ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #22

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Yes! I was totally shocked by how many incidents there were before the courts for just ONE DAY! Makes you wonder about society doesn't it?

These days the courts seem to be behind or have way too many cases to try and get through at the same time
Mr Baden-Clay went voluntarily with detectives to Indooroopilly police station, from his real-estate office in Toowong Tower, about 3pm yesterday.

they probably gave him no choice, better to go quietly

And supposedly, very thoughtfully, in an UNMARKED 'taxi' (devoid of any infamous BLUE light on top).
All very quietly, civilly & kosher ... typical of what appears to be the SMARTEST QPS style. :woohoo:
Thanks for this link i hadn't seen it. The last one i seen i thought it said that he was going back to court about bail on the 21st. Maybe i read it wrong or something

Perhaps this is a good indication that he won't get bail? I hope he doesn't. I think there is too much danger of harm to others. Not many people would be emotionally stable under these circumstances.
I have a feeling this case will probably take a while to solve . My brother is only getting charged over a car accident he had and they have told him it could be 1-2 years before he even gets to court. So can you imagine how long it's going to take for a murder case?

It takes a long time here in the states as well.
I have just read a few of the news reports and can't understand why there are so many different versions of the one report?? Also i'm trying to find one where i thought it said the kids weren't home that night but considering it's 12:48am i'm going to bed and will look for the link when i wake up. Goodnight everyone :seeya:
It is great to see movement on this case. Good work QPS :)

I am sorry if this has already been addressed, i am continuously catching up:
...As for legal advice I have checked and we have no verified legals on this forum...
Will you take the word of a verified criminologist?
Sub-judice contempt is a very real threat to social media users, as social media = publishing in the eyes of the law.
It is not a civil matter, you can be fined or even arrested under criminal charges for it!
The primary reason for a sub-judice state during a trial, and until conviction (or acquittal), is that pre-judgement of the accused may occur (remember, innocent until proven guilty, folks), and this can completely effect the outcome of a trial if it is not identified as a factor within a jury, or cause a mistrial if it is identified.
There are other factors, however, i will not mention them all here (definitely feel free to PM me if you would like more info on this :))
The mods here have done an excellent job of suppressing names of innocent parties to this case, another major concern under sub-judice :thumb:.
Also, i think it is a bit silly to be accusing members of attempting to silence others... c-mon! What would anybody gain from doing that, besides saving your hides from a sub-judice contempt or defamation charge? Even the QPS have mentioned that it is important to use social media responsibly (see!/QPSmedia )
Having said that, i do understand the desire to have total freedom of speech, just be careful people ;) You are all too lovely to be punished for wanting to see justice served.
Well, if he is quilty, lets hope he is advised by his expensive lawyers to make a guilty plea .... and save everyone (especially Allison's loved ones) the spectacle and drama of a lengthy trial. :maddening:
June 15, 2012 12:00AM

Accused killer Gerad Baden-Clay faces years in custody before trial

GERARD Baden-Clay faces the prospect of more than two years in custody before a trial as Queensland's justice system buckles under the strain of mounting homicide cases and a lack of resources.
The 41-year-old was taken to the Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre yesterday where he will be placed in a small prison cell by himself after undergoing medical assessment.

The case is one of hundreds of criminal matters before the Supreme Court, prompting Queensland Chief Justice Paul de Jersey to call on the State Government to urgently appoint a new judge to help clear the backlog.
Sub judice (see previous thread).
I support what you are saying, WI :)
I am also surprised that they haven't suppressed the name of the accused! (I noticed they have suppressed his image, as per usual)
I wonder if the suppression has been lifted due to public interest?
I have a feeling this case will probably take a while to solve . My brother is only getting charged over a car accident he had and they have told him it could be 1-2 years before he even gets to court. So can you imagine how long it's going to take for a murder case?

Hi Angel1 :angel2:
You may well be correct, but let's not forget that the futures of 3 little 'currently orphaned' girls shall surely be prioritised here.
Not only would inappropriate custody be a major priority, but so too, surely, would having access to their Mom's legitimate insurance payout :please: ... and even more so, if the family was already in financial difficulty.
Then let's also not forget the enormity of 'public' pressure demanding 'resolution' or whatever. :bud:
I have no doubt that each case is very carefully assessed according to the immediate needs / emergencies of those directly involved etc.

It is great to see movement on this case. Good work QPS :)

I am sorry if this has already been addressed, i am continuously catching up:

Will you take the word of a verified criminologist?
Sub-judice contempt is a very real threat to social media users, as social media = publishing in the eyes of the law.
It is not a civil matter, you can be fined or even arrested under criminal charges for it!
The primary reason for a sub-judice state during a trial, and until conviction (or acquittal), is that pre-judgement of the accused may occur (remember, innocent until proven guilty, folks), and this can completely effect the outcome of a trial if it is not identified as a factor within a jury, or cause a mistrial if it is identified.
There are other factors, however, i will not mention them all here (definitely feel free to PM me if you would like more info on this :))
The mods here have done an excellent job of suppressing names of innocent parties to this case, another major concern under sub-judice :thumb:.
Also, i think it is a bit silly to be accusing members of attempting to silence others... c-mon! What would anybody gain from doing that, besides saving your hides from a sub-judice contempt or defamation charge? Even the QPS have mentioned that it is important to use social media responsibly (see!/QPSmedia )
Having said that, i do understand the desire to have total freedom of speech, just be careful people ;) You are all too lovely to be punished for wanting to see justice served.
Thank you The Dark Shadow! I have learned a lot on this forum. I'll be taking these lessons back to my kids (grown up), particularly my daughter. I think they need to be far more careful with social media, not just regarding this situation, but overall personal security, reputation, etc. I think a particular member that tried very hard to get us to understand this was very patient. :)boohoo:with a great sense of humour too...or humor for our American friends)
I will be googling sub-Judice.
So many generalisations herein. With all due respect, I think very few people - possibly no-one - is inherently evil, especially if they have not come from a familial upbringing of sexual/physical/mental abuse. GBC is a complex psychological exercise ... a hair-trigger set many years ago, a man who knew no other way to define himself other than his professional standing. Nothing and no-one will ever be able to excuse what he has allegedly done, but to profess to understand his ilk with generalisations about "evil" is myopic and beneath many people.
with respect I disagree with your last sentance. Ordinary decent people have an opinion, do understand his alleged behaviour and define it as 'evil' which makes sense. Many would agree with this assessment by ordinary decent people. Those among us who are more professionally trained can contribute knowledge and be helpful on this forum. We are diverse people and we have diverse ways of expressing our opinions.
Whilst the 'act' of murder is evil in most cases, there is no current consensus on nature vs nurture for criminality, unfortunately.
In my personal opinion (but based upon my profession), i think it has more to do with nurture (not necessarily to do with parenting, but more to do with exposure to traumatic events, peer groups throughout adolescence e.t.c.) but, as with everybody else, it is only my opinion.
Maybe one day they will have an answer to this, as it would certainly aide in crime prevention :crossfingers:.
HTH :)
I support what you are saying, WI :)
I am also surprised that they haven't suppressed the name of the accused! (I noticed they have suppressed his image, as per usual)
I wonder if the suppression has been lifted due to public interest?

I wondered at that also, as well as if there has been a bit of boundary pushing. If there hasn't been a lift, that's a pretty big, dangerous push, in my opinion. The media lawyers would certainly be earning their keep at the stage. I notice some news media have still suppressed the name.

In my opinion, this is one of the reasons it's turning into an interesting case, because of the online publishing genie and the MSM boundary pushers, and the implications for the court ... I've been wondering if this might turn into a test case regarding this issue, considering it's so high profile. I plan to stay tuned.

And thanks for your support. :)

He does seem 'disconnected' in the photo with handcuffs. He doesn't seem to be concerned about hiding his face now that he has been charged. Almost as if he doesn't care anymore about what happens IMO. I think, if he is not granted bail next Thursday, he may be placed on suicide watch (not pretend, but real), because then it will really sink in for him. IMO.

Agreed. I can imagine that a small cell will effect him even more.
His ego will be suffering badly.IMO he probably feels outraged that he is in jail as in his opinion he is way better than that and he may have already convinced himself that he didn't do it. Why are they picking on me blah blah.
He did not consider his children when he allegedly killed their mother so I can't imagine him considering them now. I believe a man like that would consider suicide a better option than spending his like behind bars. I am also concerned he may do that if released on bail. If free on bail he will not want to return to prison and may do anything to have to avoid that.
Obviously my own opinion.
Perhaps a bit of boundary pushing? If there hasn't been a lift, that's a pretty big push, in my opinion. I notice some are abiding, however, and have suppressed the name.

This is one of the reasons it's turning into an interesting case (because of the online publishing genie and the MSM boundary pushers, and the implications for the court) ... I've been wondering if this might turn into a test case regarding this issue, considering it's so high profile. I plan to stay tuned.

And thanks for your support. :)

No worries, i know you are trying to get the point across to help others :)
I hadn't thought of the possibility of a test case, interesting. I will have to go and have a look to see if precedence has been set elsewhere. I recall something about social media surrounding the Morcombe case, but i think it had more to do with leniency, due to public interest, rather than anything else.
Hmmm, i wonder what has been declared, suppression wise, if some MSM outlets are abiding?!?!?! :waitasec:
No worries, i know you are trying to get the point across to help others :)
I hadn't thought of the possibility of a test case, interesting. I will have to go and have a look to see if precedence has been set elsewhere. I recall something about social media surrounding the Morcombe case, but i think it had more to do with leniency, due to public interest, rather than anything else.
Hmmm, i wonder what has been declared, suppression wise, if some MSM outlets are abiding?!?!?! :waitasec:

There was definitely the stock-standard reporting until after the court appearance; will dig out some links since I need to earmark them anyway.

In the meantime, this is interesting:
There was definitely the stock-standard reporting until after the court appearance; will dig out some links since I need to earmark them anyway.

In the meantime, this is interesting:

Thanks WI :)
I have just made a feeble attempt at looking in to it, but realise that resistance to sleep is futile at the moment, lol.
I will look into precedence tomorrow, and hopefully our combined research will allow us all to know exactly what we can mention on here.
Don't forget everyone, that outright defamation can fall under criminal law in QLD too! (see s.365 (or chapter 35) of the criminal code ). This is seperate to sub-judis, and can apply at any time.
Night all :pillowfight2:
oops, i mean :eek:fftobed:
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