ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #10

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But, instead of going and killing somebody, I joined WS

Thank goodness WS was accepting new members when you had to choose between joining WS or killing somebody; if they weren't we might be sleuthing your trail of kills...

BorgQueen luv ya and I appreciate what you wrote and it deserves a proper reply by me and others, but being me I had to snip your post to be a snarky dope.
I asked him about friends that Magnotta had in Montreal in the past 18 months and he shared with me that neither he or anyone he knew of has been able to identify someone connected to Magnotta (friend, acquaintance) in the past 18 months.

Note: the people that have been previously discussed/interviewed and identified as former friends or lovers of Magnotta have NOT been part of his life for over 18 months.

I find something so troubling and empty about him having such a visible online presence (under his own name and countless personalities he created) and no real-world connections in the last 18 months... This is so key to me for some yet to be determined reason.
And you know what I would love to know more about - or even if its accurate - was the trick or whatever it was reported that he was with the first two days he was over there (Paris)? Was that a friend? Was that a hustle?

The one that said he did not know it was LM .

THAT is a story imagine, oh god, the dude in my living room is HIM!
Never heard one more thing about it?
Thank goodness WS was accepting new members when you had to choose between joining WS or killing somebody; if they weren't we might be sleuthing your trail of kills...

BorgQueen luv ya and I appreciate what you wrote and it deserves a proper reply by me and others, but being me I had to snip your post to be a snarky dope.

I enjoy snarky dopiness. It makes me giggle :Banane13:
What I see in all of LM's photos is someone trying so hard to be someone else.
Attractive, not attractive, it doesn't really matter. Even with all his "bravado", I still think deep down he didn't feel good enough, attractive enough, young enough.
Not saying we should feel sorry for him--not at all.
But the mother in me, at times, looks at an earlier photograph and wonders if a genuine hug from somebody who truly cared, would have made a difference.

Amen ( and i do feel that it would have made a difference )
And you know what I would love to know more about - or even if its accurate - was the trick or whatever it was reported that he was with the first two days he was over there (Paris)? Was that a friend? Was that a hustle?

He was discussed several threads ago and here is what I said

My take on the Paris trick and 2 1/2 day "hookup": The only hookups that I have heard about that last over 24 hours include a PNP (party and play) element to them. For those unfamiliar with the term PNP, it is a sexual encounter which includes the use of drugs (crystal meth, cocaine, heroin or MDMA) which fuel and/or enhance the experience. People who PNP scare me.

That being said, given the symptoms of vomiting and crying that Magnotta demonstrated on the flight to Paris (per the blog of the gentleman sitting next to him on the flight), I believe Magnotta might have been experiencing withdrawal from heroin. If this is the case, upon his arrival in Paris he would be desperate for a "fix" of heroin or another drug which would tame his withdrawal symptoms. If that is the case and he met someone who could help him get that "fix", that would explain the 2 1/2 day hookup to me.

However, I am VERY SKEPTICAL if this guy ever met Magnotta or was just trying to have his own "look at me" moment...
And you know what I would love to know more about - or even if its accurate - was the trick or whatever it was reported that he was with the first two days he was over there (Paris)? Was that a friend? Was that a hustle?

The one that said he did not know it was LM .

THAT is a story imagine, oh god, the dude in my living room is HIM!
Never heard one more thing about it?

I imagine that the person in question doesn't want the attention that going to the media would bring. Can't say I blame him.
I keep having to correct people on this. I never said he was brilliant, just that he most likely has an above average iq. There's a difference.
It tis I that thinks he is very,very bright - sorry S that they think it is you! S, IMO, if tested and LM woud do it for real -- I vote he would hit MENSA stuff! Just my notions......

..But you and appear to be on the same page in that by my saying very bright and you saying above average neither of us are saying anything positive about him. My sense has been people were angry that I thought so.... its an observation .......
...think it is easier to only say negative things about such a horrific character ....wherein my notions are although not smart, bright indeed it is at, for me . some level as saying the same thing as he is 5 foot 9 or whatever you know what I mean .... just a opinion!
Body Dysmorphic Disorder : A Personal Perspective

There has been a great deal of discussion today about body dysmorphic disorder and I've tried to avoid discussing this topic because it is something I am way too aware of as it is something I have experienced; it is something that combined with anorexia athletica almost killed me. Body dysmophic disorder and/or male eating disorders are very serious issues.

I'll share with you some of my story, which received notable media visibility years ago, to better help understand this condition:

Looking back on college, which I began as a 220-pound college-football player who had never had eaten Lucky Charms or Trix but always had a strict, healthy diet. After Freshman year I discarded football to enjoy the other aspects of college life: internships, bar-tending, friends, taking in junk food & booze and typical college fare. My fit, healthy athlete's body had turned into 320 pounds of YUCK.

I never had been shunned or made fun of because of my weight. I always was the life of the party. I never was made to feel awkward. I was a fun guy. It was never an issue. I hear people say that overweight people are depressed and unhappy. I was just the opposite.

It wasn't until I got my college graduation pictures back in the mail that I really saw myself and was horrified by the way I looked; who is this tremendously fat person in these photos? OMG it's me.

So I decided to go back to my roots, as a competitive swimmer since the age of 5 and 3 sport athlete in high school I knew what I needed to do: rediscover my passion for athletics and get back in shape. I went to one of those fitness centers with multiple locations and joined; I'm sure that the woman who signed me up took one look at me and probably thought I was an easy commission and that I'd never be back.

However I went back to the gym morning's and evening's seven days a week; it became more than a workout, it became an obsession. What began as a fun thing to do for myself before and after work began to run my life-- as my commitment to fitness continued and the weight dropped fast, I noticed all of the compliments on my appearance I received from people. As someone who was already well-liked and not shunned for being fat, these compliments added fuel to my passion for working out. In order to cut out fast foods I became a vegetarian.

I began my workouts at 320-pounds in June and by October of that same year I was competing in running competitions and down to about 170-pounds (statistically my ideal weight) and should have gone into maintenance mode. Unfortunately, I did not; I actually became more obsessed with my fitness and appearance. When I looked into the mirror, I saw the 320-pound person in my college graduation photos looking back at me. No matter what I did or what mirror I used, the 170-pound me saw the 320-pound me in the mirror. I was working out for 90 minutes twice a day. I became obsessed with my caloric intake and kept a diary of everything I ate which averaged a caloric intake of 320 calories per day.

By February (less than 8 months after joining the gym) I weighed 120 pounds and still saw the 320 pound man in the mirror. I shunned my friends and became a totally different person who was not pleasant (no longer the well-liked, jovial person everyone adored), uncomfortable in my own skin and in total denial about my condition. In that same months I traveled to a family function and my family essentially staged an intervention in a very smart manner. The doctors evaluated me and told me that if my anorexia continued I would be dead within months. I was also made to agree to begin to talk with a friend of my brother-in-law's who is a sports nutritionist, sports psychologist and multi-sport coach.

I begrudgingly agreed to this and he saved my life, literally, by reprogramming me to understand that food is not the enemy but the fuel for training and racing. To assist with this we began a plan that I would start to train for triathlons and, in doing so, rebuild my body and see the importance of food. I also began the long process of beginning to deal with my body dysmorphic disorder; not an easy process at all.

A few months after beginning to rebuild my body and relationships in my life and try not to see the 320-pound man in the mirror anymore, I competed in my first triathlon which I placed 2nd or 3rd in my age group. Soon after photos once again impacted my life: I saw the photos of this fit, svelte guy in a speedo surrounded by other folks in speedos and thought the fit, svelte guy was in as good or better shape than the others; that fit, svelte guy was me.

Years and countless Ironman triathlon competitions later I write this a happy, fit, healthy person who truly loves and appreciates life and those in my life.

I could ramble on about this for pages but please understand that both anorexia and body dysmorphic disorder are serious conditions which are never cured but one has to deal with every day in order to not relapse.

Thanks for reading this.

i totally get what you are saying...

i danced for 20+ years of my life, yet im not built like a dancer (tall/rail thin). im built like a gymnast (short and muscular) and having to hear for 20+ years that i needed to look a certain way and basically dont eat a damn thing and that i am not tall enough, im not lean enough, im too muscular blah blah blah blah.....i myself developed my own eating disorders which basically was barely eating anything on a daily basis. once i left the world of dance i entered the world of fitness and lived at the gym...and then watched my brothers enter the world of modeling, fashion shows, celebrities and so on, i was surrounded by perfect beautiful people (according to what society tells us) and then looked at myself in the mirror and thought: well i dont look like THEM (im not tall enough, thin enough, pretty enough, etc); therefore, i must look horrible. to this day my own brothers are so incredibly fixated on looks (along w/ their friends) that i cant even be around them w/out it affecting how i feel about myself. how crappy is that? lol

and ive already told the story of one of my exboyfriends who had an addiction to *advertiser censored* and at the time i thought well im not perfect and im not bad, but WTF im not even enough you need that 24/7?!

on top of that my father was a pastor of a church and i grew up hearing: everyone is looking at you, watching i felt like i lived in a glass house and i always had to be on my best behavior and look my best and so on....

so it doesnt just affect women. it doesnt just affect straight women. it truly does affect all kinds of truly sucks to have a society who is so focused on what you look like on the outside....none of us will ever be enough to satisfy what we are told we should be....

so yeah, i get LMs issues in that sense....because i grew up in a world of "everyone is looking at you and you need to look like ....this...." and it is hard to to turn from all of that and look in the mirror and accept what you see and not think youre not enough....

thanks for sharing your sure it was not easy to tell...
So where were we? I see some posting wanting to hug the accused killer and it's giving me the heebie jeebies.
I keep having to correct people on this. I never said he was brilliant, just that he most likely has an above average iq. There's a difference.

You pegged him as "bright", an IQ of 115-130. That would put in the top 15% of the population in terms of IQ.

I would say closer to 85-100, which is low average to average (in the 45-55% range).

His writing, spelling, and grammar really is terrible. :)
It is sad, but I do know how it feels. Having a kid taught me who my friends really are. Turned out to be nobody. I have been isolated for about 5 years now, with no friends or others in my life. I have no time to myself to go out and try to make friends, plus social anxiety which makes that difficult. But, instead of going and killing somebody, I joined WS, and have also made friends in random places of the world, whom I talk to online. It is a lonely existence, and I sometimes binge drink, but that is the worst thing I do. I have no desire to kill anybody. Not even Magnotta.
His loneliness may be related to something (such as mental illness) which may have caused him to flip out the way he has, but the loneliness itself is not the cause of it. Only a symptom.

I look at Magnotta and try to feel some sort of compassion or sympathy... but then I get to the point where I just can't, because of what he has done. But, there is no doubt that his life and existence has been quite sad. Troubling, indeed.

I'm sending a huge hug to you through my laptop!!! You have lots of friends here!
If you look at the original thread about this you can understand the context of my post better. I wasn't arguing that he was brilliant, but rather that he wasn't mentally retarded. Eventually someone cleared up that a wiki post assigning Luka a low iq was just more Luka bashing.

It's easy to become confused on this board, especially when someone responds to a post from another thread so that people no longer understand the context of the original post.

Since Susan reposted Scientific's original post on LRM's intelligence, I'm reposting my reply to Scientific.

In short: I disagree strongly with Scientific's suggestion that LRM is "brilliant" and has high intelligence/high IQ.

Below is Scientific's original post, and my original response and my own view: that LRM is of average intelligence, at most.


I disagree with much of this. LRM's intelligence appears to me to be no more than average, if that.

Some responses.

1. First, I know of no sound scientific or social science evidence suggesting that intelligence is "honed" by "dangerous lifestyles". Moreover, it seems his life in recent years-- however he was making money-- mostly involved creating a fantasy world online, of lies and disinformation about himself (he may very well be the Internet's Greatest Troll Ever).

2. What evidence do we have that LRM knew a "fair amount" of French and Russian? He lived it Montreal; it's not unusual for someone of even below average intelligence to pick up some passable French in a city where French is the first language. As for Russian, we have no evidence that he could speak any of it. And like much of his false stories, lies, and other disinformation posted online, he plagiarized countless works on his website and many blogs; the "Russian" portions on his site are more likely simply cut-and-pastes from Google Translate. That seems more consistent with his tendency to create false stories about himself, including his "ties" to Russian mafia.

3. This is a personal opinion. I find much of his "imagined" world quite prosaic and most often (like his many blog posts) simply plagiarized or borrowed from movies, pop culture, and other objects of his obsessions: serial killers and violence. His song "True Faith" he uses in so many vids is ripped from American Psycho, and his mirror line (about him being a reflection of society) famously comes from Charles Manson. He lived in a fantasy world, no doubt. But I don't think you need to be highly intelligent to plagiarize and copy the many false stories LRM tells about himself.

LRM seems more often to me, to be a doofus who continually overestimates his own intelligence and persistently underestimates those pursuing him. That's typical of narcissists. And we can see it with the video and how quickly he was caught.

LRM is an attention seeker who quite obviously wanted to be caught; so he left blatant clues in the video (Casablanca) poster; but his execution of the crime was clumsy, with plenty of missteps and angles overlooked on his part. The suitcase clumsily left by his curb (where it was not picked up by the garbage collectors); being seen on video surveillance at the apartment at at the Canada Post; communicating on his phone in Europe. LRM expected police to link the kill video to him; but it was traditional police work that did him in, and quickly. This is not the result of a brilliant or intelligent mind.

As for the rest -- all of his online posts should be treated with skepticism, as he has a penchant for pathological lying and story telling. Moreover, "Looks" and "Travel" are not a statistically significant association with intelligence.

And I don't think it takes a genius to figure out how to negotiate the Internet, create YouTube pages, and troll blogs, 4chan, and even to download, install, and set up Tor in order to surf the Deep Web. A person with average intelligence and sufficient time (and commitment) could figure it out; especially given the amount of time that LRM obviously spent online. This was his world.


Due to a sampling bias, early research on psychopathy incorrectly found that psychopaths were typically above average intelligence. Subsequent research has shown no such association. Psychopaths come from a range of intelligence and IQ. People should not make the mistake of assuming LRM must be brilliant because he's a narcissistic psychopath who often lies about his own intelligence and IQ.

My assessment is that LRM is of fairly average intelligence, with a high degree of narcissism that leads him to overestimate his own intelligence and capabilities (and underestimate others). That is typical of a psychopath.

It is true that, at times, LRM writes more intelligently than others; but whenever that seems to be the case, someone reveals that his more "intelligent" writing has been copied or plagiarized from somewhere else.

Boodi Moovan was on here the other day talking about her group had gone through his website and sourced pretty much all his more "original" and more intelligent writing to other people and sources. That is, he plagiarized everything.

My theory, as previously stated, is that he's ultimately an attention seeker, which is necessary to feed his psychopathic egoism. So, as with his animal torture videos, he really did want the kill video to eventually be linked back to him, so he could have the fame (like other notorious serial killers); hence the YouTube sockpuppets posting about "1 Lunatic, 1 Icepick" before it was even made.

LRM expected the video to eventually be linked back to him; he just figured he would be long gone by then. He wasn't expecting the police to link him to the murder so quickly, via the torso & suitcase outside his apartment and surveillance videos from his apartment.

His clumsiness and missteps led to his capture much sooner than he expected. Proving, again, his average capacity.
Me thinks we need better sketch artists. Wait. Maybe he does look like this. I don't think he'd be too happy with this. :floorlaugh:

pippirose I think you nailed it.

I think that Magnotta's lack of real-world friends or relationships in the last 18 months would completely support your thoughts.
I think i would have made a world of diff for LM (hug) , my god his families complete disassocation with this human takes my breath away. Gosh for 15 days your son brother aunt uncle (whatever family role) is the front page globally for doing horrid things -- NOT one has come "out" for lack of better word , even tried to say something, reached out , told him they cared NOTHING - now that is ALONE.
It tis I that thinks he is very,very bright - sorry S that they think it is you! S, IMO, if tested and LM woud do it for real -- I vote he would hit MENSA stuff! Just my notions......

..But you and appear to be on the same page in that by my saying very bright and you saying above average neither of us are saying anything positive about him. My sense has been people were angry that I thought so.... its an observation .......
...think it is easier to only say negative things about such a horrific character ....wherein my notions are although not smart, bright indeed it is at, for me . some level as saying the same thing as he is 5 foot 9 or whatever you know what I mean .... just a opinion!

Its not that anybody is angry about what you think, its just that people disagree.

I, for one, literally lol'd when I read your comment that his IQ is Mensa level. Pfft. And I'm the Queen of Sheba.
I imagine that the person in question doesn't want the attention that going to the media would bring. Can't say I blame him.

totally agree

gay or straight, closeted or not.. who would want the world to know they associated with lm.. people like to give the impression they have atleast SOME standards..
You pegged him as "bright", an IQ of 115-130. That would put in the top 15% of the population in terms of IQ.

I would say closer to 85-100, which is low average to average (in the 45-55% range).

His writing, spelling, and grammar really is terrible. :)

when typing...writing, spelling and grammar is not indicative of IQ....
it just isnt....

in school, i write A+ papers....but on forums and if im chatting or sending a casual typing sucks because im just not trying hard or im in a hurry or doing a few things at once.

i see zero correlation to typing online and IQ....
Some psychopaths have families, children, wives, girlfriends who love and hug them but yet they murdered. Some multiple victims.

I don't think a hug would make a difference folks. Seriously.
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