Arias continues giving interviews to the media

The court Observer thread has been locked down and is closed now! let it not happen to this thread please!

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Yet Nurmi stood up and argued in open court about what a "fairy tale" it is to think jurors are not exposed to media. Which is exactly why, imo, they orchestrated Darryl Brewer to "testify via media" with that last minute Hail Mary "interview" aka platform via their media insider Michael Kiefer.

Ryan is my new hero lol he showed her chains and chain gang stripes. He did an awesome job! He pissed her off and I especially loved that he asked her if she was going ever going to tell the truth of what happened in that shower. He called her out on not apologizing to the family.
I'd love to see the whole interview when it's released. My heart breaks for the family.
there is another interview up on nbc website decent questions ..still bashing travis says she had a dream where he is in her cell on the cot and she says what are you doing here he says everybody needs to do their time for what they did .. un belivable ..I don't know reporter but at least doesn't looks like she belives her

She's off the hook
Justice for Travis
I'm not sure if this was already posted but here goes.

Joe Arpaio ‏@RealSheriffJoe 12m Some of u r mad about the jodi arias interviews. Pls Understand: We can't step on her 1st amendment rights. We allowed them & now - no more.

Realy he said no more interviews? I'm glad! Has he relayed that to her.
I agree. My friend donated to Locks of Love. She said they didn't want hair treated in any way (hair coloring, perm, etc).


Your friend is wrong about that.

Here is the verbiage taken directly from the Locks of Love site:

  • Hair that is colored or permed is acceptable.

  • Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or braid.
  • Hair that has been bleached (usually this refers to highlighted hair) is not usable. If unsure, ask your stylist. We are not able to accept bleached hair due to a chemical reaction that occurs during the manufacturing process. **If the hair was bleached years ago and has completely grown out it is fine to donate.
:bow: I donated to Locks of Love once. And I recycle. I'm ready for my sainthood to be bestowed on me. girl, pu-lease.

I am just appalled with her lack of ANYTHING real in there. She truly is empty and evil.
Travis's own family wants the Death Penalty for her and they should have the ultimate say, and they should have been able to tell that to the jury.

Well you'll have to get the laws rewritten because the state owns the case (not the family, believe it or not) and the family has no legal standing in determining sentencing. Most DAs will ask a family if they have strong feelings one way or the other about the DP if they are considering asking for the case to be a DP qualified case, but that in no way guarantees a case will or won't. And once a case goes to trial it is not up to the family at all.

Beth K. is a former prosecutor and a lawyer and she is speaking from that perspective. Getting a case resolved, with a final verdict/decision and sentencing (whether or not everyone 'likes' the sentence) is important. Any time a case gets stalled, like if the jury hangs, that is not a win and it's expensive and frustrating for everyone.
There's a quote on her Facebook page she put up herself: A closed mouth gathers no foot. Advice Arias would be wise to listen to, but clearly listening to good advice is not one of her strengths.

Oh, of course not! jodi would never listen to advice from anyone... In her mind she is smarter than everyone so why in the world would she ever listen to someone else's advice...

Didn't you hear all about how SHE plans on helping the PRISON and her fellow INMATES... She thinks she is going to be GOD'S gift to that prison!! IT MAKES ME SICK!!! ...and I think she thinks that she has been such a blessing to the Estrella Jail too...

Jodi thinks all of us are the ones with the problems, not her! In her mind she's a SURVIVOR!!! Lol!

Talk about wolf in sheeps clothing...and she might as well forget asking the media for makeup....YOU CAN PUT LIPSTICK ON A PIG, BUT IT'S STILL A PIG!!!!
One of my favorites..forget which interview....She has received hundreds of postcards (all I could think of were the ones the WS peeps said they were going to send from Cancun, etc). She said it would logistically impossible to respond to all of them....and I thought Why? What else does she have to do?

i did not think i would lose respect for an old friend because of this case. on facebook she asked me if i have any compassion for jodi. i said no, she then asked me if i knew jodis address. i told her she will go to prison soon. she said she want to write her and give her lots of compassion and support. i almost threw up on facebook. tempted to delete her but knew her from years back. i do not think she followed case till recent. asked her if she knew jodi crawled thru doggy door and left travis to rot.tried to shock her with truth. so i then wrote i want the death penalty for her. i would never write her for nothing!!!
I finally figured out where this monster came from. Since she met Travis in Nevada in 2006, I think she was one of the aliens who lived at Area 51 and escaped from there and ended up in Nevada, in the life of a good and decent man, and proceeded to destroy him.
Craziness .. she's pretty good at saying sorry she didn't say sorry, but not so good at actually saying sorry when asked to two seconds later. Reason: she really is sorry she didn't say sorry, because she realises not saying sorry for killing Travis to the jury will probably make them send her sorry butt to death row.
Honestly, I cannot bring myself to listen or watch one more interview. This malignant narcissist is just sucking the life out of us .. and we are LETTING her do this (imo).

I am taking a big step and not following anything else ... no more interviews ... no more trial coverage (just waiting for the verdict). No more HLN (maybe little snippets here and there).

I need to give myself my life back. I am almost becoming unhealthy because of all this ... I am eager to move on and get rid of this parasite.

So who's with me ???? :seeya:
Craziness .. she's pretty good at saying sorry she didn't say sorry, but not so good at actually saying sorry when asked to two seconds later. Reason: she really is sorry she didn't say sorry, because she realises not saying sorry for killing Travis to the jury will probably make them send her sorry butt to death row.
:floorlaugh: perfect!
""The words "I am sorry" are meaningless. No one believes what I am saying anyway.."

So does this mean there is a limit to the lies she will tell? She wont lie and say she is sorry because there is no meaning to the lie? Which lies of her do have meaning ?

Shrug.... I don't even care light her up..
Just came on tonight so sorry if this is a rerun...but did I hear correctly that the sheriff said today it was JA's right to have these interviews, which he let her do...but there will be no more. Did anyone else hear that?
The most telling statement JA made was in the AZCentral interview where she said she felt "betrayed" by the jury.
To me, this totally encapsulates Jodi. Betrayed??? (said in Jim Mora "playoffs" tone - look it up on Youtube if you don't know what I mean). BEE...TRAYYEDDD?? Are you kiddin' me?

A group (not just one) of totally objective people whom JA does not know came to a conclusion after looking at a bunch of facts. And they saw a set of issues different than JA. And, JA feels "betrayed??" WTF?

This is what makes her so dangerous. She sees betrayal in everyone's actions with whom she does not agree. Clearly, she felt betrayed by Travis, but also in earlier times her Dad, MM, and so many others. When she feels betrayal, she takes action, takes matters in her own hands. And the results are always, always chaos.

Her interviews, esp with AZCentral, drive me to frustration. You can't pin her down, she rationalizes everything, and then throws it back on the person. When totally cornered, she resorts to "her faith" - end of story. This clearly is what drove Travis nuts. His only mistake was that he didn't get a restraining order on her or call the cops, or change the code on his garage door, lock his own front door, move away. In contrast, Travis was too nice and saw the good side of JA, and gave her chance after chance after chance.

She will never feel remorse, and in an equivalent situation with strong feelings of betrayal, she will kill again, even a person who wouldn't have even the remotest feeling that they did anything to make JA feel betrayed. If I'm a juror that voted for the DP for JA, I'd feel totally vindicated when I start looking at those interviews. I feel immense sorrow for TA and TA's family, but also for JA's parents and siblings who did nothing other than try their absolute best.

I am totally against the DP. I am ok with JA in a max security prison forever. Better, if she is in isolation 23/7. But, I can see why so many others feel differently in this case. Her interviews only nail down the proverbial lid. Sick.

I couldn't believe CKJA said that about the jury. Imho if she is allowed to give interviews while the jury is still deliberating ,then the jury should hear all these interviews while they are deliberating.
It was sicking how much she seemed to love talking to the jury in her plea for life. It did not look like a meek abuse victim or someone ashamed of their actions. She was loving the action. Like shell love the attention of her prison mates. I say death is best for miss arrogant jodi.

What does the alexander family want? Have they said? That's what she needs

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I couldn't believe CKJA said that about the jury. Imho if she is allowed to give interviews while the jury is still deliberating ,then the jury should hear all these interviews while they are deliberating.

I absolutely all these interviews for the jury. They have a right to see them and see the real JA. I'm sure it would help them come to a conclusion.
Hearing her say that she felt the jury betrayed her confirmed (to me) that she really was expecting something else, perhaps even acquittal. Boggles my mind.

I found the word betrayal interesting. Betrayal is very personal, and (at least to me) can only be done by someone close and dear to you, someone you have a relationship with. Someone you trusted to be on your side and keep your confidences and stick up for you no matter what. My husband could betray me, or my friend or my daughter, but not someone I have never met, don't know and don't have a mutual relationship with. They could turn me in, or steal from me, or whatever, but that isn't betrayal. God only knows how her mind works, and how she sees things. I'll never be able to figure her out.
Ryan Owens is my hero! Loved him putting it to her like it is!

This is a great interview!! I love that he shows her in prison stripes as he says how she didn't want those stripes aired. :floorlaugh: Can't help but smile at that one.

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