Armchair psych profile and personal background

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I doubt a person could say 'I need X,Y,Z meds'. But for example, if a person went into a full-blown asthmatic attack, the German prison would have to treat that attack and give the person meds to avoid a further attack.

It is as simple as him telling them what he was on and what pharmacy he used. They would confirm the meds with the pharmacy, and if no RF were left they would contact the prescribng Dr. It IS that simple.
I'm sorry if I came across that way. I honestly didn't mean to. I'm just saying that we can find side effects in every single medication approved by FDA or Health Canada.

Eric Newman was allegedly prescribed this particular medication and that's all we know from the brief hearing in court today. We have no idea why it was prescribed or what his diagnosis is. I posted some information earlier. Yes, it's an anti-psychotic drug but it's also prescribed for other mental disorders such as bi polar and severe anxiety.

IMO, I don't think people should automatically assume he has schizophrenia and even if he does, he's not an 8 year old child. He's an adult.

I do not for one second believe he has mental illness. Yes, he has mental issues but nothing to define him as legally insane.


Apology accepted :) I totally agree with you about not knowing his condition, since we don't have any form of diagnosis of him. In my search for the medicine, I came across various reasons why this drug is prescribed. I was not trying to make a link with schizophrenia via my friend. It was only a statement I made ( in my defense, cuz I felt your comment was a bit harsh ) that I have a tiny bit of knowelgde about the manifestation of a mental illness. Sorry that I didn't make that clear, it was the rush of commenting back I suppose.

I'm sorry if I came across that way. I honestly didn't mean to. I'm just saying that we can find side effects in every single medication approved by FDA or Health Canada.

Eric Newman was allegedly prescribed this particular medication and that's all we know from the brief hearing in court today. We have no idea why it was prescribed or what his diagnosis is. I posted some information earlier. Yes, it's an anti-psychotic drug but it's also prescribed for other mental disorders such as bi polar and severe anxiety.

IMO, I don't think people should automatically assume he has schizophrenia and even if he does, he's not an 8 year old child. He's an adult.

I do not for one second believe he has mental illness. Yes, he has mental issues but nothing to define him as legally insane.

I don't think he is schizophrenic, either. I do think he is bi-polar (just my opinion), and bi-polar *is* a mental illness.
That doesn't excuse his actions, though. He deserves to be locked up for life.
did anyone else notice during the press conference, it sounded like they said the doctor in berlin was canadian..
New, sorry but the news that Karla H.(and her 3! children) were tracked down, has me thinking that LM certainly could have too, if he really wanted.
This past spring, Todd travelled to Guadeloupe where she says she found Homolka, who now goes by the name of Leanne Bordelais.

In the book, Todd talks about how she arrived on the island and searched the phone book for Homolka.

"Of course, I hardly expect Homolka to have a listing, but you can't make assumptions. People, as I will soon discover, often slip up on the simplest things," she writes"
He may very well have a mental illness, but that doesn't make him incompetent to stand trial/legally insane. Plenty of people have mental illness and still know what they are doing and understand life fully. It may make it difficult for them to function "normally", but they totally understand what is normal, what is right, what is wrong.
Whatever Magnotta's mental issues may be, I believe that he knows what he did was wrong. And I believe that is exactly why he did it.
If he wasn't capable of that understanding, he would not have mailed body parts to the Conservatives, the Liberals, or the schools in Vancouver. He would not have fled the country. He would not have advertised his video before even making it.
He is going for the attention. He knew what he was doing, and knows what he is doing now.

I honestly feel it's a waste of time to try to dredge up any sort of diagnosis. Unfortunately, psychiatry is a guessing game, especially when it comes to pharmaceuticals. Most people go through multiple misdiagnosis before receiving the correct diagnosis, if they ever do at all. I have experienced this myself and have seen it happen with nearly every person I know who has some sort of psychiatric diagnosis. And the ups and downs of the "guessing game" with respect to meds is nothing short of complete torture. Often a person will go on and off many meds before finding one (or a combination) that works well. It can render a person completely incapacitated during that trial and error period. It can also cause certain people to literally lose their minds. Messing with brain chemistry is so dangerous.
I would really appreciate it if we kept to facts with regards to LM's medication/diagnosis. All anyone knows to my knowledge is there is a medication. It could be for a medical condition and not a psychotropic at all. Armchair psychologizing should be grounded in the facts without going too far adrift IMO...
New, sorry but the news that Karla H.(and her 3! children) were tracked down, has me thinking that LM certainly could have too, if he really wanted.
This past spring, Todd travelled to Guadeloupe where she says she found Homolka, who now goes by the name of Leanne Bordelais.

In the book, Todd talks about how she arrived on the island and searched the phone book for Homolka.

"Of course, I hardly expect Homolka to have a listing, but you can't make assumptions. People, as I will soon discover, often slip up on the simplest things," she writes"

I still believe there is nothing to this alleged connection between them. It is just a rumour he started. And if they ever had contact, I believe that he would have been the one that initiated it, and that she probably did not respond.

That said, I am not sure I believe this author much. What has been said about this book so far has been rumoured on the internet for quite some time now. Anybody can take rumour and publish it as fact.
I will not be purchasing this book to find out any more of the crap printed in it. I don't support making money at the expense of others. Even killers. Exploiting her victims by using curiosity and her infamy to make a buck. :notgood:
Yay.....armchair psychology! Sorry, couldn't contain my enthusiasm.
I didn't google the name of that medication but I've googled:
::: Magnotta + antipsychotic :::
results were a few comments from different forums. One person wrote that have dealed with schizo patients and LM presented the exact odd mouth & tongue movements. It's called 'tardive dyskinesia' usually caused by:
1. Schizophrenia
2. Long-term or high dose use of antipsychotic drugs
3. Cocaine induced

With the same search I found another board where someone mentioned that LM posted on the Karla Homolka forum (WKH) several strange pictures of his prescription pill bottles on his nightstand, some of them were antipsychotics. It's hard to know if that photo with all those meds belonged to him or he just posted the picture to get attention, pic was deleted from the photobucket.

Anyway it seems Magnotta was banned from that forum and that's why he borrowed an user id from a woman username KATZZPAW and they say she was the one who set Magnotta off on the cat killing rampage.

sorry if this information been discussed here before. I'll be back tomorrow to catch up, thanks everyone for all the replies about Aspergers! :seeya:
I would really appreciate it if we kept to facts with regards to LM's medication/diagnosis. All anyone knows to my knowledge is there is a medication. It could be for a medical condition and not a psychotropic at all. Armchair psychologizing should be grounded in the facts without going too far adrift IMO...
Thank you, I am feeling the same way. I think that people are really reaching with all this med talk and how it feeds into a diagnosis.
Oh dear.... I was going to say something ugly about him having seen the horrid sketch of him yesterday, or really any of the REAL-LIFE pictures of him that have been taken without him having a chance to put on make-up and a hair piece. I will refrain from those statements. Maybe he is just missing the internet. I truly find it difficult to fathom an individual who can make multiple films of himself torturing kittens and then a film of him doing things beyond description to JL and FILMING it, but after arrest decides he feels bad enough to kill himself? NO WAY!!!! Just another act in the LM show.... an act that is NEVER, EVER, EVER going to be a sold-out show. :twocents:

I'm with you, Reannan. My first thought after seeing the headline about suicide watch was this guy is not likely to commit suicide. After reading about him, reading his posts, reading his lies and seeing a lot of the pictures he has posted of himself I just think he is too narcissistic to kill himself.

I've read a lot about psychopathy and narcissism.....what I remember is that these people are unlikely to kill themselves.

Sorry I am so behind...once again.
I would really appreciate it if we kept to facts with regards to LM's medication/diagnosis. All anyone knows to my knowledge is there is a medication. It could be for a medical condition and not a psychotropic at all. Armchair psychologizing should be grounded in the facts without going too far adrift IMO...

Hi Mozzmo, the actual medications that LM is on were revealed today at the hearing and it was quickly placed in a publication ban. What the medication is used for is primarily for mental illness and a few other reasons. We don't know whether LM has any of these mental illnesses or conditions but I think he likely does. I also think it does not justify what he is accused of doing. His cruel and evil behaviour has been going on for at least two years. JMO
I still believe there is nothing to this alleged connection between them. It is just a rumour he started. And if they ever had contact, I believe that he would have been the one that initiated it, and that she probably did not respond.

That said, I am not sure I believe this author much. What has been said about this book so far has been rumoured on the internet for quite some time now. Anybody can take rumour and publish it as fact.
I will not be purchasing this book to find out any more of the crap printed in it. I don't support making money at the expense of others. Even killers. Exploiting her victims by using curiosity and her infamy to make a buck. :notgood:

I agree, my point was that there was no real connection between KH and LM,otherwise he probably would have sought her out as did the reporter..
Has anyone discussed the fact that the animal videos and the threat to the Sun reporter were in Dec 2010 and Dec 2011? That is if my memory serves me right, so please correct me if I am wrong. This made me think about how difficult the holidays can be when you have no one, and how that fact in itself can serve as a trigger, especially in someone with BPD. Not saying he's borderline, just stating a fact.
He may very well have a mental illness, but that doesn't make him incompetent to stand trial/legally insane. Plenty of people have mental illness and still know what they are doing and understand life fully. It may make it difficult for them to function "normally", but they totally understand what is normal, what is right, what is wrong.
Whatever Magnotta's mental issues may be, I believe that he knows what he did was wrong. And I believe that is exactly why he did it.
If he wasn't capable of that understanding, he would not have mailed body parts to the Conservatives, the Liberals, or the schools in Vancouver. He would not have fled the country. He would not have advertised his video before even making it.
He is going for the attention. He knew what he was doing, and knows what he is doing now.


I really agree, BQ. It was all carefully planned....premeditated. Maybe he is crazy, but not insane? Not sure I could explain what I mean by that. But he just does not seem out of touch with reality.
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