ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#25

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Spot on Possumheart!!!

I need to go and do something to take my mind of things until 2.30-3 ish! Ahh may have to start cleaning and sewing and do my other 'unemployed' tasks!

Lol, well my internet has been down for hours so I need to get ready for a call to an indian help desk so I am not stuck using the ipad only.
I had a feeling that might happen, that is not good. I wonder how often that happens.

It happened this morning in another case relating to bikie gangs, as reported in a different story.
Regarding the email and Text'x sent to Family and friends.....Obviously the recipient/s of one of the messages sent out is not a friend and doubt's GBC's innocence or they wouldn't of leaked the email's and texts sent by OW....

OW and her family would be seething that the public are now aware of their financial standing.....I hope OW and her husband haven't mortgaged their house for GBC's surety and rememeber that they have their own family/children to look after first.

The risk is far to high to assume his innocence when all evidence presumably points to him.....IMO??

He would be very humiliated by this I think.

Its a shame they dont put the same effort into trying to raise funds for the children.
Regarding the email and Text'x sent to Family and friends.....Obviously the recipient/s of one of the messages sent out is not a friend and doubt's GBC's innocence or they wouldn't of leaked the email's and texts sent by OW....

OW and her family would be seething that the public are now aware of their financial standing.....I hope OW and her husband haven't mortgaged their house for GBC's surety and rememeber that they have their own family/children to look after first.

The risk is far to high to assume his innocence when all evidence presumably points to him.....IMO??

The person providing surety will not loose their funds unless GBC takes off (if he is granted bail).
I wonder who makes that call.

It appears to be the Court (presumably the Judge). In that case also usual staff of the Court was asked to leave the room and only essential staff remained inside.
Channel 9 News - Reporter has heard rumour that the court may be closed to the media this afternoon!!

Why?? This is a an outrage...There is no minor involved...What is the reason for this? Why are they protecting him?

It turned into a media circus because of his own suspicious behaviour and if they are protecting him from that, then this is ridiculous in my opinion.

Maybe more facts are going to be stated in Court and perhaps they think the media will divulge to much information?

I wonder what the poor little girls are thinking about all of this awful stuff happening to them at the moment......They didn't deserve any of this and what is happening to them is a crime in itself......IMO!
Im kind of glad its closed, its such an emotive sitautaion and I feel it needs to be kept close to those that are involved.

With what appears to be evidence still being tested at diferent places, at least the the information presented cannot be skewed by media manipulation.

Sure i'm curious but am also mindful how serious this is.
Why?? This is a an outrage...There is no minor involved...What is the reason for this? Why are they protecting him?

It turned into a media circus because of his own suspicious behaviour and if they are protecting him from that, then this is ridiculous in my opinion.

Maybe more facts are going to be stated in Court and perhaps they think the media will divulge to much information?

I wonder what the poor little girls are thinking about all of this awful stuff happening to them at the moment......They didn't deserve any of this and what is happening to them is a crime in itself......IMO!

It may not be closed. The reporter had no official confirmation of this.
Channel 9 News - Reporter has heard rumour that the court may be closed to the media this afternoon!!

I hope not. Justice is not only done but should be seen to be done.

For society to have faith in the legal system then it needs to be open and transparent. IMO
i can understand what you are saying rational, my feelings are though we don 't know what has happened in the family over the last 15 of so years. Families don't always get on, they don't always like each other, there are jealousies and rivalry.

GBC is their son and brother, blood is thicker than water.

I was just trying to write what my brother did to my family following my mother's funeral nearly 7 years ago, and I stopped because it was getting me too upset, after all that time. So family actions cut very deep in some instances.

I think they probably should have gone to the search base once or twice to show support, but really being there all day, every day during the search was really useless. I can understand that Allison's parent would have wanted to know everything that was going on every minute, but not everyone can do that. Perhaps the better thing was for the BC to stay away, if there is a lot animosity between the families, and perhaps the BC had some employment or were minding the girls and doing involved in that task.
If I was missing I can't imagine my FIL would be too upset. He is emotionless and he certainly would not be standing around any search base and he probably won't bother coming to my funeral. My FIL can't even remember to send my son a birthday card, people are different but it shouldn't stop us trying to have some understanding and compassion.

IMO , :what: I have seen family's spend more time searching for their missing dog. :what:
IMO, Thank god the police and community searched , because the accused was probably more interested in indulging in his newly inherited position , having 100% care of these children. Indulging on Holidaying , too :what: "Oh what a feeling" narcisstic power big time.

IMO when he made the statement that his children were his main priority , ( as his excuse for not taking any steps to search ) he was making a big loud statement to feed only his ego , that he was officially and legally the childrens 100% main carer. iMO , He must have seen ABCs mothering role as extremely threatening and wanted her to move over big time. iMO he wanted her status and position and was not prepared to share it with her.

The rest is history. Sadly.
I am also very respectful of the accused position " that he is innocent until proven guilty " :truce:
Case closed and Bayside,

Can you remember a new member talking about forensic information a few weeks ago and her daughter worked in a lab? It was around the time the subject was on decomposition/water etc re Allison.
Does anyone know why the police wanted the beard shavings?
I was thinking since they can't do a cavity DNA, perhaps the skin shavings are what they wanted, not the actual beard.

I don't know why..scratches should have healed by now. Can't see the skin shavings helps. They got DNA sample from hair because they could not get mouth swab, so shouldn't need skin shavings.. I think its for some other reason..MOO
My hope is that justice is done for Allison Baden-Clay today, for all the Police, Detectives, who conducted the investigation and SES workers, Firemen and general public assisted with the search for 11 long days. The evidence in Police possession means that, according to Law, they have arrested and 'charged' the alleged murderer.

They say that a Lawyer stands between the accused and the lynch mob, before the Court to ensure that he is innocent until proven guilty. A Lawyer must also stand between the support mob and the accused to ensure that alleged guilt is proved beyond reasonable doubt in the Court. A fair trial principle applies to the lynch mob with the belief of guilt and also to the solicited support mob in the belief of innocence.

The alleged murderer is not the 'victim' needing public sympathy. The father of the 3 little girls is 'charged' with the alleged murder of their mother. He needs to be called to account in a Criminal Court of Law. His guilt or innocence will be proven beyond reasonable doubt there.

The real 'victim' is Allison Baden-Clay whose life was tragically ended when she was brutally murdered, then dumped under a bridge, her face left in the mud beside the Kholo creek.

Her 3 little girls are victims, traumatised by their father 'allegedly' murdering their mother. Their father has 'charges' against him and until these are cleared and he is proven innocent beyond reasonable doubt he is in no position for provide nurture or care to these girls. This is my opinion.

The family, friends and community of Allison Baden-Clay are secondary victims traumatised by her murder and the 11 day search for her dumped body.

I hope that the flight risk is considered as a possibility and the potential manpower and financial costs involved in attempting to extradite the alleged murderer from another country. The post by AUNTY in thread 24, page 42, post no: 1030 hypothesises about this possibility.

I hope that all the Police, Detectives, Forensic Investigations & SES manpower resources, use of their time and financial burden to the Australian taxpayer in bringing this alleged murderer to face Justice is considered in the Courts decision today.

My opinion only, not fact.

Beautifully said, Fuskier. I hope that Mr Danny Boyle can speak at least as thoughtfully, logically and eloquently as he states the prosecution's position today!

Oh, I guess I'm part of the 'lynch mob' ...or at least the 'lock him up for life' (if he's guilty, which I think he is) mob.

The person providing surety will not loose their funds unless GBC takes off (if he is granted bail).

I understand that ..... But my thoughts are that why would anyone put up money for anyone if the evidence is pointing so directly at them???

I understand Family Ties and Blood is thicker then water and so on...But there has to be a point when you think or say to yourself.... Enough is Enough..You can be supportive without being financially supportive...IMO!

OW seems to be the driving force in this family and seems to have taken on the burden for the whole family.....This is admirable I suppose, but she isn't doing herself any favours in the eyes of the public and media so therefore when and if he is found guilty she will have to deal with the backlash and whether or not it is right or wrong she will be crucified for her commitment to him.
I hope not. Justice is not only done but should be seen to be done.

For society to have faith in the legal system then it needs to be open and transparent. IMO
Hear! Hear! ACTUS REUS. Justice need to be seen to be done. These legal proceedings need to be transparent, so that we can have faith in our Justice system. MOO
So, it is not that unusual for people to appeal to family and friends to help raise funds for legal fees, but is not allowed for surety. Mr. O'Gorman believes bail in murder cases is more common than we think and as I indicated yesterday, my gut feeling is that GBC will be granted bail.
Unless it's my imagination going nuts, but I've noticed a gradual increase over the years where that bail is granted to murder suspects. I don't see that it's that rare these days at all.

Wondering too, if maybe one reason behind that could be because of clogged up court systems and of the long remand times often seen, in some cases more than 2 years.
Why?? This is a an outrage...There is no minor involved...What is the reason for this? Why are they protecting him?

It turned into a media circus because of his own suspicious behaviour and if they are protecting him from that, then this is ridiculous in my opinion.

Maybe more facts are going to be stated in Court and perhaps they think the media will divulge to much information?

I wonder what the poor little girls are thinking about all of this awful stuff happening to them at the moment......They didn't deserve any of this and what is happening to them is a crime in itself......IMO!

I really think if it happens(closed court) its more to do with protecting the case and the evidence for the sake of the future trial..not so much about him..(but yes in the eyes of the law no matter what we think at the moment there is a presumption of innocence until proven otherwise.)
I hope not. Justice is not only done but should be seen to be done.

For society to have faith in the legal system then it needs to be open and transparent. IMO

That it a very good point.
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