ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #8

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Do you believe that people who can use the information from the trial, and who work in LE in a professional capacity should be prevented from viewing this trial?

No. I think that anyone who can learn from this in a professional capacity should be given access. Having said that, the information that can be gleamed from a case of this sort will be available after the trial is complete so this can't be used as an argument in favor of cameras in the courtroom. For many of us, the wish to have this trial, and others like it televised, is born in our natural curiosity and I don't think that is enough justification to make a media circus out of what needs to be a serious trial. I want to see him locked up for life and anything that threatens that process should be avoided.
Thanks so much! Well, he's NOT going to medium that's for sure. I say send him to the maximum in Kent........the farther away from where his crimes took place, the better. :jail:

You know, as a Canadian and very proud of it, I am against capital punishment because I do believe it's murder. And I also know of cases where the wrong person was incarcerated! I'm thinking of Guy-Paul Morin. That said, when a case like this one comes along, I do ponder capital punishment for a bit! :jail:

most of my life i have been for capital punishment/death penalty...i do not see it as murder, i see it as: the punishment for xx crime is death, you commit xx crime you chose death for yourself.

however, as i got older and started studying criminal law/behavior etc....i decided that the death penalty is the easy way out. for crimes such as what LM did, i believe such as him should be made to suffer in a tiny cell w/ no internet, no commisary, no mirror (for LM lol), no tv, relationships w/ other inmates, etc is a much better alternative, IMO...

also many people on death row, that were sentenced before forensics is where it is now, are being set free based on wrongful convictions...which is why i actually donate to and fully support the innocence in order for me to get behind and support a death penalty sentence, there better be 100% proof the person is guilty.....and if that absolute proof is there, then i dont feel much pitty. although i still think them suffering is better....

/rant, MO
There's also Millhaven, in Ontario. It's a maximum security.

Yes, but Millhaven and others are part of what we call 'Kingston Penetentiary'. Just different buildings. There's also Warkworth but again, it's under the umbrella term 'Kingston Penetentiary'.

If I'm wrong about this, apologies......

Actually, now I'm curious. I'm going to look up the maximum security prisons in Ontario and find out if they are located in the Kingston area!
I'm sure the following has been posted before but not sure where. it's a piece exploring psychopathy and what causes it in the individual concerned. Some studies have suggested it is the result of the structure of that person's brain, but others disagree and say that while that may be the case it is by no means the full picture.

I found this part particularly interesting, especially in the case of LM, if it is indeed shown to be true that he was routinely abused as a child:

'Biology can be a part of it, he says, but it's the social side, "the social influences, the nurturing influences that, in my view, dominate."

For example, abuse in childhood is common among those with psychopathic traits — abuse so relentless, "he has to anesthetize himself against it," says Leyton.

"And in the process of anesthetizing himself, he also loses any touch of his own humanity."

According to Farley, scholars have argued that psychopaths feel deeply about nothing.

But if most of murderous behaviour was biologically based, the worst offenders would be more alike than they are, he says.'

It also says, interestingly that according to Dr Robert Hare of the University of British Columbia 'psychopaths comprise perhaps one per cent of the Canadian population.' It's well worth reading the whole article.

Thanks James. Interesting stuff.

Dr. Robert Hare is probably the world's leading authority on psychopathy; I actually took course in college on abnormal psychology taught by a prof who was supervised by Hare in his PhD.

Anyways, here is what Dr. Hare has to say about the origins of psychopathy:
Thinking about psychopathy leads us very quickly to a single fundamental question: Why are some people like this? Unfortunately, the forces that produce a psychopath are still obscure, an admission those looking for clear answers will find unsatisfying. Nevertheless, there are several rudimentary theories about the cause of psychopathy worth considering. At one end of the spectrum are theories that view psychopathy as largely the product of genetic or biological factors (nature), whereas theories at the other end posit that psychopathy results entirely from a faulty early social environment (nurture). The position that I favor is that psychopathy emerges from a complex-and poorly understood-interplay between biological factors and social forces. It is based on evidence that genetic factors contribute to the biological bases of brain function and to basic personality structure, which in turn influence the way an individual responds to, and interacts with, life experiences and the social environment. In effect, the core elements needed for the development of psychopathy-including a profound inability to experience empathy and the complete range of emotions, including fear-are in part provided by nature and possibly by some unknown biological influences on the developing fetus and neonate. As a result, the capacity for developing internal controls and conscience and for making emotional “connections” with others is greatly reduced.

(emphasis added).

Source: http://aftermath-surviving-psychopa...-to-spot-social-predators-before-they-attack/

Also, a NYtimes O-Ed, citing Hare, that Wall Street likely contains a greater number of psychopaths (10%) than the 1% statistic for the general population (Hare actually believes the number could be quite higher than 10%, once the proper research is done).

Read it here:
All Caucasian babies are born with blue/gray eyes (as are all puppies). Asian and Black babies are born with brown eyes. The eye color changes within few weeks (if it changes), well within 3-4 weeks for puppies not sure about human babies.

Both my kids were born with brown eyes, i and both their dada are caucasian.
I posted on another site - that I am a believer in frontal lobe injury been a cause of many "killers" etc (read alot and seen alot to there be truth in it)*, there has been much research done, I also posted this quote, which to me says it all "genetics load the gun, the environment triggers"

* or maybe that's me, been so naive to believe that people can be sooo evil or even born evil :moo:
Yes, but Millhaven and others are part of what we call 'Kingston Penetentiary'. Just different buildings. There's also Warkworth but again, it's under the umbrella term 'Kingston Penetentiary'.

If I'm wrong about this, apologies......

Actually, now I'm curious. I'm going to look up the maximum security prisons in Ontario and find out if they are located in the Kingston area!
Millhaven is part of the Bath institution and is located in Bath, Ontario. It's about a 20-30 minute drive from Kingston Pen, which is located near downtown Kingston.

ETA: to add a link to Canadian (federal) penal institutions (see under "Ontario")
No. I think that anyone who can learn from this in a professional capacity should be given access. Having said that, the information that can be gleamed from a case of this sort will be available after the trial is complete so this can't be used as an argument in favor of cameras in the courtroom. For many of us, the wish to have this trial, and others like it televised, is born in our natural curiosity and I don't think that is enough justification to make a media circus out of what needs to be a serious trial. I want to see him locked up for life and anything that threatens that process should be avoided.

Fair enough.

Seeing the trial (people's faces, body language, etc.) is different than viewing transcripts.

Yes, transcripts are better than nothing.

Really, I am not arguing to make the case for cameras in the courtroom.

Just expressing my wish, and perhaps others wish to view this particular trial for professional purposes.

If it is that important….then we are all free to buy a ticket to Canada and plant ye olde seat warmer in the courtroom.

As far as cameras in the courtroom in general…..I'm not personally decided on that issue. It is a complicated situation, IMO.

For example, just as recently as 100 years ago even executions were public. If we go even further back in history, the practice of public trial was quite common. Even in today's world there are places where all is done in the public eye. Tribal societies, etc.

That said, those places do not have reporters chasing the likes of Lindsey Lohan to snap pictures of her dirty toenail polish, or following that Kardashian (sp?) person trying to get a shot of her with a booger in her nose.
So true, huh james?

Find it absolutely fascinating how this Magnotta worked the internet. Have already learned more about the "deep web," how social media works, and the absolute MAZE of a trail it is possible to leave on the internet.

Admittedly it is overwhelming, intimidating, and frustrating to say the least.

Prior to the internet a person could reinvent themselves using the mind, live out their fantasies in private, and had to often seek victims outside the home, (physically leaving the home) but for the most part was isolated. These days a criminal can adopt a whole other persona that is not only using the mind but can be applied and acted out with multiple other human beings on the internet. And, potential victims are 1 click away.

Insane huh?

i agree with your postS....

last night i had this weird little..hmmm cant think of word...not breakdown...but this moment where i thought...the internet, as amazing as it is has created or maybe just brought out the truly evil in people...and they can pretty much get away with it.

i was reading a newly created "justice for LM" FB page and how it was glorifying LM and then reading the comments of other FB users some chastising the FB page then others who were chastising those who opposed LM and again glorifying him....and the nastiness of those people who feel the power of anonymity just kind of hit me all at once...i followed some of the FB profiles and looked at their pages and started thinking...damn, there is a lot of ****ed up people out there....many who in person may appear completely normal, but put them in a dark alley or on the internet and they become a completely different person.....

how do you even weed out the true LMs and the jokesters? you cant.

back in the day, the things these people were saying would have gotten their *advertiser censored* kicked days people can post anything they as evil and nasty and hurtful and never feel repercussions for it....because they are anonymous and nobody knows who they are....

...just some rambling thoughts sparked by your posts....
Fair enough.

Seeing the trial (people's faces, body language, etc.) is different than viewing transcripts.

Yes, transcripts are better than nothing.

Really, I am not arguing to make the case for cameras in the courtroom.

Just expressing my wish, and perhaps others wish to view this particular trial for professional purposes.

If it is that important….then we are all free to buy a ticket to Canada and plant ye olde seat warmer in the courtroom.

As far as cameras in the courtroom in general…..I'm not personally decided on that issue. It is a complicated situation, IMO.

For example, just as recently as 100 years ago even executions were public. If we go even further back in history, the practice of public trial was quite common. Even in today's world there are places where all is done in the public eye. Tribal societies, etc.

That said, those places do not have reporters chasing the likes of Lindsey Lohan to snap pictures of her dirty toenail polish, or following that Kardashian (sp?) person trying to get a shot of her with a booger in her nose.

This is only my opinion, but, I honestly believe that if the O.J Simpson trial hadn't been such a media driven extravaganza, he would never have walked. I am grateful that here in Canada, there is still some control in place to avoid the same fate for LCM.
i agree with your postS....

last night i had this weird little..hmmm cant think of word...not breakdown...but this moment where i thought...the internet, as amazing as it is has created or maybe just brought out the truly evil in people...and they can pretty much get away with it.

i was reading a newly created "justice for LM" FB page and how it was glorifying LM and then reading the comments of other FB users some chastising the FB page then others who were chastising those who opposed LM and again glorifying him....and the nastiness of those people who feel the power of anonymity just kind of hit me all at once...i followed some of the FB profiles and looked at their pages and started thinking...damn, there is a lot of ****ed up people out there....many who in person may appear completely normal, but put them in a dark alley or on the internet and they become a completely different person.....

how do you even weed out the true LMs and the jokesters? you cant.

back in the day, the things these people were saying would have gotten their *advertiser censored* kicked days people can post anything they as evil and nasty and hurtful and never feel repercussions for it....because they are anonymous and nobody knows who they are....

...just some rambling thoughts sparked by your posts....
Last night I was reading this article and found the stories (see also the extra ones at the bottom) truly disturbing. This type of behaviour is conducted by everyone from really young kids to adults who you'd think would know better.

They say you're truly the person you are when no one is watching you. This could happen to any one of us.
i told yall that was a rough city from my own personal experience of being there and his continued connection in various ways to that city says a lot IMO...Moscow is trendy, Tolyatti is not and is dark, dirty and it is filled w/ corruption on various levels, IMO...i know it is not a popular theory but the theory of him making this vid (and maybe others) for money and selling it to people there is not off the table IMO....

.....this will fall way out of place, playing catch up.....

I think anything's possible and I believe he interacted with slime wherever he went, including into the dark web.
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