***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #32

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off to get my brain in a happy place by watching something happy on TV so i don't have nightmares.

hopefully tomorrow will shed some more light on all of this
is there any hope for a positive outcome?
or is it confirmed that she's not with us anymore? :( i'm sorry if that is a dumb question. I am very new to all of this. I do understand what first degree murder means, but maybe there's a chance that he murdered whoever was with him and helped him kidnap mickey because he didnt want this personto run his/her mouth. I'm just trying to stay hopeful. Wasnt it said that this would have a been a hard task for him to do alone?

i'd like to thank websleuths also. yall are very welcoming. Usually when I lurk on other forums, i'm too intimidated to post. Yall are very caring and wonderful people.

edit: not that it's good that he murdered someone (mickey or not). it's not good no matter what.

Honey, I know what you mean, I know you are hopeful. Sadly though, after reading the arrest warrant (1st degree murder, kidnapping, on May 19th), the fact that they released some info the to public and connected the arrest to Mickey's case, are going to court in the morning, and are having a press conference in the afternoon, it doesn't look good. Not at all.

The only good thing is the perp is behind bars and they have told us about the events to take place later today.

I doubt they would charge him the way they are if they had no solid evidence, and/or had no body, and/or had no confession. If he confessed and there was no body or no evidence of a death, I doubt he'd have been charged with 1st degree murder.

I pray they have video evidence, solid physical evidence, and everything they need for a conviction. A confession would be good, too.

I pray dear Mickey didn't suffer horribly and long, but from his previous crime, I'm afraid it was horrible for her. Criminals don't get nicer with time...
i think he did. he seems like a loner type

Totally a one-perp crime, in my opinion...I have always thought that was the case, and also that it was random and spontaneous, and Mickey became a victim of timing and circumstances. He may have been seeking a victim, but not her in particular, IMO. Just a terrible chain of events...if she had left BW's ten minutes sooner, or later, she might be fine today...
is there any hope for a positive outcome?
or is it confirmed that she's not with us anymore? :( i'm sorry if that is a dumb question. I am very new to all of this. I do understand what first degree murder means, but maybe there's a chance that he murdered whoever was with him and helped him kidnap mickey because he didnt want this personto run his/her mouth. I'm just trying to stay hopeful. Wasnt it said that this would have a been a hard task for him to do alone?

i'd like to thank websleuths also. yall are very welcoming. Usually when I lurk on other forums, i'm too intimidated to post. Yall are very caring and wonderful people.

edit: not that it's good that he murdered someone (mickey or not). it's not good no matter what.

At this point I feel all hope for an alive recovery of Mickey is gone. Yet I feel very hopeful that Mickeys remains can be found. To some people that might not seem like much or alot or anything at all, To alot of other people it is often all they are left to beg for after years.

At this point in time I feel very hopeful for Mickey's family that they might get that but it is just a hope at this point . The arrest is new and BL might hold out on giving that information.

This is where Mickeys family really needs the support. It is also maybe where they need the searches the most. Pray and support them and grieve with them . If you can aide in searches do that too. Help them follow out justice for Mickey. Pray she is found mostly. That is what they need the most.
Totally a one-perp crime, in my opinion...I have always thought that was the case, and also that it was random and spontaneous, and Mickey became a victim of timing and circumstances. He may have been seeking a victim, but not her in particular, IMO. Just a terrible chain of events...if she had left BW's ten minutes sooner, or later, she might be fine today...

My thoughts, too, plus she was on a bicycle and he was in his vehicle. Wasn't the bike damaged when they found in? I'm thinking he could have run her down making her vulnerable, having her think he was stopping to help and instead, he took advantage of her. Maybe he said he'd bring her home or to the hospital, something like that.

Yes, it was a crime of convenience. She was there, alone, vulnerable. That's what I think.

Latest update:

Sex offender charged with killing Shunick

Text from Mickey's sister Charlie:

"We are relieved that the police have made an arrest," she wrote. "The circumstances are pretty distressing." If she is gone, it is a void in the fabric of the world and a devastating blow to our family."


This is what I remembered about the bike and my reasoning for thinking he rammed it. Informative article:

About the bicycle - the rear tire was significantly damaged, including a bent rim

My thoughts, too, plus she was on a bicycle and he was in his vehicle. Wasn't the bike damaged when they found in? I'm thinking he could have run her down making her vulnerable, having her think he was stopping to help and instead, he took advantage of her. Maybe he said he'd bring her home or to the hospital, something like that.

Yes, it was a crime of convenience. She was there, alone, vulnerable. That's what I think.

Latest update:

Sex offender charged with killing Shunick

Text from Mickey's sister Charlie:

"We are relieved that the police have made an arrest," she wrote. "The circumstances are pretty distressing." If she is gone, it is a void in the fabric of the world and a devastating blow to our family."


So she apparently has not been found :(
I hope he is being interrogated right now and is telling them where she is...
Please let him do this one right thing in his life, the only thing he can possibly do to ease a tiny portion of this crime...
I do not have an IPad. Do I need to purchase one to view what you say is visible?

Well, I don't know... As my pc is down this is all I have to look at the image with. There must be a way to zoom in with any computer.
OMG, just saw this about the arrest on another forum. How far back in the thread do I have to go for relevant info on this suspect?

OMG, I'm so sad about Mickey. Poor Mickey. I know we all tried to hold out hope.

Two nights ago, I had a dream that Mickey's body was found along the side of a Hwy 35. I didn't know if there was a Hwy 35 in Louisiana so I looked it up and saw that there was. IIRC, one of the towns that it runs through is Church Point and that's where this guy lives?

Who is this RSO monster and what have you guys uncovered?
OMG, just saw this about the arrest on another forum. How far back in the thread do I have to go for relevant info on this suspect?

OMG, I'm so sad about Mickey. Poor Mickey. I know we all tried to hold out hope.

Two nights ago, I had a dream that Mickey's body was found along the side of a Hwy 35. I didn't know if there was a Hwy 35 in Louisiana so I looked it up and saw that there was. IIRC, one of the towns that it runs through is Church Point and that's where this guy lives?

Who is this RSO monster and what have you guys uncovered?

Arrest affidavit:

http://www.katc.com/files/Lavergne affidavit.pdf

Arrest made:



Includes pic of perp:


Another pic:


This should get you started. You can also search for Mickey and the alleged perp's name and lots of links will pop up. It'll save you time from having to search through our thread. He was arrested about 5:45 PM CT. So we started chatting about it not long after that.
I realize that a lot of people don't put a lot of stock in satellite images. These appear to be fairly recent. I took a look at my house and my new car in the driveway. Few months old.
I realize that a lot of people don't put a lot of stock in satellite images. These appear to be fairly recent. I took a look at my house and my new car in the driveway. Few months old.

I guess it is different everywhere? Mine shows a car I have not had in 3 years.
I gotta admitt Iam kinda Baffled still. It wasn't to long that the video came out of her riding her bike and they new what road she was on and who knows maybe she turned down a road we don't see just after that video we all had seen regardless It would all be in a general area and if your a local your gonna be very familliar with those streets and roads...What get's me though is if your a resident or a buisness owner that you come to work every day and pull in off the road she was on and you would know if u have camera's or not wouldn't you be in at i don't know 5 am to check those tapes I know i sure would but obviously alot of people didn't do so or we woulda had this solved this case a heck of alot sooner ..If something happens to someone in a I don't know 5 mile radious of where u live or work and u happen to have video camera;s it just seems to me the very first thing you would be doing the day after u hear she went missing in your area would be going over your recordings in slow motion to see if you happen to catch something yet some of the people new ezactly where she was on the road that night and video tape evidence is just coming in now what 43 days later .why weren't these tapes checked the very next day .If you new u had a camera facing that road u would just think as a human you would be rushing in to check those tapes the next day to see if u can some how help so how do these tapes come in to play 43 days later ...
I would think criminals would get nicer with time, especially if they have served 8 years in prison and have been on probation; would that not make any one shape up? I mean a time out on here shaped me up; ya know what I mean?
OMG. Wasn't expecting to log on and see **ARREST** in the thread title. I'm scared to read the update.
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