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Just spitballing here, but what if the person didn't even intend to cause grievous bodily harm and it happened anyway?

My post was a little scatterbrained, but what I meant to say is that there are two possibilities if the attacker didn't intend JBR's death

1. He intended serious bodily harm.<---you are correct that if the attacker didn't intend serious bodily harm, then they would be ineligible.

2. He was guilty of depraved heart murder. <-----This is the bigger stretch for an attacker, depending on HOW and WHAT hit JBR. The Colorado statute provides a person is guilty of murder IF:::

"(d) Under circumstances evidencing an attitude of universal malice manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life generally, he knowingly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to a person, or persons, other than himself, and thereby causes the death of another; "

The knowledge standard is different in these scenarios. I may not INTEND that JBR's head is cracked open, but I know that hitting someone with a bat very well could. There is some precedent of charging dumb parents or risky parents with this form of murder. see
Most pedophile child rapists kidnappers remove the child from the home, commit their crimes elsewhere, and don't leave ransom notes. Having a parent in the home is NOT a deterrent. Prime examples: Polly Klass, Danielle Van Damme, and Sandra Cantu cases.

The fact that AR raped Amy in her home makes it even more of a behavioral fingerprint. AR did not attempt an extraction.

How many MORE children would be raped if the parents weren't home, and criminals knew this? If it is not a deterrent then a keystone of RDI would be undermined, namely, what intruder would attack while R's slept upstairs?
It seems to me, though, that the brutality, the murderous violence is obviously missing. A hand over the mouth, and an unarmed sexual assault? Plus, I'm not sure if a perp is going to go from an elaborate ransom note kidnap basement scenario, with parents two floors away, to mom in the next room within earshot while he talks. Did JBR's intruder take a stupid pill? Where did the brutality go?

What do you think AR would have done to Amy if he had not been interrupted?
Then how do we innocently explain John's shirt fibers being found in JB's panties?????

If these fibers were black in color, I'd like to point out

Fiber evidence shows that JonBenet's attacker may have been wearing black, as was the man who attacked Amy
I don't doubt this girl was attacked, however, I see absolutely no connection to JB's murder, other than the odd coincidence that they both attended the same dance studio. So do lots of other unrelated girls. Millions of little girls take dance lessons, I did growing up, and my daughter does now. Red herring...

1- entry into a home,
2- hid out for several hours while family away
3- assaulted Amy after dark
4- did not attempt an extraction of Amy
5- wore black-fibers colored clothing
6- knew Amy's name,
7- oral sex, no semen or penile penetration attempted
8- was able to completely control Amy
9- knew house well enough to enter, go to Amy's room, and quickly exit
10 - apparently brought little with him, did not steal anything
And... fibers from John's black shirt made in Israel, were found in JB's panties...

and black shirt was what Amy's intruder was wearing

Fiber evidence shows that JonBenet's attacker may have been wearing black, as was the man who attacked Amy

How can you say that black fibers were from John's shirt as opposed to another black shirt?

While specific details are unstated, in order for Amy to be orally assaulted, obviously, at a minimum this requires her panties to be pulled o down moved aside.
Like you, I'm not a Patsy did it/Bedwetting Rage accident. I think this was a sex abuse crime by John, with Patsy helping him cover it up. Then again, Sandra Cantu's killer may make me re-think my position...

John's other daughter Melissa stated John never sexually molested her nor JAR and BR and spoke for her dead sister as not having that happen either.
First of all, JB was tied up, how could she use her hands to scratch them beyond whatever DNA was found under her fingernails? Secondly, her fibers were contaminated by theirs when they both were in contact with the body. She may not have actively fought back if John had been habitually abusing her, after all these were her parents, and many victims do bond with their attackers- Stockholm syndrome I believe it's called. The reason no blood, I think is because JB was strangled first by the garrote pulled too tight, then they finished her off once they realized she was too far gone by hitting her with the golf club over the head. Now you have a closed-head trauma on an already dead victim. Overkill, but no blood. Patsy could have cleaned up any ink stains (or pineapple) later on because she wrote the note as an after fact.

I actually think strangulation would help IDI more than RDI, is there any evidence of a previous use by JR (or anyone else) using sexual garrotte as a sexual device on JB? This would obviously reduce the likelihood of a rage attack.

Given that JB was in public and gave public performances and highly photographed, with plans for more public exposure, the likelihood that JR would attempt an injury such as a neck-rope-garrotte, which would leave a highly visible mark, which would prompt questions, seems highly unlikely. Esp given RDI claims that staging and RN shows planning and forethought.
But really Beth can not be brought into this by the family especially since she can't speak for herself.. And since the what if's is being brought up what if Beth did say yes this happen and if family members are so easy to disagree on such matters Beth most likely wouldn't confide in them speaking from experience here..
But really Beth can not be brought into this by the family especially since she can't speak for herself.. And since the what if's is being brought up what if Beth did say yes this happen and if family members are so easy to disagree on such matters Beth most likely wouldn't confide in them speaking from experience here..

Is there any evidence Beth was molested by JR? Did she confide this to anyone say bf or sister or JAR or R's first wife, or did JR's first wife ever suspect this?

I don't have any explanation for chronic inflammation in JBs vagina but given Melissa's statement, it seems unlikely JB was molested by JR IMHO. If Melissa or JAR or BR stated they routinely played doctor w/JR and he especially liked choking, then I would switch to JRDI ASAP. Can we rule out BR (or another schoolmate) playing doctor w/JB say one time one week prior to her murder, or perhaps a nurse or md visit and examination of the vagina?
What do you think AR would have done to Amy if he had not been interrupted?

Uh, not headbashed or garrote strangled or written ransom notes? There was no weapon, right? No pen or paper, no extortion or threat to behead?

I think I would take BPD and the DA more seriously on whether or not the cases are linked. I see no reason to doubt BPD or the DA.
See I said what if not for sure about Beth but using a paintbrush other than well you know what I'm getting at here seems like someone was trying to hide what some say is prior abuse now if BR or one of his little friends was playing doctor with JB wouldn't it be their little secrets see BR was asked about secrets and he said if I tell it wouldn't be a secret anymore or to that effect read it in Bonita's papers...
See I said what if not for sure about Beth but using a paintbrush other than well you know what I'm getting at here seems like someone was trying to hide what some say is prior abuse now if BR or one of his little friends was playing doctor with JB wouldn't it be their little secrets see BR was asked about secrets and he said if I tell it wouldn't be a secret anymore or to that effect read it in Bonita's papers...

How would JR or PR know of chronic inflammation, not visible to the human eye, requiring a biopsy and pathologist, know to even cover prior abuse?
Prior abuse is an RDI myth.

It was fabricated on dubious observations by armchair experts paid for by the tabs. They profited during those years by feeding on a rich family scandal that was created.

Dont take my word for it, check out some of those old issues with JBR posing with red lipstick on it, taken from her pageants. The tabs placed those pictures next to pictures of the 'suspect for the day' including JMK and JR. This suggested sex crime scenarios involving children and adults that otherwise did not exist, and displayed them on supermarket shelves. I'm sure JBR would've been surprised at how her pageant photos were ultimately used.
Uh, not headbashed or garrote strangled or written ransom notes? There was no weapon, right? No pen or paper, no extortion or threat to behead?

I think I would take BPD and the DA more seriously on whether or not the cases are linked. I see no reason to doubt BPD or the DA.

With the information provided, I can't say one way or the other, other facts I'd like to see addressed was how long was Amy raped before mother intervened and at one time of the night did this happen (definitely at night).

It's a bit unclear to me how you would perform cunnlingus on a girl while also preventing her from fighting back hard or screeming.

Amy's father said BPD took a report but seemed to show little additional interest, and did not even sketch the attacker.

At this time BPD had tunnel vision on RDI. Even Amy's father states this.

IF they still have Amy's pubic hair or vaginal swab or panties they could do DNA testing. Is there a statute of limitations for rape in Co?
Is it possible to access this police report under FOIA?
With the information provided, I can't say one way or the other, other facts I'd like to see addressed was how long was Amy raped before mother intervened and at one time of the night did this happen (definitely at night).

It's a bit unclear to me how you would perform cunnlingus on a girl while also preventing her from fighting back hard or screeming.

Amy's father said BPD took a report but seemed to show little additional interest, and did not even sketch the attacker.

At this time BPD had tunnel vision on RDI. Even Amy's father states this.

IF they still have Amy's pubic hair or vaginal swab or panties they could do DNA testing. Is there a statute of limitations for rape in Co?
Is it possible to access this police report under FOIA?

My suggestion is, since you're discussing a living person that you should consider some restraint.
And in the case of Amy..Was the hospital checked cause jumping from two stories ouch...I'm really just wondering here..Also I find it odd her father didn't want his name known..
And in the case of Amy..Was the hospital checked cause jumping from two stories ouch...I'm really just wondering here..Also I find it odd her father didn't want his name known..

If we know her father's name we'd know her name.

I'm sure you know the media respects rape victims anonymity.

Kobe Bryant anyone? Duke Lacrosse players?
With the information provided, I can't say one way or the other, other facts I'd like to see addressed was how long was Amy raped before mother intervened and at one time of the night did this happen (definitely at night).

It's a bit unclear to me how you would perform cunnlingus on a girl while also preventing her from fighting back hard or screeming.

Amy's father said BPD took a report but seemed to show little additional interest, and did not even sketch the attacker.

At this time BPD had tunnel vision on RDI. Even Amy's father states this.

IF they still have Amy's pubic hair or vaginal swab or panties they could do DNA testing. Is there a statute of limitations for rape in Co?
Is it possible to access this police report under FOIA?

Hi voynich.

It's a bit unclear to me how you would perform ....

a child could be overwhelemed and frozen with fear.

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