ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #22

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June 15, 2012 12:00AM

Accused killer Gerad Baden-Clay faces years in custody before trial

GERARD Baden-Clay faces the prospect of more than two years in custody before a trial as Queensland's justice system buckles under the strain of mounting homicide cases and a lack of resources.
The 41-year-old was taken to the Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre yesterday where he will be placed in a small prison cell by himself after undergoing medical assessment.

The case is one of hundreds of criminal matters before the Supreme Court, prompting Queensland Chief Justice Paul de Jersey to call on the State Government to urgently appoint a new judge to help clear the backlog.
I have been trying to find where it was stated that GBC went for a weekend break after Alisson was murdered and if that was before or after the story about TM hit the newspapers, and before she went in hiding?

The story about the affair broke after the Brookfield Show, but he went on a previously planned weekend break. Anyone???

From my recollection, the weekend break to the Gold Coast, I believe, was on the weekend of 28/4 and 29/4, which was before the discovery of the body on Monday 30/4. The previous Sunday 22/4 was when he had his blue vehicle disagreement with the bus station.
So many generalisations herein. With all due respect, I think very few people - possibly no-one - is inherently evil, especially if they have not come from a familial upbringing of sexual/physical/mental abuse. GBC is a complex psychological exercise ... a hair-trigger set many years ago, a man who knew no other way to define himself other than his professional standing. Nothing and no-one will ever be able to excuse what he has allegedly done, but to profess to understand his ilk with generalisations about "evil" is myopic and beneath many people.

with respect I disagree with your last sentance. Ordinary decent people have an opinion, do understand his alleged behaviour and define it as 'evil' which makes sense. Many would agree with this assessment by ordinary decent people. Those among us who are more professionally trained can contribute knowledge and be helpful on this forum. We are diverse people and we have diverse ways of expressing our opinions.
I always doubted the walk story. I live very close to BC house and I would never walk around this area at night. No footpaths and no street lights out me right off walking at night.

Where the devil have you been woman.......Hugs.....Nice to see you back posting XX
Oh, I am so glad someone else saw that. I was thinking "What the heck? I thought it had been decided that they were not at home?"

If that is true that may make it difficult for certain arguments to be put relating to bail. IMO
Thank you willough! You've made my night - I'm a huge fan of yours - I love your posts! If I have to speed read after work to catch up, I'll always read your posts carefully, every word! :)

Speaking of slow ......... I'm extremely slow tonight - I have the flu - so by the time I write and send my post, 10 other people have said what I was saying/have answered a question before me! I feel so stupid. :dunno:

Yes, love spratsmum being back more regularly!

See, this has taken me ages to write and post ......... gotta go to bed.

It does sound like you need your bed....FLU...YUCK!!!! You poor hon....Never nice to feel unwell.

Speaking of going to bed....I think this may be the best time for me to go....Before more news comes out tonight...and I end up staying for way too long..oopsy

Nighty Night lovely people.....Keep up the excellent sleuthing....You are ALL tops XX
Gerard Baden-Clay in court. Illustration: Brett Lethbridge Source: The Courier-Mail
I have been very involved in this case from the start. In fact I started the first thread about her missing as she lived 500 metres from my house. Her missing hit home because it was so close to where I live. I have been drip fed information too as people I work with know both the husband and swore black and blue he would never hurt her. But others said it was well know he was having affairs and has been for awhile.

The people I feel saddest for are her children and her parents. I hope that those little girls can get past this and have a normal life as they can. As we say in NZ Kia Kaha which means Be strong.
I remember us discussing this aspect when Allison was still 'missing'. For those of us who live here, especially the women, it just didn't add up or ring true.

It flew in the face of common sense!

I always doubted the walk story. I live very close to BC house and I would never walk around this area at night. No footpaths and no street lights out me right off walking at night.
Fair point. I didn't think about it that way. I still believe Allison was dumped there.

Regarding the smell, how long do you believe the body was there for - wouldn't the smell have been there regardless of how long she was there i.e. 1 day or 10 days? Cars regularly go over that bridge.

IMO the body washed up and down the creek on the Saturday after all that rain and came to rest where it was.
Yeah it could have quite easily been placed where it was found, but given that kayaks and canoes go up that creek quite a lot, it just doesn't make sense.
Plus I would have thought police/SES would have run up those creeks in the early days of the search. The problem with that creek is without heavy rain, it gets too shallow to go much past the bridge I believe. A guy I play tennis with uses them for kayaking all the time so I will ask him on Monday what it is normally like.

As for the smell. It would be pretty bad after the first day, and after 2-3 would have been pungent. On a windless day it should have been obvious from the bridge I would have thought, but that is quite a drop so it's hard to know for sure. I have seen little fruit bats hanging from power lines that have almost made me spew from the smell. This particular one was right under a stop sign, but man you could smell it.
My thoughts are someone would have driven over and caught a smell and went back to just check. Everyone in the area was on high alert for anything out of the ordinary. So I don't doubt someone would have gone back for a look. And if a car didn't smell it, a cyclist would have. I have a few friends who ride those areas early in the morning. Not sure if they dare Mt Crosby road that much, but I would have thought someone would have.

Just my thoughts.
As I said, it could have just as easily been dropped over the bridge. But it just doesn't add up to me.
Firstly getting the body there undetected, and second having it sit there for that long undetected.
Remember early in the search it was a missing persons, so people were thinking suicide as much as murder/kidnap, so people were probably looking at possible suicide spots.
I remember us discussing this aspect when Allison was still 'missing'. For those of us who live here, especially the women, it just didn't add up or ring true.

It flew in the face of common sense!

Not to mention when the police came to visit not once did they tell us to lock our doors, not to walk around at night or even to be careful. It was very telling to me.
I think the consenting to the DNA being taken might have been a bit like taking the option of quitting before being fired to save face.

Makes sense to have the girls stay with someone closer to their mother than their father at this point.

Sounds like bail is only allowed to be granted to accused murderers in exceptional circumstances, not just not being a threat to society. I'm not sure if he'll qualify?
I guess the question is ... was it really Allison that texted Kerry-Anne back? Also, it seems a bit strange that it took her the whole day to respond to K-A.

Not so strange necessarily..takes me a whole day or even longer sometimes- I don't always have my phone on and we don't get good coverage and can sometimes take me a day to get my messages(from when the person sent them). -not good if its an emergency. Semi-rural area here, similar to Brookfield. (not sure how good coverage is out there).
Not to mention when the police came to visit not once did they tell us to lock our doors, not to walk around at night or even to be careful. It was very telling to me.

And while we're on that topic re: the police, when I spoke to them about searching our property which backs onto the bush and is difficult to access in some places, they asked if we had running creeks, so they knew something even back then. I don't think it's a coincidence that they stressed this and then look where Allison was found!
IMO the body washed up and down the creek on the Saturday after all that rain and came to rest where it was.
Yeah it could have quite easily been placed where it was found, but given that kayaks and canoes go up that creek quite a lot, it just doesn't make sense.
Plus I would have thought police/SES would have run up those creeks in the early days of the search. The problem with that creek is without heavy rain, it gets too shallow to go much past the bridge I believe. A guy I play tennis with uses them for kayaking all the time so I will ask him on Monday what it is normally like.

As for the smell. It would be pretty bad after the first day, and after 2-3 would have been pungent. On a windless day it should have been obvious from the bridge I would have thought, but that is quite a drop so it's hard to know for sure. I have seen little fruit bats hanging from power lines that have almost made me spew from the smell. This particular one was right under a stop sign, but man you could smell it.
My thoughts are someone would have driven over and caught a smell and went back to just check. Everyone in the area was on high alert for anything out of the ordinary. So I don't doubt someone would have gone back for a look. And if a car didn't smell it, a cyclist would have. I have a few friends who ride those areas early in the morning. Not sure if they dare Mt Crosby road that much, but I would have thought someone would have.

Just my thoughts.
As I said, it could have just as easily been dropped over the bridge. But it just doesn't add up to me.
Firstly getting the body there undetected, and second having it sit there for that long undetected.
Remember early in the search it was a missing persons, so people were thinking suicide as much as murder/kidnap, so people were probably looking at possible suicide spots.

I agree even small dead animals can smell quite a bit and from quite a distance. However being a semi rural area, I wonder if people are used to the smell of a dead animal carcass(even larger ones such as wallabies etc), and possibly if they did smell something, didn't think much of it. After all the area she was found was not near the 'hotzone' where official searches were. anyway, just a thought.
Question for discussion: If the children were at home, which has not been established clearly, were the children given some substance with their dinner/drink to 'help' them sleep that night?

I think it depends on the COD. If someone is being strangled, they wouldn't be able to make much noise IMO.
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