Arizona girl, 2, left in car by father on 109-degree day and is found dead

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The interim complaint also shows Scholtes received text messages from his wife while their daughter was being transported to the hospital stating: “I told you to stop leaving them in the car, How many times have I told you”

He responded, “Babe, I’m sorry!” She then said “We’ve lost her, she was perfect,” and he responded by texting “Babe our family. How could I do this? I killed our baby, this can’t be real.”

Scholtes also told investigators he knew his vehicle had a safety feature that would turn off the engine after 30 minutes. He said he knew from previous experience.

it just gets worse and worse
throw the book at him IMO
The interim complaint also shows Scholtes received text messages from his wife while their daughter was being transported to the hospital stating: “I told you to stop leaving them in the car, How many times have I told you”

He responded, “Babe, I’m sorry!” She then said “We’ve lost her, she was perfect,” and he responded by texting “Babe our family. How could I do this? I killed our baby, this can’t be real.”

Scholtes also told investigators he knew his vehicle had a safety feature that would turn off the engine after 30 minutes. He said he knew from previous experience.
What an absolute manchild. "Babe, I'm sorry!" You didn't forget to feed the dog, you left your child to roast to death.
What an absolute manchild. "Babe, I'm sorry!" You didn't forget to feed the dog, you left your child to roast to death.
And the "How many times have I told you not to do it" from her blows my mind as well. Well, he did it - apparently, again (after how many times?) - and she knew this was his habit. I don't see how she ever shows her face in the hospital after this.
IMO: It's not the mother's fault that the father kept leaving the kids in the car. This is completely his fault and negligence. Even if she had left him over this one thing, he would have likely ended up with half custody and continued to do it.

Some people are so stubborn (maybe selfish sometimes?) they don't believe the risks of taking known chances with others' safety applies to them. "It will be fine."

So now we know why he was arrested so quickly.

I'm not feeling sorry for him anymore, knowing she had warned him multiple times not to do this.

And he tried to throw her under the bus, too, claiming she did it, too, but she didn't!

My current opinions only.
The vehicle was parked in direct sunlight.

According to the court documents, at no time between 12:53 p.m. and 4:08 p.m. is Scholtes seen on the security video going outside to the vehicle to check on the little girl.

The two older children told police the dad regularly left the children in the car. They said he got distracted by playing his game and putting food away.

On the way to the hospital that day his wife sent a text saying she told him to stop doing that
. He answered “Sorry Babe.”
this just proves this was a regular practice of dad's, and mom knew it. I can't get past the fact she's a dang doctor. and she knew. On the day of her daughter's death she cautioned him to stop doing it.

Sorry babe - indeed. :(
Mom is the breadwinner, dad is all the kids know per her own statement, and this was his regular practice. His older daughters say daddy gets distracted by his video game. How very sad.
Wow. This new info that was just released is mind-blowing to me. She had warned him via text not to do that anymore, including THAT day after she left for work?

This is absolutely the father's fault, however the mother clearly knew this was an on-going issue and that he was still doing it, despite her warnings. And yet, she continued to let him be the sole carer for the children.

Kind of makes one wonder why daycare, a professional nanny, or even a teenager off of school for summer break wasn't hired to either help out at home or be solely responsible for the children's care. They don't seem to be struggling financially, even with being a one income household. And he also has a degree (in biochemistry) He clearly wasn't enjoying being soley responsible for the children's care.
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I know it's easy to lose the depth of feelings when texting, but the "Sorry, babe" from him feels SO nonchalant.
I agree, it’s difficult to know the tone in a text, but in every way “Sorry, babe” strikes me as appropriate for maybe forgetting to take out the trash or something on that level.

Instead he trashed his daughter’s life. I would expect agony.

The mother apparently isn’t directly responsible this time, but I am 100% incredulous that she knew this was his ongoing practice and she merely verbally admonished him. No, Dr. Mom, if you knew about this there were a thousand other plans you could have made to ensure your children’s welfare.

Wow, those texts are damning (IMO)…did I read correctly that the older kids said he got distracted by a “game” and putting away food? He does NOT sound like someone who should have been left in charge of children, at the least.

Has anyone figured out if he ever had a career of his own? I know Mom is a doctor so she’s extremely busy and she is a victim here too— but this whole thing reeks of a man who never grew up past his early 20s and was enabled into behaving that way. Again, this is absolutely not any type of judgement towards anyone, just my projections based on my own background and the new information that was released. While I have never been one, I do believe that being a stay-at-home parent is one of the most important and difficult jobs that one can have— however, it seems like he wasn’t even able to adequately perform the duties of that job, down to the basic tasks (…like taking a baby out of the car once you get home).

This isn't a "I told you to stop leaving the toilet seat up' thing. It was a purposeful act where a child's life was at risk. How many times did he do this and then get 'distracted' by video games etc. He is a lazy selfish man child and I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison. I can't wrap my head around why the Mother would want him out of custody. I would have found a divorce lawyer asap and his family could bail him out of jail. I wouldn't want him around my other kids and who cares if he doesn't go to the funeral. He lost that right when he killed his daughter.
Are the other children still in the parents' custody? When she returns to work, is he going to be responsible for their care again? I sincerely hope not but I don't remember if there were any stipulations regarding that when he was released....

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