Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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Who would/could hang out in such a place?..Even picnic there like her best school friend said they often did..I know kids do some far out things but this doesn't add up even before adding in the fact it gets swampy during the rainy season..All of this=why I do NOT believe where the body/bag was found is the same spot.

I do believe she just threw the bag in & in the dark because even though it looks like the last house is a bit away from the end of the road nobody, not even KA, is dumb enough to think she may not be seen.

The day Tony picked her up I think she was there to check on the bag or possibly move it but that goes against doing it when she could be easily seen so I really need to rule that out.

My most MAIN nagging thoughts are...

1. How much water was there & when..If it was just a few feet when the bag was thrown in that would have sunk to the bottom but what about when it was as deep as when Tim was there?..We know there was enough to sink an ATV so why wasn't the bag floating near the surface?..There couldn't have been that much weight in the bag especially with her decomposing already for a few months..Unless it also contained a paver (from the house) but why bother just to dump her there?..Unless the first plan was to dump her in the Econ or some other deep waters..

2..What about this fence we've heard so much about?..There definitely wasn't a fence right at the discovery spot because we could clearly see them collecting evidence under (& all around) the tent they set up..I saw no fence at all there & I'm also sure the man who found her didn't bother to climb up & over just to tinkle.

But I did see a fence a short distance away.

That had to be put up sometime between early Sept & Nov..If the bag was actually behind the fence at that time or very close by why didn't the workers notice the bag?..Maybe they did see it & chose to leave it..Maybe it was under just enough water to cover it..If it was very flooded, again, why wasn't it floating on the surface?..If the workers haven't been interviewed yet they should be.

3..How odd/convenient/lucky/fate? the A's weren't home or even in FL when the discovery was made..If they weren't in CA my guess is they would've rushed to the scene..Not so much because I believe they knew she was there all along but like the rest of us they knew it was sure to be her..I'm relieved I didn't have to witness their reaction..OTH!..I wish I could've seen KC's..I think at some time we will see (or hear) a delayed version..How can these GPs not visit/contact KC now?..Even if it's to 'supposedly' comfort her..And her brother too who for some strange reason didn't even bother to go the scene when he was so "close" to it.

Fox News just had a news cast showing that Lee was at the house. He was picking up memorials and going towards the house. He was abrupt with the news crews.
Why did LE find only one hair in Casey's trunk?

The trunk was cleaned by either Casey or George.

George said he was standing ..."Right Next to the trunk" (which was open) on June 24th.

How is it possible that he did not notice any odor?

In my opinion it's not possible.
LOL - I hate to say it, but I do! I have bad allergies and have also always had pets that shed. I try different vacuums, but rarely seem to throw the old ones out because they still work! (Can you say "pack rat"? LOL) I have one upright, one canister, a small Oreck and a "stick" Oreck. I also have a dustbuster. I don't use them all each time of course. I just bought a steam carpet cleaner too!

Thanks for helping me see the light re: 4 vacuums :)

Thinking about it now at one time I did have 2 in the house..It was after we put our dog down..I never used that one again but still kept it in the closet with the new one for over a year.
Maybe this has already been thrown out there, maybe not.

What if she backed her car into the garage, put Caylee in a bag, brought her to the back yard, set her down a few times while she pondered what exactly to do, threw her over the fence using the ladder, buried her, came back over the fence (put the ladder on the pool), drove down the road and decided she better look from that end, left her car running, got a little turned around while in the woods and came out farther from her car than expected so she jogged towards the car (Chris sees her), gets back to the car and realizes that she will need a reason for the car being there so she calls Tony.
I would like to know if the county sprays for mosquitoes in Orlando in places where water is know to collect? Standing water from August until November would certainly be a breeding grounds it would seem. If anyone knows the answer, how far off the road would they spray? If they do that, it could contribute to any chemicals found in or on the trash bag.
This may have been already asked (sorry!) but who has 4 vacuum cleaners?? :confused:
I don't know. But as I said at my house with four dogs, we have three vacuums, a floor scrubber, a rug steamer, a floor steamer, two mops, a swiffer and an electric broom! (and my floors are STILL dirty!!, Of course, living in FL we have all the sand and we have stone tile and throw rugs). But I have heard that the A's have a dog or dogs. How many do they have? What kinds of dogs do they have? Big ones, furry ones? I've never seen this mentioned and I've never seen any pictures. Anyone know?
Why did LE find only one hair in Casey's trunk?

The trunk was cleaned by either Casey or George.

George said he was standing ..."Right Next to the trunk" (which was open) on June 24th.

How is it possible that he did not notice any odor?

In my opinion it's not possible.

I watched the MSNBC broadecast. GA and CA when they got the car back from the towing co stated they could smell a decomposing body in the trunk.Everyome keeps fogetting the fact that it was 31 dayse before Caylee was reported missing.Here is what I thinkhappened. Caylee was either by accident or on purposed killed . Casey then placed the garbage bag in the woods.And then before reported missing the heavy rains hit. The area where remains were found was under water.Friday even said TES tried searching the woods with a ATV that sunk.Until a few weeks ago the woods were under water.I feel Casey had no help in disposeing Caylee if this is Caylee which I feel it is.
HI Aprilshowers,

I think the A's didn't go to see Casey in jail as they were met directly as their plane landed by the police and taken away.

It seems where they stayed last night is a pretty expensive hotel, even 'hoity toity'. I'm wondering if the State paid for this? Sorry for the O/T on this thread ;}
Those are very good questions, but the last one is VERY good: Why DIDN'T Cindy and George go to see KC when they found out? I mean, gosh, if they believe she didn't do anything to Caylee, I would think they would know she needed comfort, support ... and to be with them.

And Lee, why didn't he go either? And yes, why wasn't he at the scene?
Man, if it were my niece, I'd be there!

I think its been said that they are staying away from the jail because of those visits in the past that have been recorded and put on the news and they wanted to avoid all the bru haha. But I agree, even with all of that attention, whether they believe she is innocent or not, you would still think they would know that she would need some comfort and support as you said. She is there in jail, all alone with no one except for Jose. (Not that I feel sorry for her).

ETA, you're right Scandi, I forgot about that.
Fox News just had a news cast showing that Lee was at the house. He was picking up memorials and going towards the house. He was abrupt with the news crews.

Thanks for the info..Now his next stop should be the jail to see his sister..If he (& her parents) really want to HELP her defense why not?..They can talk about what that EVIL Zanny did to their little baby..Or the REAL kidnappers who threatened their whole family..I expect that to be her STORY now that Caylee has been found :rolleyes:

There's still that very slight chance they're all so PISSED at her they want her to just 'rot in jail' for what she's done :behindbar..

Most likely that's not the case but it still would be in their best interest to at least pretend that's their state of mind.
I would like to know if the county sprays for mosquitoes in Orlando in places where water is know to collect? Standing water from August until November would certainly be a breeding grounds it would seem. If anyone knows the answer, how far off the road would they spray? If they do that, it could contribute to any chemicals found in or on the trash bag.
Not sure about Orlando specifically, but here in Palm Bay (about 40 miles east of Orlando) the county has trucks that just drive down the street and spray. They don't go off road but just have these big sprayers that spray up in the air and then the spray is dispersed on the wind.
The main problem I see with D's issue's is, they make sense and nothing KC has done makes any sense to me.

Your child goes missing, kidnapped from your arms and you tell no one. Not a single non-imaginary friend.

Your child is injured/dies in an accident, you tell no one.

You take two separate teams of investigators to an apt. that has been empty for 4 mos and insist you have been leaving your child there with a nanny who doesn't exist.

You take 4 investigators to your workplace at a job you don't have to find your baby in a backwards kind of way.

You claim your baby called you from a private number, when you called back it was disconnected. On a phone you no longer have.

TurboThink explained to me cadaver dogs and search dogs do things differently. The cadaver dogs don't follow a scent the way a search dog would.
KC looked up modes of death 3 mos before she committed the act but never made a plan for disposing of remains, was she waiting on the angel of death the way a child waits on the tooth fairy?

KC tossed Caylee's remains in a little gully with thick under brush that had water from all the storms. The water dried up, the under died back. The bag became exposed. Probably the only body of water in Orlando with no alligators. What luck!!

Don't try to make sense of what KC did, how she acted. It'll drive you nuts. There was no sense to any of it.
Those are very good questions, but the last one is VERY good: Why DIDN'T Cindy and George go to see KC when they found out? I mean, gosh, if they believe she didn't do anything to Caylee, I would think they would know she needed comfort, support ... and to be with them.

And Lee, why didn't he go either? And yes, why wasn't he at the scene?
Man, if it were my niece, I'd be there!

I just explained in my last post my thoughts re: a jail visit.

We know from the news it wasn't long after the remains were found that Lee arrived at his home..Just a few streets away!..Why was he not there in the flesh while what's left of his flesh&blood neice was being recovered?..That is so beyond me!
I don't know. But as I said at my house with four dogs, we have three vacuums, a floor scrubber, a rug steamer, a floor steamer, two mops, a swiffer and an electric broom! (and my floors are STILL dirty!!, Of course, living in FL we have all the sand and we have stone tile and throw rugs). But I have heard that the A's have a dog or dogs. How many do they have? What kinds of dogs do they have? Big ones, furry ones? I've never seen this mentioned and I've never seen any pictures. Anyone know?

Sounds like our house, too! Do they have silkies?
I think I know where you are going with this and the answer is NO....
I would like to know if the county sprays for mosquitoes in Orlando in places where water is know to collect? Standing water from August until November would certainly be a breeding grounds it would seem. If anyone knows the answer, how far off the road would they spray? If they do that, it could contribute to any chemicals found in or on the trash bag.

I lived near there and they would spray my yard at night as well as the neighborhood. I would think they would spray areas with standing water. Hope that helps.
what I do find interesting is that of all the areas searched and all the manpower used to find this baby, KC picked one spot that no one could search. Obviously it wasn't flooded when Caylee was buried.
was that area prone to flooding?
why did so many of us think she was confident the body wouldn't be found when it was right in "her own backyard" and it wouldn't stay flooded forver? Surely that wasn't a good spot.

You know, hearing myself post, I am going to reverse mysaelf and agree it was a very careless and strange spot. I think it would actually lend itself to her kidnapping defense (assuming that will happen)

why was she confident? when has she Not been confident? It's called "delusions of grandeur".
This may have been already asked (sorry!) but who has 4 vacuum cleaners?? :confused:

I saw a shop vac, 2 uprights and a carpet cleaning machine being taken out of the Anthony house. They have 2 small dogs and I believe there may be a cat as well.
that's what I asked and quickly got shot down!
Me ....1 from when my parents moved to Assisted living,one lightweight upright and a heavier canistertype,and my hubby has a shopvac.I guess I need to make a trip to Goodwill..............
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