ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#25

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Does anyone know why the police wanted the beard shavings?
I was thinking since they can't do a cavity DNA, perhaps the skin shavings are what they wanted, not the actual beard.

Can anyone remember the member who posted a little while ago regarding lab results - her daughter apparently works in this area? She might be able to help.
Can anyone remember the member who posted a little while ago regarding lab results - her daughter apparently works in this area? She might be able to help.

I am going to do a search, no idea how to on here but I will try, it has probably been discussed already but there are too many threads.
OW's email makes me laugh....People are already donating money to GBC's Legal Costs.......Only no one gets a choice....Excuse me Olivia but my tax payer dollars have been donated since the minute GBC decided to end the life of the Mother of his children and they will continue to be donated until he is released from Prison in hopefully another 30 years.....????

I hope she received a reply similar to my thoughts on this matter!

When I heard about this I was so angry.....Did an email go out to everyone asking for help to search for Allison......IMO they are all so damn self serving with no ability to care for anyone else except themselves - Shame Shame Shame....!
We don't really know the families' dynamics. It could very well be that both families had a long history of "disliking" each other. It is not uncommon to see people who don't like their son/daughter in law for a multitude of reasons. Also, I think any parent/siblings in a situation like this, would have at least the thought of "perhaps he did it?", hence "OMG the public is now against us because he may have done this horrible thing" ... "we need to hide from them and the press". I don't excuse them not helping at the Command Post, but I can see why they didn't.

IF there was any sort of dislike between the families, in my opinion, at such a horrid time, the BC's should have shown some strength of character,intestinal fortitude or whatever you want to call it, stood tall & shown an ounce of compassion for the Dickies & fronted up at the command post.

Instead they were busy pulling in top notch criminal lawyers/barrister knowing they couldn't afford them & now expecting others to pay their way...nup...compassion I have is totally reserved for Allison's family & friends.
i agree CaseClosed

We all want GBC to have a fair trial, and for the facts of and the case to be heard and to be judged by his peers. The legal representation would have already cost many thousands of dollars, and GBC has no way of paying for the solicitor - perhaps he should have thought of that before he engaged so early in the case - but (and I might add) in what seems to be typical GBC fashion, he didn't think beyond the present moments. The debt is now incurred, the BC already have a large mortgage over a property that in the current climate is probably not worth too much more. A $300000 mortgage probably has repayments of $1400 or $1500 a month interest only, so they need to find a substantial amount of money for that, GBC has no income so he can not contribute if he is the reason for the mortgage, and then we have the solicitors fees. Ministers are proverbially as "poor as church mice" so you would expect they have very little money and also have a family to support. So the only place I think they could turn would be the superannuation funds of Gerard or Allison, and Australian law does tie that money up quite securely until 55 at least.

i think we should have some compassion for the BC and the Walton family. At present it would seem their only crime is having <modsnip> as a son and brother. There lives have been totally wrecked in the last couple of months and they are left outside to deal with the aftermath of what has happened.

I think the email is a desperate plea to try and help themselves as much as GBC. I don't think large organisations, such as the Baptist Church, Masonic Lodge (I think that is a Dickie connection) or Scouting movement could or would donate money to this. They are all legal entities that enjoy the tax privileges that there position entails but also have a number of restrictions on what can be done with donated funds.

I hope that Olivia and her parents can find someone to help them, not necessarily financial, but to wade through this mess. They are victims as well and continue to live with it every moment. I can't imagine what it would be like to be scrutinized by the public and to have you financial affairs discussed on a website and known by strangers because of the actions of someone that you had no control over.

I think the email was naive, but I think that it should not have been betrayed to the media. I am not surprised though that Channel 10 ran with first, they do tend to sensationalize events and need to fill up an hour of news.

I am not defending the BC or the Walton family, but I think we need to put ourselves in their shoes and imagine how we would feel. They must know what is being said, they must be under enormous strain today especially.

I guess I'm not surprised that a letter has gone out requesting funds because I had already assessed that the family was flat broke. I AM surprised that it stipulates a particular amount ($30K). Church groups often rally to help 'their own' through difficult times, and I would imagine they try very hard not to "judge".
Lindy Chamberlain's church raised a lot of money for her defence, when practically the whole country thought she was guilty.
For anyone interested in Justice Martin here is one of his judgements from 2011.

McGrane v BTQ Channel 7 [2011] QSC 290 (11/2954) Brisb Martin J 29/09/2011
Baden-Clay bail application

21 June 2012 , 8:21 AM by Spencer Howson

The Supreme Court will today hear a bail application for 41-year-old Gerard Baden-Clay who was last week charged with murdering his wife and unlawfully interfering with a corpse.

According to Ten News and The Courier-Mail, Gerard Baden-Clay's family has made an appeal to family and friends to raise money to defend his innocence.

Terry O'Gorman is vice president of the Queensland Council of Civil Liberties. He's a defence lawyer - though not Gerard Baden-Clay's. I spoke to him about the fundraising efforts moments ago:
&#8220;When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie.&#8221;
&#8213; Yevgeny Yevtushenko
This was not directed to you but to the text message OW sent....Sorry!

She honestly is living in the land of denial.....I thought she would back away when he was arrested.......I wonder why they are so convinced he is wrongly accused?

I also wonder if they believe GBC didn't do it...Who they think did?

Baden-Clay bail application

21 June 2012 , 8:21 AM by Spencer Howson

The Supreme Court will today hear a bail application for 41-year-old Gerard Baden-Clay who was last week charged with murdering his wife and unlawfully interfering with a corpse.

According to Ten News and The Courier-Mail, Gerard Baden-Clay's family has made an appeal to family and friends to raise money to defend his innocence.

Terry O'Gorman is vice president of the Queensland Council of Civil Liberties. He's a defence lawyer - though not Gerard Baden-Clay's. I spoke to him about the fundraising efforts moments ago:

Thanks for that, very interesting re bail money not allowed to put the hat around.
Baden-Clay bail application

21 June 2012 , 8:21 AM by Spencer Howson

The Supreme Court will today hear a bail application for 41-year-old Gerard Baden-Clay who was last week charged with murdering his wife and unlawfully interfering with a corpse.

According to Ten News and The Courier-Mail, Gerard Baden-Clay's family has made an appeal to family and friends to raise money to defend his innocence.

Terry O'Gorman is vice president of the Queensland Council of Civil Liberties. He's a defence lawyer - though not Gerard Baden-Clay's. I spoke to him about the fundraising efforts moments ago:

Thanks, very helpful. So, it is not that unusual for people to appeal to family and friends to help raise funds for legal fees, but is not allowed for surety. Mr. O'Gorman believes bail in murder cases is more common than we think and as I indicated yesterday, my gut feeling is that GBC will be granted bail.
Thanks for that, very interesting re bail money not allowed to put the hat around.

That is probably the reason OW's alleged email stated that they had enough for surety. Someone has probably re-mortgaged their house. IMO.
... in my opinion, at such a horrid time, the BC's should have shown ... an ounce of compassion for the Dickies & fronted up at the command post.
Instead they were busy pulling in top notch criminal lawyers/barrister knowing they couldn't afford them & now expecting others to pay their way...

nup...compassion I have is totally reserved for Allison's family & friends.

Thanks, very helpful. So, it is not that unusual for people to appeal to family and friends to help raise funds for legal fees, but is not allowed for surety. Mr. O'Gorman believes bail in murder cases is more common than we think and as I indicated yesterday, my gut feeling is that GBC will be granted bail.

I think he will get bail too but hope this is one thing I am wrong about.
“When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie.”
&#8213; Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Spot on Possumheart!!!

I need to go and do something to take my mind of things until 2.30-3 ish! Ahh may have to start cleaning and sewing and do my other 'unemployed' tasks!
Channel 9 News - Reporter has heard rumour that the court may be closed to the media this afternoon!!
IMO organized crime has nothing to do with OW's alleged appeal to friends for financial assistance to pay his legal fees. Occasionally, we see appeals for financial help from ordinary families who may be facing, for example, some serious health care bills and there is no public outrage in those cases. I try and put myself in the BC family's shoes and I would certainly not have any serious funds to pay legal fees for my child. In desperation, would I appeal to my friends for assistance to "save" my child? Maybe. The only "crime" with this appeal is that it was made public (either leaked or paid for). IMO - shoot me now!


I feel this getting a few minds wandering. I dont imagine the email was ever meant to be public. Further to that, the accused has no connections, no clue, no chance and no understanding of how to deal with this situation
That is probably the reason OW's alleged email stated that they had enough for surety. Someone has probably re-mortgaged their house. IMO.

Oh yes they know what they are doing.

I think the urgency in their timing also has to do with what might be revealed at the bail hearing today. Depending on what comes out including COD, Gerard may lose a lot of support by the end of today.
Channel 9 News - Reporter has heard rumour that the court may be closed to the media this afternoon!!

I had a feeling that might happen, that is not good. I wonder how often that happens.
That is probably the reason OW's alleged email stated that they had enough for surety. Someone has probably re-mortgaged their house. IMO.

Regarding the email and Text'x sent to Family and friends.....Obviously the recipient/s of one of the messages sent out is not a friend and doubt's GBC's innocence or they wouldn't of leaked the email's and texts sent by OW....

OW and her family would be seething that the public are now aware of their financial standing.....I hope OW and her husband haven't mortgaged their house for GBC's surety and rememeber that they have their own family/children to look after first.

The risk is far to high to assume his innocence when all evidence presumably points to him.....IMO??
Oh yes they know what they are doing.

I think the urgency in their timing also has to do with what might be revealed at the bail hearing today. Depending on what comes out including COD, Gerard may lose a lot of support by the end of today.

I think the urgency was to do with having the Barrister appear or not. Pay up or you won't be represented this afternoon.
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