Are West Mesa & LI murders related?

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I personally don't. But now the GB4 and AC4 are whole different story and I am starting to believe they are the same guy possibly.
West Mesa victims were mainly Hispanic, which would not fit the LISK preference.

I still think, though, that LISK is still out there and has moved on to different hunting grounds, and since his victims are "just" prostitutes, no one will care that women are missing until someone finds a body.
The West Mesa killing were suggested as being connected to the State Fair. I'm not opposed to a possible connection as a certain Oak Beach Doctor...not Dr Hacket...shows a New Mexico address..this DR was Inspector's first suspect because of the burlap hanging in his yall remmeber
The killer called Amanda. I wonder what kind of accent he has. NYC accent is unmistakable.
I feel like LE is inadvertantly protecting a killer by not releasing his voice. More people could die as a result of this.
No connection. Why suggest that there is one? I don't get it.
There could be a connection. The fact that the AC murders took place over a month shows that if the SK was staying in AC that whole time then he could be traveling and spending a month here a month there...could be driving anywhere all over the US including a certain DR from OAK BEACH moved right after the gilgo4 so it could be a can;t say there's not a connection until you prove it!
Likewise, you can't say that there *is* a connection until you prove it.

For instance, I've seen Israel Keyes suggested as a suspect in crimes that have already been solved (e.g., the Neff murder). It's just that he's the sort of bogeyman that some folks like to stand behind and accuse of crimes, regardless of the evidence.

The standard isn't about what cannot be disproved (or else we could blame everything on UFOs, insofar as that can't be disproved) -- the standard is about what can we prove, positively.

....seems 99% likely that the main poi Montoya was the sk.....1% possible on another dude with the initials (ironically) of JB, who was never officially named as a poi--and oddly of all things, found in one of the graves was a piece of plastic id tag from a tree tag that was purchased at a nursery where that JB used to buy a lot of stuff as a landscaper...yikes
good points CM...but there's still the issue of the phone calls claiming to be the SK
good points CM...but there's still the issue of the phone calls claiming to be the SK

I wonder why Amanda has never commented on the West Mesa recording...I would imagine she would IMMEDIATELY recognize it as yes or no to being a match....can't imagine she would ever forget the voice....
Could the west Mesa killings in Albuquerque in 2009 also be linked to the long island killer .
i just can’t shake the feeling that these crimes may be related. Both kill prosistitutes, both have the same number of victims, LISK could’ve moved to Mesa, travelled there for some reason.
I don’t think there’s any connection whatsoever. Sadly there’s tons of sickos and unidentified serial killers all over America who love taking advantage of vulnerable sex workers who they think won’t be missed. The victimology is so common. I think the FBI’s estimate for how many serial killers are “operating” in the country at any given time is much lower than the real number.

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