ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #22

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The area is hardly rural (anymore) and the majority of people that use Mt Crosby road are using it to head to the city for work.
They would be used to wallabies/possums being hit in the area, but I just feel at the time everyone would have been a little more obvious to those things. (remember after 911, every plane that flew over you would look at and think I never noticed that before)

Do you actually live in the area now? Even though parts of the area in general are regular housing estates, it is still pretty rural around the Kholo Bridge, and the bridge is quite high. People are not strolling past, there is no footpath, and the cars coming inbound are just zooming down the curved sloping road. Most cars go past there so fast I doubt if anyone would pick up a smell, and theyd probably have their windows closed anyway. The last few times I've gone past there, a couple of times I've slowed down to observe the surrounds, and I've had cars right up the back of me.

I just dont agree with your earlier post, after actually getting out of the car there and going halfway down the slope and sighting the spot where the body would have been I can see it would be quite possibe for the body to be there and not be noticed for quite a while. To me, when you're driving over that bridge, it seems more like just a road, there's not a particularly distinct feeling of going over a bridge, and to me not much connection to anything below the bridge. Also, at the time it was mentioned that area wasn't in the police search area, and was not searched.

But I think another factor as to why the body might have either been pushed over or carried down to under the bridge is because the murderer panicked and was running out of time to get rid of the body before daylight. The vehicles were spotted near the Kholo Bridge around 3.30 weren't they, and they weren't driving at speed towards home at that stage from the way I recall it being described. I'm not sure what happened at home but perhaps after the murder, the murderer wasn't sure what to do, how to dispose of the body, perhaps was in shock and trying to work out the best way to get out of this, internet searches took place, then had to think about phone calls for assistance, would it be to TM or NBC?, etc. By the time an accomplice (or 2) came to help and they discussed a plan, loaded the body into the car (sounds horrible saying that) and headed out, they wouldnt have wanted to delay too long. Once you get past 4am it's starting to get a bit risky, with a few more cars out and then eventually it starting to get lighter.

I just dont think they had time to dispose of the body in the perfect place, or, maybe they did, if they had a plan to make it look like she jumped or had a terrible accident while out walking. This is JMO, and although I disagree with you at this point, I accept you could be right, this case is a mystery to some extent and you never know, maybe if it was premeditated and planned that the body would not be found, it could have been placed somewhere upstream.
Does anyone know if GBC will be subject to a psychiatric assessment while at the correctional centre?
Agreed. I can imagine that a small cell will effect him even more.
His ego will be suffering badly.IMO he probably feels outraged that he is in jail as in his opinion he is way better than that and he may have already convinced himself that he didn't do it. Why are they picking on me blah blah.
He did not consider his children when he allegedly killed their mother so I can't imagine him considering them now. I believe a man like that would consider suicide a better option than spending his like behind bars. I am also concerned he may do that if released on bail. If free on bail he will not want to return to prison and may do anything to have to avoid that.
Obviously my own opinion.

I agree with much of what you too believe, but also believe that no cell, no matter how small & confined, can ever compare to one's very own CONSCIENCE. :banghead:

After all, that's precisely what so-called 'KARMA' is ~ and also what many religious folk refer to as God's wrath / punishment. :notgood: In the meantime, God NEVER judges nor EVER punishes, and 'judgement day' is also, only about each of our very own, individual & deserved KARMA. :doh:
Do unto others as you'd like done unto yourself, & your karma should be an AWESOME reward ... but falter, or God forbid, & cause MANY others, unimaginable HARM, & BOY! life, no matter where it's spent, won't be at all pleasant. :bump:
Yeah! I totally agree that suicide would most probably be my first choice, had I being so evil, thoughtless, selfish & stupid. :bricks: I'd just want the HELL to end ~ yet, that's NOT a fix-all either.
Whilst the 'act' of murder is evil in most cases, there is no current consensus on nature vs nurture for criminality, unfortunately.
In my personal opinion (but based upon my profession), i think it has more to do with nurture (not necessarily to do with parenting, but more to do with exposure to traumatic events, peer groups throughout adolescence e.t.c.) but, as with everybody else, it is only my opinion.
Maybe one day they will have an answer to this, as it would certainly aide in crime prevention :crossfingers:.
HTH :)

I think the nature vs nurture debate re criminality will be forever evolving and I don't expect there will ever be a true consensus. In fact I don't even think there should be, so many individual differences. I for one believe nature and nurture work together to varying degrees and I suppose I often lean towards nurture, as in environmental factors, peer and parent influences, cultural influences. I'm also a bit biased as I simply know more about the effects of nurture than I do about nature. I would love to sit down with GBC and find out more about him to better understand why he is the way he is.
I think the consenting to the DNA being taken might have been a bit like taking the option of quitting before being fired to save face.

Makes sense to have the girls stay with someone closer to their mother than their father at this point.

Sounds like bail is only allowed to be granted to accused murderers in exceptional circumstances, not just not being a threat to society. I'm not sure if he'll qualify?

Do you have to consent to having your DNA taken and tested? otherwise the police must have had numerous ways to get rather than "asking" for it - toothbrushes, hairbrushes. clothing etc.

I might be wrong, cause I am scientifically challenged
I have just read a few of the news reports and can't understand why there are so many different versions of the one report?? Also i'm trying to find one where i thought it said the kids weren't home that night but considering it's 12:48am i'm going to bed and will look for the link when i wake up. Goodnight everyone :seeya:

I would dare say this is the internets fault.
Once in a world before http (circa 1991) we only had print, and journalists had time before stories were printed to check facts. These days they just click upload and hope they are right.

That would be my guess.
Do you actually live in the area now?

Yes I live in Indooroopilly and use the road maybe once a month.

Even though parts of the area in general are regular housing estates, it is still pretty rural around the Kholo Bridge ,....

It's all good. It's just my opinion.
I won't be too surprised if it is found that the body was dumped over the bridge.
I respect everyone else's opinion, just putting mine out there.
Wakeskate, I think the Olivia comment I made earlier was in fact rumour...nothing I could find to prove it, sorry my bad!
I have said all along that the children were home that night....but I will never understand what the hell Olivia Walton was doing there Friday not reasonably acceptable ..and so suspicious (she lives 1600km away?)
I have been wondering the same .Why would Olivia be there?
I keep thinking about the interview with Gerad and Olivia.She bites her lower lip ,and this could indicate she with holding info.
Biting of lips could also be away to hold back info and keep it internal,so that talking can not be done.
Sometimes the bite can happen when there's a lie going on,fabricating or embellishing a story or statement.
Maybe she knew,it does seem strange she would collect the girls.Why couldn't Gerad take them too school?
Hey is it true detectives ,visited Olivia ,in the last few days?
Gosh I hope this my brain running overtime.She may have picked up that something was a miss,that morning.Food for thought
It is such a tragic case. I feel so sad for so many things...yes of course the children and all of the Dickie family but also for Gerard and his family. If he is found to be guilty,(recognizing that it has to be proven in court, and we must respect this no matter what our personal beliefs are in regards to his guilt/ innocence) I find it so devastating to think that a marriage that looked like it started with such promise and beauty has ended so tragically. I feel the same for Gerard personally and his parents. Parents have hopes and dreams for their one wants them to make decisions that end in such ways. In my opinion it is such a waste of each person's life and the potential of that life for this to happen........even the life of the offender. I know that I would be devastated if one of my children committed such an along with the girls and the Dickies I feel for the Baden Clays too. My empathy for all of these people and the situation they are in, in no way excuses the actions of any that were involved in any way in this atrocious crime. It is just so tragic. I will keep praying for justice and truth and healing for all those hurt.

Thank you seeking. 'every body is some woman's baby'.
I think the nature vs nurture debate re criminality will be forever evolving and I don't expect there will ever be a true consensus. In fact I don't even think there should be, so many individual differences. I for one believe nature and nurture work together to varying degrees and I suppose I often lean towards nurture, as in environmental factors, peer and parent influences, cultural influences. I'm also a bit biased as I simply know more about the effects of nurture than I do about nature. I would love to sit down with GBC and find out more about him to better understand why he is the way he is.

There are too many types of murderers and in many cases nurture vs nature has nothing to do with it. Dahmer had a perfect upbringing, besides his parents divorcing, but many children go through divorce and don't murder. He was a self indulgent monster. I don't think you can generalize either as many murders are committed for financial gain, many are pay back, then thrill killing, serial murder, anger, custody issues, Robbery, disgrace killings. But the truth is all of us at some time go through some of these issues. Your daughter doesn't marry someone you deem suitable, you are broke and have no money, you're angry, had too much to drink, your parents fought when you were young, someone molested your child? Doesn't give you the right to dole out your own justice. It's what suppose to make us civilized, and feel safe. It's a huge taboo and should be treated as such and anyone who steps over the line should be SEVERELY punished IMO, as an example to others, to show the consequences of the crime.

It's very sad when Serial Killers and gangsters, including Bikie gangs are romanticized. In Australia we have a who is often on tv and has written a book, I forget his name. Bike gangs continue to put citizens at risk by committing stabbings and shootouts in public places, including the stabbing and bashing of a man in the departure lounge of an airport, with women and children within feet of the crime. Lock them up and throw the key away. If they don't have a diagnosed serious mental illness, they should know better.
Wakeskate, I think the Olivia comment I made earlier was in fact rumour...nothing I could find to prove it, sorry my bad!

That is the problem with this case and it being so popular.
Someone makes a suggestion/guess, and next thing it becomes a rumour and then fact.
I made some comment explaining my opinion on the screams and how a teenage girl could have easily been frightened and wouldn't admit to it in fear of the fact she wasn't suppose to be out at that time. The next day someone was quoting as they confirmed it was a teenage girl that screamed and she had come forward.
The big problem is we can't even trust the MSM as we are getting 2-3 accounts of the so called facts as well.

Don't think of it as a personal attack. I am just trying to dispel rumours before they become folklore.

I am also very interested in finding out about the confirmation of Gerards dad being at the round-a-bout. I haven't been following this thread for the past 2 weeks or so with no new relevant info coming out, but I have noticed it seems to have become a fact that he was seen at the round-a-bout sometime between 11-4? Is this again another rumour out of control or is there some truth to it all?
Actually, there may be an exception. Anyone who abuses or kills a child, should be locked away immediately and given life. Put them all on an island in the middle of the ocean together with no way off. The risk should not be taken these monsters may reoffend. It's not worth the wellbeing of a child.
I have been wondering the same .Why would Olivia be there?

And that's how it happens :floorlaugh:

A rumour is now a fact, without anyone first determining if it's true in the first place.
I am not saying she wasn't there in the morning, she could well have been. She might have been down on holidays that week. But there is nothing suggesting she was.
That is the problem with this case and it being so popular.
Someone makes a suggestion/guess, and next thing it becomes a rumour and then fact.
I made some comment explaining my opinion on the screams and how a teenage girl could have easily been frightened and wouldn't admit to it in fear of the fact she wasn't suppose to be out at that time. The next day someone was quoting as they confirmed it was a teenage girl that screamed and she had come forward.
The big problem is we can't even trust the MSM as we are getting 2-3 accounts of the so called facts as well.

Don't think of it as a personal attack. I am just trying to dispel rumours before they become folklore.

I am also very interested in finding out about the confirmation of Gerards dad being at the round-a-bout. I haven't been following this thread for the past 2 weeks or so with no new relevant info coming out, but I have noticed it seems to have become a fact that he was seen at the round-a-bout sometime between 11-4? Is this again another rumour out of control or is there some truth to it all?

this is somewhat rumour somewhat fact. It carries a lot of weight as has come from Squizzey, who is a verified insider. So whilst it hasn't been reported by media, Squizzey has reported it literally from the horses mouth (their friend being the horse!!)

I THINK thats the story - don't quoted me haha
Since the Dickies now have custody of the girls - I am wondering if they will let the girls tell their version of the events to police or even a psychologist. Time has probably made their overall story less valid but they would know the big stuff like where they were sleeping that night, was there and argument, did daddy leave you with someone.

I don't think the girls would have had much chance to unload their emotional burdens staying with the BC's. IMO it would have been a very stressful and uncomfortable place for children at this time. I think the unpredictablity of the situation would have led to quite a volatile home situation but this is MOO. I am relieved that they are out of the environment - I feel the girls will be the Dickies number 1 priority. I just think the Nigelaine would have to be pulling out all stops for GBC at this stage - it is just natural for them to support him as their prioirty and would have to put the girls 2nd JMHO!!!!.

I also think that GBC is never going to plead guilty. In his mind he has been victimised, a narcissist will never take responsibility for their actions. But now the curtain has come down on his freedom he is out of options and that would be driving his mental state more than the fact that he is living with guilt from Allisons death.
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