Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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I was so frustrated she didn't get to say her final peace. (stacy) EVERYONE and their uncle keeps reminding us TM couldn't search, lost his 4 wheeler, blah blah...

No one is bringing up the point that LE did search there, most have searched there, should have searched there, didn't search there (and that was a mistake) regardless. TM's people aren't the ONLY people that have searched. Surely LE had people out at the beginning.

The shovel and the cadaver dogs should have led them straight to the woods behind that house while they were still dry. That was early on.

As for the dogs...I don't think cadaver dogs are trained to track?? I think they would have needed bloodhounds (or tracking type dogs). They should have given them CASEY's scent to follow in the woods.

AND the fence was put up recently. Not sure when, but after the June date. Those guys missed it too? And yes Stacy was trying to get the last word and the poor reporter was shaking her head NO vigorously, re: the rain there at the time. The rains came after.
If, by your words 'Anyone with half a brain can see Casey did this and did it on purpose' you are referring to premeditated murder, then I guess I must have only half a brain!

Nothing that I have read so far from the evidence and facts proves that Caylee was intentionally murdered, or that it was her mother that did it.

We have seen some evidence that supports the prosecution's case. We have naturally been shown very little of the evidence that would weaken their case. There is a selective process here, for obvious reasons. We have also had the benefit? of media sensationalism and often creative and selective reporting. If you take these juicy tit-bits and spin them around in a melting pot of rampant imagination and human emotions, it is not surprising that many people are already convinced that KC intentionally murdered her own child. But that does not make it a fact!

So I will contradict your statement by saying that anyone with half a brain knows that you need all the facts and evidence before you will see that KC did this and did it on purpose.

no one knows exactly what happened, or if it was premeditated or not at this point
but it is pretty obvious that Casey was responsible for Caylee's death
at some point logic and reason has to factor into the equation
she didn't report her child was missing,- fact
she acted quite normal during the time her daugther was "missing" -fact
she partied, shopped, got a tat etc etc -fact
she lied to LE who were there to help her find her missing daugther - fact
she made up people that didn't exist - fact
specifically she made up ZG, who she said took her daugher - fact
on the everning of the day her daughter went missing she is in blockbuster casually walking around with her boyfriend renting videos - fact
item in her car point to a dead body being in there - fact
her own parents both admit that it smelled like a dead body, a former cop and a nurse who are familiar with that smell -fact
I could go on and on
Pesticides have a strong odor. The stupid girl may have used pesticides to try to mask the strong odor of decomp.

Did they seize pesticides or did they seize sprayer tanks used to spray pesticides and other garden products? I have a couple, one for pesticides and the other for liquid fertilizers. You can use them to spray anything that's a liquid.
Ya know that's another thing that makes me shudder. When talking to her mother on the phone from jail, she says "YOU don't know what MY involvement is?" I brought this up before and it was dismissed by a few posters, but she sounds like she is throwing it back at CA angrily.
See now I heard that as indignation from KC..As IF! her own mother would think that she could possibly be involved in something happening to Caylee.
When CA made that third call to 911, I heard a loud and distinct <click> as the light went on in her mind. She knew at that moment, for the first time that this was real bad stuff. jmho of course !
WHY wouldn't Casey have told the truth that it was Cindy? if I really loved my child, and my abusive mom murdered her, I would be screaming from the rooftops. She would never be taking all of this heat for Cindy.

Also, if she perhaps didn't know that Cindy killed her, she would have never have made up the work/nanny stories, etc. She wouldn't just make that up out of the blue. She would point to the Father's Day tape and say, See? THEY had her last. I never saw her.

Also, how would the body get in Casey's trunk, when friends saw Casey driving the car?

Also, Casey admits to having her last (except for the...uh..."babysitter")

We don't know that Cindy's dinner cost $100.00. We don't know that the dinner and hotel weren't paid for by someone what sympathized with the family, after hearing the findings. We don't know that they didn't go to those places for the high security and privacy- not that I'm condoning anything the Anthony's have done. But if I had been covering for my murderous child, and very possible proof of her remains had surfaced, I'd know that I did not want to face any reporters or angry protesters, and I'd feel a lot safer in a nice large hotel than in a freakin' motel 8 and at McDonalds.

I hope you don't think I'm being disagreeable, I really do appreciate the fresh viewpoint of your post. I like considering the different possibilities...this is just my thoughts after considering that...


1- I think that Casey would have thrown Cindy under the bus long ago.
I do not think Casey would protect Cindy.
2- I do not think Cindy is going out for $100.00 dinners. She was not able to go home after she arrived because they Finlay got a search warrant and were in there confiscating things that they should have had before now.
(IMHO that warrant was long past due) Dinner was comped by LKL show.
3- While it is very hard to believe that a Mom can harm her kid. JUST LOOK at the chain of events. This is a Mom that went out dancing when her kid was missing. :eek:

Very little makes sense in all of this and yes I do believe KC is responsible for Caylee's death but remember a jury must convict her on clear and convincing evidence. I just think that this could be an area where huge holes are poked in the clear and convincing part. There are just simply other possibilities and that is all the defense must prove. Remember, Casey is innocent until proven guilty. Man, that was hard to type!
I wonder if it was weighted down, otherwise it would have been floating until a week ago, or could it have floated to that spot from somewhere else? I still think someone moved it there to be found, I know if it was me, I sure would have hidden it better than that.

I hope Lee can account for all his time over the last 2 months. I know I may get beat up for this, but I really think in a time of desperation, he would be the only person she could go to. JMO
Did they seize pesticides or did they seize sprayer tanks used to spray pesticides and other garden products? I have a couple, one for pesticides and the other for liquid fertilizers. You can use them to spray anything that's a liquid.

I've been trying to figure out what the tanks had in them and what they could have been used for in this case. I have several. Weed Killer, Bug killer, touchup stain for deck. I keep coming back to bug killer. Bugs would have been a major problem. Especially if Caylee was in the trunk until the 24th. The decomp process from the bug spray would have been merely a side effect of trying to get rid of the bugs.
The body wasn't moved by anyone. It was dumped right there (or very close to the spot) in June, the water rose above the dump site in the August Hurricane and then the garbage bag was exposed when the water receded. The water rising and receding may have moved it a bit, or removed whatever covered it or flushed it from its hiding spot.
But, KC did it, no one else. No one moved the body to frame her.

Cadaver dogs are not tracking dogs. The dogs in SP were tracking dogs.

NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE is setting KC up.

There are very good reasons why the body was not located earlier, the first of course being that KC would not divulge its location. TM gave a very credible explanation as to why the area could not be searched more thouroughly - it was under 3 feet of water! I got it. Why didn't anyone stumble upon the garbage bag before? Well, the water just started to recede 7-10 days before the bag was found.

There were some folks who suggested that Laci's body was dumped by the real killer once it was announced that SP went fishing at that spot on the day Laci disappeared, in order to frame him for the murder. It was BS then and it is BS now.

Come on folks, don't get all wobbly on this. This is KC and KC only.
If, by your words 'Anyone with half a brain can see Casey did this and did it on purpose' you are referring to premeditated murder, then I guess I must have only half a brain!

Nothing that I have read so far from the evidence and facts proves that Caylee was intentionally murdered, or that it was her mother that did it.

We have seen some evidence that supports the prosecution's case. We have naturally been shown very little of the evidence that would weaken their case. There is a selective process here, for obvious reasons. We have also had the benefit? of media sensationalism and often creative and selective reporting. If you take these juicy tit-bits and spin them around in a melting pot of rampant imagination and human emotions, it is not surprising that many people are already convinced that KC intentionally murdered her own child. But that does not make it a fact!

So I will contradict your statement by saying that anyone with half a brain knows that you need all the facts and evidence before you will see that KC did this and did it on purpose.

There are way too many unanswered questions for me to believe this was premeditated. Why would even somebody with half a brain concoct such a bezaar story in the first place if it was premeditated.

With no one home most of the time, it would have been easy just to let Caylee drown, pretend that you went inside to use the bathroom, answer the phone, get a towel etc. and came back and found her drowned. Call 911 and ooops we had an accident. Collect the insurance go on with life. That's what anybody with half a brain would have done. No, I believe there was an accident and panic and then the half brain concocted this fable or there really was someone else involved.

There are still lots of unknowns. Where did Casey spend the days and where was Caylee during this time. Was she involved in something spenicer or was she just a bum stealing from everyone. There are just lots of things that don't make sense if we have premeditated this fable.

I don't believe someone planning a murder carries a dead smelly body around town for days or weeks and then just dumps her on the side of the road.
Body too close to road for them not to have searched even if there was water it would have been on the edge of the water and that water didn't come until mid August. Sloppy police work.
From July 16 to the 30 (31st wasn't available) there was only 3.64" of rain total according to the Orlando airport history. So, the idea it was underwater when the police should have been doing their main search is out of the question. Most days was 0-.1". Also, the ferns I saw in the video the teen took don't grow that much in just a week, at least not in my neck of the woods. the same type grows here, if I was seeing it clearly.

If any of the A's moved the body later as some are implying they wouldn't be so stupid as to leave items to trace. G was a homicide detective, for heaven's sake. If the others weren't wise to forensic evidence before, they sure would be during the course of this nightmare they've been going through. Now, one thing is true. If the bag had been laying there for a while, the plant growth would die temporarily. But, that would happen in a week or two. At least this is true on my land.


I live just north of Tampa and we have had drought conditions here for months, however the Cypress Trees still have water pools and from what I can see in msn virtual earth the area where the remains were found has Cypress Trees ( they turn brown this time of year). So it is very possible there was standing water and I am sure if an expert is needed there wil be one to confirm or deny the water amount.
AND the fence was put up recently. Not sure when, but after the June date. Those guys missed it too? And yes Stacy was trying to get the last word and the poor reporter was shaking her head NO vigorously, re: the rain there at the time. The rains came after.

If the area is prone to swampy standing water, it doesn't matter if the heavy rains started later. It still could have had water. I've repeated this I don't know how many times but the kid from the neighborhood said there's water back there almost all year. My swamp doesn't dry up completely ever, not during the dry season, not even during several years of drought.

Maybe the kid doesn't know what he's talking about but he lives there, I don't know if any reporters live there.
Cindy's first interviews on GVS and NG gave me the heebie jeebies, especially the one where she threw a hissy fit after Greta asked some softball question, accusing Greta of trying to make her pass out to create more sensationalism for ratings.

I thought she was lying from the very start and she certainly didn't act like someone who had juyst learned her granddaughter was missing, which has made me wonder all along exactly when the coverup started. My most off the wall thought is that perhaps Cindy and George knew from the very beginning, waited a month and then staged the whole scenario of finding the car, dragging Casey home, the multiple 911 calls and so on.

I try not to go off into flights of fancy but this one has stuck with me as at least a possibility. Okay, I'm :crazy:

It may blow up on all of them.........If she decides to use my ...........BUT GEORGE defense..........I believe they have had this on the back burner all the time. With her talking about the sexual abuse by GA and LA, and the fact that GA by his OWN admission was the last one to see Caylee. She won't see ANY of the family since jail this time.

If she said she left the night before angry and never saw Caylee again and CA & George were there so she thought Caylee was well cared for and she was just hanging out with all her homies for 30 days and did not want to go home because she would have to keep Caylee. Then she finds out that Cindy did not KNOW GA had Caylee and now she is afraid of GA killing her mother and brother if she told. (gun in car LE took)

GA had "spare key" to her car, put the body in there and then disposed of it. Tape on mouth for sexual abuse.
Very little makes sense in all of this and yes I do believe KC is responsible for Caylee's death but remember a jury must convict her on clear and convincing evidence. I just think that this could be an area where huge holes are poked in the clear and convincing part. There are just simply other possibilities and that is all the defense must prove. Remember, Casey is innocent until proven guilty. Man, that was hard to type!

If the case was only circumstantial before, I'm confident that now they have that clear and convincing evidence they need.
I've been trying to figure out what the tanks had in them and what they could have been used for in this case. I have several. Weed Killer, Bug killer, touchup stain for deck. I keep coming back to bug killer. Bugs would have been a major problem. Especially if Caylee was in the trunk until the 24th. The decomp process from the bug spray would have been merely a side effect of trying to get rid of the bugs.

Is there such thing as liquid lime?
Oh interesting! So you mean something like they found something on the body that was seen at the house earlier in the investigation?

If the video on WESH is right, it isn't behind the school, it's across Suburban and to the west of the school. From that video, it appears the search tent is set up behind the last house on Hopesprings, right at the intersection with Suburban, on the opposite side of Suburban from the school. It would be on the same side of Hopesprings as the A's house about 20 houses up from there. video of reporter driving from A's house to the search scene

I was talking about the area they searched early this summer to be known as the "hiding place" by KC and friends.
Someone asked who KioMarie is- I am pretty sure she was the girl who wanted to adopt Caylee and she was the one who used to hang out with Casey in the woods where Caylee was found- correct me people if I am wrong
Thanks for answering about the body of water behind her house- but it seems to me if that was retention pond, wouldnt all that water be down by now? When they showed it on the news, that pond was plum full of water-

Hi, Sorry if this has been discussed, but is a retention pond one that contains overflow water and then completely dries up and refills over and again with rainwater? I read there was no water there when the bag was put there and also that it was partially buried.

I always worried alligators had found the body which is why it was never found. If that water dries up in warm weather, would it be a place where they would normally inhabit? They would have to walk across a road to get there then? I have never been to Fl ;} Ta
As I read through this entire thread thoughts, questions, comments have come to mind.

This is just me thinking out loud and putting it out there for anyone else to ponder on:

1) I have said I believe the chloroform was not used to kill (or even subdue) her - I believe it was used to clean up. Could Casey have come across this bottle of chloroform in great-grndma's? I know when I cleaned out my grandma's house I found all kinds of oldie antiquie stuff. She came across this and pocketed it for later persural - hence the computer searches.

2) The shovel - I believe she used it to pry up a paver and that a paver was found in that bag.

3) Which led LE to immediately guard that house. Upon first discovery of that body there was no forensic testing done on that duct tape to find any fibers or hairs or fingerprints immediately - no - something was inherently visible that directly connected the A home with the body site. But what it was has got me stumped - unless it was a paver.

4) The seizing of the vacuum cleaners - again there was not enough time elapsed for LE to have forensic testing results of fibers or hairs - so why take the vacuums - SOMETHING begged the question of "well it could have been vacuumed". I have said I think these vacuums will connect the car to the house to the body site.

5) The tub full of papers that was seized. I have wondered what papers were found in that body bag. Papers are immediately visible. Was there a hand written note? Was there a piece of mail or an envelope? I don't think a ransom note necessarily - but could be - again has me stumped as to why LE seized that tub of papers.

6) They (LE) took the computers again. If they traced that "hairbrush" email back to CA's laptop - well that could very well be where those obstruction charges are coming from now.

7) The pesticide sprayers. Do they have evidence that the back of the car was sprayed with pesticides? I don't think you could have smelled any pesticides at the body site after all that time and again this was all done within hours of discovery - no time for forensic testing - that's why I think the pesticide was used in the car.

8) I do believe that was where the body was put - originally. It has been said that the area is "full of snakes". Casey would have known that. Another poster noticed the downslope of the blue tent which indicates a "ditch" that was probably full of water already (when Casey dumped). She wouldn't have chanced walking back into a snake infested nasty swamp. Just standing at the edge of the ditch and throwing the bag into the water would have sufficed for her - especially if there was a paver in the bag to sink it and she could have watched it sink out of sight.

There will be so much more to come from this once testing is done. It is not going to be for the queasy but I do believe they (LE) will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that not only did KC kill her - it was premeditated and horrible. I just hope the DP is put back on the table. It should be.
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