ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #21

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Do you honestly think only 300 non members read this forum. How do you know that is the figure. Do you have to be registered to read? Moo:what:

At any one time, you can see at the bottom of the page (if you are logged in) how many members and how many guests are reading.
At any one time, you can see at the bottom of the page (if you are logged in) how many members and how many guests (public) are reading.

Thanks CC I have seen that but how can it be calculated that there are only 300 readers who would be effected by what is said here. If I had said that I would be asked the same question I would think. I think that figure is grossly underestimated. IMO:please:
Thanks CC I have seen that but how can it be calculated that there are only 300 readers who would be effected by what is said here. If I had said that I would be asked the same question I would think. I think that figure is grossly underestimated. IMO:please:

I understand. I don't really know how it's measured. I know that in the first few weeks, one night there were a total of about 350 (members + guests).
GENERAL COMMENT - Nobody can stop the general public from discussing a case or whatever it is. The internet has been available to many people for over 20 years and this is not the only case (nor will it be the last) that will generate forum discussions all over the place. The authorities, whether it be police or government, know this and are expecting people's speculation. I agree that QPS should keep many details secret, but what has been released to the public through media is very much what they want us to know. If the authorities thought that any information released would be detrimental to someone or to a prospective trial, they would not have released any details about anything and would have put a total ban on the media reporting on this case (or any other case).

This forum has moderators and if they believe that a particular post or comment is inappropriate (according to their TOS), they will promptly delete them, as we have experienced. But we still have the right to express our opinions, with respect for the victim and all involved, including respect for members of this forum. I believe expressing certain grieve for the death of woman (with whom many here identify with and for various reasons) is perfectly acceptable.

If authorities are so concerned about what is being discussed in forums like this, WHY haven't they come out and confirm they have eliminated certain player(s) from their investigation? Because they HAVEN'T eliminated them. All they above is my personal opinion only.

I still stand by my own theory: Allison died as a result of a DV incident. IMO.

Thank you Caseclosed. EXCELLENT post!

I just would like to simply add - If you like it here stay, if you don't then leave. People suggesting other posters leave??? Simple solution really...:wave:
I think it is amazing how good the sunflowers look on the page. Its a pleasure clicking through the forum. :)blushing:Lostsock the sunflower touch is too cute!)

Hi all.
Welcome back Indro.

I think:
Lostsock and Possumheart for cuteness
Willough and aussie expat for beauty; and
Greg for creepiness

They all look stunning (well except one :floorlaugh:).

I know all off topic but don't feel like going there right know!
I understand. I don't really know how it's measured. I know that in the first few weeks, one night there were a total of about 350 (members + guests).

Yes that's my point. Before I found this forum I googled Bayden - Clay (to see if there was any news) and this forum came up in the search.I am sure there are more than 300 people who have done likewise.Other sleuthing forums came up in the search as well. If anyone on here thinks this forum is a small closed community ...I can assure you it is not. I make this comment without malice. I have been concerned with the depth of conviction/emotion with which some opinions have been voiced based on the information available. Yes everyone is entitled to an opinion but be careful. IMO :seeya:
I'm sure if you search "Google Mistrials" you will find examples.

I'm going to take some of my own advice and vacate the forum until there is more information to discuss. For all posters, please take care in what you discuss here and be aware that some of you through kind deeds/sleuthing have already inadvertently revealed who you are, both to authorities and to those who may take offence to some of the comments published here.

Interesting. I'm sure those who are doing "kind deeds" don't care if someone knows who they are, but those who are sleuthing....hmmm....maybe. I don't see that this is any worse than a bunch of ladies discussing the case while they are getting their hair dyed at the hairdresser, then taking the gossip home. Human nature
Thanks CC I have seen that but how can it be calculated that there are only 300 readers who would be effected by what is said here. If I had said that I would be asked the same question I would think. I think that figure is grossly underestimated. IMO:please:

All good..... what do you think is closer to the mark of people not registered reading day in and day out everything thats said here.....hard core members cant keep up let alone joe blow from rocklea that had his curiosity sparked for 5 minutes and then got back to life.

ramp it up to 5000 if you prefer and its still only 0.02% of the Australian population....hardly public perception swinging numbers......

One webstat company ranks weblseuths as the 4708 most visited site from Aus behind such gems as

#388 - The #1 adult webcam community. Free live webcams and video-chat.


Natural Health Information Articles and Health Newsletter by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Im sure the mods have their own site stats of unique visitors etc
I'm sure if you search "Google Mistrials" you will find examples.

I'm going to take some of my own advice and vacate the forum until there is more information to discuss. For all posters, please take care in what you discuss here and be aware that some of you through kind deeds/sleuthing have already inadvertently revealed who you are, both to authorities and to those who may take offence to some of the comments published here.

Just wondering what you mean by this and how could you know this information?
Interesting. I'm sure those who are doing "kind deeds" don't care if someone knows who they are, but those who are sleuthing....hmmm....maybe. I don't see that this is any worse than a bunch of ladies discussing the case while they are getting their hair dyed at the hairdresser, then taking the gossip home. Human nature

I think the difference here is that the discussion is not confined to a hairdressing salon then gossiping at home in private. It's very public and recorded in black and white for all to see.
Yes that's my point. Before I found this forum I googled Bayden - Clay (to see if there was any news) and this forum came up in the search.I am sure there are more than 300 people who have done likewise.Other sleuthing forums came up in the search as well. If anyone on here thinks this forum is a small closed community ...I can assure you it is not. I make this comment without malice. I have been concerned with the depth of conviction/emotion with which some opinions have been voiced based on the information available. Yes everyone is entitled to an opinion but be careful. IMO :seeya:

You're right. It shows up in searches, but for that the owners of the forum, or any company for that matter, pay a fee to Google (from what I understand). I still believe, at least here in Aus, it is comprised of a small percentage of the population. IMO.
I think the difference here is that the discussion is not confined to a hairdressing salon then gossiping at home in private. It's very public and recorded in black and white for all to see.

That's right. That's why I think it is important not to directly accuse a person suspected of being the perp, but to word it in a different way (not just add IMO).
About the CMC. They can be asked by QPS or AFP to conduct a hearing to ask someone questions about a serious crime that has been committed, where the police believe that person has knowledge that will assist in the prosecution of the crime. The person to be asked the questions wont usually be the suspect themselves. It’s a bit like a court hearing, but with important differences.

It’s an offence for the person called to answer questions in the CMC not to take the oath or affirmation to tell the truth. It’s also an offence for that person not to answer a question, unless they have a reasonable excuse. The only excuse that usually works is that you’re a lawyer or a politician who would be breaking parliamentary or legal professional privilege if you answered the question.

If you combine the rules requiring you to take the oath, with the rule about being required to answer questions, then you’ve got a situation where the person will have to answer a question and if they don’t they get fined or imprisoned. If they do answer and lie (and that is found out) then they’ll be charged with perjury and go to a real court and either be fined or imprisoned for that offence.

That strategy sometimes works, but for hardcore crims such as bikies, the threat of a year in prison or a fine is of little consequence. They’ll take the punishment rather than spill the beans. You could also have an accomplice or a family member who’d take the relatively lighter penalty for perjury than to incriminate the other person.

An important caveat on this compulsion to answer questions though, is that any answer given can’t be used in evidence against that person, appearing in the CMC, in a court.

In a real court there’s a powerful and essential protection which allows a person to refuse to answer a question if in doing so they would incriminate themselves in some offence. This is based on the principle that a person is innocent until proven guilty and that they don’t have to say anything to police. They don’t have to prove their innocence, the Crown has to prove their guilt.

Here’s a highly hypothetical example. A fellow goes on trial in the Supreme Court for the murder of his wife. A person is subpoenaed to give evidence as a prosecution witness. The witness is told that there is a record of him having had a phone conversation with the accused on the night of the alleged killing. The witness is asked by the prosecutor what the substance of that conversation was. The witness must answer the question, just like in the CMC. But, in the court, unlike in the CMC, the witness can refuse to answer the question on the grounds that in answering it he would incriminate himself in some offence. The conversation could, for example, have been about how to dispose of the body. Answering the question truthfully would implicate the witness in an offence, so he could refuse to answer it on the grounds of the self-incrimination privilege. And if the state believes the witness has committed any offence it’s up to them to prove it, not for him to admit to it. Like it or loathe it, that’s the way the cookie crumbles. All just IMO. MOO.

You are the best Hawkins-so informative.

Yes that's my point. Before I found this forum I googled Bayden - Clay (to see if there was any news) and this forum came up in the search.I am sure there are more than 300 people who have done likewise.Other sleuthing forums came up in the search as well. If anyone on here thinks this forum is a small closed community ...I can assure you it is not. I make this comment without malice. I have been concerned with the depth of conviction/emotion with which some opinions have been voiced based on the information available. Yes everyone is entitled to an opinion but be careful. IMO :seeya:

Have I missed something? All this talk about authorities and the above BBM,
be careful of what? Should we be alarmed?
Not wanting to start WW3 on here in any way, shape or form but I'm just wondering whether or not Allison's parents would want a virtual shrine out at Kholo Bridge.... they may wonder why a bunch of strangers have decided this should be the case.

They may not want, what would be, a constant reminder, of where her body was found in such a lonely & isolated place.

I personally feel & this is just my opinion, that all this has gone just a little bit over the top without taking into consideration Allison's parents at all....& this is my reason for choosing not to go with a sunflower avatar.
All good..... what do you think is closer to the mark of people not registered reading day in and day out everything thats said here.....hard core members cant keep up let alone joe blow from rocklea that had his curiosity sparked for 5 minutes and then got back to life.

ramp it up to 5000 if you prefer and its still only 0.02% of the Australian population....hardly public perception swinging numbers......

One webstat company ranks weblseuths as the 4708 most visited site from Aus behind such gems as

#388 - The #1 adult webcam community. Free live webcams and video-chat.


Natural Health Information Articles and Health Newsletter by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Im sure the mods have their own site stats of unique visitors etc

I respect what you have said and I speak from the perspective of a casual observer. If you read something sensational you are likely to mention what you read on WS or whatever to friends in conversation. Those people might mention to some friends of theirs that so and so read on the internet bla bla. Then they all start searching the net and off it goes. It's called gossip I think. Happens a lot. Just my opinion your statistics. IMO
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