Arizona girl, 2, left in car by father on 109-degree day and is found dead

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Parker was born at the end of October 2021, and within weeks had her first trip to Disneyland with her parents and two older sisters

They went skiing in Banff in February, with their older daughters in tow, and took a beach holiday to Cancun in March with the whole family.

The couple also traveled through Europe in June, Seattle in October, and Sedona in June last year, just the two of them.
*maybe he doesn't need the money, traveling costs add up. He possibly started out as a good role model for the kids but somewhere, prob long ago, something went wrong with his priority selections of feel good pings in his head.
Well, speaking as a former stay at home mom, some days are torture. Some days are so boring, monotonous, stab your eyes with a pencil day…. Not for the weak at heart. But that’s your job. To raise little people, keep them safe, and hopefully do a decent enough job that they become good community citizens. Then you look back at it and long for those days.

I get wanting to take a break in video games. Especially during summer when everyone is home. But not by being neglectful of your kids.
But he also knew the AC would cut off after 30 minutes. How on earth could he let it go for as long as he did?
This is where I’m having trouble, someone earlier called it time-blindness. Maybe, (a huge maybe) I could understand 1 hour going by when he knew he had 30 minutes before the AC stopped. He left his baby in the car for over 3 hours! Had he put some bags in the kitchen, maybe given the girls or himself lunch, & put groceries away - that 30 minutes must’ve been up, or darn close to it. Where did he magically get 2+ more hours? Did he sometimes restart the car & the AC via remote? Maybe he meant to do so that day?

Precious baby Parker, mom was right, she was perfect!
This is where I’m having trouble, someone earlier called it time-blindness. Maybe, (a huge maybe) I could understand 1 hour going by when he knew he had 30 minutes before the AC stopped. He left his baby in the car for over 3 hours! Had he put some bags in the kitchen, maybe given the girls or himself lunch, & put groceries away - that 30 minutes must’ve been up, or darn close to it. Where did he magically get 2+ more hours? Did he sometimes restart the car & the AC via remote? Maybe he meant to do so that day?

Precious baby Parker, mom was right, she was perfect!
That’s a thought: That he would restart the car but didn’t want to admit that? Can that be done via remote, and perhaps it failed? Otherwise I can’t imagine he could let it go for 3 hours, unless he virtually blacked out. Self-preservation alone would have motivated him. It’s like information is missing— perhaps what you suggest.
Does anyone know where we saw that he studied biochemistry? If he had a BS. Ie 4 yr degree in that field there's practically no step into employment without getting a post grad degree. Best he could do is get a teaching certificate for HS science, or maybe JC.

There are other certificates and masters programs he could have done from home a la Kohberger, but I doubt in biochem.

Anyone remember what degree, if any, he achieved?
Scholtes studied biochemistry at Arizona State University, but it was not clear where he now worked.

'I call this one A Fathers Comfort,' the dad, who also coached his daughter's softball team, wrote next to the photo
That’s a thought: That he would restart the car but didn’t want to admit that? Can that be done via remote, and perhaps it failed? Otherwise I can’t imagine he could let it go for 3 hours, unless he virtually blacked out. Self-preservation alone would have motivated him. It’s like information is missing— perhaps what you suggest.
Yes, a lot of newer model cars can be started via remote to either warm up the engine when it is cold out or to turn on the AC or the heater. My daughter’s car is a 2019 or 2020. She doesn’t have to actually go out to the car to start it. it also won’t drive unless she has the key in the car, so you can warm it up without worrying about someone stealing it (or for ppl who use their car to babysit, the kids can’t drive off with it).
Did he fix them lunch bearing in mind it was lunchtime would that not jog your memory that the younger was missing? Or if they had 4 meals from take out?
@Kittypoo Thx for your response :) w good Q.
IDK, seems like that timing would prompt thought of food & then his toddler still in car.

OTOH on his errand(s?) w toddler, they could both have had lunch on the run.
If so, on returning home at same time as other 2 dau's, maybe he let them fend for themselves. Some kids that age are content w a Bag o'Snacks for a meal. Pls don't ask me how I know. ;)
That’s a thought: That he would restart the car but didn’t want to admit that? Can that be done via remote, and perhaps it failed? Otherwise I can’t imagine he could let it go for 3 hours, unless he virtually blacked out. Self-preservation alone would have motivated him. It’s like information is missing— perhaps what you suggest.
LE did seize a half full glass from the coffee table. Perhaps test results on that may shed additional light?
Well, speaking as a former stay at home mom, some days are torture. Some days are so boring, monotonous, stab your eyes with a pencil day…. Not for the weak at heart. But that’s your job. To raise little people, keep them safe, and hopefully do a decent enough job that they become good community citizens. Then you look back at it and long for those days.

I get wanting to take a break in video games. Especially during summer when everyone is home. But not by being neglectful of your kids.

I was a SAHM for years, and geez, I wish my life had been boring! I was constantly going places and doing stuff. My kids went to swimming lessons in the summer, little ones were in a preschool, for 4 hours a day.

I don't remember sitting around playing video games in the middle day.
Here's the thing: leaving kids in the car in that climate was as dangerous as, if not more dangerous than, driving drunk with the kids in the car. It was an accident waiting to happen. Anyone aware of this pattern of behavior shares culpability. If you know a child is being placed in unsafe situations, you have a duty to protect them. Full stop.
I understand mistakes happen, but leaving your child to sleep in the driveway is a poor decision, whether it's hot or not. You don't leave a 2yo in the car to finish a nap while you yourself leave the car. It's not fun to remove a sleeping child from a car seat, but it's also not that onerous.

It seems neglectful to me to not bring the child into the house, regardless of weather or a/c. And in Arizona? In July?

I'm so sad this has happened.
Kids are little *advertiser censored*… this is understandable.. finishing the nap
Is understandable
Does anyone know where we saw that he studied biochemistry? If he had a BS. Ie 4 yr degree in that field there's practically no step into employment without getting a post grad degree. Best he could do is get a teaching certificate for HS science, or maybe JC.

There are other certificates and masters programs he could have done from home a la Kohberger, but I doubt in biochem.

Anyone remember what degree, if any, he achieved?
No offence but does it really matter if he has a degree or not? Many people don’t have any qualifications but still manage to parent their children sufficiently. I fail to see how his education comes into this tbh
And the poor kids? In for years of peers seeing online accounts, and this being used to bully, snicker or to just avoid them
“Just avoid” seems like it could come from good intentions, which is almost more heartbreaking. Imagine you’re the parent of one of their friends…are you ever going to be comfortable letting your child go to their house to play? The idea of those girls having to remember this every time a friend says “I’m not allowed to come over to your house” is absolutely heartbreaking!

But I call BS on even a 9 year old using the word "distracted", certainly not a 5 year old.
Agree with this. The only way I can imagine either of them saying it without prompting is if they hear their dad saying “I got distracted” constantly enough that they could parrot it back.

Kids are little *advertiser censored*… this is understandable.. finishing the nap
Is understandable
Wishing you could let her finish the nap is understandable. Actually doing it is not.

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