Arias continues giving interviews to the media

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Honestly, I cannot bring myself to listen or watch one more interview. This malignant narcissist is just sucking the life out of us .. and we are LETTING her do this (imo).

I am taking a big step and not following anything else ... no more interviews ... no more trial coverage (just waiting for the verdict). No more HLN (maybe little snippets here and there).

I need to give myself my life back. I am almost becoming unhealthy because of all this ... I am eager to move on and get rid of this parasite.

So who's with me ???? :seeya:

I find it fascinating the effect Jodi has on so many people, including myself. I truly believe she had this same effect on Travis. I think she drove him nuts. The hatred he had for her in that last text exchange I believe was the rage he felt at her empty empty shell. She is truly maddening.
It is incredible that she continues to do this .. There is an argument here that her pathology is so severe she is almost impossible to defend .. You really have to feel for her lawyers and other professionals who have been left with whatever remained of this case to fight. No doubt she will take them all down with her. Whatever dirt she has on Nurmi, Wilmott or anyone else on her team will be revealed by Arias as soon as she has cut them loose.

There's a quote on her Facebook page she put up herself: A closed mouth gathers no foot. Advice Arias would be wise to listen to, but clearly listening to good advice is not one of her strengths.

JA believes herself to be THE oracle. She'll be quoting herself soon enough.
I couldn't believe it when she gave the media a set of rules to follow. She didn't want here chains and strips to show, like we all don't know that she's in prison for first degree premeditated murder. I can't believe the media went along with it. They should have packed up their gear and said your delusional dear call us when you reenter Earths atmosphere. The networks need to let this prisoner know she is there for an interview about a murder not there for a job interview. Enough is enough. I hope this jury is able to come to a conclusion soon. If there is a question about if she deserves the dp they should pass around the pictures of Travis and all his stab wounds along with the cut to his throat along with the shot to the face. Also bring up the fact that Travis was young also and his family will never get to see him get married, never see his children never get to hug him again. The way prisoner #2013 dragged his name through the mud is unforgivable.
Personally, I'm not even interested in watching or seeing this wretchedness in her interviews for attention that she still seeks...I don't ever want to see her again - I want Justice for Travis and family. I cannot stand to even look at her.
I find it fascinating the effect Jodi has on so many people, including myself. I truly believe she had this same effect on Travis. I think she drove him nuts. The hatred he had for her in that last text exchange I believe was the rage he felt at her empty empty shell. She is truly maddening.

She's very skilled at keeping people in her orbit, even if it's out of hate and resentment. I made this comment elsewhere, which many people denied as being true, but Jodi has a certain hold on many thousands of people, even if that hold is akin to "OMG I hate this woman so so so much I can't believe how she enrages me!!!111!!" She is way under the skin of so many.

I see her as a common disordered sociopath who manipulates and presents a certain image and she has become the posterchild for MostHatedEverEverEver ... that is ... until the next mostHatedever criminal emerges. She has no effect on me because I know she is going away forever and the public will be safe from her. She's not interesting and her weird behavior doesn't fascinate me because overall she's an empty shell. I don't wonder what she's thinking because I don't care and she's a nothing <yawn>. Once this case is over I'll be so glad. Her 15 minutes has extended into hours and hours and I'm sick of her and the media circus around her. I refuse to watch her interviews and I don't suffer HLN because I dropped cable 3 yrs ago.
I've got to say that I would have to question how much in common or even if I would want to be friends with someone who supported Jodi.

If I don't already question how much in common I have with someone I went to high school with over 40 years ago and have never seen since, I don't see what difference it makes in our "friendship" if she supports Jodi Arias or not. I've remained friends with people who support politicians I think are horrible -- and the politicians could have an actual effect on my life, unlike Jodi. I think keeping social ties is more important than shunning those who don't think like I do. (Boy, sometimes I'm tempted, though! :banghead:)
This has been driving me crazy, then I finally realized I could come here to ask.
How in the world is she sending out tweets? I don't get it.. Please, somebody answer before I go insane!!
This has been driving me crazy, then I finally realized I could come here to ask.
How in the world is she sending out tweets? I don't get it.. Please, somebody answer before I go insane!!

She is not personally putting out the tweets on the computer. Her friend Donovon is doing that part. She sends out the message by phone.
On Twitter, almost anybody can pretend to be almost anybody. That's how she sends out tweets. moo!
Does anyone remember the name of that disgusting waste of space who shocked the nation at his sentencing by taunting Mark Klaas with the most ridiculous and horrible implication imaginable?

....... Yeah, me neither.

Everyone remembers Polly. Everyone will remember Travis.
JA believes herself to be THE oracle. She'll be quoting herself soon enough.

She will also he talking to herself. Theres a cell with her name on it waiting for her. Its been decided she will have no access to inmates if she gets life. Maximum security is waiting for her.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
As if anything she ever did was in good conscience...

I am sorry Jodi, not even your killer hair is worth letting you have a jail life.

And to add to this, when did she ever do anything for her family anyway? If you never wanted to hurt your family or put them through this nightmare, you would have never killed another person. So you cannot now point to your family and act all concerned over their feelings. Evil throughout.
Where is a pic of her with short hair EVER? As a breast cancer survivor, I am disgusted with her using Locks of Love and the word "survivor" in yet more lies.

I saw a picture of her in a hearing from maybe 18 months to 2 yrs ago with super long hair (like past her waist). She easily could have donated 10" of her hair and not ended up with "short" hair. I wouldn't automatically say it's a lie -- the rate of hair growth is such that yes she could have donated 3 times in the 58 months she's been in prison.

Look, it may enrage people that she had the audacity to cut and donate her hair, but whether you hate the idea or don't care, yes her hair was super long at one point in jail, and the bleached portion has been gone for probably 4+ yrs now and so far I haven't seen or read anything where that claim has been shown to be false.
JA believes herself to be THE oracle. She'll be quoting herself soon enough.

As does (or did) Charlie Manson.

She'll have lots of time to talk to herself. She's got nothing but time. I don't know where this image of prison life as a country club is coming from--we're talking max security in a state prison for life. This isn't going to be "club fed." The hyperbole that has JA as some kind of prison homecoming queen who will live a satisfying life with people, including prison guards, to do her bidding is laughable.
on blog talk radio gus sersey gave interview if anyone cares same old stuff he has been saying...just claims cancun trip travis had to give name of person going in feburary and that person could not be Jodi knew all along she wasn't going according to gus
Honestly, I cannot bring myself to listen or watch one more interview. This malignant narcissist is just sucking the life out of us .. and we are LETTING her do this (imo).

I am taking a big step and not following anything else ... no more interviews ... no more trial coverage (just waiting for the verdict). No more HLN (maybe little snippets here and there).

I need to give myself my life back. I am almost becoming unhealthy because of all this ... I am eager to move on and get rid of this parasite.

So who's with me ???? :seeya:


Yesterday I was at our beach house and it was the most beautiful day we've had this Spring. The Gulf of Mexico was the most beautiful emerald green color, crystal clear and calm - yet I sat on the stupid sofa all day watching HLN instead of being on the beach soaking up the beautiful day!!! Ridiculous!!!
In one of her interviews Jodi claims the jury betrayed her. If only the jury could have knowledge of her feelings toward them. If they could, we wouldn't still be waiting for a death verdict, would we?

As a former newspaper reporter, I am mostly interested in Jodi's interviews not by listening to her, but watching and listening to the reporters. I get the feeling they cannot believe what they are hearing or seeing.

One of my firsts questions to her would be to ask her to list the "shady" things she claims Jaun did in prosecuting her. She made that statement during her first interview follow her guilty verdict. I have a stong feeling she would be able to come up with a few of them. All lies of course.

I would also during the interview, point out a smudge on her face while we were talking. I know that would throw her for a loop. Then I would ask if she wanted to use my mascara. I would probably get up and walk out before she finished talking, or take a phone call during the interview.

Well you'll have to get the laws rewritten because the state owns the case (not the family, believe it or not) and the family has no legal standing in determining sentencing. Most DAs will ask a family if they have strong feelings one way or the other about the DP if they are considering asking for the case to be a DP qualified case, but that in no way guarantees a case will or won't. And once a case goes to trial it is not up to the family at all.

Beth K. is a former prosecutor and a lawyer and she is speaking from that perspective. Getting a case resolved, with a final verdict/decision and sentencing (whether or not everyone 'likes' the sentence) is important. Any time a case gets stalled, like if the jury hangs, that is not a win and it's expensive and frustrating for everyone.
I'm well aware of what's bolded, but I believe today she took the role of Defense Attorney. There is NO possible way that Juan will drop the death penalty just so the jury won't hang.

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