Arias files motion to fire lead attorney Kirk Nurmi

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Do you know why Kiefer loathes JM?

That seems to be the 64,000 dollar question and I am most interested in knowing the answer myself. KCL said his grudge/dislike for Juan has been ongoing for years.
I have no doubt whatsoever, based on my observations during this whole trial and after, that the defense team was handing documents and other information to MK to publish it for them. Trial by media. He should have been on their payroll. And should be now. He's doing it probono because it feeds his venomous hatred of Juan Martinez. He lives off of that. It's disturbing.

This most recent "leak" is more nefarious than others. Reason being the MCSO certification page combined with the fact that it the copy was not officially filed yet.

Providing the MCSO verification page is legit, this means that the document was leaked either by an MCSO employee or someone in the clerk's office. MK had to be standing by and his timing for reporting this was the as of date that it was recorded. My guess is that he's got a buddy in the clerk's office who overstepped some bounds. Probably should be some disciplinary action if this is investigated.

The other instrument in the orchestra is Alyce LaViolette. A woman who is too terrified to testify again, yet posted a workshop video on Youtube one week before this breaking news, putting herself in the spotlight. In "What Kind of Abuse Are We Talking About?" she talks about a media circus and an out of control courtroom. She specifically uses the word "abusive" to describe Juan Martinez and another word which I cannot recall and really don't want to go back to find out. She repeats her charges several times throughout the workshop.

The official FB page run by the aunt now has this video embedded for all to see.

More than mere coincidence, methinks.
This most recent "leak" is more nefarious than others. Reason being the MCSO certification page combined with the fact that it the copy was not officially filed yet.

Providing the MCSO verification page is legit, this means that the document was leaked either by an MCSO employee or someone in the clerk's office. MK had to be standing by and his timing for reporting this was the as of date that it was recorded. My guess is that he's got a buddy in the clerk's office who overstepped some bounds. Probably should be some disciplinary action if this is investigated.

The other instrument in the orchestra is Alyce LaViolette. A woman who is too terrified to testify again, yet posted a workshop video on Youtube one week before this breaking news, putting herself in the spotlight. In "What Kind of Abuse Are We Talking About?" she talks about a media circus and an out of control courtroom. She specifically uses the word "abusive" to describe Juan Martinez and another word which I cannot recall and really don't want to go back to find out. She repeats her charges several times throughout the workshop.

The official FB page run by the aunt now has this video embedded for all to see.

More than mere coincidence, methinks.

More than a coincidence. And I agree that there should be an investigation into how the motion was leaked (willing to bet Stephens isn't happy about the leak either).

But....when all is said and done, I still think this is a wee tempest in a miniature teapot. Travis' murderer had a fair trial. She had effective counsel. The State did its job. There was no prosecutorial misconduct. The judge leaned over backwards to allow the defense to present the best case it had, every step of the way.

The murderer obviously hasn't accepted that she's not in control anymore and never will be again. Kiefer obviously hasn't accepted that his personal involvement in the case didn't change a dang thing, and won't, no matter how many fisties of frustration he pens now. The murderer's family is capitalizing on their 15 minutes of blood soaked fame, and who knows (or cares), maybe acting out of guilt.

None of that is going to change what comes next. The DP is on the table, another jury will do a retry of the penalty phase and likely sentence her to death, IMO. She'll go to Perryville. And, she will die in prison one way or another.

Drama for drama's sake is her MO, and sadly, there seems to be an endless supply of clowns willing to play a part. For myself, I'm quite sure the last laugh won't be hers.
This most recent "leak" is more nefarious than others. Reason being the MCSO certification page combined with the fact that it the copy was not officially filed yet.

Providing the MCSO verification page is legit, this means that the document was leaked either by an MCSO employee or someone in the clerk's office. MK had to be standing by and his timing for reporting this was the as of date that it was recorded. My guess is that he's got a buddy in the clerk's office who overstepped some bounds. Probably should be some disciplinary action if this is investigated.

The other instrument in the orchestra is Alyce LaViolette. A woman who is too terrified to testify again, yet posted a workshop video on Youtube one week before this breaking news, putting herself in the spotlight. In "What Kind of Abuse Are We Talking About?" she talks about a media circus and an out of control courtroom. She specifically uses the word "abusive" to describe Juan Martinez and another word which I cannot recall and really don't want to go back to find out. She repeats her charges several times throughout the workshop.

The official FB page run by the aunt now has this video embedded for all to see.

More than mere coincidence, methinks.

Alyce LaV said she was up against a "bullying, abusive prosecutor". It is near the end of the video talk, @ 1:34:24
Kiefer possesses as much intelligence and compassion as Arias and Alyce LaViolette.

Juan Martinez is quite something. *Unusual people* are intimidated by and envious of him.
Alyce LaV said she was up against a "bullying, abusive prosecutor". It is near the end of the video talk, @ 1:34:24

She just uses her BFF's favourite word. She really felt bullied? I do hope she genuinely felt that way. Arias too. It's about time these women get a taste of their own medicine. I shudder to think of just how many people Arias has bullied. As for Alyce, she needs just as much help as the victims she claims to help.
Have any legal analysts weighed in on how they think Judge Stephens will handle the Motion to Dismiss?

Monica Lindstrom did say that this likely will be heard before other motions on 11/1.
I am still baffled as to how the killer has maintained so much control over things.
I am still baffled as to how the killer has maintained so much control over things.

I'm blown away at the lengths that she will go to and the fact that she has people willing to do her bidding. People as in plural of person. Not one, but many.

The aunt "finding" her long lost cell phone?

A cellmate in on the forged pedo letters. How did those get out of jail? Who then emailed them to her DT?

The coded magazines that Ann Campbell was supposed to receive at the jail? Then Matt McCartney being implicated as the person for whom the message was intended?

And now this nonsense.
I am still baffled as to how the killer has maintained so much control over things.

Really, she hasn't. She's tried to use her first amendment rights as a weapon, but they have served as a shovel instead. She keeps digging a hole to the injection table. That's way different than being in control.
Do you know why Kiefer loathes JM?

I don't know why. I know it goes way back. My former Psych Nurse listened to him vent so aggressively which was so off putting to so many people (including me) that my conclusion was that it's personal.
Alyce LaV said she was up against a "bullying, abusive prosecutor". It is near the end of the video talk, @ 1:34:24
But Alyce LaV perjured herself on the stand, so why take her word? Juan was not bullying nor abusive. That's his style, not just in this trial and it works for him and wins him many cases. Personally, I like it!!!
Why would it have to be a leak from the clerk's office? JA is permitted to work on paperwork for her defense and I'm assuming that would be the right to make copies of any legal paperwork outside the view of the jailers. What would stop her from making a copy to send to MK? I would think that is more likely than a clerk putting their job on the line. jmo
What I get from reading her handwritten motion is someone who stopped growing emotionally the day she left her parents home. Regardless of her high IQ score she is forever stuck at 17 emotionally. Well, okay, how about 14? jmo
Why would it have to be a leak from the clerk's office? JA is permitted to work on paperwork for her defense and I'm assuming that would be the right to make copies of any legal paperwork outside the view of the jailers. What would stop her from making a copy to send to MK? I would think that is more likely than a clerk putting their job on the line. jmo

Thank you, LambChop. You phrased things in such a way as to make me think this through and now I understand what happened.

The MCSO certification page was given back to CMJA along with a copy of the original filing so that she had this for her records. I was stuck because I kept thinking that page went with the court copy.

MK has a copy of her records, not the court record.

It's interesting to watch the trial all over again. New perspectives. Deeper insights. Jodi Arias' testimony was laughable. Insane. She lacked control over her emotions. Displayed no remorse. Tried to fake being nice but people like her have no clue on how to do that as they are empty inside. She butchered Travis but then she says on the stand that when Travis tried to choke her that she gently tried to get away as she did not want to hurt him. Crazy! She is incapable of feeling or even acting like a real human being.

I liked and still like Demarte but I wonder if her emphasis on Arias as 'immature' and 'eager to please' influenced some of the jurors to not vote for death.

In my opinion, Jodi Arias is not immature. Her actions do not stem from immaturity but rather an incredible desire to control and manipulate. She didn't change her physical appearance and give her body away to men simply to please them. That is the way she lures them into her trap. She doesn't throw tantrums. She threatens. If she does not get her way then she turns to violence and seeks to destroy her poor victims. I wish JM had done a better job of exposing JA for who she really is. The animal cruelty bit would have helped enormously but the Judge didn't allow it.
Many of the questions to ALV from the jurors were clearly not impressed with her shtick so I'm surprised she's not complaining about "bullying, abusive" jurors.
Thank you, LambChop. You phrased things in such a way as to make me think this through and now I understand what happened.

The MCSO certification page was given back to CMJA along with a copy of the original filing so that she had this for her records. I was stuck because I kept thinking that page went with the court copy.

MK has a copy of her records, not the court record.


I was thinking that anyone, anyone working in the clerk's office would have to be crazy to let something out with Juan breathing down their necks. And we know the State is not going to give MK anything that isn't available to the public. It's to JA's benefit to let this information out. Remember the JA through her Aunt claiming something to the affect that something big was about to happen. We're still waiting..... jmo
I find it pretty astounding that MK thinks it's supposed to sound shady that Montgomery won't release Martinez' full history to him for his little expose. Is he kidding? Yes, that would sound shady, maybe, to some, but he failed to mention that he now seems to be dedicating his time these days to attacking Juan and ruining his career (real nice). Would you release information to someone who was plotting your demise for nothing more than a personal vendetta? And why should he have to anyway? He's got more important thing to worry about, I'm sure. What's funny is his obsessive series is portrayed as investigative reporting when he has literally uncovered nothing. Every accusation leveled against him over the years have been made by defense attorneys. Every one. Is that supposed to be shocking? Defense attorneys are career straw graspers and Juan does draw a lot of ire from them because of his fierce style so they go after him even harder. There was one thing that was pretty serious but he was cleared of the charges when it was found to be much ado about nothing (he was accused of waiting too long to get a DT some documents but the DT had done the same to him and Juan had not done anything wrong. The judge overreacted). I have already heard of that. So yeah. Real big. Birds of a feather, MK and Jodi. He's like Donald Trump with his earth shattering news that goes out with a fizzle.

I was also thinking the same thing about ALV's new seminar (funny how it was given in her own facility. It literally looks like she just got a bunch of people together for a slam session. It was not even lecture-y). It does seem like all this has detonated to coincide with each other. Pathetic. Interesting how Jodi has gone after Nurmi though. Guess going after Juan would be too obvious. She really has to make it look like she got it from all angles.
Oh, and one more thing (and then I promise I will stop lol).

MK has been blaming Juan for the circus like atmosphere of this trial from day one. How absurd and absolutely ridiculous. How could Juan possibly be to blame? It was not his idea to have cameras in the room. The media asked and the judge allowed it because of sunshine laws. He blames his feisty, attack mode style for creating the circus and for "inciting" people to threaten witnesses and get involved. Everything that happened is Juan's fault. He fails to mention that the defendant herself has given numerous interviews before, DURING (who does that?) and after her trial. She tweets and has generally made every effort to keep herself in the spotlight and has done her own bit of "inciting" as well (tweeting disparaging things about the prosecutor and, in particular, Nancy Grace, which inspired one of her crazy fans to target her). It's like the Kardashians keeping themselves in the spotlight then complaining about not getting any privacy. She wants it. She relishes it. And now she is trying to use this is as a reason she didn't get a fair trial and it's all Juan's fault. And the case didn't really go big until Jodi took the stand and that is because it's such a rare thing for a defendant to do (no doubt she wanted it. NO doubt. Now it's Nurmi's fault she took the stand did so poorly. Oh yeah, and the abusive prosecutor's fault for being mean to her...). So public interest increased because she took the stand and then wouldn't shut her mouth. I will say this: keeping her up there for 18 days was definitely a tactical error that could have and should have been avoided.

So it would seem to me the reason this has become such a "circus" is because of Jodi, first and foremost, and because of people like MK and her family creating drama everywhere in an attempt to get a cold blooded killer off. This is not the first time and it won't be the last that a trial has been publicly held. So what makes this one different? Jodi. And what is it about this girl? First off, I think I can honestly say I have never seen such astronomical levels of narcissism. Never. In any killer I have ever seen. Hers is just off the charts that it clouds every decision she has ever made. And she is so narcissistic and sociopathic she cannot even realize what a mistake she has made. When she does realize, well, clearly it was someone else's fault. Never hers. But what also makes her unique is how dedicated and devoted the people around her are and how eager they are to play games to help her and no matter how slimy and calculating the games they have to play they will do it. Aunt Sue and MK in particular. MK has orchestrated a grand farce from Womack to Brewer to ALV all in an attempt to ruin Juan Martinez and help Jodoi. My God. He complains about the trial then jumps right in feet first and yells louder than any of them and continues to stir things up. Just when things die down he stirs them up again. He gets ALV out there. What a joke. But what a dangerous man he is. How could one journalist single-handedly spin this web like this? It's amazing and sad the ire Martinez has drawn for simply trying to do his job. That's it. That's what Jodi and her family and MK and ALV fail to see. It's not personal to him. He's not trying to get Jodi out of spite. He's not being shady. He is just doing his job and doing it to the best of his abilities. His job was to prosecute her. He's done that. The only person who has gone above and beyond his job is Michael Kiefer. How many times has he posted inaccurate information and flat out lies all in an attempt to hurt Juan? How many times has he used questionable tactics to help Jodi and the DT and hurt the state? His neutrality left a long time ago. He is no longer doing his job he's a defense shill and a dark orchestrator.

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