ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #22

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Just a thought about a potential reason for requesting the tv programming... Perhaps one of the children heard mum & dad arguing and recognised a tv show playing in the background but didnt know the time...
If the girls were asleep at their own home that means the *advertiser censored* left them alone while he got rid of his wife. Or he had help. Freak needs to be put out of his misery
And while we're on that topic re: the police, when I spoke to them about searching our property which backs onto the bush and is difficult to access in some places, they asked if we had running creeks, so they knew something even back then. I don't think it's a coincidence that they stressed this and then look where Allison was found!

Very true. We have a creek right down the bottom of our property but hardly enough water would go through it to carry a body.
Question for discussion: If the children were at home, which has not been established clearly, were the children given some substance with their dinner/drink to 'help' them sleep that night?

Or WHO was minding/watching over them in case they wake while the G and friend(s) were taking out the trash!
If the girls were asleep at their own home that means the *advertiser censored* left them alone while he got rid of his wife. Or he had help. Freak needs to be put out of his misery

I always thought that one of those frantic calls to friends/family that night was to get someone to watch the kids while he went "out". In case they woke up if they woke up to an empty house they may call police to tip them off. But if half awake and they see Granddad/Grandma there they may just go back to sleep and forget seeing them.
Or WHO was minding/watching over them in case they wake while the G and friend(s) were taking out the trash!

It would be someone the kids knew and trusted (in case they woke up). Mama Bear? OW?
I can't seem to edit my previous post, but I wanted to add.. I was not ignoring what has happened,(regarding the smell and the body) but was aware some members, may find the thought disturbing and for that I appologised.
I agree even small dead animals can smell quite a bit and from quite a distance. However being a semi rural area, I wonder if people are used to the smell of a dead animal carcass(even larger ones such as wallabies etc), and possibly if they did smell something, didn't think much of it. After all the area she was found was not near the 'hotzone' where official searches were. anyway, just a thought.

People do not walk anywhere near where she was found. It is a main road and no footpath. Very odd to even see a car pulled over there. In my 20+ yrs of driving that road never once have I seen a car pulled over there. Even with people droppping off flowers now.
Wonder which family members were interviewed? The ones who told of his mental state?

Surely this mental state thing will be all the more reason not to let him out on bail!! Although they could provide him with something sharpish in the bighouse. Only joking!

I usually just lurk and keep quiet, but the above comment re providing something 'sharpish' is just not needed. The guy has had two months to entertain that thought, makes me wonder what goes through peoples heads with comments like that and if the reason they are here in the first place, is because they gain some sort of ogrish pleasure through death of any kind.

A few pages ago someone theorized about GBC possibly running over allisons body to make it look like a hit and run to fit in with the 'she went for a walk' story, hence the interfering charge.
It made me think back a few threads where at least one person was hellbent on convincing people that Allison was the victim of a hit-run car accident.
I'm kinda thinking that could possibly have been Gerard or someone close to him trying to sway public opinion so when/if the body was found, it would tie in as a possible alternate scenario.
This is all, of course, MOO..
GBC will have much trouble shaving that well groomed beard with one twin blade razor, in a stainless steel mirror, with soap as shaving cream.
A life of misery this man deserves, suicide would only serve to put his young daughters through more suffering, whether you or I despise him, as strange as it is his daughters will probably always love their father - sad but true.
what would tv programming be establishing - a day of the week, a time of the day, bad viewing habits, programmes that wee shown, can anyone add to the list?

This is really strange. If they wanted to establish when a particular show was on, surely they would just need to contact the relevant station to find out.

Maybe they are trying to establish when something was heard. As an example only, a child says I woke up and heard people laughing loudly on the TV.

Added: The point I'm trying to make is that someone may have claimed to have heard/seen something specific on television, but weren't sure what time/day it was.
However being a semi rural area, I wonder if people are used to the smell of a dead animal carcass(even larger ones such as wallabies etc), and possibly if they did smell something, didn't think much of it. After all the area she was found was not near the 'hotzone' where official searches were. anyway, just a thought.

The area is hardly rural (anymore) and the majority of people that use Mt Crosby road are using it to head to the city for work.
They would be used to wallabies/possums being hit in the area, but I just feel at the time everyone would have been a little more obvious to those things. (remember after 911, every plane that flew over you would look at and think I never noticed that before)
On the late news it just said how they reckon Allison never went for a walk but was murdered in the family home, then they said "while the children slept" ???? I've missed quite a bit today.. but is this becoming an issue again, where the kids were that night? Did anyone else hear this on the news or in the paper?

I wonder if the bit about while the kids slept was misreporting..At least I really hope so.
The area is hardly rural (anymore) and the majority of people that use Mt Crosby road are using it to head to the city for work.
They would be used to wallabies/possums being hit in the area, but I just feel at the time everyone would have been a little more obvious to those things. (remember after 911, every plane that flew over you would look at and think I never noticed that before)

semi-rural.. I would still consider it so. And yes I did say that it likely they are used to those smells because of that.
Just a thought about a potential reason for requesting the tv programming... Perhaps one of the children heard mum & dad arguing and recognised a tv show playing in the background but didnt know the time...

That is a very clever theory.
Quite a while ago I read on Aussie crims site some posts which at the time I thought interesting. There were a few others, 1 regarding calling the police. Will see if I can find it.

Siege of Makefing says:
May 21, 2012 at 10:18 am


I think you will find the kids were home Thursday night btw. Sleepover due on Friday night. Sister took kids to school early Friday morning. Police have never been allowed to talk to kids
People do not walk anywhere near where she was found. It is a main road and no footpath. Very odd to even see a car pulled over there. In my 20+ yrs of driving that road never once have I seen a car pulled over there. Even with people droppping off flowers now.

yes. I was not meaning walking. Dead animal smells can still be smelt if in a car. Not as likely I know if travelling at speed etc. Obviously there may be people out and about(canoeist).. who could have smelt something..IMO.
Do we know where TM was that weekend?

I know it may seem a bit out there but I assume IMO that TM and GBC would have avoided talking about anything related to the case on he phones or anywhere. So I was considering if they may have been able to talk (perhaps borrowing friends phones) or even managed to get together?

I am sure QPS will have this covered but am thinking that if they did get together there may be some beard hairs left somewhere in places where he said he hasn't been?
All IMO and maybe too out there.

Yes, I have wondered if TM may have been bugged like the mistress in the Petersen case, and then made contact with GBC - depending on her involvement and attitude to the situation of course. I do believe that if they have been in contact, they would have been "overheard" for sure, some way or another.
Quite a while ago I read on Aussie crims site some posts which at the time I thought interesting. There were a few others, 1 regarding calling the police. Will see if I can find it.

Siege of Makefing says:
May 21, 2012 at 10:18 am


I think you will find the kids were home Thursday night btw. Sleepover due on Friday night. Sister took kids to school early Friday morning. Police have never been allowed to talk to kids

I have said all along that the children were home that night....but I will never understand what the hell Olivia Walton was doing there Friday not reasonably acceptable ..and so suspicious (she lives 1600km away?)
Here it is I had already posted it here a while ago....

IMO This post which I read on another forum has been really nagging at me, along with a few others this person has written. I know I will probably be laughed at where it has come from but I needed to share.....

You usually dont ring a lawyer before midday on the day she goes missing (i.e. refuse to say anything to help police about 2 hours after first reporting her missing). You also dont say to the in-laws “I know you will take Allison’s side” on that morning….as if there are sides to take if your wife is missing.

To address an earlier point, the microphone in the flowers story is not as unrealistic as it sounds.
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