
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