ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #21

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:fireworks: :fireworks2:

That blog - and the book - is written by a media law expert. But hey, what would he know, right?

His solution to the issue on the blog is to say nothing. That is not what the law intends with the legislation is it? He probably knows everything there is to know about it, but his advice to say nothing is pretty worthless as far as I am concerned.
Thank you lovely XOX Im hiding behind you, cowering, waiting for bottles to be thrown....giggles (((((hugs))))) ......pluck...........
That headline will be a huge kick in the cods for NBC.

yes bad news sure travels fast.
Bet some of his relations are glad they didn't add the Baden bit to their surname.
Hi folks, posting this from Page 10 as have only just got home and the forum is moving so fast it's up to Page 24 - so apologies if I'm repeating what others have said.

I support the above post - obviously I can't prescribe what others do but I'm going to state what i believe is important. I personally feel that it is even more important that we all stick to the rules and be especially careful with posting things from MSM (mainstream media) and police reports. Anything else has to be very clearly and strongly stated that we are specualting, and it is only our opinion, and even then we need to be very careful about what we specualte on, and the wording of it. JMO My thoughts are that if we wish to say we believe GBC is guilty, it must be be IMO, based on the facts already reported.

I'm not sure if others have helpful ideas on this, perhaps Hawkins or someone else can come and guide us as to how we can still have a vigorous discussion here which is done with caution about not only libel laws but avoiding any accusations of trial by media. I just feel we need to be very disciplined now as we deal with this new situation - things are going to change drastically I believe.

I know how many people are passionate about this case, passionate and sincerely concerned for what happened to Allison, the concerns about abuse of women and DV, and concerned as mothers or parents about the BC children. So aside from completely exiting the forum, how do we do this and not jeopardise the case and ourselves?

I certainly want to see justice and dont' want to see the case prejudiced in any way, however I believe there has to be a way to discuss this, and that the community has a right to discuss and express their outrage. We have had our little community in the Western suburbs filled with sadness because of this crime, and I dont think it's healthy to stay quiet about it, for many reasons. Social media can be as much a medium for good as well as bad, and there is much good here.

So, to all those dear people who I know do care about not only this case but what it represents for society and the community as a whole, I would love to read your thoughts.

(Once again I have no idea where this post is going to fall - so sorry if it is not totally in sync with current discussions in any way)

PS I also think that, now more than ever, is a time for us to stick together and discuss things in harmony. I guess this is just a wish. I end this post with thoughts for the welfare of the 3 little Baden-Clay girls - my heart and prayers are with them tonight and my only comfort is they will be with the Dickie grandparents. RIP Allison - i hope justice is coming soon.

I agree wholeheartedly Vibe. Fantastically worded. Deep breaths everyone :jail:
speed read bellgirl - like the rest of us!! :woohoo:

I did darl .......... and maybe skipped a couple along the way - that I'm now feeing sick about! :( I'll have to go back - or I won't sleep tonight!

Just sooooooo happy (for Allison and her family) but also so sad for those little girls that will be extremely heartbroken and very confused tonight. Their whole world has been turned upside down - and just like Allison, they didn't deserve this.

As someone said earlier (one of the wonderful posts that I did read) today's events are "completely bittersweet" :(

But :yesss:
His solution to the issue on the blog is to say nothing. That is not what the law intends with the legislation is it? He probably knows everything there is to know about it, but his advice to say nothing is pretty worthless as far as I am concerned.

No - his advice is that if you're not a professional, or with a working knowledge of this area, then you should be very careful. It's the "if in doubt, leave it out" rule. It's about protecting yourself, legally, and ensuring your work does not impact on a trial (which has strict legal consequences).

Why would anyone want to risk publishing something (even inadvertently) that could cause a problem with a murder trial? I think it's important to see justice done.

I cried. I am just so relieved.

I have to say that even though I work for an evil empire, I am hopeful the public will continue to be informed the truth without media and legal puppetry. That being said, there are laws we have to follow and cannot publish certain things.

Prayers for the final truth of what happened and the final judgement day to her murderer(s)
Dear Keentoknow
From all of us online tonight you must understand what the Dickies are going through. You are in my thoughts and I think you have incredible strengths!!!
No - his advice is that if you're not a professional, or with a working knowledge of this area, then you should be very careful. It's the "if in doubt, leave it out" rule.


It is especially difficult for social media users and bloggers untrained in media law to navigate all these rules so the best policy is to avoid comment on any matters before the courts until the justice process has run its course. Leave that to the trained, professional journalists who report with the backing of experienced editors and legal advisers.
he look frightened doesn't he? disbelieving

IMO..I think he looked detached and unemotional...almost cocky in a subtle sort of way?

I thought he would request to have his face covered with a jumper....IT IS ALWAYS A JUMPER??? lol!

Police should really supply a hood!

I was really suprised when he appeared without a suggestion of wanting to hide...He didn't even hang his head or turn his face from sight?:maddening:
This can' t be all there is to it , now can it ? 2 cars were seen in the vicinity of Anstead that night >>> must be some other nervous party sitting out there waiting for the knock at the door.

Also reports tonight that the Captiva (allegedly) had traces of blood - and the Captiva is still impounded (as far as we know). Yet the 2 cars "seen in the vicinity" were described as a white 4wd and smaller blue 4wd.

So could that make 3 cars!? Twists and turns...
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