ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #21

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How about everyone let a crackers off for the fact that part of the Dickies prayer come true.

They Pledged to find the person that did this terrible thing.
Omg! I love this forum!! Have cried as well as laughed in the space of the last half an hour! My family think i am nuts!! I think we all deserve to celebrate tonight! Remember I said drinks were on me! We have a long trial ahead of us...
Don't be surprised if people are viewing this thread for reasons other than it being "the place to be".

yeah for the taking names and kicking *advertiser censored**es that is gonna be the great GBC sub judice contempt of court case 2012 where a discussion forum (not a social media site! blog! actual news outlet!) is legally described as a publication for the first time in that jurisdiction, and subsequently we all run out and buy that book on that blog you keep hawking so we can learn how to "publish" our opinions.
I wonder if the police are allowed to feel happy, Just a little bit happy

mind...about this...or would it be disapproved of....

Oh yes, police are human too..Not happy about the situation. But a little happy they were able to make the arrest..but I think the real satisfaction will come when a conviction is upheld in the court of law and said person is put away:jail:. Until then, they still have a way to go. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop(more arrests to follow??). MOO

How about everyone let a crackers off for the fact that part of the Dickies prayer come true.

They Pledged to find the person that did this terrible thing.
I think what is important to remember is that an arrest does not equate to a conviction. Any statements about the case still need to respect the law, and the law says that everyone is presumed innocent until proved guilty. Calling someone a murderer until they have been proved guilty is actually defamatory.
Thanks SHELDOR: Wise words for all posters on this forum to remember. The accused is 'innocent' until he is proven guilty in a Criminal Court of Law. Several legal posters have rightfully warned us about 'contempt' and to be mindful from now on about our posts.
We want the murderer(s) & accomplices of Allison Baden-Clay to be convicted beyond reasonable doubt, so lets not post anything which will jeopardize that.
You need to check the verified professionals forum. This user's name is not registered (nor is mine, for that matter). This highlights the problem with making assumptions.


Guess what - we don't care Hawkins is not a verified professional!

In fact, I think i'm in love with him! :blushing:
RIP Allison and praying that her little ones and parents are able to get some rest tonight also. Tough road ahead for them, and I would imagine tonight's outcome would bring up very mixed feelings in them. May you also find rest and peace tonight xo.

Very nicely said.....Thanks
murder = pre-meditated = $900k life insurance policy...

I just don't understand this money as the motive, If Allison's body was never found he would have had to wait 7 years to establish her death - no instant fix!

If it was the money why didn't GBC leave the body somewhere it was sure to be found? Doesn't make sense as the motive.

I am saddened that there was blood involved. always hoped that it was "accidental", pushed too hard and Allison hit her head and died/ Best scenario of a really bad bunch, but murder, cold, calculated and organised - I hope he drops the soap often in jail and that the inmates give hiom a warm jailhouse welcome!!
yeah for the taking names and kicking *advertiser censored**es that is gonna be the great ... sub judice contempt of court case 2012 where a discussion forum (not a social media site! blog! actual news outlet!) is legally described as a publication for the first time in that jurisdiction, and subsequently we all run out and buy that book on that blog you keep hawking so we can learn how to "publish" our opinions.

That blog - and the book - is written by a media law expert. <modsnip>
Thanks thats interesting

I dont know Mate......I just saw it again.....It looks bigger than a pond. Had the lilypads on it. Does anyone know (and no im not asking anyone to go looking) if there is a big pond or something on the BCs property?

Could be old footage.....I hope not.
BAYSIDE: I agree with you, it is sad that some try to make something negative out of such a tribute. Allison was not only a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, but also a member of the Brookfield community. Members of her local community are paying their respects with such a lovely tribute. I can see nothing negative about that at all.

I was led to believe that this is a crime discussion forum i.e. a place to discuss the crime. Noticed some scare monger posts again. Following wise words from INDOGWETRUST and WATSONIAN INSTITUTE some articles were cited in an earlier thread no: 18(?) about defamation and australian social media. I recall GRANNIE sourced these relevant articles for which we are thankful. If you click on the posters names above, you will find some information. IMO we must state on our post that it is 'our opinion' if it is an opinion and not a fact.We cannot make false accusations. However, 'truth' is a defence against defamation. It appears that the legislation around social media is still developing. My limited opinion only. However, the MODERATORS have warned us not to accuse any person of this crime at this stage [see the beginning of the thread].

Hi folks, posting this from Page 10 as have only just got home and the forum is moving so fast it's up to Page 24 - so apologies if I'm repeating what others have said.

I support the above post - obviously I can't prescribe what others do but I'm going to state what i believe is important. I personally feel that it is even more important that we all stick to the rules and be especially careful with posting things from MSM (mainstream media) and police reports. Anything else has to be very clearly and strongly stated that we are speculating, and it is only our opinion, and even then we need to be very careful about what we speculate on, and the wording of it. JMO. My thoughts are that if we wish to say we believe GBC is guilty, it must be be IMO, based on the facts already reported.

I'm not sure if others have helpful ideas on this, perhaps Hawkins or someone else can come and guide us as to how we can still have a vigorous discussion here which is done with caution about not only libel laws but avoiding any accusations of trial by media. I just feel we need to be very disciplined now as we deal with this new situation - things are going to change drastically I believe.

I know how many people are passionate about this case, passionate and sincerely concerned for what happened to Allison, the concerns about abuse of women and DV, and concerned as mothers or parents about the BC children. So aside from completely exiting the forum, how do we do this and not jeopardise the case and ourselves?

I certainly want to see justice and dont' want to see the case prejudiced in any way, however I believe there has to be a way to discuss this, and that the community has a right to discuss and express their outrage. We have had our little community in the Western suburbs filled with sadness because of this crime, and I dont think it's healthy to stay quiet about it, for many reasons. Social media can be as much a medium for good as well as bad, and there is much good here.

So, to all those dear people who I know do care about not only this case but what it represents for society and the community as a whole, I would love to read your thoughts.

(Once again I have no idea where this post is going to fall - so sorry if it is not totally in sync with current discussions in any way)

PS I also think that, now more than ever, is a time for us to stick together and discuss things in harmony. I guess this is just a wish. I end this post with thoughts for the welfare of the 3 little Baden-Clay girls - my heart and prayers are with them tonight and my only comfort is they will be with the Dickie grandparents. RIP Allison - i hope justice is coming soon.
I just don't understand this money as the motive, If Allison's body was never found he would have had to wait 7 years to establish her death - no instant fix!

If it was the money why didn't GBC leave the body somewhere it was sure to be found? Doesn't make sense as the motive.

I am saddened that there was blood involved. always hoped that it was "accidental", pushed too hard and Allison hit her head and died/ Best scenario of a really bad bunch, but murder, cold, calculated and organised - I hope he drops the soap often in jail and that the inmates give hiom a warm jailhouse welcome!!

Has it been confirmed there was blood involved? I'm not surprised, but I must have missed this.
I predict EBC and NBC will soon be following the footsteps of GBC....IMO they are the next to be formally interviewed/questioned??

Very curious as to where they have been hiding out?

I hope the Scientific Police find something very incriminating tonight!

I woke up this morning with a feeling of this being the day for an arrest...I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW RIGHT THAT FEELING WAS......JUSTICE FOR ALLISON AND HER BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS.

I hope they get through this the best they can.....Boy! It is going to be tough for them for the next few days, months and years......Sending my love to them and The Dickies....Many emotions must be flooding them right now...

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