Armchair psych profile and personal background

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Well, is some cases there are camera's in the courtroom. But they may not film the accused, or at least it isn't brodcasted due to "violation of privacy right" ( yup we do have that here ). They mostly film the judge ( we dont have a jury ) reading a verdict or statements, we see the prosecuter claiming their statements and the defense doing the same. So the images are limited, but there are court-sketchers ( imho better then what I've seen in this LRM case lol ) and we see those images on tv. There are cases where also the accused is filmed, but those are rare. And if filmed, usually the shots are taken from an angle at the back, so you could see an ear and a portion of the cheek and the rest is the back of the head. Oeh I must also state, that the accused is not in a "cage" but sits next to his attorney.

While the media is usually allowed in the court room, I have never seen one criminal case in Canada that has been filmed and made public. Please provide some examples.

As for "they mostly film the judge (we dont have a jury)", where is that coming from? We absolutely do have jurys, and LRM has chosen trial by jury.

The accused may sit next to his attorney, but in high profile cases (i.e. Pickton, Rafferty, Russ Williams), they are in the prisoner's box for security reasons.
Maybe just because of the fact that his grandparents raised him for part of his childhood? He feels closer to them--a special bond.

I wondered about the 2 pics of him with the elderly couple that appeared to me to be Russian (mostly because of the way the gentleman was dressed with the Cossack style hat and somewhat military style woolen coat). Whoever they were, they appeared very pleased to be having their pic taken with LRM.
IA w/ statements LRM is not making all of his childhood history up. As someone who was abused, when I saw him in the news I felt something "relatable" about him (if you understand, not the murderous rage, haha, but the familiar demeanor, sadness, and words of an abused invidual). I am attracted to narcissist loners, too, and had one ex in particular who had the same type of background as LRM (molested, hated mother & sister for not protecting him) and was just messed up under the surface. We were friends for years then dated and this crazy, raging vengeful switch just flipped on. He is still alone, unable to sustain long-term relationships. He does weird things for attention (he actually got sued for some of his internet activities and was pretty remorseless about how he defamed other people). That said, from what I have seen, the things that LRM talks about happening seem to create specific patterns in men I have seen go through the same thing.

I know several of you have discussed schizophrenia, and I was thinking his traits relate more closely to schizoid--flat affect and speech, asociality, intimacy issues, as well as creation of a fantasy world, which seems to be the case here. To me, this guy tried so hard to create a sense of self and reality that he created one where he was so dissociated that he thought of himself as the star in his own movie. I think that dissociation could also explain some of the lack of realization of the impact of his actions, as well as the fact that some folks do not seem to agree he is a psychopath. I can't diagnose either, of course, but food for thought.
I wonder why LM seemed to especially want Russians to see him as a sk?

Then, under Personal Information — activities, interests, favorite music and so on —the same phrase appears over and over and over in Russian Cyrillic script:

“серийный убийца”

Over and over. Seven times in all: “серийный убийца.”

“Cерийный убийца” is Russian for “serial killer.”

Very good question but I'm stumped Dotr what do you think? What does anyone think?
That is FUNNY! ha
true too --- how many stoned people do you know that are eating other peoples faces off NONE a quarter pounder ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Funny !
This is morbid stuff a laugh here and there a good thing FUnny!
I've had to resist making a joke here and there to avoid offending anyone. I also avoid making comments like, "I'd bet me right arm..." because, well, you know. :p
Originally Posted by matou
I think at some point, he thought he was Catherine Tramell. His eyebrows, his hairstyle and colour. His smoking. Also, in the movie, Catherine Tramell uses the fact that she wrote about killing with an icepick as an alibi. Now LM (as Catherine Tramell) may think he could use his obsession with the movie as his alibi since the killer uses an icepick and blogged about it beforehand. If that makes any sense.

The comparison photos are really similar. Neat observation. Too bad LM lacks the intelligence of Trammel's character. He might be able to mimic her look or a gesture...even overtly use her name as a nod to his idolizing her, but he lacks the smarts and the social skills to even remotely come off as cunning as her character. Check out clip below to see for yourself.
While the media is usually allowed in the court room, I have never seen one criminal case in Canada that has been filmed and made public. Please provide some examples.

As for "they mostly film the judge (we dont have a jury)", where is that coming from? We absolutely do have jurys, and LRM has chosen trial by jury.

The accused may sit next to his attorney, but in high profile cases (i.e. Pickton, Rafferty, Russ Williams), they are in the prisoner's box for security reasons.

Shimmers wasnt talking about the Canadian system... ;)
In the above post LM says toward the end (his post is #165):

"Some people are so manipulateive its hard to describe them because people will think YOUR the crazy one.....NO NO MOTHER is the crazy one and she is truly messed up beyond words."

This in part could support my hypothesis of how him pleaing insanity would not be palitable for him. As he says..HE is NOT the crazy one. His MOTHER is.

Can't repeat everything I have said but I have developed an idea till now, that the Canadian state to keep L.M. quiet will railroad him towards a quick not guilty arrangement due to insanity (just roughly speaking) - his lawyer (and or L.M.) may understand this and be loathe to play into their hands at least yet.

They may want to see what the state has in terms of DNA of course they will have DNA but the lawyer for sure will want to see if anyone else's DNA is part of that crime scene. Not just in real terms of course but in terms of fashioning a defense. The web aspect is a quagmire for both sides but especially the prosecution. What is real and what isn't?

If I am right and LM may have privileged knowledge of one or more of the elite in one or more of several countries, through back channels his lawyer will try to use that to get LM a more favourable verdict or sentence. The government may think that they are caving if they allow an insanity plea but if LM has a good lawyer he will try to better than that, a life in some godawful mental hospital.

Also in terms of mental health not sure if there has been a discussion of perversion as a separate area of psychiatry (coprophilia etc).
Perversions often exist with other mental health issues but often are treated as a separate field.

I think the interpretation of the perversions will differ depending on what approach - turning to psychoanalysis rather than simple psychiatry definitions from the (Melanie) Kleinian groups would link the development of various perversions to VERY early human experience, the first year of life.
Some perversions like coprophilia are treated as "sicker" by most psychiatrists than say voyeurism, but even the latter can hopelessly damage a person's life due to the social opprobrium and likelihood of criminal charges.

They're distributed throughout society and hidden so again, LM may have clients whose past with him involves horribly damaging material - obviously just a picture with him would be damaging let alone a coprophilia soiree. I think it is likely rather than unlikely that this is the real situation hence his very special treatment. Plus the possibility that he has worked as an informant: I base this on the Fusilliers pub incident and discussed my thoughts on a previous thread.
If he wanted help that bad he could have seen a doctor or a psychiatrist off his own back right? I know there is evidence he did those things since we know now he is on meds, but maybe he needed to make it clear to the professionals that he had these unhealthy thoughts, not just strangers on the net who really can't do much since they did not know him in person
Family, friends tricks people in bars anyone who ran into him could easily tell he was troubled. Listen to all of us seeing him on a tv in 8 videos. He is off, his eyes are off his affective presentation is off. Mainly family responsiblity.
I believe he has committed other murders and the psych evaluations would have revealed some very disturbing "skeltons in the closet." Not from his childhood but from his adulthood. He did not want to take that risk. He still has control....for now. If he gets convicted, we may get some of the disturbing details but in the meantime, we let his 3 attorneys do their thing....whatever that may be.:moo:

I'm thinking I should get the hell out of dodge from this province...
Family, friends tricks people in bars anyone who ran into him could easily tell he was troubled. Listen to all of us seeing him on a tv in 8 videos. He is off, his eyes are off his affective presentation is off. Mainly family responsiblity.
I believe he has committed other murders and the psych evaluations would have revealed some very disturbing "skeltons in the closet." Not from his childhood but from his adulthood. He did not want to take that risk. He still has control....for now. If he gets convicted, we may get some of the disturbing details but in the meantime, we let his 3 attorneys do their thing....whatever that may be.:moo:

I'm thinking I should get the hell out of dodge from this province...
I think his lawyer said lets just be quiet your going to be here anyhow-we will do some stall tactics that will give us a year, year and half and by that time the media and public are less fosuced and we will then discuss if it is in your best interest to be evaluated.

And what mental health professional is gonna come out and say he is fine - ignore the slaughter video. There is not a lot to evaluate. He is sick disturbed and tormented indiv
Honestly, he has nothing to be afraid of as far as closets, they have him on tape murdering and mauling a human being. What more could he possibly be afraid of coming out of his closet.
I believe he has murdered before. I believe he is a serial killer. But heck its on tape!

IMO this is smart legal straegy in terms of the games the system plays - just the way it works. Society is safe , he is not on the streets.
LM was severly abused

Seems like so many want to believe he never told the truth. He did often, He shouted to the world I like dead bodies, I like blood, I like eating poop.......................noone listened.His abusers did not hear him when he shouted STOP either........

That is why (NOT excusing it) he took it to where he did a couple of weeks ago.
SOmeone will notice me NOW !

You may not like him, I do not, but this is a human being has been hurting for years :
Read this:
its number 165 check out the pic

read it believing every word is him ............................imo it is -----------too much adds up

If anger needs to be the primary emotion it should be directed at parents, school teachers, friends, lovers, LE etc

who never got him help or made sure he would not be able to do what he did -- he had been crying out for help for 15 years., he had been posting all over the internet hey, hey you , you right there I am a serial killer, I am a necro, etc etc
.I kill animals I hate my mother I hate my sister I hate I hate I hate
Hindsight always good .......
..but the tradegy here is he asked to be stopped, over and over and over , and noone did and we are ...........huh?
I believe there is a lot of truth behind his words. It's just difficult to discern what is truth, what is fantasy, and what is total BS. I also suspect that some of what is posted online was not posted by him. Hacking into someone's account is much easier than you think, and it's not far fetched to think that he had so many accounts that he couldn't possibly monitor and edit them all on a regular basis, and there are probably many that he completely forgot about or just abandoned. There were many people who wanted to destroy him after the kitten videos. They were very upset that he wasn't brought to justice so it's very possible that they may have attacked him in this way. Personally, I take everything posted on his numerous accounts with a grain of salt, especially the more outrageous stuff.
At the end of the day, I don't think all of his sock puppets or websites are going to be that important. The physical evidence in the suitcase, parcels, and apt, along with the video will put LM behind bars for a very long time. I just hope Canadian law and the trial outcome makes sure he never sees another computer or electronic device and that he's never free to prostitute his zombie soul again.
Thanks, but Shimmers was responding to CARIIS' post that enquired about in Canada]

I get the confusion but they had established that Shimmers doesnt live in Canada and CARIIS asked how it works there... The 'there' is also where I live, so I remembered... LOL...
There were many people who wanted to destroy him after the kitten videos. They were very upset that he wasn't brought to justice so it's very possible that they may have attacked him in this way.

Sorry, no.
I believe there is a lot of truth behind his words. It's just difficult to discern what is truth, what is fantasy, and what is total BS. I also suspect that some of what is posted online was not posted by him. Hacking into someone's account is much easier than you think, and it's not far fetched to think that he had so many accounts that he couldn't possibly monitor and edit them all on a regular basis, and there are probably many that he completely forgot about or just abandoned. There were many people who wanted to destroy him after the kitten videos. They were very upset that he wasn't brought to justice so it's very possible that they may have attacked him in this way. Personally, I take everything posted on his numerous accounts with a grain of salt, especially the more outrageous stuff.
We must as humans account for the rage, hate, this person had inside him. To be cutting up a human (one that, by all accounts, he had some contact with - as oppossed to stranger mutulation) there are reasons for that need.I don't think J was "target" wrong pplace stuff - but the fact that he knew him and that did not result in him finding a stranger to dissect is signfigant - slaughter someone you have some feelings for (humm)

Sure he lied , but I think every word in #165 is accurate and explains the intnesity of the murder. If i tell you i make 250K to impress you ok possible. If i tell you my mom kept me in diapers until I was 7 how does that impress you? What is my gain to make that kind of stuff up>

The thing that is so amazing to be is he CAN do both lie when it suits him, and attempt to verbilize, ask for help, be heard, etc. I MO He has capability to tell the truth - there is no benefit to be running around telling everyone that his brother was locked in a room.

I MO What he describes in 165 IMO matches the degree of rage in hate in hacking up an accuataince of his. It was (and I have not watched -won't- videos) from what i heard pretty intense killing. I MO Noone has ever thus far stated they heard him having dialogs with walls or runnning around talking to himself - so he was not psycotic or delusionial when he killed him right. In the video did he look disoriented, etc. Its a hate crime like thing not a psycotic killing. It had emotionial discharge for him - psycotics do not need that
@Baudi , I know the person in the python video was only in the aftermath portion but this person still remains one of the weirdest things to me. Whoever it was must have been somewhat close to LM, right? At least it is someone who we know has known him in the past few years anyway. I was wondering if maybe you guys know who it is and feel like they are clear of malicious acts so you can't say anymore (which is cool if that's the case of course) or is the person a complete mystery??
I wonder if it's a possibility that he may have suffered abuse from a man that was Chinese, and he took it out on JL.
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