Armchair psych profile and personal background

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What I don't get is why the Germans gave him a psych evaluation? He's a Canadian prisoner and they were only holding him until extradition. Are they legally allowed to do that?


I think they are legally allowed to do that IF the person displayed symptoms which need attention.
I read that narcissists do well in a structured environment--when someone else is in control. It is when there is no structure, that chaos ensues. They have a hard time dealing with everyday, "normal" life.
Fits in with the bits and blurbs that have been published online about his childhood.
Also, in one of his ramblings, he had mentioned he loved the idea of prison.
I'm sure the reality of being incarcerated doesn't match up to his fantasy of it.
Just a thought.
He will kill himslef in 21 days !
And in response to ~n/t~'s thoughts......yes, he is psycho/sociopath who shows NO remorse nor empathy.

Classic case/textbook case.

Or even just stated that he was on prescribed psych meds? He most likely wouldn't have had them on him.

I doubt a person could say 'I need X,Y,Z meds'. But for example, if a person went into a full-blown asthmatic attack, the German prison would have to treat that attack and give the person meds to avoid a further attack.

Thanks a lot, you're a treasure for sending me the link so quickly!
Well... I've studied te pictures from the myspace-site and I did some googling about hairloss by men. Firstly, yes his granddad was pretty bolding at a young age, so my train of thought is that it is hereditary. I googled some info about hairloss, sorry I googled only dutch websites, hence it is already late here, but what I have found is this:

this one I added mainly for hairloss patterns and possible treatments

and this

In this article puts a down to earth answer whether or not boldness is connection with your maternal granddad.
Basicly ( omg i sound just like LM now, lulz ) it explains that boldness is linked with the X chromosome. which means it comes from your mothers side of the gene/dna pool. But it is a wee bit more complicated then that, since you have to have specific genes and mutation...and.... well let's leave it with that hehe

Again i'm sorry that the links are in dutch, but when i have a clearer mind to search for articles written in english, i will contribute :)

Again about the nose... I think you're right about not having a clear picture around the time he was a adolescent. all his highschool pictures are sooo grainy. But there is 1 pic when LM was a little Eric, it is a striking resemblense to what he looks nowerdays (also nosewise).


Shimmers! I've sent you a PM with the myspace link.

I did mention his grandfather early baldness exactly because I've read somewhere that genetics have a big influence about it!

Also about the make-up, yes, I've been wondering if his nose looks slimmer sometimes because of make-up contouring techniques. There are some make-up artists able to transform a person just by playing with light and shadow (youtube channels dope2111 and pixiwoo are experts with that stuff). And your explanation about his 'flat looking plastic face' is spot on. He didn't play with light except the lips, you are so right about that part. So I agree with you, it could be all make-up tricks but I still am unsure, I mean if you look at his high school picture his nose looks so different from the mugshot. But then again he is an adult now...
I guess, unless we see a clear picture of LM from when he was around 18years old it will be difficult to be totally sure about the nosejob. Hopefully we will find out... Thank you for your reply, I'm glad I'm not the only one curious about this :)
Well, it's been disclosed that LM is on medication and we are not supposed to know what these are (but it was disclosed earlier today before a publication ban was imposed about what these meds are). A big hint is in the title of this thread.

Well... truth be told I knew weeks ago that he had been prescribed that Rx (and "it ruined his life")... LRM himself (not a sockpuppet) put the name of Rx out there all over the net.

Just for kicks & grins Google his name in " " along with the name of the medication in " " for any date prior to today and see how many hits you get.

IMO... that is public knowledge provided by the patient/defendant himself and there is no way to un-ring that bell.

In addition... we are not journalists nor are we located in Canada (well at least not ALL of us) so given those facts I don't see how or why we should be censored from discussing it. That particular Rx has some VERY key issues.
He WILL kill himself give him 3 weeks !

CARIIS - How, exactly, did you reach this conclusion? With all due respect, your posts are all over the place and I'm having trouble understanding you (though I would very much like to).
Well... truth be told I knew weeks ago that he had been prescribed that Rx (and "it ruined his life")... LRM himself (not a sockpuppet) put the name of Rx out there all over the net.

Just for kicks & grins Google his name in " " along with the name of the medication in " " for any date prior to today and see how many hits you get.

IMO... that is public knowledge provided by the patient/defendant himself and there is no way to un-ring that bell.

In addition... we are not journalists nor are we located in Canada (well at least not ALL of us) so given those facts I don't see how or why we should be censored from discussing it. That particular Rx has some VERY key issues.

Plus, *that* Rx also has side effects of hair-thinning/hair loss, acne, and a whole host of other things.
And I agree--the name of the prescription med is something LM posted all over the place, so while I will respectfully not mention the name, it's been out there for years!
Well I searched for medicine "R" ( hoping I have to good one ), but the side effects from taking that medicine is no joke :( It can cause tardive dyskinesia ( in some cases ), the most common form how it can be manifested is orofacial dyskinesia ( abnormal facial activities).
Some of the markers for orofacial dyskinesia are:

repeatedly smacking ( can be heared in the KH sun interview, nom nom lambchop )
chewing movements ( maybe that is his weird tonguemomevent thingie in his coverguy vid )
difficulty swallowing ( thats why he almost choked... yes pun intended if you have red the manny laywer emails )
eyebrows raising ( seen in coverguy vid )
eyes that are turning away ( can't think of anything now )
cheeks inflate ( dito as above stated )

Note that I am no prof, but purely based on what you all have gathered and some info about the med online I thought I would share it.

P.S. ballism is also a side effect, I surely don't hope that the deffence is aiming on that one....
Well I searched for medicine "R" ( hoping I have to good one ), but the side effects from taking that medicine is no joke :( It can cause tardive dyskinesia ( in some cases ), the most common form how it can be manifested is orofacial dyskinesia ( abnormal facial activities).
Some of the markers for orofacial dyskinesia are:

repeatedly smacking ( can be heared in the KH sun interview, nom nom lambchop )
chewing movements ( maybe that is his weird tonguemomevent thingie in his coverguy vid )
difficulty swallowing ( thats why he almost choked... yes pun intended if you have red the manny laywer emails )
eyebrows raising ( seen in coverguy vid )
eyes that are turning away ( can't think of anything now )
cheeks inflate ( dito as above stated )

Note that I am no prof, but purely based on what you all have gathered and some info about the med online I thought I would share it.

P.S. ballism is also a side effect, I surely don't hope that the deffence is aiming on that one....

Did you ever look up side effects of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds that millions of people around the world take every single day?

While we're at it, take a look at side effects for aspirin. It causes brain damage in some patients.

Will we have a defense for every FDA and Health Canada approved drug in North America.

The drug made me do it defense? When will we stop giving these monsters a get out of jail for free card?
Oh let's add I was too drunk defense to the list. Alcoholism is a disease, afterall.
Did you ever look up side effects of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds that millions of people around the world take every single day?

While we're at it, take a look at side effects for aspirin. It causes brain damage in some patients.

Will we have a defense for every FDA and Health Canada approved drug in North America.

The drug made me do it defense? When will we stop giving these monsters a get out of jail for free card?

Well, a friend of mine is schizophrenic, however he isnt on xxxx-medicine. He takes different ones, but it makes him a living zombie. I only googled it for my own curiosity and shared some of the effects that I found, that's all. Im not a know-it-all and never will be. Somehow I get the feeling that my previous post made you feel like I sympathize with LM, which I state again, is not the case.
Well, a friend of mine is schizophrenic, however he isnt on xxxx-medicine. He takes different ones, but it makes him a living zombie. I only googled it for my own curiosity and shared some of the effects that I found, that's all. Im not a know-it-all and never will be. Somehow I get the feeling that my previous post made you feel like I sympathize with LM, which I state again, is not the case.

I'm sorry if I came across that way. I honestly didn't mean to. I'm just saying that we can find side effects in every single medication approved by FDA or Health Canada.

Eric Newman was allegedly prescribed this particular medication and that's all we know from the brief hearing in court today. We have no idea why it was prescribed or what his diagnosis is. I posted some information earlier. Yes, it's an anti-psychotic drug but it's also prescribed for other mental disorders such as bi polar and severe anxiety.

IMO, I don't think people should automatically assume he has schizophrenia and even if he does, he's not an 8 year old child. He's an adult.

I do not for one second believe he has mental illness. Yes, he has mental issues but nothing to define him as legally insane.

Well I searched for medicine "R" ( hoping I have to good one ), but the side effects from taking that medicine is no joke :( It can cause tardive dyskinesia ( in some cases ), the most common form how it can be manifested is orofacial dyskinesia ( abnormal facial activities).
Some of the markers for orofacial dyskinesia are:

repeatedly smacking ( can be heared in the KH sun interview, nom nom lambchop )
chewing movements ( maybe that is his weird tonguemomevent thingie in his coverguy vid )
difficulty swallowing ( thats why he almost choked... yes pun intended if you have red the manny laywer emails )
eyebrows raising ( seen in coverguy vid )
eyes that are turning away ( can't think of anything now )
cheeks inflate ( dito as above stated )

Note that I am no prof, but purely based on what you all have gathered and some info about the med online I thought I would share it.

P.S. ballism is also a side effect, I surely don't hope that the deffence is aiming on that one....
Yes, and these are all also normal facial expressions, as well.
Well... truth be told I knew weeks ago that he had been prescribed that Rx (and "it ruined his life")... LRM himself (not a sockpuppet) put the name of Rx out there all over the net.

Just for kicks & grins Google his name in " " along with the name of the medication in " " for any date prior to today and see how many hits you get.

IMO... that is public knowledge provided by the patient/defendant himself and there is no way to un-ring that bell.

In addition... we are not journalists nor are we located in Canada (well at least not ALL of us) so given those facts I don't see how or why we should be censored from discussing it. That particular Rx has some VERY key issues.
Ridiculous. He could be on entirely different meds at this point.
I'm prescribed the R medication. I think I mentioned it before I can't function on it because it makes me feel like I'm half asleep and extremely tired. But then again, my docs tried Seroquel for me once and I absolutely could not take it because of how out of it I felt and it was the lowest dosage possible. A friend of mine takes almost the highest dose possible and functions fine. And she's smaller than I am (which is not small at all hahaha) so it's nothing to do with body size. Meds do different things to different people. Just depends on how your brain takes it in I suppose.
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