ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #9

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Not true... A psychotic break can run from mild symptoms to severe to mixed. I've shared link after link regarding symptoms, myths/facts, etc. about schizophrenia so I won't bore anyone with that again.

My LRM schizoaffective/bipolar theory is based on reading between the lines of his blogs, postings, the personal stories from the few who have shared them with the media. The most significant symptoms being; paranoia, delusional, hearing voices, Risperdal, arguing with his sockpuppets, frequent disorganized spelling & thoughts, bursts of activity then silence, isolation/lack of close personal relationships... all indicative of a severe mental illness.

In addition to the reasons above, I also have a personal story behind my theory/observations which I have avoided sharing until now.

I have a very close friend who is schizoaffective with bipolar. It is truly heartbreaking to witness and be totally helpless. He has been in a psychotic episode for about 10 months now. He cycles between manic & depressive with auditory hallucinations (the voices tell him he is bad, to do things, to not do other things, there are religious & sexual elements), he is delusional, grandiose (narcissistic), paranoid...

He has done some very extreme things. He was very methodical in his retaliation against some people who he believed had crossed him. He did not lash out at them immediately. He waited and planned out what he was going to do but afterwards he appeared disorganized because these people didn't know why he was upset with them. He didn't physically harm anyone but his actions did emotionally.

Despite all of his psychotic symptoms he is still able to care for himself AND his dog. He works for himself, pays his rent, cooks, eats, bathes... all of the "normal" things we do everyday. You would not know he is very sick unless you spent a significant amount of time with him and he trusted you enough to share his thoughts.

He has been in a few 72 hour hold through the urging of his family but since he is an adult and has not committed any crimes he cannot be held. He doesn't believe he is sick instead he thinks his family is crazy. He has pushed them away especially since they are trying to get him help.

It's really very, very sad. I miss my friend who I used to know and I hope he is able to come back to us soon.
It sounds like have a unique perspective both from studying it and being very close to it.

I know from personal experience that no one can really, truly understand it unless they've witnessed it first hand with someone they care about. It's an absolute nightmare for both the person suffering and those close to them, and it's nothing a textbook can ever properly explain.

I hope your friend gains insight into their illness and comes back to you. Mine, unfortunately, is gone forever now.
Oh...I forgot these other thoughts in my last post. I wonder if the dog has been butchered and mailed to one of the animal rights groups? It's a horrible thought, but well within LM's style. Also, it's so eery waiting for JL's head to show up....and sad. Having said that, I think there's a chance he may withold where he put it. Another way of him keeping attention on himself even after he's put in prison.
So why has this address been listed as Luka's agent's home? address all over the internet?

here is that address for Tucows ... clearly not Luka's agent.

as for your other question about the timeframe and location of the python vid?

I have used this site for timeframe ... the snake was in London when the London reporter confronted Luka about the vids ... Luka then sent the paper an anonymous email saying he would include humans in his next video.
that address is for Tucows ... one of the largest Domain Registrars in the world.

millions of websites are listed as that address

Yes. They have services that can 'hide' the personal information of the person who registers domains through them. Think of it as a proxy.

Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Magnotta's domains (any number of them) were registered by these "activists".
Ok I'm a newb and this may not be of interest anymore BUT I wondered if as far as pausing on the casablanca poster, he was waiting for the dramatic, movie blood spray. I could not watch the video so I am not sure when it is that he holds the camera on the Casablanca poster for the 3-4 seconds mentioned or if it fits that it may have been around the time when he slashed his throat and thought he'd get dramatic blood spatter. It just seems possible and would also tie to a personality that could detach from the actual murder in order to create the grotesque and overdone blood splatter shot.*

My second theory on why he could have paused goes
right with his Jose Baez wannabe lawyer. If he
draws attention to certain things he's tried to,
when he says "Manny" did it, it will all fit.
If I was going to frame someone I'd put identifiable
items in the shot.

No doubt as a prostitute he was abused. Who knows
what happened in his home growing up. He may
even have some kind of mental disorder. I do
Not think any of that justifies what he did. Hard
lives aren't justification for evil.

I don't know where I got this idea but even before
this lawyer thing, I remember reading about his ex manager
trying to frame him. It's lies undoubtably
but he's sure trying to set it up to look like its true.
here is that address for Tucows ... clearly not Luka's agent.

as for your other question about the timeframe and location of the python vid?

I have used this site for timeframe ... the snake was in London when the London reporter confronted Luka about the vids ... Luka then sent the paper an anonymous email saying he would include humans in his next video.
Yes, I get it already about Tucows LOL As I've explained, that address (and probably from the early days) was bandied about as his home address and his agent's office/home address, so the minute I saw it on screen (with my tired eyes), I jumped the gun.

As for the snake, the reporter went to his "lair" so you'd think he would have seen it. If he uploaded it from England, why did Scotland Yard say it was uploaded from somewhere in North America?

Just trying like everyone else to get to one final story about this.
Multiple Personality Disorder ceased to be a valid diagnosis years back. In its place now is Dissociative Identity Disorder. Anyway, a lot of people learn to dissociate/detach in order to cope with abuse. Luka definitely seems to do that. The funny thing about him is that his narcissism seems like something that could be replaced just as easily by some other personality emphasis, like he just stumbled upon it randomly and it fit because of the circumstances--it satisfied his need to find an identity while working in an appearance-based profession. He seems to have this hyper-ability to fantasize in order to escape mental pressures, an ability serial killers tend to have. I would believe he was schizophrenic if I didn't think abuse had shaped him so markedly. I think instead his scattered behavior and delusions can be explained by Dissociative Identity and narcissism, that they are a response to abuse.

Interesting to review the causes of Narcissism:

"An oversensitive temperament at birth"

You can see his sensitivity in the way he responds to things. You can see that he has a delicate nature when you look at the childhood photos.

"Excessive admiration that is never balanced with realistic feedback"

When a guy has three family names like "John James Smith" (his original name was Eric ____ Neman) I always worry that they come from a very sexist old school family where the men grow up macho, abusing their women. A lot of his ego could come from feeling privileged as a man.

"Excessive praise for good behaviors or excessive criticism for bad behaviors in childhood"

If he is more of a narcissist than a classic psychopath he might be very capable of strong feeling for those who seem to support him. He might be a very kind person in such instances. Maybe that's the side of him his lawyer is seeing.

"Overindulgence and overvaluation by parents"

Those photos of him taken by his mother seem to idolize him.

"Being praised for perceived exceptional looks or abilities by adults"

"Severe emotional abuse in childhood"

Luka mentioned to a one-time girlfriend that he'd been sexually abused by an older male figure as a child.

"Unpredictable or unreliable caregiving from parents"

An aunt of his mentioned this...

"Valued by parents as a means to regulate their own self-esteem"

I could picture this too. ...Of course, I can only conjecture at this point.
LM's chronic arguments that others are setting him up or out to get him...are IMO just his way of generating more dialogue about himself. All the sock puppets used simply to desparately keep his name in the mix of things while at the same time unconvincingly trying to make himself appear more well known and followed then in actuality.

By the time I manage to type one post that consists of about 2 sentences, there are 8327493287 posts that have posted in the meantime! And I am not a slow typer. Then again, I do tend to go back and delete large paragraphs after proof-reading. In any event, I am laughing at myself. Slow and steady loses on forums :blushing:
Ok I'm a newb and this may not be of interest anymore BUT I wondered if as far as pausing on the casablanca poster, he was waiting for the dramatic, movie blood spray. I could not watch the video so I am not sure when it is that he holds the camera on the Casablanca poster for the 3-4 seconds mentioned or if it fits that it may have been around the time when he slashed his throat and thought he'd get dramatic blood spatter. It just seems possible and would also tie to a personality that could detach from the actual murder in order to create the grotesque and overdone blood splatter shot.*


welcome :)

there was no blood splatter, nor was the killing shown on the video....

By the time I manage to type one post that consists of about 2 sentences, there are 8327493287 posts that have posted in the meantime! And I am not a slow typer. Then again, I do tend to go back and delete large paragraphs after proof-reading. In any event, I am laughing at myself. Slow and steady loses on forums :blushing:
:floorlaugh: I was getting lost after every time I posted until I figured out the "return to the post I was responding to" button thingy.
It sounds like have a unique perspective both from studying it and being very close to it.

I know from personal experience that no one can really, truly understand it unless they've witnessed it first hand with someone they care about. It's an absolute nightmare for both the person suffering and those close to them, and it's nothing a textbook can ever properly explain.

I hope your friend gains insight into their illness and comes back to you. Mine, unfortunately, is gone forever now.

I am so sorry you've lost your friend. There really aren't words to describe how it affects everyone involved... how it can change from one minute to the next, the range of behaviours... Eggshells and fairy dust and ghosts are pretty close adjectives.

I want to remain optimistic but sadly the longer he goes untreated/medicated the worse he becomes and his prognosis that much more difficult to treat. I'm so worried he will be put in jail one day for something stupid and it will make it even worse. I am one of the few people he still trusts because I don't try to "fix him". I stay in his favour because I want to be sure he will call me if he has an emergency and to also be able to provide his family peace of mind for his well being... as much as it can be, I suppose.
:floorlaugh: I was getting lost after every time I posted until I figured out the "return to the post I was responding to" button thingy.

There is a button for that?! I am going to have to find that after I post this. I feel silly! :seeya:

ETA: found it! :woohoo: <-this emoticon is my favourite for some reason. It is just SO me :)
LM seems to minimally have very high narcissism. He even said on that surgery show audition that without his looks he is nothing. IMO there was truth in that comment because he was a cariature of his fantasized self. But his real self never was congruent with the image he portrayed. He was never successful. He used his body in stripping, prostitution and *advertiser censored*. He saw that as his best asset and feared losing so much that he had multiple plastic surgeries. He was vacuous inside like all truly malignant narcissists and/or psychopaths are. Unable to cultivate and maintain relationships due to his affective absence he had superficial intimacy through sex. His career in sex would only make his having intimate connection in his romantic life more difficult as a result of the damage self-esteem he likely felt in selling his body. Sex became increasingly attached to a loathsome aspect of himself and surely that would be something he'd battle with in his mind in situations with persons he began to date or grow fond of.
Thank you for the link, Apple. You've obviously put a lot of work into it! I'll check it out tomorrow when I can see the screen a bit better. :)

no problem ... it is a good read if you want to know a lot about this Luka guy.
about the Casablanca poster and lm's lack of originality -- I, too, was a big fan of the Sopranos (for nostalgic rather than murderous reasons! lol). Casablanca was a big theme in a few episodes and googling it, there was one in particular where Carmela is talking about Casablanca to the priest, and the priest refers to a "new print." I've googled and seen the quote, but I can't find the video, as I'm sure it's only for sale. Just a thought. Maybe the poster has Sopranos significance. I thought of it because I also remembered a scene where Ralphie is dismembered in a bathtub, with his head and hands being removed. Inspiration, perhaps?
I am so sorry you've lost your friend. There really aren't words to describe how it affects everyone involved... how it can change from one minute to the next, the range of behaviours... Eggshells and fairy dust and ghosts are pretty close adjectives.

I want to remain optimistic but sadly the longer he goes untreated/medicated the worse he becomes and his prognosis that much more difficult to treat. I'm so worried he will be put in jail one day for something stupid and it will make it even worse. I am one of the few people he still trusts because I don't try to "fix him". I stay in his favour because I want to be sure he will call me if he has an emergency and to also be able to provide his family peace of mind for his well being... as much as it can be, I suppose.
It takes a very strong person to do what you're doing for him and his family. I know how utterly draining it can be, especially when you're the closest to them and feel that you have the added burden of trying to explain it to those friends and family who don't fully understand it; your adjectives bring back so many vivid memories.

Sometimes it takes a catalyst like jail (in my friend's case, it was going missing) to have professional intervention. I'm grateful that, in her last 5 or so years of life, she had been stabilized on medication, was her "old self" again (I hadn't seen that in over 20 years), and had insight into the illness and triggers that could cause another episode and knew how to remove herself from them. It was a gift, and I wish that for your friend, and for you.

Godspeed, Football Mom.
There is a button for that?! I am going to have to find that after I post this. I feel silly! :seeya:

ETA: found it! :woohoo: <-this emoticon is my favourite for some reason. It is just SO me :)

hahaha i never actually scrolled thru all the smilies before, i like some of them lol

one I would love to, but not rude enough to actaully use


i think i have a darker humour then most people here.. lol
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