Arias continues giving interviews to the media

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DNA Solves
I remember JA said (DK when, where?) that the reason her laptop was not stolen during the g'parents home robbery was because she normally kept it under a bunch of clothes in a hamper or laundry basket. (An oracle, that girl is)

But what happened to her laptop or harddrive that ka-blooyed the data and pix, etc? When?
She wrecked the hard drive? How? When?
Did Mesa PD or other forensics team try to recover?


I wish I knew more about that. I wasn;t watching if that was answered during the trial. I would assume the laptop wasn't stolen (of course!) and she later destroyed it when she knew the heat was on her
I remember JA said (DK when, where?) that the reason her laptop was not stolen during the g'parents home robbery was because she normally kept it under a bunch of clothes in a hamper or laundry basket. (An oracle, that girl is)

But what happened to her laptop or harddrive that ka-blooyed the data and pix, etc? When?
She wrecked the hard drive? How? When?
Did Mesa PD or other forensics team try to recover?


Here's an article about the laptop ..

Also Thursday, defense attorneys asked prosecutors to turn over Arias’ computer hard drive so they can conduct their own independent testing on it. They also complained that prosecutors weren’t being forthcoming in turning over evidence, because they have not given the defense access to the contents of the hard drive.

Prosecutor Juan Martinez explained that the delay was because the hard drive was damaged and an outside firm had to examine it for potential evidence.

Martinez says his team is still waiting for the examination and would turn over to the defense the hard drive and the firm’s report when everything is complete. It is still unclear what the hard drive could reveal.

There are court minutes on this somewhere .. does anyone know where all the motions are listed? I'm sure it's all documented there.

From Trial:
I remember JA said (DK when, where?) that the reason her laptop was not stolen during the g'parents home robbery was because she normally kept it under a bunch of clothes in a hamper or laundry basket. (An oracle, that girl is)

But what happened to her laptop or harddrive that ka-blooyed the data and pix, etc? When?
She wrecked the hard drive? How? When?
Did Mesa PD or other forensics team try to recover?


I found this:

"Also Thursday, defense attorneys asked prosecutors to turn over Arias’ computer hard drive so they can conduct their own independent testing on it. They also complained that prosecutors weren’t being forthcoming in turning over evidence, because they have not given the defense access to the contents of the hard drive.

Prosecutor Juan Martinez explained that the delay was because the hard drive was damaged and an outside firm had to examine it for potential evidence.

Martinez says his team is still waiting for the examination and would turn over to the defense the hard drive and the firm’s report when everything is complete. It is still unclear what the hard drive could reveal."

Dated january 2, 2013


Capital Case Management Conference

Argument is heard on Defendant’s Request for Additional Discovery Relating to any and all Forensic Examinations Conducted upon any and all Electronic Media. IT IS ORDERED that the State shall disclose on or before November 20, 2009, a mirror image of the hard drive (internal, external and storage device) and the memory card(s) from the cellular phone(s).With respect to the text messages on the CD that the State previously disclosed to Defense counsel, IT IS ORDERED that the State’s paralegal shall work with Defense counsel to locate the text messages on Defense counsel’s copy of the CD.


State shall have the Detective take the State’s hard drive to Defense counsel to review at 10:00 a.m. on November 20, 2012


Ex parte sealed hearing regarding the computer hard drive granted



Day 3
Discussion is held on Defendant’s request for further computer hard drive data. The Court notes that Detective Flores with the Mesa Police Department testified on12/10/2012 that all data has been disclosed to the defense. Therefore, for the reasons stated on the record, IT IS ORDERED denying the Defendant’s request.
LOL, me and MrsG came up with the same thing! Great minds think alike.
Found this and thought this was creepy. Did we ever find out if this guy was for real and truly existed?

Remember her "foreign exchange student" story? Her bf then was "Victor Arias. Why is that weird? Well Travis had the middle name of Victor and Jodi's last name is Arias. Hmmm

"You had a boyfriend in another country? Yes, Victor. She met him in Costa Rica and his last name was ironically Arias!!!

She broke up with Victor and got back with Juarez. Her mom wasn’t happy about their relationship."
If JW doesn't have nightmares she will after this trial for years to come. No way you can sit close and work with a demon and not be grossly affected.

I think JW & KN deserve every nightmare they get, they stood up there long enough and trashed Travis .They had no sympathy then , they drug him through the mud and worse.
I understand they are defense attorneys, but defense attorneys don't take an oath to lie & lie& lie & lie.
You know what .. on the laptop .. didn't Arias tell Flores during her interrogation that she needed to get some photos off her laptop for a friend who got married over the weekend and she hadn't finished editing them or something .. so .. does that mean the laptop was in working order at the time of her arrest, and became 'damaged' afterwards?
You know what .. on the laptop .. didn't Arias tell Flores during her interrogation that she needed to get some photos off her laptop for a friend who got married over the weekend and she hadn't finished editing them or something .. so .. does that mean the laptop was in working order at the time of her arrest, and became 'damaged' afterwards?

That means she tore it up before
her arrest.
Imo she was lying about wedding pictures.

I would bet someone has another computer somewhere. No pictures exsist that would prove her story or we would have seen them.

I bet she is mad she will not be allowed another interview.

Kinda scared too.
She gets off on hurting his family.
I am afraid she may pull something and tell a story about how he suffered.

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That's a point .. she will probably use her time on the stand to hurt them one last time. Just think, the moment she steps off that stand may just be the last we ever hear of her .. I for one will be glad of that .. I hope the last thing played in court is one of Travis' speeches, I think that would be brilliant if Juan did that.
As long as Jodi is alive we will be hearing from her one way or the other. All the media will have to do is ask. Jodi is all kinds of *advertiser censored* and the attention *advertiser censored* is a strong feature of hers.
This morning I feel like I can predict the future with 100% certainty- at least concerning jaCK. Train wreck coming.
I don't agree that JA murdered TA in order to hurt his family. She did it because he was abandoning her and she was rejected and enraged. I don't think she gave his family any thought one way or the other.

For the trial, yes, she fully intended to drag him through the mud as part of her defense. Can't claim a self defense killing if you don't make the victim into the bad guy. She went way overboard though and of course it was all made up lies. I don't know if she's doing it for the purpose of "hurting his family" or if she's just determined to stick to her story and drag him (Travis) through the mud. Yes that hurts his family but even if he had no family at all I still think she would do the same thing.
That means she tore it up before
her arrest.
Imo she was lying about wedding pictures.

I would bet someone has another computer somewhere. No pictures exsist that would prove her story or we would have seen them.

I bet she is mad she will not be allowed another interview.

Kinda scared too.
She gets off on hurting his family.
I am afraid she may pull something and tell a story about how he suffered.

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

Remember...there is a kernel of truth to her lies. Perhaps she was referring to Pattys wedding pics so she had a reason to ask about the drive.
Remember...there is a kernel of truth to her lies. Perhaps she was referring to Pattys wedding pics so she had a reason to ask about the drive.

I thought Patty got married in 06.

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I thought Patty got married in 06.

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

Not sure of the year, but didn't she ask Flores about the drive? I saw the interview long ago, but IMO, the reason she mentioned wedding pics was so she could possibly get access to it to delete anything incriminating. She photographed patty's wedding, so that was the excuse she gave (she needed to keep her lies somewhat straight in her mind).
The most remarkable thing about the interviews aired and re-aired on 20/20 last night was Jodi's remarkable, sometimes astonishing poise. She was engaged, relaxed, and obvious self-confident. The ease with which she lied and constructed her stories put several lead actors and actresses I can think of to shame. I honestly think that she programmed herself equally effective for the day of the murder.

Seeing those interviews now was a revelation because as years have passed, her lies have crumbled, and she now appears intermittently shaken and even at her best more obstinate than self-assured.

In all of the interviews that I have seen, she has used a very sweet voice. I did not hear this same voice when she took the stand. It also surprised me to watch the clip that is being played over and over again when Nurmi asks her about killing Travis...don't know what she was trying to convey, but it did not match the same person we saw in the interviews. Have a feeling that these were scripted answers given to her by the DT and not to her own liking.

Which JA will we see in the mitigation phase? Not too much longer to wait before we find out.

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