Armchair Psych discussion of Jodi Arias

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My feelings on the death penalty are very complicated. I am both for it and against it. It really depends.

In Jodi's case, I am for it.

Some times death would be easier then living life in prison. I have come to believe that death sentences are not the way to go. I have never had a loved one murdered or raped ect. I can see why some seek death for their loved ones and pray that I will never be in that position. The reason I am not for the death sentence is that innocent people are executed. You can never give back the greatest gift Nor would I ever want to take a life and find out it was not warrant. The tables switch when executer becomes the very thing they are trying to eradicate the taking of life.
I would like to hear more about your feelings on the DP if and when you can share.

Yes, most of us are appalled at public beheadings in places like Saudi Arabia so I think method and access (sword or needle, public square vs. private execution chamber) must make some difference. I imagine beheading is a pretty quick and painless way to go.
I am coming from a very complex philosophy of jurisprudence: I believe the entire penal/sentencing system in the US needs to be reworked and returned to its former underpinnings. When less frazzled, I can give a better explanation. :crazy::crazy: sorry, but thanks for asking. :)
Some times death would be easier then living life in prison. I have come to believe that death sentences are not the way to go. I have never had a loved one murdered or raped ect. I can see why some seek death for their loved ones and pray that I will never be in that position. The reason I am not for the death sentence is that innocent people are executed. You can never give back the greatest gift Nor would I ever want to take a life and find out it was not warrant. The tables switch when executer becomes the very thing they are trying to eradicate the taking of life.
Absolutely, well stated.
"Hillman also goes on to point out that the so-called painless guillotine is likely anything but. He states that "death occurs due to separation of the brain and spinal cord, after transection of the surrounding tissues. This must cause acute and possibly severe pain." This is one of the reasons why the guillotine, and beheading in general, is no longer an accepted method of execution in many countries with capital punishment."

Nah, I ain't buyin' it.

I don't have the studies at hand to quote here but there are reaction times to pain. The amount of time that it takes the neuro pathways to tell the brain that there has been trauma. My understanding from what I've read is that this happens so fast with the guillotine, it's over before the brain has time to react.

Now, on the other hand many, many written observations have been recorded during the French revolution about how the head would fall in the basket and the nuns would talk to the heads and their eyes would blink and mouths would move.

Of course, no one will ever know if this was a mere reflex or an awareness.
Travis probably- like most average people thought "this girl is off but no way will she for real kill me. No way." Not till that last picture of him alive- it's why it scares me. Jmo. You don't honestly walk around thinking I can die today, but you can- by anything. Also, he was a MMA/wrestler fit dude- probably didn't think she'd take him out, but she did. Where does domestic violence become okay to defend yourself? When it exists and isn't some fake Hail Mary pass you DT cooked up to get your supposed suicidal self off of death row. Jodi Arias even in prison is like a female Ted Bundy.
Nah, I ain't buyin' it.

I don't have the studies at hand to quote here but there are reaction times to pain. The amount of time that it takes the neuro pathways to tell the brain that there has been trauma. My understanding from what I've read is that this happens so fast with the guillotine, it's over before the brain has time to react.

Now, on the other hand many, many written observations have been recorded during the French revolution about how the head would fall in the basket and the nuns would talk to the heads and their eyes would blink and mouths would move.

Of course, no one will ever know if this was a mere reflex or an awareness.

Looked up beheading during revolution and other articles from Neuroscience magazine. It was interesting reading. Thanks for the subject and the scouts from revolution!
Last night on JVM it mentioned that .Travis had bought engagement ring for a woman. He never gave it to her but it was taken from his home. Travis suspect it was Jodi that took it. Can anyone tell me if there is actual testimony of Jodi crawling through dog door?
Nah, I ain't buyin' it.

I don't have the studies at hand to quote here but there are reaction times to pain. The amount of time that it takes the neuro pathways to tell the brain that there has been trauma. My understanding from what I've read is that this happens so fast with the guillotine, it's over before the brain has time to react.

Now, on the other hand many, many written observations have been recorded during the French revolution about how the head would fall in the basket and the nuns would talk to the heads and their eyes would blink and mouths would move.

Of course, no one will ever know if this was a mere reflex or an awareness.
I wish I hadn't read this: :(
Then I received a note from a U.S. Army veteran who had been stationed in Korea. In June 1989 the taxi he and a friend were riding in collided with a truck. My correspondent was pinned in the wreckage. The friend was decapitated. Here's what happened:

My friend's head came to rest face up, and (from my angle) upside-down. As I watched, his mouth opened and closed no less than two times. The facial expressions he displayed were first of shock or confusion, followed by terror or grief. I cannot exaggerate and say that he was looking all around, but he did display ocular movement in that his eyes moved from me, to his body, and back to me. He had direct eye contact with me when his eyes took on a hazy, absent expression … and he was dead.

I've spoken with the author and am satisfied the event occurred as described. One can of course never be certain that anyone in this predicament is aware of his surroundings and realizes (briefly) what has happened to him. But I concede the possibility that he might.
In the 1930s in AZ a woman who'd gotten the death penalty was hanged, and her head popped off and landed near the horrified onlookers. She was the last woman on death row there to be "dispatched" since. I don't know if Jodi would prefer the solitude and quiet of death row over max-medium custody or not.
Last night on JVM it mentioned that .Travis had bought engagement ring for a woman. He never gave it to her but it was taken from his home. Travis suspect it was Jodi that took it. Can anyone tell me if there is actual testimony of Jodi crawling through dog door?

Yes, via Mimi's testimony iirc.
Was just trawling and came upon this pic of Travis. He really had male model good looks, he was stunning. I can see why - combined with his being a charismatic leader, his financial success, his home, his popularity - Jodi felt she would never, ever come across his type again.

I am actually surprised Lisa did not want to marry him (they could have had a long engagement if she was not quite ready? Guess she would be a widow now, though :( )

I don't know who Deanna is - better look her up.:what:


ETA:Found this on another website about Deanna Reid and very good insights, as well:

According to statements I have read re Deanna Reid:
IIRC, she is from So Cal. A person on another site said she has known DR and TA for along time. DR IS a very nice person. Reid and Travis did NOT have any type of sexual activity. They were both very much in love with each other.
This love, while not acted upon with marriage, etc., was the demon JA was fighting: JA knew how much others cared about TA and how he cared for them; JA wanted TA to care for her like he cared for them;

The longer the relationship with JA went on, the more TA seemed to value his female friends who HAD remained chaste; he was no longer "pushing" them for a "free feel" and more respectful. He seemed to appreciate/understand NOW the values the LDS church had tried to teach him.

Jodi had played her end card, SEX, at the start of the relationship. She left nothing to advance or grow to; she left nothing to mystery for Travis. IMO, Travis became aware he did not love Jodi; he did not want marriage with her; she was a sex object and he DID find the explorations of sex thrilling as any person does when they first start having sex.

Never play your end card or a trump card in first round.
Hold it for when it is of proper value.
I agree.

There is no evidence supporting the claim that Travis had any pedophilia tendencies or behavior. So it is highly likely that this is more of Jodi's character assassination attempts. Nor would it excuse premeditated murder even if founded in empirical evidence.

That said, as he was leading a double life there is nothing wrong with examining the claim.

I don't think Travis has the features indicated in this profile: I think he was far too gregarious, assertive, congenial, etc. Just what I have been able to glean thus far.

Thanks..great info and just what I was looking for.
I think Jodi deserves the death penalty. Look at her actions after Travis's murder. When she was arrested, she had knives and the 9mm gun. I see her as someone who, in the right circumstances, will kill again. All she would have to do is get really attached to someone (male or female) and that person decide that they like someone else better. She would go ballistic and get rid of the other person. Jodi may never get attached to anyone else the way she was to Travis, but if it does happen, she'll kill. Flores and the female detective from Yreka gave Jodi numerous chances to tell the truth so that Travis's family would know why Jodi butchered him. The only people I think should be given life without parole are those who snapped but are no danger to anyone else, either in prison or on the outside. All of the planning Jodi did indicates that she is an evil, cold-blooded murderer. We will all know that the justice system doesn't work if she isn't convicted of first-degree murder.
I agree.

There is no evidence supporting the claim that Travis had any pedophilia tendencies or behavior. So it is highly likely that this is more of Jodi's character assassination attempts. Nor would it excuse premeditated murder even if founded in empirical evidence.

That said, as he was leading a double life there is nothing wrong with examining the claim.

I don't think Travis has the features indicated in this profile: I think he was far too gregarious, assertive, congenial, etc. Just what I have been able to glean thus far.

Having some personal experience on this topic, I am compelled to comment on the very traits you mentioned. And, for the record, I'm speaking in general and no way related to Travis. The pedophile I know is one of the most gregarious and congenial people I've ever met. Always happy, laughing, joking, life of the party. He belonged to and was very active in multiple social and service organizations and belongs to them to this day. He had a WIDE circle of friends and was universally well-liked. He was also assertive, but not in an abrasive way. Just not shy AT ALL. He was also pretty immature/childlike. Kind of Sanduskyesque. I'm just mentioning it since I wouldn't want anyone to think there's a particular type of person you can identify as a pedophile by their outward behavior -- aside from their behavior toward their victims, of course.
In the 1930s in AZ a woman who'd gotten the death penalty was hanged, and her head popped off and landed near the horrified onlookers. She was the last woman on death row there to be "dispatched" since. I don't know if Jodi would prefer the solitude and quiet of death row over max-medium custody or not.

From what I have seen on the MSN program lock up exdended stay. Death row is not a bad place it is quiet they cell alone and have more room in cells. It is the med. max prison I would fear. Especially if you did a heinous crime or were high profile inmate.
The warden in Arizona is supposed to be tough. He has the male prisoners working chain gang and the farm on jail property. They are issued pink underwear and shirts and sleep in tents outside. I was really surprised to hers Jodi was reading star magazine and photo mags. Again the balance of male/female roles iare divided.
From what I have seen on the MSN program lock up exdended stay. Death row is not a bad place it is quiet they cell alone and have more room in cells. It is the med. max prison I would fear. Especially if you did a heinous crime or were high profile inmate.
The warden in Arizona is supposed to be tough. He has the male prisoners working chain gang and the farm on jail property. They are issued pink underwear and shirts and sleep in tents outside. I was really surprised to hers Jodi was reading star magazine and photo mags. Again the balance of male/female roles iare divided.

Just FYI, it's the Sheriff, not the warden, who's famous for the pink underwear. Also, it's my understanding that only the little fish sleep in "tent city." Mostly DUI's and petty crimes. Jail time for DUI is mandatory in AZ and if you're busted you are very likely to wind up there. And I know people personally who have. And Sheriff Joe does not care WHO you are. Plenty of soccer moms have had the privilege. I'm sure that's no fun in, say August.
Just want to say thank you to everyone posting here. I had just about given up following this case onWeb Sleuth becuase so many of the other threads had become snarky. If you don't think Juan M can do no wrong..there is no mercyLOL. Everyone here has been so respectful of each other. Bravo!
Hey guys - do you know the name of the state's expert on psychology or whoever they plan to call in that regard? I think I remember reading about her at one point. She interviewed JA, right?
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