Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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See now I heard that as indignation from KC..As IF! her own mother would think that she could possibly be involved in something happening to Caylee.
When CA made that third call to 911, I heard a loud and distinct <click> as the light went on in her mind. She knew at that moment, for the first time that this was real bad stuff. jmho of course !

Maybe the confusion in what you hear in that statement is because she was trying to sound indignant but was lying, therefore it wasn't quite convincingly indignant? A lot of her statements have weird intonation, stressing syllables that wouldn't normally be stressed, not stressing others that would normally be stressed. I think this is because she's lying.
They ALL had their stories down pat and all in agreement the night of July 15th.
Why? Because they ALL said the 9th of June and decided that would be the date, but it didn't fly once they realized the videos of Great Grandpa told the tale.

Couple that with the angry jail house call to her mother, "YOU don't know what MY involvement is?"
That's almost like saying, "Ah now you want me to take the whole fall? "
Or that's not what we ALL agreed on.
Hi, Sorry if this has been discussed, but is a retention pond one that contains overflow water and then completely dries up and refills over and again with rainwater? I read there was no water there when the bag was put there and also that it was partially buried.

I always worried alligators had found the body which is why it was never found. If that water dries up in warm weather, would it be a place where they would normally inhabit? They would have to walk across a road to get there then? I have never been to Fl ;} Ta

Some retention ponds hold water all the time but are deep enough to hold additional stormwater. A lot of the pretty ponds you see in new development look like decoration but are really for stormwater management.
Hear me out before moving this post or commenting. This has been driving me nutz since she was found. IT IS TOO STRANGE that her body was found less than 1/3 mile away from their house.

Cadaver dogs can hit and actually follow a trail once they do. RE: Scott Peterson for example. They actually followed from the Petersons' driveway, all the way to the Interstate.

Ok now there were two sets of dogs that hit. Also there were more dogs that were brought in to search, many searches done by very qualified people.
Little bones are hard to find in deeply wooded areas. A BLACK GARBAGE BAG ISN'T that hard to see.

She actually was preserved and not discarded as many of us thought, thus the protection of the plastic bag. The alligators didn't get her etc etc.
The A's were conveniently out of town when she was found, Lee hasn't shown his face.

Chickasaw Trail is a trail kids and others travel !! SHE WASN'T BURIED, SHE WAS IN PLAIN SIGHT WHERE A FENCE HAD BEEN ERECTED EVEN !!

GA said this needs to STOP !! He's been trying to tell LE in his own way, without CA interferring.

Obstruction charges being bantered about, directly from the Sheriff. What does this leave to the imagination?? Not too much when you put it all together. :rolleyes:

Until I heard about the flooding, I thought the same. I've never been in the "there was an accomplice" camp, but I did think it was convenient that the body was found so soon after the dp was taken off the table.
Someone asked who KioMarie is- I am pretty sure she was the girl who wanted to adopt Caylee and she was the one who used to hang out with Casey in the woods where Caylee was found- correct me people if I am wrong

You're correct.
remember...Casey borrowed Cindy's vehicle, GA followed her. Casey left her vehicle with Cindy at the house. Cindy had access to that vehicle.

Yes, but that would mean that Casey would have driven around with Caylee in the trunk, discovered her because of the smell, texted her friends about the smell, not have worried about the fact that she hadn't seen her daughter in weeks, not called cindy repeatedly to check on her daughter, etc. And if you suppose that Cindy put her in the trunk temporarily then moved her, test suggest that the body was in the car for it doesn't explain casey texting about the smell, the chloroform that was looked up on the home computer while Cindy was at work, etc.

Plus, Casey's pings put her there. Also, Casey calling Tony to the area? Breaking in to get the gas cans? Abandoning her car? The many lies? Partying when she hadn't seen her daughter? Cindy's myspace blog? The nanny lies?

I understand what you're saying, I just think it's a large leap. If Casey's daughter were murdered and she had no involvement, she would have been horrified. Also, when would Cindy have done it? That night? While George was there? Then put her in Casey's car the next day? Did Casey leave the house in Cindy's car last night?

I'm just not buying it...but like I said, I appreciate reading the different viewpoint!
Originally Posted by madeleine
when i first heard that they are searching the a home again my first thought was that they wanna prove that something happened recently and it's related to the crime.

i mean,why seize the vaccums etc after so much time?

They would take anything that might provide any type of evidence. How often does anyone change cleaner bags in their vacuum, maybe once a year? A vacuum could have picked up Caylee's hair with a death band around it, if she had been laid on the floor. It could have picked up traces of soil that would match where Caylee was found, off someone's shoes.
They ALL had their stories down pat and all in agreement the night of July 15th.
Why? Because they ALL said the 9th of June and decided that would be the date, but it didn't fly once they realized the videos of Great Grandpa told the tale.

Couple that with the angry jail house call to her mother, "YOU don't know what MY involvement is?"
That's almost like saying, "Ah now you want me to take the whole fall? "
Or that's not what we ALL agreed on.


This also makes me believe why CA said, when she sat down for her 1 st taped chat with Casey...the first words out of her mouth "I forgive you for anything you may have said" and casey responds, "oh dont worryI havent saud anything"......
The body wasn't moved by anyone. It was dumped right there (or very close to the spot) in June, the water rose above the dump site in the August Hurricane and then the garbage bag was exposed when the water receded. The water rising and receding may have moved it a bit, or removed whatever covered it or flushed it from its hiding spot.
But, KC did it, no one else. No one moved the body to frame her.

Cadaver dogs are not tracking dogs. The dogs in SP were tracking dogs.

NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE is setting Casey up

No, I don't mean they put it there to frame her, I think they moved it there so it would be found and this could be over.
If, by your words 'Anyone with half a brain can see Casey did this and did it on purpose' you are referring to premeditated murder, then I guess I must have only half a brain!

Nothing that I have read so far from the evidence and facts proves that Caylee was intentionally murdered, or that it was her mother that did it.

We have seen some evidence that supports the prosecution's case.We have naturally been shown very little of the evidence that would weaken their case. There is a selective process here
,for obvious reasons. We have also had the benefit? of media sensationalism and often creative and selective reporting. If you take these juicy tit-bits and spin them around in a melting pot of rampant imagination and human emotions, it is not surprising that many people are already convinced that KC intentionally murdered her own child. But that does not make it a fact!

So I will contradict your statement by saying that anyone with half a brain knows that you need all the facts and evidence before you will see that KC did this and did it on purpose.

I used the red since the quoted poster already had bolded.

Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Taken from Sec3.220 addressing Duties of Prosecution:

Prosecution must Disclose:
witnesses known by the prosecutor to have any material information that tends to negate the guilt of the defendant as
to any offense charged,....

(4) As soon as practicable after the filing of the charging document the prosecutor shall disclose to the defendant
any material information within the state’s possession or control that tends to negate the guilt of the defendant as to any
offense charged,
regardless of whether the defendant has incurred reciprocal discovery obligations.

JB cannot keep quiet about pretend exonerating evidence. I don't believe he would "sit on" the real thing.
Judge Strickland has told the Prosecution, loud and clear, in open Court, that any exculpatory evidence they have must be handed over...Prosecution at that time acknowledged their extreme familiarity with these rules.

Perhaps it just doesn't exist.
Have you guys ever dug a hole in Florida? At approximately 2 ft water starts filling in the hole. Makes for hard digging not to mention the roots of trees and nearby plants. There have been different reports concerning the water level at this location at the time. Which was it, under water or not? Areas such as this location with thick vegetation can conceal a vehicle and you would have a hard time finding it. JMO
Originally Posted by madeleine
when i first heard that they are searching the a home again my first thought was that they wanna prove that something happened recently and it's related to the crime.

i mean,why seize the vaccums etc after so much time?

They would take anything that might provide any type of evidence. How often does anyone change cleaner bags in their vacuum, maybe once a year? A vacuum could have picked up Caylee's hair with a death band around it, if she had been laid on the floor. It could have picked up traces of soil that would match where Caylee was found, off someone's shoes.

If fibers were found on the adhesive side of the tape, LE will want to check those against the fibers found in the Anthony home where Caylee's face may have been when she was gagged.

It is reasonable that those fibers would include fibers from pillows, carpet or maybe a blanket or throw etc.
LE was called to Chickasaw & Suburban before.

The Guardian Angels who were protecting Casey surrounded a car parked off the road close to that intersection. I wonder how far that car, the Guardian angels and LE were from Caylee?

The search site is actually to the east amd south of the intersection of Suburban and Hopesprings, down Suburban from Chickasaw. I don't know why the original call said the intersection of Chickasaw and Suburban. Maybe that's where their truck was parked.
See now I heard that as indignation from KC..As IF! her own mother would think that she could possibly be involved in something happening to Caylee.
When CA made that third call to 911, I heard a loud and distinct <click> as the light went on in her mind. She knew at that moment, for the first time that this was real bad stuff. jmho of course !

Ditto here...I always interpreted it that way
Cindy's first interviews on GVS and NG gave me the heebie jeebies, especially the one where she threw a hissy fit after Greta asked some softball question, accusing Greta of trying to make her pass out to create more sensationalism for ratings.

I thought she was lying from the very start and she certainly didn't act like someone who had juyst learned her granddaughter was missing, which has made me wonder all along exactly when the coverup started. My most off the wall thought is that perhaps Cindy and George knew from the very beginning, waited a month and then staged the whole scenario of finding the car, dragging Casey home, the multiple 911 calls and so on.

I try not to go off into flights of fancy but this one has stuck with me as at least a possibility. Okay, I'm :crazy:

In my opinion, you're not crazy at all, you are just starting to really think this through.
Very little makes sense in all of this and yes I do believe KC is responsible for Caylee's death but remember a jury must convict her on clear and convincing evidence. I just think that this could be an area where huge holes are poked in the clear and convincing part. There are just simply other possibilities and that is all the defense must prove. Remember, Casey is innocent until proven guilty. Man, that was hard to type!

I agree, and you are doing a great job of raising those ideas. It's so good to come at this from all sides! I think your theories/opinions/playing devil's advocate is awesome. It helps to have many minds attacking these ideas:)

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