ARDI -- new hope The return of the IDI

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
My understanding of the DNA under the nails is that it's much ado about nothing. There are a lot of issues with it, including contamination, cross-contamination, and so forth. I realize some more recent articles have been written saying that there is a match, but given the media's general lack of knowledge on most subjects they report, who knows? In fact, when CBS reported in 2004 that there was a match, a spokesperson for the DA's office felt the need to publically correct that.

A similarity? Inasmuch as there were 3 markers that were identical to the other samples. But as for a match, I don't know of any objective, self-respecting scientist who would describe anything with only three markers a match with anything.

My understanding is that it's considered degraded because of the terrible shape it's in. Three markers is less than half of a full sample. If it were from that night, how did it get so crummy so fast? Especially since JB's DNA, which was also found under her nails, was fresh?

I could have given a much longer explanation, but this covers the essentials.

Do you think 3 markers were a match. The information on this is really vague.
What would matching 3 markers mean? Do you think 3 markers were a match. The information on this is really vague.

I'm glad you asked. I should have been more specific. The DNA under JB's nails was in such awful shape it only had three identifiable markers. Now, those three markers were compared to the other DNA sample found in the underwear. The markers that could be identified matched up with the corresponding markers in the other sample. But, since a lot of DNA is identical, you can see the problem.
I'm glad you asked. I should have been more specific. The DNA under JB's nails was in such awful shape it only had three identifiable markers. Now, those three markers were compared to the other DNA sample found in the underwear. The markers that could be identified matched up with the corresponding markers in the other sample. But, since a lot of DNA is identical, you can see the problem.

I definitely see a problem with that when talking about matches. But I also see that is extremely consistant with a stranger that they have no clue whom it is. This is strong IDI evidence. This hurts your innocent explanation for all this DNA even though in court, it is not much.

Dave, I don't know your brother but you need to consider his thoughts much more if this is true. Seriously
I definitely see a problem with that when talking about matches.

I should hope so.

But I also see that is extremely consistant with a stranger that they have no clue whom it is. This is strong IDI evidence.

How do you figure that?

This hurts your innocent explanation for all this DNA

I knew I should have gone with my first instinct and given the longer explanation.

But even if it can be considered a match, doesn't that add to the possibility that JB transferred it to herself? Just spitballing.

even though in court, it is not much.

Not much? That's being generous.

Dave, I don't know your brother but you need to consider his thoughts much more if this is true. Seriously

Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive, but it seems the responses are not treated equally.

As for my brother's thoughts, I've considered them.
I should hope so.

How do you figure that?

I knew I should have gone with my first instinct and given the longer explanation.

But even if it can be considered a match, doesn't that add to the possibility that JB transferred it to herself? Just spitballing.

Not much? That's being generous.

Dave, I don't know your brother but you need to consider his thoughts much more if this is true. Seriously

So that's how it is, is it? HOTYH gets a quick thanks, but I get questions and a lecture.

As for my brother's thoughts, I've considered them.[/QUOTE]

Holdon nailed it to a T. It is not a smoking gun but it is another gun in the bullet. Call it lecture if you want but you gave more ammo for your explanation than Holdon. You have DNA in the panties, they match the skin cells on the longjohns, and you have some DNA under the fingernails that is not a match but pretty damm consistant with what is known. I mean Jesus you have a lot of inconsistancies with Ramsey actions and statements but this evidence is solid. Did you think OJ cross contamination was legitimate too?

I am not discounting what you have done. It is a lot of studying and I am showing you respect. But please Dave, i think your knowlege of DNA needs to broaden or you have the most ridiculous conspricy the US has ever seen.
Holdon nailed it to a T. It is not a smoking gun but it is another gun in the bullet.

(As John Wayne): I think ya got it just 'tother way 'round, pilgrim! You can't put guns into bullets.

Call it lecture if you want but you gave more ammo for your explanation than Holdon.

I kind of figured that's how it would end up.

You have DNA in the panties, they match the skin cells on the longjohns, and you have some DNA under the fingernails that is not a match but pretty damn consistant with what is known.

How can you say it's consistent when it has less than half the markers that are used?

I mean Jesus you have a lot of inconsistancies with Ramsey actions and statements

I got a lot more than that.

but this evidence is solid.

I could give you an example that might give you pause.

Did you think OJ cross contamination was legitimate too?

No, sir, I do not. But comparing the DNA in that case to this one is like comparing apples to hand grenades.

I am not discounting what you have done. It is a lot of studying and I am showing you respect.

That's fine.

But please Dave, I think your knowlege of DNA needs to broaden or you have the most ridiculous conspiracy the US has ever seen.

Never mind that conspiracy jazz.

I mean this with a lot of respect. You know a lot of stuff that has been said about this case. Please don't break down every sentence on this statement here. But one strong piece of evidence is going to blow up your book. Listen to your brother or have your fate sealed when that piece is released. It is going to most likely happen.


Roy 23

I mean this with a lot of respect. You know a lot of stuff that has been said about this case. Please don't break down every sentence on this statement here. But one strong piece of evidence is going to blow up your book. Listen to your brother or have your fate sealed when that piece is released. It is going to most likely happen.


Roy 23

Thank you for the advice. And I mean that. You obviously have enough respect for me not to want me to get hurt. That's more than I can say for a lot of people.
Hey SD,

I did attribute those statements to SD-Won. Strictly speaking, if RDI is true, isn't THAT Jedi and IDI sith, from a certain point of view? Isn't the true power of the darkside


As a measure of my respect, I must say "I'm an IDI, like my father before me. Father, please, help me!" I am not an expert on girls hymens don't have anything to say. I'll have master YODA, the jedi master who trained me, to counter your torrent of evil blue sith lightening. :) Is there an obgyn-pediatrician in the house? I've not said much about it -- other than the bubble bath causing irritation. SD-WON I'm a sith lord and Matrix Agent, not a doctor! Anyone here up for pizza delivery? We should get together and get a pizza delivery and some top investigators and even CASKU folks.

anyhow, are you saying that Amy doesn't exist, it's a complete fabrication from the RST?

what aspects of Amy's rape did happen and how much is it pure fantasy?

"Amy" Attacker
The "Amy" Attacker Theory

* Another possibility is the intruder who, just 9 months after JBR's murder, surreptitiously entered a house while mother and daughter (known as "Amy") were present and sexually assaulted a 14 year girl who attended the Dance West, the same dance studio attended by JBR; this raises the possibility that the same individual stalked JBR after noticing her at the studio.

Incriminating Evidence Against the "Amy" Attacker

* * 14-Year Old Dancer. "Nine months after the slaying of JonBenet Ramsey, a girl who attended the same dance studio as the young beauty queen and lived just two miles away was assaulted in her bed by an intruder while her mother slept nearby." Possible similarities to the JBR killing include:

1. Attended Same Dance Studio. Girl performed at same dance studio as JBR took lessons: Dance West. Thus perp may have seen both girls at the same location.
2. Public Performances. Like JBR, Amy had performed in several public functions in Boulder in the year before her death, giving the perp another potential opportunity or motive for targeting her.
3. Close Proximity in Space and Time to JBR Killing. Amy lived 2 miles from Ramseys and the assault occurred on Sept. 14, 1997, only 9 months after JBR died.
4. Ease of Entry May Denote Prior Experience. "He was like a ghost," recalls Amy's father. "We couldn't figure out where he came from, or where he went." "By the time the Boulder police arrived, the man was long gone. Because the intruder had gotten in and out of the house so easily, Amy's father began to think this wasn't the first time he had done something like this."
5. Family Away When Perp Entered House. The family was out of the house from late afternoon on the eve of the crime, until after dark. "That night, Amy's father was out of town. After catching a movie, Amy and her mother returned home late. What they didn't know when they entered the house was that there was already an intruder inside" (CBS News).
6. Perp Waited 4-6 Hours Before Entering Bedroom. The intruder may have waited at least four hours before entering Amy's second-floor bedroom. "Amy's father, who asked that his identity be obscured, agreed to talk about what happened that night: "My feeling is he got into the house while they were out and hid inside the house, so he would have been in there for perhaps four to six hours, hiding" (CBS News).
7. Sexual Assault Occurred at Night While Parent Sleeping. The perp found Amy in bed and assaulted her in the house while mother was sleeping. "Before going to bed, Amy's mother turned on the burglar alarm. Around midnight, Amy woke up to find a man standing over her bed, his hand over her mouth. "She remembered the intruder addressing her by her name," says Peterson. "He said, 'I know who you are.' He repeated those things a few times, apparently. 'I'll knock you out. Shut up.'" (CBS News).
8. Sexual Assault Included Digital Penetration and Oral Sex. Amy was sexually assaulted by penetration of finger or object and orally​

ike JonBenet, she took lessons at Dance West. And like JonBenet, another girl, who is identified as "Amy," was attacked and sexually assaulted at night in her own bedroom on Sept. 14, 1997.

That night, Amy's father was out of town. After catching a movie, Amy and her mother returned home late. What they didn't know when they entered the house was that there was already an intruder inside.

Amy's father, who asked that his identity be obscured, agreed to talk about what happened that night: "My feeling is he got into the house while they were out and hid inside the house, so he would have been in there for perhaps four to six hours, hiding."

Before going to bed, Amy's mother turned on the burglar alarm. Around midnight, Amy woke up to find a man standing over her bed, his hand over her mouth. "She remembered the intruder addressing her by her name," says Peterson. "He said, 'I know who you are.' He repeated those things a few times, apparently. 'I'll knock you out. Shut up.'"

Peterson says Amy's mother heard whispering, and proceeded through the doorway, and saw a person, who just brushed her aside and quickly made his escape by jumping out a second-floor window.

"He was like a ghost," recalls Amy's father. "We couldn't figure out where he came from, or where he went."

By the time the Boulder police arrived, the man was long gone. Because the intruder had gotten in and out of the house so easily, Amy's father began to think this wasn't the first time he had done something like this.

"The first thing that occurred to us was that it was the parallel to the Ramsey case because it was exactly the same situation," says Amy's father, who even told the Boulder police about the Dance West studio connection to the Ramsey case. "I think someone, somewhere, drew a bead on her. Obviously had us under surveillance that we were not aware of."

The studio has since gone out of business and been torn down, but photos show that there was a balcony overlooking the dance floor where parents and anyone else could come in and watch the children.

But Amy's dad says that when he told the police detectives about the information he had, "they were completely uninterested in it."

"They were very frustrated," says Peterson. "It was difficult to get them to do anything much less, you know, beyond taking a report."

But not only did the Boulder police dismiss any link to the Ramsey case, they didn't even bother to use the mother's eyewitness description to make a composite sketch. That's when Amy's family hired Peterson. What he has uncovered in his investigation may not only solve Amy's case, but also help lead to the capture of JonBenet's killer.

Before going to bed, Amy's mother turned on the burglar alarm. Around midnight, Amy woke up to find a man standing over her bed, his hand over her mouth. "She remembered the intruder addressing her by her name," says Peterson. "He said, 'I know who you are.' He repeated those things a few times, apparently. 'I'll knock you out. Shut up.'"

So are you saying Amy made this story up, it's a complete whole-faced fabrication, part of a conspiracy theory to deflect attention from the R's?

Very Sith.

Honestly if this story is 100% fabrication isn't this like making a false police report?

"So you finally accepted the truth"
I mean Jesus you have a lot of inconsistancies with Ramsey actions and statements but this evidence is solid.

I would tend to think of the DNA as fingerprints left at a crime scene. One fingerprint could be random, sure. Never finding out who the owner is. The SAME fingerprints on TWO DIFFERENT items at the crime scene is quite another story. Thats the solid evidence, thats where the DA exhoneration comes from.

Political fun and games, guns for hire, buying your way out of trouble, or anything else didn't bring the DNA, and won't make the DNA go away. It was in her underwear mixed with her blood, and on the sides of her longjohns.

Before, RDI wanted us to believe they were from factory worker, and argued the 'mixed with blood' aspect. Now, RDI wants us to believe JBR smeared innocent DNA around herself, apparently WHILE being murdered, since it was on clothing she was wearing AT THE TIME.
I sense great fear in you, voynich. You have hate, you have anger. But you don't use them.

One shall stand. One shall fall.

Darth Dave,

I hear a voice telling me "good, good. Kill him! Kill him now" And I say "I shouldn't. That is not the ARDI way." "Do it" "You done well Voy, he was to dangerous to be kept alive." Yes but Darth Dave was an unarmed prisoner. He cut off your arm of foresnic linguistics, and you wanted revenge. It's not the first time.
Couple questions:

1. Is there an IDI theory about how intruder could have entered the house, such as obtaining a key or picking the lock/etc?

2. Are there any RDI theories for explaining the *timing* of the murder/accident? Is it just PR's X-mas stress, or do you think that there could be a more sinister explanation for the event to occur on X-mas?
*edited so i can research more*

How did Amy's Rapist enter her house?

That's how.

Now, this is a truly unusual signature for an intruder sexual assault kidnapping.
Indeed. It happened just 9 months afterwards and just a few houses away by a young woman who attended same dance studio as JB
If you're using that CBS story as evidence, voynich, I've got some bad news for you. The only "investigators" who are trying to link this to JB are the PIs working for the Rs, Ollie Gray and John San Augustin. It's not a secret that they were the source for this "story." SD

In fact, the Boulder police dismissed any links to the Ramsey case
Yeah, because they knew there weren't any. This is old news. S D​

So what are the undisputed facts of this story. Shouldn't LE attempt to locate a rapist? We could say look at his DNA, his handwriting, his whereabouts?

Was Amy Raped? Was Amy's fathers statements simply complete fabrication?
While DNA is cool, regarding the viability of Amy rapist did it,

Originally Posted by Maikai View Post
There is such a thing as linkage analysis, to look for similarities in crimes in various locations.

Is there similarities?
Can anyone tell me that they know for sure JB didn't touch or hugged anyone at the White's party for this DNA... And tell me the reasoning behind FW and JR trips to the basement touching anything and everything since this was the way the intruder way out of the house..And why didn't PR recongized the bowl of pineapple but BR did...
Hey SD,

I did attribute those statements to SD-Won. Strictly speaking, if RDI is true, isn't THAT Jedi and IDI sith, from a certain point of view? Isn't the true power of the darkside


In a manner of speaking.

As a measure of my respect, I must say "I'm an IDI, like my father before me. Father, please, help me!" I am not an expert on girls hymens don't have anything to say.

That's just a sample.

I'll have master YODA, the jedi master who trained me, to counter your torrent of evil blue sith lightening. :)

That green freak is no match for a true Sith Lord.

Is there an obgyn-pediatrician in the house?

In all seriousness, voynich, there's a poster by the hat of LinasK who you should talk to. If anyone can answer these questions, she's your best bet.

I've not said much about it -- other than the bubble bath causing irritation.

And I don't buy that one for a minute.

SD-WON I'm a sith lord and Matrix Agent, not a doctor! Anyone here up for pizza delivery? We should get together and get a pizza delivery and some top investigators and even CASKU folks.

Now there's an idea!

anyhow, are you saying that Amy doesn't exist, it's a complete fabrication from the RST?

NO! And people say the Sith twist things around!

what aspects of Amy's rape did happen and how much is it pure fantasy?

Probably all of it. But to connect it to JB sounds to me like a combination of wishful thinking on the part of Team R "investigators" and an overactive imagination on the part of Amy's father.

IOWs, one does not necessarily lead to the other.

So are you saying Amy made this story up, it's a complete whole-faced fabrication, part of a conspiracy theory to deflect attention from the R's?

Even I'm not THAT far-out. Although, now that you mention it, there was another suspicious break-in, but we'll get to that in due course.

Very Sith. Honestly if this story is 100% fabrication isn't this like making a false police report?

I realize this is a novel idea, but instead of making me out to say something I didn't say, try countering what I do say.
Now, RDI wants us to believe JBR smeared innocent DNA around herself, apparently WHILE being murdered, since it was on clothing she was wearing AT THE TIME.

That's not quite accurate. Nobody is claiming she smeared it on herself while she was being murdered. Speaking purely for myself, quite the opposite. Just because she had that clothing on at the time doesn't mean it was deposited at that exact moment. It could have been there far longer than that. In fact, that's my whole point: that it was too old to have been left there that night.

Just thought you'd want to know. I don't care if someone disagrees with me, but I prefer they do it honestly.

Now, this is a truly unusual signature for an intruder sexual assault kidnapping.
Indeed. It happened just 9 months afterwards and just a few houses away by a young woman who attended same dance studio as JB
If you're using that CBS story as evidence, voynich, I've got some bad news for you. The only "investigators" who are trying to link this to JB are the PIs working for the Rs, Ollie Gray and John San Augustin. It's not a secret that they were the source for this "story." SD

In fact, the Boulder police dismissed any links to the Ramsey case
Yeah, because they knew there weren't any. This is old news. S D​

So what are the undisputed facts of this story. Shouldn't LE attempt to locate a rapist? We could say look at his DNA, his handwriting, his whereabouts?

Sure. Hey, don't get me wrong: nothing like this should be ignored.

Was Amy Raped? Was Amy's fathers statements simply complete fabrication?

I imagine it did happen. But it's one thing to say it happened. It is another thing all together to say it was the same person.
In a manner of speaking.

That's just a sample.

That green freak is no match for a true Sith Lord.

In all seriousness, voynich, there's a poster by the hat of LinasK who you should talk to. If anyone can answer these questions, she's your best bet.

And I don't buy that one for a minute.

Now there's an idea!

NO! And people say the Sith twist things around!

Probably all of it. But to connect it to JB sounds to me like a combination of wishful thinking on the part of Team R "investigators" and an overactive imagination on the part of Amy's father.

IOWs, one does not necessarily lead to the other.

Even I'm not THAT far-out. Although, now that you mention it, there was another suspicious break-in, but we'll get to that in due course.

I realize this is a novel idea, but instead of making me out to say something I didn't say, try countering what I do say.

So if AR what aspects of the report, esp from 48 hours, is RST?

what's over active imagination to say a guy that can rape Amy in her house with parent present could also get JB?

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