Again, what you think is stupid is not illegal. Do I like what I see going on? No. But it's not tresspassing if they stay where they are supposed to.
Several local posters have posted that the HOA issue is not the case.
1. Again you are miss quoting me. An angry mob key word MOB
Main Entry: 1mob
Pronunciation: \ˈmäb\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin mobile vulgus vacillating crowd
Date: 1688
1: a large or disorderly crowd; especially : one bent on riotous or destructive action
2: the lower classes of a community : masses, rabble
3chiefly Australian : a flock, drove, or herd of animals
4: a criminal set : gang; especially often capitalized : mafia 1
5chiefly British : a group of people : crowd
synonyms see crowd
mob·bish \ˈmä-bish\ adjective
PLEASE consider I am refering to number one and not number 2, 3 or even 4 in this case.
An angry mob is illigal. Thus it is stupid. PLease stop trying to say I think peacful protest is stupid or that I am even agreaing or disagreaing with them being there at all I am simply pointing out facts. and YES I believe an ANGRY MOB is STUPID.
And many of the protesters are occasionally tresspassing and being dissorderly.
As far as the property now you claim local posters say its not an issue? I am a local poster I live in Orlando and it CAN very much so be an HOA issue. We have nothing here to show us who owns that land from the sidewalk out and it can be the HOA.
I am not even trying to disagree with them protesting. These are facts, I am a homeowner and I know for a fact my property in Orlando extends to the street. I also know personally know people who live in subdivisions in Orlando that the HOA owns from the sidewalk out including the sidewalk. BUT this is all besides the point I had also said "lets not squabble over a few feet and start breaking out the tape measure."
But yet you came right back with more retort to point that some people said HOA is not a problem. I maintain it can be but said thats
not the point anyway , who cares who owns it. The point as I also stated before is Point is if they keep being a nuisance crowd eventually LE will kick everyone out and lock down the street.
Please I am not trying to argue here, and I am not trying to get into a long conversation over property rights I am just trying to help you and others understand that 1. there could be one more factor HOA and 2. who cares anyway. Property can be broken down into various methods in subdivisions these days but again who cares this is jsut making circular arguments over something that does not matter anway in the long run. Because the whole point to any of this is and I shall say it once more the "Point is if they keep being a nuisance crowd eventually LE will kick everyone out and lock down the street."
As long as they are peacable, protest on.....
and as I said before You know if you owned a helicopter you could hover above there house 24 hours a day if you can get air traffic control permmision, after all they don't own the sky!!! <- absurd argument to prove a point.
sigh... anyway...