Armchair psych profile and personal background

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While the media is usually allowed in the court room, I have never seen one criminal case in Canada that has been filmed and made public. Please provide some examples.

As for "they mostly film the judge (we dont have a jury)", where is that coming from? We absolutely do have jurys, and LRM has chosen trial by jury.

The accused may sit next to his attorney, but in high profile cases (i.e. Pickton, Rafferty, Russ Williams), they are in the prisoner's box for security reasons.
Ahhh does it look like a jail/cage?
IMO pathological liars always sprinkle the truth with the lies. It becomes nearly impossible to confirm truths without a credible 2nd party to corroborate the liar's assertions. I believe without the assistance of others, or some sort of legitimate document to corroborate aspects of LM's postings that nothing uncertain should be believed. Its simply can't be trusted because of LM's lies. IMO I don't have to try to figure out why he posted what he did before questioning the validity of it. I know he's lied all over the place and was even convicted of fraud. He's not credible period. Psychopaths/sociopaths/narcissists play to other's empathy/compassion. Although it is clear there is a schism betweem LM and his family its nearly impossible at this point to know just how troubled his childhood is or what really happened without proof/corroboration. I could see him playing up childhood difficulties...and enhancing or changing storylines to fit his needs...and maybe garner some sympathy from readers. I don't see this helping him at all at trial. IMO the trial is really the LM reality show, its the only one he auditioned for and got. He wants a jury trial to wrangle in the attention he feels entitled to despite the very real likelihood he will be buried in damning facts. He's won his goal, but tolerating the cement wall oblivion won't be fun for him.
IMO pathological liars always sprinkle the truth with the lies. It becomes nearly impossible to confirm truths without a credible 2nd party to corroborate the liar's assertions. I believe without the assistance of others, or some sort of legitimate document to corroborate aspects of LM's postings that nothing uncertain should be believed. Its simply can't be trusted because of LM's lies. IMO I don't have to try to figure out why he posted what he did before questioning the validity of it. I know he's lied all over the place and was even convicted of fraud. He's not credible period. Psychopaths/sociopaths/narcissists play to other's empathy/compassion. Although it is clear there is a schism betweem LM and his family its nearly impossible at this point to know just how troubled his childhood is or what really happened without proof/corroboration. I could see him playing up childhood difficulties...and enhancing or changing storylines to fit his needs...and maybe garner some sympathy from readers. I don't see this helping him at all at trial. IMO the trial is really the LM reality show, its the only one he auditioned for and got. He wants a jury trial to wrangle in the attention he feels entitled to despite the very real likelihood he will be buried in damning facts. He's won his goal, but tolerating the cement wall oblivion won't be fun for him.
Nice post !
IMO pathological liars always sprinkle the truth with the lies. It becomes nearly impossible to confirm truths without a credible 2nd party to corroborate the liar's assertions. I believe without the assistance of others, or some sort of legitimate document to corroborate aspects of LM's postings that nothing uncertain should be believed. Its simply can't be trusted because of LM's lies. IMO I don't have to try to figure out why he posted what he did before questioning the validity of it. I know he's lied all over the place and was even convicted of fraud. He's not credible period. Psychopaths/sociopaths/narcissists play to other's empathy/compassion. Although it is clear there is a schism betweem LM and his family its nearly impossible at this point to know just how troubled his childhood is or what really happened without proof/corroboration. I could see him playing up childhood difficulties...and enhancing or changing storylines to fit his needs...and maybe garner some sympathy from readers. I don't see this helping him at all at trial. IMO the trial is really the LM reality show, its the only one he auditioned for and got. He wants a jury trial to wrangle in the attention he feels entitled to despite the very real likelihood he will be buried in damning facts. He's won his goal, but tolerating the cement wall oblivion won't be fun for him.
I think it's interesting that people question his abuse allegations and yet have no problem at all believing that he likes to eat feces and other outrageous stuff. People believe only what they want to believe.
I think it's interesting that people question his abuse allegations and yet have no problem at all believing that he likes to eat feces and other outrageous stuff. People believe only what they want to believe.

Who knows if he ever really ate feces (did I really just right that sentence!?)? I doubt the "feces donator" comes forward to confirm it. :/ Still, I now many reading this think LM may have to eat some feces in prison when he's some 's wench?
*Graphic discussion below*

Playing catch up here, but I saw that someone posted something regarding the psych evaluation and the defense foregoing it. The poster here had an interesting point regarding that doing a psych evaluation ordered by the defense might uncover previous crimes and further damage their case.

Can it be considered self incriminating to have a psych evaluation, so the prosecution can't demand it? Can a judge order one? I'm sort of shocked, given the nature of the case, that one would not be done.

The earlier posts about weed were funny and I agreed, but on a serious note, weed mixed with other drugs like oxycotin have a track record. Because of this forum, I ended up reading all about the Tori Stafford killing. If not familiar, the two convicted murderers, lured, raped, beat and killed a preteen, little girl. The killers, an 18 year old woman and a 29 year old man, were both doing oxy and high on weed when they did the horrific crime.

Getting back to the "insanity" plea...
The woman admitted she actually did the killing after the child was raped by the man and she said the scene of the rape enraged her due to past memories of her own violent abuse. It really just sounded to me that in her twisted mind, she was jealous that her one month relationship boyfriend raped the little girl (particularly a second time), but that is not what she said in her confession. She, too, was also a chronic liar. Initially, I believe at least a couple of years, she always said that the guy did the actual killing. She then later confessed of doing the killing part herself but not the sexual assault. (Though she brought the little victim back to the man for a second raping.)

On the surface, I was thinking that her action of rage and killing was more spontaneous and sounds like a psychotic episode, but because she earlier lured the girl and went to the hardware store to purchase the murder weapon and bags during the abduction, it was clearly planned in advance. Getting back to the case at hand, sound familiar? In the LM case, the killer here allegedly planned much, much longer and in more detail, so I'm thinking the psych excuse won't fly.
I wonder if it's a possibility that he may have suffered abuse from a man that was Chinese, and he took it out on JL.

I believe he was abused as much as I believe Casey Anthony was abused. For those of you who didn't follow her case, she was accused of murdering her 2 year old daughter. Her defence was sexual abuse by her dad and brother (never one iota of evidence presented at trial or anytime before or after that there was ever any sexual abuse).

She claimed Zanny the nanny kidnapped her baby girl. There was no Zanny the nanny. It was all made up.

She told the cops she worked at Universal Studios in Orlando and when the cops took her there to investigate, she went along with them and even showed them an office only to admit later on that same day that she lied. She didn't work there.

She showed the cops where this ficticious Zanny lived.

Her defence team made up some cockamamie story that little Caylee drowned in the family pool but yet her remains were dumped in a field near the home.

Anyway, all this to say, whatever Eric Newman says is BS. Just like Casey Anthony. Pathological liars.

I understand everyone's right to believe him but remember, they are very good at what they do. Their fantasies become realities. Enough so, that they can con even the best of the best into believing them.

Why Magnotta’s lawyers didn’t request a psychiatrist assessment

And they all centre on traits of Magnotta’s characteristics that experts say point to conditions, such as extreme narcissism, delusion and histrionic personality.

“If he’s very narcissistic, he doesn’t want to be thought of as being crazy. He doesn’t want to pursue that route,” Dr. David Nussbaum speculates.

Nussbaum is a University of Toronto psychology professor and research psychologist. He has decades of experience as a forensic psychologist.

“There’s a stigma attached to being mentally ill, whether there should be or shouldn’t be. People who are narcissistic don’t want to be thought of in any negative way. He may rather be found guilty than to go to an insanity plea and face that kind of damage to the persona he’s created,” he says.

The experts Global News spoke with for this story have not met or evaluated Magnotta, but their opinions are based on what they’ve seen so far from web pages, auditions, and other online footprints.
Someone asked above (a few pages back) whether it's impossible to have 'an OJ situation' in Canada. Well, no one can say NEVER.....but I think it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY here.

Regarding all this talk of LRM's 'psycholigical troubles'..... I truly do NOT think that this will 'get him off'. He's going to be labelled a dangerous offender which means he'll spend a lifetime in prison.

As for the dangerous offender label - they do ASK for release from prison but they are most certainly denied release. Example of this: Clifford Olsen. He was in prison for LIFE and died recently in hospital of cancer.

I believe he was abused as much as I believe Casey Anthony was abused. For those of you who didn't follow her case, she was accused of murdering her 2 year old daughter. Her defence was sexual abuse by her dad and brother (never one iota of evidence presented at trial or anytime before or after that there was ever any sexual abuse).

She claimed Zanny the nanny kidnapped her baby girl. There was no Zanny the nanny. It was all made up.

She told the cops she worked at Universal Studios in Orlando and when the cops took her there to investigate, she went along with them and even showed them an office only to admit later on that same day that she lied. She didn't work there.

She showed the cops where this ficticious Zanny lived.

Her defence team made up some cockamamie story that little Caylee drowned in the family pool but yet her remains were dumped in a field near the home.

Anyway, all this to say, whatever Eric Newman says is BS. Just like Casey Anthony. Pathological liars.

I understand everyone's right to believe him but remember, they are very good at what they do. Their fantasies become realities. Enough so, that they can con even the best of the best into believing them.

The jury found her not guilty.. If one plays the videos of Casey and her child, when she is like 2-3 years old, one will see a little human being that makes eyes good eye contact, smiles when she looks into mommies eyes, grasps and pulls to be closer to mommies neck and chest when being held by mommy and comes to mommy when called without hesiation.

I also recall many videos of her just being a little kid, she was smiling frequently, exploring her environment confortably, well dressed,and appearred happy and content.
1-2 year olds have not developed the ability to lie yet! IMO, Behavior is always telling, and from that one can easily conclude that there was a bonded and connected relationship.

On the other hand you see NONE of that in the video with grandma.....................just saying .....
Anyone know Canidian govt agency which be the equivalent of our child protective services ? It would be interesting, if allowed in Canada, to find out if they have ever been involved with family system and any domestic violence calls to the house - that kinda thing?
Or, he has a good lawyer! According to the Washington Post .... :

In fact, very few defendants actually succeed with the insanity defense. (It is raised in approximately about 1 percent of felony cases and is successful only about one-quarter of the time.) Among those who are found not guilty by reason of insanity, virtually none are "let off" -- in the sense that they remain free. People are "let off" in the sense that they escape being formally condemned as "responsible" for their acts, but that is small comfort, I suspect, to a defendant in his 10th or 15th year at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital
The jury found her not guilty.. If one plays the videos of Casey and her child, when she is like 2-3 years old one will see a little human being that makes eyes good eye contact, smiles when she looks into mommies eyes, grasps and pulls to be closer to mommies neck and chest when being held by mommy, comes to mommy when called without hesiation. I also recall many videos of her just be a little kid, she was smiling , frequently, exploring her environment confortably, well dressed,and appearred happy and content. 1-2 year olds have not developed the ability to lie yet! IMO, Behavior is always telling, and from that one can easily conclude that there was a bonded and connected relationship.
On the other hand you see NONE of that in the video with grandma.....................just saying .....

Huh? I was talking about Casey lying not Caylee. :waitasec: Listen to the jurors reasonings why they found her not guilty. Circumstantial Evidence cases are the most difficult to try because many want that smoking gun in order to convict even if the case is beyond reasonable doubt. No weapon...then people assume the prosecution/Crown have not proven their case.

Thankfully, there are more people with common sense than those without.

Great article. It looks like many of the armchair psychologists' assessments here match those of the real experts.

I'm still troubled by the image that he really wants to portray. The experts in the article suggest that narcissism might prevent him from wanting to be viewed as mentally ill. If he made the video, he's the one who created the image of mentally ill by virtue of the fact he used the word "lunatic" in it's title. Maybe there's a subtle difference in his mind of being defined to the world as being classically "mentally ill" versus being viewed as an infamous, larger than life, cold as ice, crazy killer, kind of like a Bonnie and Clyde cult icon image.
Who knows if he ever really ate feces (did I really just right that sentence!?)? I doubt the "feces donator" comes forward to confirm it. :/ Still, I now many reading this think LM may have to eat some feces in prison when he's some 's wench?
Totally,IMO if the victim was found gently suffocated, with sheet nicely placed over it then it would make sense humm maybe this is not valid. My goodness we have tapes of him torturing animals and hacking up a homosapian so why LM is a liar when he states he is into kinky sex and horrible horrible things happened to him when young.

IMO,I n fact, LM desciptions of his younger years CORRELATE and support everything , as it relates to this case. THe horror he experienced as a little child, he gave back to all of us now didn't he?

IMO The early childhood history stuff is also (not in legal confirm but in behaviors)confirms that this IS not WAS one very very disturbed family entity. The limited family stuff that is reported by neighbors etc is unusual and different.

What is that old apple and tree thing?
Someone asked above (a few pages back) whether it's impossible to have 'an OJ situation' in Canada. Well, no one can say NEVER.....but I think it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY here.

Regarding all this talk of LRM's 'psycholigical troubles'..... I truly do NOT think that this will 'get him off'. He's going to be labelled a dangerous offender which means he'll spend a lifetime in prison.

As for the dangerous offender label - they do ASK for release from prison but they are most certainly denied release. Example of this: Clifford Olsen. He was in prison for LIFE and died recently in hospital of cancer.

IMO, this is not about him getting off. He will never walks the streets again. My yearning is to put it in perspective, as a human being, to try and understand the causes of LM disturbed behaviors and thinking - his troubles.

The intensity of the behaviors correlate with intensity of the horrors he experienced when a little person -IMO those are the causes of narcissim --- IMO thats is how we learn to be people -- from what what we are shown when young and his severe mental illiness.
LM claiming he was subjected to violence kinda correlates with what happened next.
He posted that message on psychcentral using his 'cutelittlenemo1' alias it was an answer to someone else who started a thread called:
'I hate my mother and I don't care enough to change it. '

TBH I don't know what is fact or fiction in that message, LM wrote the most bizarre posts everywhere, lol, sometimes I think he was just trolling but I don't doubt for a second that his family might be disfunctional.

What puzzles me is that it seems that Magnotta followed a dark path after he left his grandparents, but look at his sister, she is not crazy like him. Didn't she live with grandparents too or with her mother? She is somewhat normal functioning, we never heard of any criminal records, she is a mother and is not an attention seeker online or have delusions of grandeur of being a supermodel... Plus as far as we know she didn't kill animals and humans!

If it's an enviromental thing, family dynamics, childhood upbringing with abuse, why did his sister didn't become a monster too? Seriously, I ask myself everyday, what went wrong with that guy, who would torture kittens and post on youtube and nobody in his family did an intervention? If I was his sister, I would hand him out to the authorities and health system and if nothing helped would cut ties forever.
I think he must have hurt a lot of people in that family too, we even don't know if he killed his pets or what else he did... but still they should have done something, if they knew Luka was a ticking bomb and a danger to society, if they were aware of the kitten killing videos, they should have warned the police. JMO!!!!

LM was severly abused

Seems like so many want to believe he never told the truth. He did often, He shouted to the world I like dead bodies, I like blood, I like eating poop.......................noone listened.His abusers did not hear him when he shouted STOP either........

That is why (NOT excusing it) he took it to where he did a couple of weeks ago.
SOmeone will notice me NOW !

You may not like him, I do not, but this is a human being has been hurting for years :
Read this:
its number 165 check out the pic

read it believing every word is him ............................imo it is -----------too much adds up
Link Below:

--many patients with personality disorders (PDs) report histories of childhood abuse or neglect. PDs are more prevalent among persons who experienced child abuse

--- present findings are consistent with previous findings1 - 13 ,18 ,25 ,42 - 45 suggesting that childhood physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect play an important role in the onset of some personality disorders.

--patients with personality disorders are more likely than persons without PD to report histories of childhood maltreatment.

--Childhood maltreatment is indeed much more likely to have occurred among young adults with personality disorders than among young adults without personality disorders.
She needs some serious therapy IMO. "And I liked it?" With that attitude, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if we have a sleuthing about her within the next ten years. It's tragic that someone's moral compass has gone that far south.

yes, you wrote exactly what I thought, who the hell would watch that video 20 times and say that like it? isn't she aware that the video is not fiction but real? how can she say that ''Luka is inspirational because he is not a afraid to be himself''? . Wow, what is wrong with this woman, we are talking about a killer here not about a popstar like Lady Gaga or Madonna... And the part that she said about Jun Lin, that she doesn't care about the other dude , seriously either she is trolling and created the group to see how far it would go, or she is crazy with no empathy whatsoever. :banghead:

Part of me want to believe that some of those Magnotta fans are trolls, others immature teens trying to shock, but I bet that there is a big chunk of crazy people with personality disorders joining it, criminals, people who practices animal cruelty, racist white supremacists and so on... Right now, I'm scared if we see copycats around the world, I hope those fans are harmless.
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