Armchair Psych discussion of Jodi Arias

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Yes, this whole thing about Travis' proclivity to pedophilia seems a very nasty trick, and hopefully no one from the jury has given it any credence, as there is no evidence backing it.

That really is diabolical of JA to make this claim then.
Just want to be sure there is no element of truth there. Why would her defense team allow her to go there if there is no basis for her claim? Unbelievable!
Yes, this whole thing about Travis' proclivity to pedophilia seems a very nasty trick, and hopefully no one from the jury has given it any credence, as there is no evidence backing it.

It is the lowest thing a person can say about someone, especially the person they murdered. I cannot wait for that day when Juan can finally lay out once and for all that this was just a nasty lie. It has to be known.

I think if they had stopped at the abuse lie, they might have had something there, someone might sympathize with her. But this claim is just too OTT, it's cartoonish. She should have stopped grasping.

I also don't know if you've seen it, but a picture was found in Travis' attic of him as a little boy with his dad. Guess what he was wearing in the picture? Spiderman underwear.

She is disgusting.
It is the lowest thing a person can say about someone, especially the person they murdered. I cannot wait for that day when Juan can finally lay out once and for all that this was just a nasty lie. It has to be known.

I think if they had stopped at the abuse lie, they might have had something there, someone might sympathize with her. But this claim is just too OTT, it's cartoonish. She should have stopped grasping.

I also don't know if you've seen it, but a picture was found in Travis' attic of him as a little boy with his dad. Guess what he was wearing in the picture? Spiderman underwear.

She is disgusting.
Good lord - yes, she is.
Yes, this whole thing about Travis' proclivity to pedophilia seems a very nasty trick, and hopefully no one from the jury has given it any credence, as there is no evidence backing it.

I truly think they copied it from the Casey Anthony trial. They figured it wouldn't hurt to just throw that in. They could care less about Travis

We should make a list of all the similarities
1. Putting Jodi's chair low
2. Making her look all mousy and unattractive
3. The abuse from childhood (I just don't see it, I think her Mother was the abused one)
4. Jodi was a victim of domestic violence (Casey a victim of her Dad's abuse)
5. The lowest of them all I think is making the victim out to be a pedophile. Poor Travis is probably rolling over in his grave.
I truly think they copied it from the Casey Anthony trial. They figured it wouldn't hurt to just throw that in. They could care less about Travis

We should make a list of all the similarities
1. Putting Jodi's chair low
2. Making her look all mousy and unattractive
3. The abuse from childhood (I just don't see it, I think her Mother was the abused one)
4. Jodi was a victim of domestic violence (Casey a victim of her Dad's abuse)
5. The lowest of them all I think is making the victim out to be a pedophile. Poor Travis is probably rolling over in his grave.

6. They put on a poor me act when the jury was in the room and when they leave were entirely different people.

7. They both have no trouble at all looking at autopsy photos but had to pretend they did for the jury.
And I have read skilled computer forensics can even recover that stuff.

It must depend. I had a hard drive that was beyond recovery - found that out the hard way after sending it to the company that recovers data for NASA and other government agencies. I couldn't believe it because I too thought they would at least get a goodly amount of my data.
It must depend. I had a hard drive that was beyond recovery - found that out the hard way after sending it to the company that recovers data for NASA and other government agencies. I couldn't believe it because I too thought they would at least get a goodly amount of my data.

What happened to your computer? But yes, it does depend. Usually they can but sometimes they can't.

But, I want to point out, if this had happened in Travis' case, they wouldn't have been able to get anything from before the supposed formatting happened, right?. If they combed his computer and they have files that date from before Jan. 21. then Travis did not format or mess up his computer when Jodi allegedly discovered his secret. If this was a new computer, that would also be evident. I expect this is what the computer forensics expert will testify to.
That really is diabolical of JA to make this claim then.
Just want to be sure there is no element of truth there. Why would her defense team allow her to go there if there is no basis for her claim? Unbelievable!
Either they actually do believe her stories, or they are simply willing to do anything to win their case.

Of course, there is no proof either that Jodi is lying : But it can be inferred from the general facts.


In addition, for PTSD to be properly diagnosed, the victim must experience the trauma with fear of imminent death or the threat of severe harm to self or others. Stressors which may evoke the disorder include forcible rapes; violent muggings; wartime combat; witnessing others being killed, maimed or tortured; tsunamis; plane crashes; and similar horrific occurrences.

In every legitimate case of PTSD, the person was a victim, not the aggressor, as in the Arias case. In addition, Ms. Arias has testified about the murder for six weeks without any semblance of anxiety. She confabulated different scenarios of the murder, ranging from denying having done it, to “masked intruders” and then, “self-defense.” Keep in mind, the murder was sparked by her photographing her boyfriend naked in the shower
What happened to your computer? But yes, it does depend. Usually they can but sometimes they can't.

Mine just plain died. Dunno why. Just an FYI and reason to backup 'cause it does happen.

But, I want to point out, if this had happened in Travis' case, they wouldn't have been able to get anything from before the supposed formatting happened, right?. If they combed his computer and they have files that date from before Jan. 21. then Travis did not format or mess up his computer when Jodi allegedly discovered his secret. If this was a new computer, that would also be evident. I expect this is what the computer forensics expert will testify to.

I think you're right - we'll wait and see.:what:
Is it okay to post this link? I think all of these point summarize Jodi very well:

from Lovefraud's Beware the Sociopath

Interpersonal traits

Glib and superficial - (get my makeup!)
Egocentric and grandiose - (do I need to give an example? heck, go read her blog)
Lack of remorse or guilt - (has she expressed any remorse at all?)
Lack of empathy - (could not bear the pain of a razor nick yet doesn't have any empathy for the man she stabbed 29 times)
Deceitful and manipulative - (all those lies!)
Shallow emotions - (again.. no example needed, really)
Antisocial lifestyle - (using men to live the kind of lifestyle she wanted)

Poor behavior controls - (so many anecdotes suggest this)
Need for excitement - (she strikes me as someone who gets bored easily)
Lack of responsibility - (too many examples!)
Early behavior problems - (kicking her mom, their dog)
Adult antisocial behavior - (, sleeping under the xmas tree, stabbing a man 29 times then shooting him, etc)


Lying, deceiving and manipulation are natural talents for psychopaths. Given their glibness and the facility with which they lie, it is not surprising that psychopaths successfully cheat, bilk, defraud, con and manipulate people and have not the slightest compunction about doing so.

/My Armchair Analysis of JA
Mine just plain died. Dunno why. Just an FYI and reason to backup 'cause it does happen.

I think you're right - we'll wait and see.:what:

Data can be retrieved from a re-formatted drive because this process does not over-write data.

google 'erasing hard drive' for lots more info.
Data can be retrieved from a re-formatted drive because this process does not over-write data.

google 'erasing hard drive' for lots more info.

But what I am saying is if Travis did anything to his computer or bought a new one, the dates of his files would reflect this. Everything would be from post Jan. 21. If there are files from before then, the alleged pedophilia pictures (and bunches of booby pics) would be there. If there are files from dates from before Jan. 21 and there are no *advertiser censored* or booby pics, then we know they were never there. If Travis only has files from after Jan. 21 then I would entertain this idea. But I have a feeling everything from when he bought it is there.
The slashing of tires is hearsay.

I am so wondering how tires can be slashed. Maybe because the ones on my cars are thicker than other tires?

I just don't see that happening. Maybe the air let out. Yes.

Try slashing a tire . Hm

Poking it with a screw driver would work. Slash maybe considered a poke. She came close to decapitating him so I think she could slash tire. IMO
tv heads discussing if Jodi really has headache. She mentions headaches in the phone tapes. Nancy grace has never had a migraine headache. I suffer with them and I become unable to do anything but vomit. I take tablets when it starts to try to control them but they don't always work.can be caused by lack of eating. Sometimes Nancy grace gives me a headache. Wonder if she has had a cat scan to rule out tumor.
tv heads discussing if Jodi really has headache. She mentions headaches in the phone tapes. Nancy grace has never had a migraine headache. I suffer with them and I become unable to do anything but vomit. I take tablets when it starts to try to control them but they don't always work.can be caused by lack of eating. Sometimes Nancy grace gives me a headache. Wonder if she has had a cat scan to rule out tumor.

I agree, my bro gets migraine headaches and when they hit he has to take medication and lay down, there's no alternative.

Migraines are debilitating, and criminals aren't immune to health problems, so I think it's possible that she really does suffer from them.

In a court of law, the defendant has to be treated innocent until proven guilty. Even though the timing of the migraine is suspect, I think we have to try to give the defense the benefit of the doubt on this count. If only not to stoop to a lower level.

On the other hand, people go to court with far worse conditions. Then again the defense does have a strong motive for her to fake it but still.
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