AR AR - Morgan Nick, 6, Alma, 9 Jun 1995

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1000 tips a week for a 18-year-old case? Is that a typo? 'Cause I find that really hard to believe.

Agree. Could they have possibly meant 1000 tips per week just in general (related to any sort of crime??) Or maybe 1000 calls per week coming into the station, period??
Agree. Could they have possibly meant 1000 tips per week just in general (related to any sort of crime??) Or maybe 1000 calls per week coming into the station, period??

I definitely think that's possible. Or maybe the detective said they used to get 1000/tips a week, and it was just misunderstood. Or who knows, maybe since this is such a big case for a small area, maybe the locals call up constantly, think of the tipline as being very casual, and are always just giving random theories, or updates on them? Still, even with that possibility, 1000 tips/week seems extremely excessive for an 18-year-old case.
That is not a typo, that is what the detective told me they have detectives that are working on it that work at the station and he said they have some that even work out of state but lots are thrown out quickly bc they can't work from them bc they only get a first name and a lil info but nothing they can work off because they need a first and last name and if at all possible a bday not along ago it was either a news story or in the paper they have one suspect but don't have enough evidence to pursue it. I'm not to worried about my CI bc he says he has been sending information himself to some LE trying to get them to look into some past cases that are older than the morgan case. The suspect travels around the country he doesn't stay in one place for a long period of time not since his mother died. I've been trying to figure out what his trigger may have been to start his crime spree. His father died when he was 12 and after that resented his mother but has other brother and sisters, and one sister actually suspected him in a murder long ago. He does not have a particular type either, but follows a pattern similar to one of the serial killers he admires. He bragged about certain crimes to him bc he wants notoriety of committing those crimes and so many more the reason my CI hasn't been killed by the suspect is bc he has trouble killing those he actually knows/familiar with, bc his first victim he was aquanted with and it bothered him afterward. He actually feels inspired by certain other serial kills,etc like the zodiac. I found at first what he said a lil far fetched but the more I spoke to him and asked questions I was certain he could have only known if he was told as he lives over 1000 miles away from arkansas. I tried to trip him up to determine if he was credible and instinct tells me to keep on see if i can twist a question and see if i get a diff answer than i did 6 months ago. i'm also getting a large map and trying to make a path/pattern to his suspected crimes develop a timeline. I'm a mommy now to 2 lil boys and I want these kind of people off the streets. If it takes our help, our research, and digging to help the LE get them then I will keep doing it.
That is not a typo, that is what the detective told me they have detectives that are working on it that work at the station and he said they have some that even work out of state but lots are thrown out quickly bc they can't work from them bc they only get a first name and a lil info but nothing they can work off because they need a first and last name and if at all possible a bday not along ago it was either a news story or in the paper they have one suspect but don't have enough evidence to pursue it. I'm not to worried about my CI bc he says he has been sending information himself to some LE trying to get them to look into some past cases that are older than the morgan case. The suspect travels around the country he doesn't stay in one place for a long period of time not since his mother died. I've been trying to figure out what his trigger may have been to start his crime spree. His father died when he was 12 and after that resented his mother but has other brother and sisters, and one sister actually suspected him in a murder long ago. He does not have a particular type either, but follows a pattern similar to one of the serial killers he admires. He bragged about certain crimes to him bc he wants notoriety of committing those crimes and so many more the reason my CI hasn't been killed by the suspect is bc he has trouble killing those he actually knows/familiar with, bc his first victim he was aquanted with and it bothered him afterward. He actually feels inspired by certain other serial kills,etc like the zodiac. I found at first what he said a lil far fetched but the more I spoke to him and asked questions I was certain he could have only known if he was told as he lives over 1000 miles away from arkansas. I tried to trip him up to determine if he was credible and instinct tells me to keep on see if i can twist a question and see if i get a diff answer than i did 6 months ago. i'm also getting a large map and trying to make a path/pattern to his suspected crimes develop a timeline. I'm a mommy now to 2 lil boys and I want these kind of people off the streets. If it takes our help, our research, and digging to help the LE get them then I will keep doing it.

How does this man compare to the sketch of the Morgan Nick abductor? Police also mentioned investigating a connection with the murder of another Fort Smith, Arkansas girl named Melissa "Missy" Witt. The 19 year-old was on her way to the bowling alley to see her mom. A man tried to abduct her from the parking lot. She fought back, and the man bashed her head in and dragged her body off. Her remains were found by trappers over a month later in Ozark National Park. Her abduction was on December 1, 1994. If you look at her picture, it looks a lot like the age-enhancement of Morgan Nick. If this all pans out, could this man also be responsible for Missy Witt's murder?

You can see her picture here:
How does this man compare to the sketch of the Morgan Nick abductor? Police also mentioned investigating a connection with the murder of another Fort Smith, Arkansas girl named Melissa "Missy" Witt. The 19 year-old was on her way to the bowling alley to see her mom. A man tried to abduct her from the parking lot. She fought back, and the man bashed her head in and dragged her body off. Her remains were found by trappers over a month later in Ozark National Park. Her abduction was on December 1, 1994. If you look at her picture, it looks a lot like the age-enhancement of Morgan Nick. If this all pans out, could this man also be responsible for Missy Witt's murder?

You can see her picture here:

I am currently working on that from just a general description my informant as given me he has some of the characteristics but I sent him a message asking him, for a more specific description such as facial shape body style, etc. I will pass that off then to detective I'm in touch with, so hopefully they can put it into their police sketch software to see if they can build a computerized facial sketch of this guy. Still working trying to get information just a lil at a time from my guy but not to much. In my opinion I think he may resemble a lil more of the first sketch that was originally released that not many remember since the current sketch was released in 2001. I'm just hoping I can find all the answers that everyone has been looking for, for so long, especially her family no matter how it turns out.
Wouldn't hurt to look at him, I wonder if he's had any past offenses against children or if he was in the area during the time Morgan vanished.
I am already looking into that, it doesn't hurt to look and I'm sure, the Lt. Peppas has his men looking into that as well. Like was already said on MissingCases page on facebook and they are very right, this was not his first victim, he probably has more out there however this time he got caught. While this man does not fit the sketch that's been given on the morgan nick case even if you were to do an age progression of the sketch. However pedophiles and anyone who commits crimes against children, or anyone for that fact run in the same groups. They brag to people that are like them of their crimes, its just finding the sites that they do this on the trouble of it is that they are highly encrypted so that they aren't revealed to the public but just to people like them. All we can do to help is to keep looking for any little thing, to come up with a profile if you know how too. Morgan's abductor has been doing this for awhile before he took her bc he had already figured out how to take her without being noticed and without her screaming out. He was most likely uneducated, rejected at some point in his life. The stuff I've been following up on for last several months as I'm able has all of that. We just have to keep our eyes and ears open for anything that might help put this case together. Everything I have so far I've already sent to the Lt. and spoke with him about it. He told me when he looked over it when on the phone with me is that looked more promising that he's seen in a long time bc not only did I provide a name I gave a birthdate as well, and told me to be the go between bc if they questioned whoever or wherever I was getting my info that they would clam up, and told me to keep it up but be careful and safe. I told him I was being very careful and would pass anything else I find off to him. I'm definitely going to be looking through old case's in MO and AR to see if their are anything that would match this guy or any sketches on file that may resemble him. Remember he has worked for a school district since '98 their so were did he work prior to that and doing what? That leaves a lot to be pondered, and lots of questions to be asked.
I have always felt Morgan was killed. Not sure about her abductor. Maybe he is in jail on another charge.
Thinking of Morgan. Breaks my heart that almost twenty years later, still nothing :(
Hi Tiffy2783, I am new to this forum and this thread. I find your thoughts and research on the Morgan Nick case interesting. I've been researching the case myself for years. My research has led me down a bit of a different path...

As you stated, there were two composite sketches of the possible abductor. The first sketch, in my opinion is of Nathaniel Bar-Jonah. Bar Jonah, born David Paul Brown, was a convicted felon and alleged cannibal. Bar-Jonah died in 2008.

After researching Bar-Jonah, I discovered that he was briefly in Arkansas in 1995.

Do I think he took Morgan Nick? Probably not. I do, however, think his presence in Arkansas is VERY important. Bar-Jonah was a card-carrying member of NAMBLA -- the National Man Boy Love Association. The majority of NAMBLA members are men that prefer young boys; however, many of their members "cross over" and are pedophiles who will molest and rape any child, boy or girl, that they can gain access to.

According to investigators that I spoke to back in 2005, Bar-Jonah WAS looked at in the Morgan Nick case. I was never told if he was ever fully ruled out as a suspect.

Why do I think all of this is important?

Basically, I think Morgan's abduction is a huge cover-up. In my research, I have talked to some that believe Morgan was abducted and killed by a pedophile ring. I found the following information:

“For the sake of clarity. I’m going to lay out my theory. I’ll probably regret it, because it will open up the same can of worms again.The person who abducted Morgan (or had it done) was involved with a nationwide child *advertiser censored*/prostitution ring and in the federal witness protection program at the same time (with the apparent blessing of the government).

There may have been high level government officials involved in the ring. After Morgan was abducted, some people (me included) got a little too close to the truth and were basically told to mind our own business “or else”.

I fought the good fight, but the night that a sniper took a shot at me in my car on a rural Crawford County road and I found a note on my windshield the next morning that said “we won’t miss next time”, I kinda figured I was waging a war I probably wasn’t going to win.

My contention is and was that there are some people that do not want to know what happened to Morgan Nick and there are others that do not want anyone else to know what happened to Morgan Nick. I hate it that she is gone and I cringe at the thought of what she probably went through. But I did everything in my power to pass the information onto the right people and all I got for my trouble was shot at and threatened.

It’s also my contention since the only people I was talking to about the case were “the right people” that someone inside that circle of “right people” didn’t like what my investigation uncovered. Morgan is still missing. My information was she was killed within days of the abduction.If I keep poking around, I’m going to end up just like her.

By the way, my information is that the person responsible died in a Louisiana prison several years ago. Of course, that could be a witness protection cover story…..”

The same person on this forum also posted the following:

“At the time Morgan was abducted, I worked in local media. I was in on the story from Day One and at one time probably knew as much about the case as members of the Nick family did.

Please take all of this with a grain of salt. I hope Morgan is alive somewhere and will be reunited with her loved ones someday. But this is my story and EVERYTHING I’m about to tell you is the absolute truth.

I was approached several months after Morgan came up missing by a man who said that Morgan had been abducted as part of a nationwide child *advertiser censored* and/or child sex ring. Without going into details, his claim that Morgan had been kidnapped and taken to a location in north central Arkansas. His story was that she had been “accidentally” killed while in engaging in some sort of activity associated with said ring. He also claimed that he worked for a guy who was part of the ring by was also a general contractor at the time and Morgan had been buried under a foundation of a house near Harrison.

I investigated. I talked with a lot of people and a lot of things they were telling me dove-tailed with the story my source was giving me. My investigation put me into contact with a female FBI agent working out of the Harrison area and she and I spent several hours talking on the phone with me sharing what I had discovered about the case.

They are a number of details that I could go into it. It’s sufficient to say that authorities at one time were OFFICIALLY investigated the matter along the same lines I was pursuing. But I apparently started getting too close to some people who were involved it the situation at a high level and who held some sway circumspect to the situation.

The agent I was working with called me one day and said she had been ordered to have no more contact with me. No explanation, no reason other than a nervous laugh and the statement that “you may be getting to close to the essence of the case”…. ”

I tracked down the man who made the claims in this blog post.

He is both credible and believable.

His story dove tails with other research I have unearthed over the years.

Do you think it is possible that the man you are researching is a card-carrying member of NAMBLA?
I very much want Morgan to be alive and living somewhere. Morgan is a similar age to me and I often think of her.

It is interesting that some places report other attempted abductions on 9 June and 10 June in the area of Morgan's abduction. I know Morgan's mom has said that there were no other attempted abductions and I hope that's true. If the same person who abducted Morgan attempted to abduct another girl the day after Morgan then it doesn't bode well for Morgan.

However in any event I find it hard to come up with a motive for somebody to kidnap Morgan and to keep her alive. At 6 she would have been too old to be a "new daughter" for another family but likely too young to have been held captive in the same way that Jaycee Lee Dugard was. I know people will say that she could have been told all sorts of lies or stories about her family and why she was no longer with them but I don't believe that, at age 25 as she would be today, she would not remember anything from her old life and would not have done an internet search etc. I know other kidnap victims have had access to the internet and have not used it as a means of escape, such as Jaycee Lee Dugard, but still.

I hate being so negative about Morgan and as I said, I really want Morgan to come home alive, even after all this time.
I agree - would love for her to be found alive! However, after all of this time, I do not see how that could be a reality. Here is some information I found:

Predators are sly, expert cautions

Posted on Sunday, June 5, 2005

Morgan Nick's abductor worked like a classic child predator, seizing access and opportunity when snatching the 6-yearold from an Alma ballpark in 1995. But police believe he was a stranger to Morgan, and that's not so common.

Safety experts say it's not the nameless, faceless stranger who is most likely to abduct children. They are in more danger of being harmed by a relative or someone who knows of them.

An FBI profile indicates that Morgan's abductor was likely a child molester. But police don't know if he knew her, stalked her or lured her.
I also confirmed the following: There were NO attempted abductions around the time of Morgan’s abduction, or for that matter, no stranger abductions in the state of Arkansas before or since Morgan. The only other "attempted abduction" that was reported was the child in a nearby laundromat. This was followed up on and found to be a custody dispute between separated parents where the father took the child while the mother was in the laundromat.
Erm, I'm not sure if this will go anywhere...
but on Facebook, there's a profile of a woman named Stacy Miller.
She resembles Morgan.
If nothing comes out of this, then I apologize, but the resemblance did make me think.

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