ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #9

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When I snipped newsleuth's post, I snipped too much so it didn't quote correctly. Newsleuth is the one who saw something strange. I'm curious too.


Everything and yet maybe nothing. Here are my initial impressions. The victim in the initial scene looks too lean, too small... almost like Magnotta himself. Someone posted a picture of Lin Jun's real jock profile of (grimly) only his torso - he looks wider no? True this may have been years ago but your whole frame would not necessarily change? Also, later on in the video (I've seen only stills) the victims backside looks larger than I expected... certainly larger than this skinny-mini rolling around on the bed initially.

Now why is the victim's entire head covered? What is the purpose other than to block his face from the audience? If he's drugged, he's drugged. If he's not gagged his screams will still be heard underneath this bizarre, impromptu blindfold, so why not just gag and blindfold him - and if drugged why even blindfold him at all? Just gag him... if even that was necessary...

We really have to ask - why cover the ENTIRE face until the slit throat reveal? What is the true purpose?

2ndly, when the victim is being stabbed he is clearly already dead. Why? What purpose does this serve? The purpose of a SNUFF video is to see a death live on camera... what we are seeing a a posthumous mutilation on camera - this is very different.

This leads me to believe the following: the death happened somewhere else in the apartment. If you look at the footage in that GLOBAL VIDEO link I posted it gives us a unique (albeit brief tour) of the apartment. A couch is located left of the bed with it's back to the bed, a small bureau unit (likely where the camera was placed) faces the bed - some other details can be seen, sparse maybe not worth mentioning but perhaps important... take a look at the link I posted previously (sorry cannot go back and get it now, still live though)

I suspect Magnotta couldn't bring himself to kill this guy with a knife/icepick while alive. He gave him (IMO) a drug overdose and he either died somewhere else in the apartment or tied up on that bed - but of the overdose (toxicology report is something I'm dying to see). I just can't see Magnotta giving up the chance to capture slitting the victim's live throat on camera... or perhaps he could because HE COULDN'T GO THROUGH WITH IT.

***Other thought: Or yet... maybe he could. Maybe he botched it. Maybe he didn't film it just right, the angle was off... it didn't fit his vision, so he edited it out. I don't even know if the version the police found will contain this if he really hated it. Maybe that's why he went so far with the body humiliations? He had to make up for botching the kill...?***

Once Lin Jun was dead as awful as it is, Magnotta resigned himself to the fact that he was working with meat. The worst part was over. He had all the time needed to lay down extra blankets on the bed, drag the body into the bathroom or wherever to let it bleed out/begin dismembering it (he could have easily done this by putting it on a blanket or slippery tarp - I'm a small man and I move my heavy *advertiser censored* air conditioner around every year by myself like this) the video shows us only what he wants us to see - the basic editing illusion he wanted to create.

Now, was there a 2nd person? If there was, I suspect it was Magnotta in the early frames tied up and this 2nd perp standing over him, giving the film a bit of an intro - remember if Lin Jun died of a drug overdose before filming, he would never get to film the most important part of the video - the part where we see him ALIVE! Again, mutilation of a dead body is one thing but a true snuff shows the death.

In closing, something went wrong - the victim died too soon in Magnotta's eyes or the kill was botched or he couldn't go through with it but he still needed that ALIVE one moment DEAD the next aspect.

In theory and this is stretching. He could have killed Lin Jun via drug overdose, hid the body in the bathtub - called someone else over, an old friend a John, wtv - recorded the initial part of the video which is what we see before the stabbing and then dressed the body back up on the bed the same way.

Some of this is far fetched, some of it I think is very likely but the real question everyone should be asking is - why hide the victim's complete face off the top? Why?

P.S. What are these stills everyone is talking about? Stills of body parts in the fridge / head in the bathtub? I'm so sorry to ask but where did you see these and are they online? Do we have proof the body was cut up in the bathtub? For some reason I can bring myself to see stills before I can bring myself to see video. Thank you.

EDIT: One other VERY important thing I forgot to mention was how POORLY Lin appears to be bound in the video. Another reason why I think it might be a recreation. I suppose if he was badly drugged this was of no concern but I suspect the reason why he was bound (simulated?) while being stabbed by an unknown perp with an icepick was to simulate the famous, initial death scene in Basic Instinct. I think the ropes are entirely for show.
I used Google translate and registered for the site and it is still unavailable x:eek:/

If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure you're not missing much. Probably just more of the same he posted everywhere and anywhere. If you really stop and think about how much time he spent on his on-line presence it really is mind blowing.
It's interesting to continue to read posts that wonder if a second party was involved. I see this as very unlikely. The LE have his computer and are obviously scouring it...finding the extended video etc...and most certainly extracting a complete computer log of information and contacts made. Had they found any evidence...finger prints, shoe prints, dna and/or video footage of a second person in the apartment I believe the public would know since a very dangerous person would be on the loose. I suppose one can't at this point ruleout that a second person paid for some snuff video and was not actually there at the crime. I see this as very remote as well but not completely ruled out at this time. Sadly I have read on other websites that some actually believe JL may have been a willing participant despite this gentleman having a full life and no indication of depression and lack of pursuit of goals. What is known of his life suggests quite the opposite. The video is very difficult to look at and many questions on here would require a closer, slower perusal of the clip. I personally can't stomach that. I think the lighting changes certainly suggest a longer period of time lapsing. The changing light also makes things appear slightly different and casts shadows or has a blurring effect on some details. IMO he was drugged, tied up/gagged/blindfolded. He was in/out of consciousness and LM blindfolded him/covered his mouth so that if he became conscious he could not see what was going on nor yell for help. Had he not blindfolded/covered his mouth, JL would certainly have been more combative as he got glimpses of his circumstance during his conscious moments. All the binding/blindfolding/mouth covering also gave LM time to set up the camera, make sure the lighting was as he wanted, and all implements available. Moreover, by covering his face and siliencing him, he further depersonalized the victim so that he could continue to carry out his macabre plan. Once JL was dead LM could act out his rage...perhaps in part projecting the absolute disrespect he felt about his own body as a result of prostitution, *advertiser censored* and it's failure to bring him all that he wanted. Or perhaps LM put on a "show" of horror trying to maximize shock value, assuring media attention. At this time I doubt he knew JL well, but if they did have some level of relationship and JL rejected him, then the butchery and gore could also be an expression of absolute rage and retribution for rejection. I know we all want to better try and understand evil like this but the fact is crazy behavior is sometimes just that. When all is said and done we may have some better insights as to yet another crazy path towards humanity's darkest corners, but for me there will always be a part that is inexplicably crazy.
@ Newsleuth

Thank you for your detailed response! I haven't seen the video, so I can't comment on a lot of your observations, but I do think it's quite odd that the face is covered. From what I've read on here and other forums, many people have noticed that it appears to be two different people.

Just throwing this out there.....IF it is LM at the beginning of the video, maybe he did it to set up the "my insane agent did this and is trying to frame me for it and so I had to flee the country" defense. In other words, he can say that it was him at the beginning of the video, and he is a victim too. Just using my wild imagination. :seeya:

I don't know where you can find the stills.
I think the reason he did not film the actual moment of killing Lin Jun isbecause the idiot thinks without that actually being shown there is no evidence they can use against him.

Everything and yet maybe nothing. Here are my initial impressions. The victim in the initial scene looks too lean, too small... almost like Magnotta himself. Someone posted a picture of Lin Jun's real jock profile of (grimly) only his torso - he looks wider no? True this may have been years ago but your whole frame would not necessarily change? Also, later on in the video (I've seen only stills) the victims backside looks larger than I expected... certainly larger than this skinny-mini rolling around on the bed initially.

Now why is the victim's entire head covered? What is the purpose other than to block his face from the audience? If he's drugged, he's drugged. If he's not gagged his screams will still be heard underneath this bizarre, impromptu blindfold, so why not just gag and blindfold him - and if drugged why even blindfold him at all? Just gag him... if even that was necessary...

We really have to ask - why cover the ENTIRE face until the slit throat reveal? What is the true purpose?

2ndly, when the victim is being stabbed he is clearly already dead. Why? What purpose does this serve? The purpose of a SNUFF video is to see a death live on camera... what we are seeing a a posthumous mutilation on camera - this is very different.

This leads me to believe the following: the death happened somewhere else in the apartment. If you look at the footage in that GLOBAL VIDEO link I posted it gives us a unique (albeit brief tour) of the apartment. A couch is located left of the bed with it's back to the bed, a small bureau unit (likely where the camera was placed) faces the bed - some other details can be seen, sparse maybe not worth mentioning but perhaps important... take a look at the link I posted previously (sorry cannot go back and get it now, still live though)

I suspect Magnotta couldn't bring himself to kill this guy with a knife/icepick while alive. He gave him (IMO) a drug overdose and he either died somewhere else in the apartment or tied up on that bed - but of the overdose (toxicology report is something I'm dying to see). I just can't see Magnotta giving up the chance to capture slitting the victim's live throat on camera... or perhaps he could because HE COULDN'T GO THROUGH WITH IT.

***Other thought: Or yet... maybe he could. Maybe he botched it. Maybe he didn't film it just right, the angle was off... it didn't fit his vision, so he edited it out. I don't even know if the version the police found will contain this if he really hated it. Maybe that's why he went so far with the body humiliations? He had to make up for botching the kill...?***

Once Lin Jun was dead as awful as it is, Magnotta resigned himself to the fact that he was working with meat. The worst part was over. He had all the time needed to lay down extra blankets on the bed, drag the body into the bathroom or wherever to let it bleed out/begin dismembering it (he could have easily done this by putting it on a blanket or slippery tarp - I'm a small man and I move my heavy *advertiser censored* air conditioner around every year by myself like this) the video shows us only what he wants us to see - the basic editing illusion he wanted to create.

Now, was there a 2nd person? If there was, I suspect it was Magnotta in the early frames tied up and this 2nd perp standing over him, giving the film a bit of an intro - remember if Lin Jun died of a drug overdose before filming, he would never get to film the most important part of the video - the part where we see him ALIVE! Again, mutilation of a dead body is one thing but a true snuff shows the death.

In closing, something went wrong - the victim died too soon in Magnotta's eyes or the kill was botched or he couldn't go through with it but he still needed that ALIVE one moment DEAD the next aspect.

In theory and this is stretching. He could have killed Lin Jun via drug overdose, hid the body in the bathtub - called someone else over, an old friend a John, wtv - recorded the initial part of the video which is what we see before the stabbing and then dressed the body back up on the bed the same way.

Some of this is far fetched, some of it I think is very likely but the real question everyone should be asking is - why hide the victim's complete face off the top? Why?

P.S. What are these stills everyone is talking about? Stills of body parts in the fridge / head in the bathtub? I'm so sorry to ask but where did you see these and are they online? Do we have proof the body was cut up in the bathtub? For some reason I can bring myself to see stills before I can bring myself to see video. Thank you.

EDIT: One other VERY important thing I forgot to mention was how POORLY Lin appears to be bound in the video. Another reason why I think it might be a recreation. I suppose if he was badly drugged this was of no concern but I suspect the reason why he was bound (simulated?) while being stabbed by an unknown perp with an icepick was to simulate the famous, initial death scene in Basic Instinct. I think the ropes are entirely for show.


A few points.

First, on the initial shots of the victim hooded-- I don't think this is unusual. Depending on how Jun Lin and LRM ultimately met (there have been reports of them being in a relationship, but I honestly haven't seen any definitive proof). However, LRM may have drugged Jun Lin first and bound, gagged, and hooded him after him; or may have fooled Jun Lin into playing along to make a a "kinky" S&M video; but once Jun Lin was bound, then things went violent. I suspect that Jun Lin was fully drugged when he was murdered; so there would be no screams, or cries, or anything. LRM is living in an apartment building, he couldn't risk it. The cops would be at his front door.

Second, on whether this is a "snuff film" and if so, why not show the murder itself. Well, to begin with, if LRM intended to sell his work as a "snuff film" on the black market, he would not release, for free, a video with the actual mrder. Why would anyone pay for the video if they could download it for free off BestGore? He would, instead, create a 10 minute "teaser" like this one, and post it online.

HOWEVER, I think there is a good reason to believe the whole "snuff film" thing is bunk. There is no concrete evidence yet that LRM made this video for any reason other than his own brutal and violent fantasies. The only basis for believing this was a "snuff video" that was paid for, come from statements online that likely originated with LRM himself (on various YouTube accounts that were posted before the video was even made); in many of those same postings LRM suggested the video originated in "San Fransisco" (sic); so it's entirely possible that LRM created this "snuff film" thing as a form of disinformation to throw off investigators later. So we shouldn't fall for his disinfo campaign either.

More likely, LRM made this video because it was a culmination of all his violent urge and psychopathic exhilaration in breaking/shocking social norms and rules, which began with torturing kittens and ended with him torturing humans. Animal rights activists who had tracked him for years found no evidence the created or sold his kitten torture videos for money. Why would he do so with his murder videos? He did this for the shock and the excitement and the notoriety.

I think the focus on the Casablanca photo was done on purpose; I think LRM actually wanted people to link the kill video to him eventually. I think he wanted the fame. I think he was actually cocky enough to think he could get away with it-- as he did for years with animal rights activists tracking him-- and figured he would be long gone before the link was made. I think he was quite surprised how quickly police made the connection. I don't think he was expecting the torso / suitcase to be discovered (it was taken with the other trash), nor identify him with video surveillance so quickly.
I agree it's a tad baffling as to why he did not show the actual death. Certainly, LM may believe by not showing the murder it gave him wiggle room for alibis. LM clearly wanted this to be as salacious as possible. When I saw the video, I thought perhaps he had cut JL's throat while sitting on him. But given the editing and all it's unclear. If he were sitting on him, the death blow would not have been visible from the camera so it could have been removed out as part of the editing process. It's also possible that LM kept parts of the video saved as sort of "part 2" version to be released later....afterall, there were 3 versions of cat killing...
....and all the thanks for him being identified so quickly goes to the animal rights people IMO
without there continued pursuit of him ,who would have immediately known it was him?
He was hiding his and his victims face so they could not be identified initially.
He wanted the fame but IMO he thought he had more time to "disappear"
sorta o/t, but have any of y'all ever taken ambien? I had an rx for it a while back b/c I was consistently waking in the middle of the night. Anyway, one morning I woke up to find that I had sent a work-related e-mail that was totally coherent, on point and not offensive at all, but of which I had NO recollection of typing or sending -- even after I'd read it. Another time, I woke up to find that my weekend "lounging around the house" cloths that I normally just drop on a chair at bedtime were nowhere to be found in the morning. I just shrugged it off. But later that day when I went to do laundry I discovered that I had put them in the washing machine and ran the load. Again, zero recollection of having done so even after I saw the clothes in the washing machine. Needless to say, I threw the rest of that rx away, even though they did work like a charm. Moral of the story, if you take Ambien, shut down all of your electronics and tuck yourself in with a book you don't need to remember reading before taking it!

This is very common w/Ambien. I took it for a short time because it just didn't keep me asleep. I'd wake up after 4 hours so it wasn't effective. However, I had a coworker who would take it and get a crapload of work done, none of which she remembered, before going to sleep each night and then slept like a baby. She said it was great because she never felt like (or remembered) she was doing all this extra work after hours. This is great if this is what you do, but think of all of the other things you could possibly do w/out recollection (drive to the store, decide to bath your baby, etc). Personally, I do not like that med.
<mod snip>

I think there were sightings of Mariam around Yonge and Eglinton that is what I think the poster had heard. Yes I think LE tended to discount them but I do not think they would agree with you because they have no idea what day Mariam jumped or fell (assuming she jumped or fell) and they never actually said she committed suicide they just ruled out foul play for reasons that are unfathomable to much of the public - now they may have evidence say a suicide note but they have not released it or much else that would explain their opinion. Maybe they have a suicide note or a report of someone seeing her jumping if so they haven't told the public.

If you asked LE is it possible Mariam was around the area alive after September 14th they would agree that is possible they actually said that at the news conference announcing the DNA results. LE found very little evidence almost none they were the ones emphasizing that time and time again so I am not sure it is true there is lots of evidence. They found her remains well actually the public did. That is about all they ever had they said time and time again they had never had a case like this where they had no evidence. Just a skeleton and her clothes beneath a bridge but in a space metres from an area a car could drive in and dump a body.

I don't detect any malice by this poster.. I am still interested just in case LM moved back to Erskine in 2009. I do think this poster is wrong about the dates but we don't know yet where LM lived in at various dates. But LM did live on Erskine 3 minutes from where her backpack was found. So maybe the poster is right and he moved back to Erskine that is what we are trying to figure out. If he lived on Erskine or indeed in Toronto in Fall 2009 I am certain the police will have another look at the case.

There have been cases before where police moved from suicide to homicide it happened in at least one case in the unfortunately named SFK deaths of young men. And the Coroner's report is not yet in let's see what they say. It is tough to get evidence from a skeleton that is why the murder of that poor 15 year old Sri Lankan girl in Toronto was never solved even though police are certain, absolutely certain who did it.

If we can speculate about a corpse in the Bois de Bologne then we can speculate about other cases closer to where he actually lived for more than three days. There are other cold cases in Toronto one of someone who police thought had a visitor for sex in his office late at night.

By the way Bois de Bologne at night - there are many many prostitutes on the roads beside the park so it would make sense LM could go there to make cash and ply his other trade. Yes he should be investigated for this case in the Bois and let the experts decide about the rate of decomp etc.

Hello, just wanted to let you know that Mariam was not from Sri lanka, she was from Georgia (former soviet republic).

Also, you are correct about the Bois de Boulogne but the body parts were found in the Bois de Vincennes, on the opposite side of Paris.

A few points.

First, on the initial shots of the victim hooded-- I don't think this is unusual. Depending on how Jun Lin and LRM ultimately met (there have been reports of them being in a relationship, but I honestly haven't seen any definitive proof). However, LRM may have drugged Jun Lin first and bound, gagged, and hooded him after him; or may have fooled Jun Lin into playing along to make a a "kinky" S&M video; but once Jun Lin was bound, then things went violent. I suspect that Jun Lin was fully drugged when he was murdered; so there would be no screams, or cries, or anything. LRM is living in an apartment building, he couldn't risk it. The cops would be at his front door.

Second, on whether this is a "snuff film" and if so, why not show the murder itself. Well, to begin with, if LRM intended to sell his work as a "snuff film" on the black market, he would not release, for free, a video with the actual mrder. Why would anyone pay for the video if they could download it for free off BestGore? He would, instead, create a 10 minute "teaser" like this one, and post it online.

HOWEVER, I think there is a good reason to believe the whole "snuff film" thing is bunk. There is no concrete evidence yet that LRM made this video for any reason other than his own brutal and violent fantasies. The only basis for believing this was a "snuff video" that was paid for, come from statements online that likely originated with LRM himself (on various YouTube accounts that were posted before the video was even made); in many of those same postings LRM suggested the video originated in "San Fransisco" (sic); so it's entirely possible that LRM created this "snuff film" thing as a form of disinformation to throw off investigators later. So we shouldn't fall for his disinfo campaign either.

More likely, LRM made this video because it was a culmination of all his violent urge and psychopathic exhilaration in breaking/shocking social norms and rules, which began with torturing kittens and ended with him torturing humans. Animal rights activists who had tracked him for years found no evidence the created or sold his kitten torture videos for money. Why would he do so with his murder videos? He did this for the shock and the excitement and the notoriety.

I think the focus on the Casablanca photo was done on purpose; I think LRM actually wanted people to link the kill video to him eventually. I think he wanted the fame. I think he was actually cocky enough to think he could get away with it-- as he did for years with animal rights activists tracking him-- and figured he would be long gone before the link was made. I think he was quite surprised how quickly police made the connection. I don't think he was expecting the torso / suitcase to be discovered (it was taken with the other trash), nor identify him with video surveillance so quickly.

According to an aunt or uncle (can't remember which and don't have the link handy), he has a long history of creating drama/crisis, and then denying any involvement. He definitely did that with the kitten videos, and I suspect he will do the same with regard to Lin's murder. He wants people to think he's the victim in some grand conspiracy. I will be shocked if he admits to it. Either way, he finally has the attention that he has craved.
<mod snip>

I think there were sightings of Mariam around Yonge and Eglinton that is what I think the poster had heard. Yes I think LE tended to discount them but I do not think they would agree with you because they have no idea what day Mariam jumped or fell (assuming she jumped or fell) and they never actually said she committed suicide they just ruled out foul play for reasons that are unfathomable to much of the public - now they may have evidence say a suicide note but they have not released it or much else that would explain their opinion. Maybe they have a suicide note or a report of someone seeing her jumping if so they haven't told the public.

If you asked LE is it possible Mariam was around the area alive after September 14th they would agree that is possible they actually said that at the news conference announcing the DNA results. LE found very little evidence almost none they were the ones emphasizing that time and time again so I am not sure it is true there is lots of evidence. They found her remains well actually the public did. That is about all they ever had they said time and time again they had never had a case like this where they had no evidence. Just a skeleton and her clothes beneath a bridge but in a space metres from an area a car could drive in and dump a body.

I don't detect any malice by this poster.. I am still interested just in case LM moved back to Erskine in 2009. I do think this poster is wrong about the dates but we don't know yet where LM lived in at various dates. But LM did live on Erskine 3 minutes from where her backpack was found. So maybe the poster is right and he moved back to Erskine that is what we are trying to figure out. If he lived on Erskine or indeed in Toronto in Fall 2009 I am certain the police will have another look at the case.

There have been cases before where police moved from suicide to homicide it happened in at least one case in the unfortunately named SFK deaths of young men. And the Coroner's report is not yet in let's see what they say. It is tough to get evidence from a skeleton that is why the murder of that poor 15 year old Sri Lankan girl in Toronto was never solved even though police are certain, absolutely certain who did it.

If we can speculate about a corpse in the Bois de Bologne then we can speculate about other cases closer to where he actually lived for more than three days. There are other cold cases in Toronto one of someone who police thought had a visitor for sex in his office late at night.

By the way Bois de Bologne at night - there are many many prostitutes on the roads beside the park so it would make sense LM could go there to make cash and ply his other trade. Yes he should be investigated for this case in the Bois and let the experts decide about the rate of decomp etc.

The human remains found near Paris were at the Bois de Vicnennes, which is very different from what you describe. It's a very popular family park where the Paris Zoo is located.
Query: the Encyclopedia Dramatica article with the link to the quasi-academic paper which is a defense of necrophilia quoting philosophers Hume and Reid and Derek Parfit's work on Identity - is this a spoof by E.D. or something else?

It has L.M.'s name all over the page and a preface about his early love for two dead men. There is a section in German. What is this? No doubt this has been discussed before can't find it thanks if you can help me out. Unsure if it is a "real" link or if it is all satire. I feel a bit stupid I suppose I should be able to figure this out.

you have to take ED w/ a grain of salt and a joke...

w/out going into details because i like to remain anonymous here, but due to my affiliation with another website, my username got mentioned and this tale of me weaved on an ED page...and it was so far from the truth (yet funny to me because it was so false and way out there) that i have learned to just ignore, roll my eyes or laugh at what is posted there...

they take real things and add a sick and twisted bit of humor to it.....certainly does not fit everyone's tastes.....
(Luka, the genius that he is, perhaps forgot to "empty" his Recycling Bin? :D)

close friend of mine who has over 20yrs in law enforcement is a computer forensic analyst and works on cases for local and federal levels....

at a firm i worked for, one of our guys did computer forensics and he was a busy guy lol some many people involved in divorce proceedings were handing over hardrives and asking him to find stuff to use against their spouse - who deleted things and thought "its gone, im clear!" lol

unless you burn that hardrive to ashes.....anything/everything will be recovered....

i actually have a couple of computer forensic classes i still need to take...the only probably with having those skills and using them in your career is one really doesnt want to come across many things people try and hide...
Just a heads up to routinely run an antivirus scan ... Has anyone run into a virus while searching this case? Twice in the last couple of days, while posting on this thread, my browser switched to a window telling me that I couldn't access this site because of a virus (that has never happened before). I did a scan, there was one virus on my computer plus something that looked like a keystroke logger.

since this case has come to light and all the awesome (sarcasm) sites ive visited, my AVG has blocked a CRAPLOAD of stuff.....
ive also run CCleaner daily.....

(i highly recommend having both of those on your computer if you do not already! every software engineer i know, along w/ hackers-not the bad ones, just the knowledgeable ones- recommend both and not much more...esp no microsoft products!)

not just you!
To PeterParker

I have read your pastebin document. I can see the effort and amount of time you have put in there, so thank you for this!

I would like to ask something out of curiosity. In your document, you wrote down LMs TOR link.. What is this? I mean, if you download TOR and follow this link, what is there to see?

Everything and yet maybe nothing. Here are my initial impressions. The victim in the initial scene looks too lean, too small... almost like Magnotta himself. Someone posted a picture of Lin Jun's real jock profile of (grimly) only his torso - he looks wider no? True this may have been years ago but your whole frame would not necessarily change? Also, later on in the video (I've seen only stills) the victims backside looks larger than I expected... certainly larger than this skinny-mini rolling around on the bed initially.

it is the same person...Lin Jun. there is no 2nd victim in that video. If you look at diff pics of me, I look a wee bit diff in everyone. so many factors involved: lightening, clothing, hair up/down and even weight fluxuations. ive watched the vid too much and I see no reason to doubt that from beginning to end, it is one victim.

Now why is the victim's entire head covered? What is the purpose other than to block his face from the audience? If he's drugged, he's drugged. If he's not gagged his screams will still be heard underneath this bizarre, impromptu blindfold, so why not just gag and blindfold him - and if drugged why even blindfold him at all? Just gag him... if even that was necessary...
We really have to ask - why cover the ENTIRE face until the slit throat reveal? What is the true purpose?
could be a simple reason of shame or even disgust of the victim....not wanting to look at the victim knowing what he was going to do.

2ndly, when the victim is being stabbed he is clearly already dead. Why? What purpose does this serve? The purpose of a SNUFF video is to see a death live on camera... what we are seeing a a posthumous mutilation on camera - this is very different.
maybe he just wanted to destroy the dead body...for shock value and for us to sit here and discuss why....

This leads me to believe the following: the death happened somewhere else in the apartment. If you look at the footage in that GLOBAL VIDEO link I posted it gives us a unique (albeit brief tour) of the apartment. A couch is located left of the bed with it's back to the bed, a small bureau unit (likely where the camera was placed) faces the bed - some other details can be seen, sparse maybe not worth mentioning but perhaps important... take a look at the link I posted previously (sorry cannot go back and get it now, still live though)

I suspect Magnotta couldn't bring himself to kill this guy with a knife/icepick while alive. He gave him (IMO) a drug overdose and he either died somewhere else in the apartment or tied up on that bed - but of the overdose (toxicology report is something I'm dying to see). I just can't see Magnotta giving up the chance to capture slitting the victim's live throat on camera... or perhaps he could because HE COULDN'T GO THROUGH WITH IT.

the slitting of the throat happened on the bed....the puddle of blood under the body that soaked thru the mattress is evidence enough of that.

***Other thought: Or yet... maybe he could. Maybe he botched it. Maybe he didn't film it just right, the angle was off... it didn't fit his vision, so he edited it out. I don't even know if the version the police found will contain this if he really hated it. Maybe that's why he went so far with the body humiliations? He had to make up for botching the kill...?***

it is possible that LMs face was seen while doing the cutting. that is the only reason i can imagine for the highly edited version....

Now, was there a 2nd person? If there was, I suspect it was Magnotta in the early frames tied up and this 2nd perp standing over him, giving the film a bit of an intro - remember if Lin Jun died of a drug overdose before filming, he would never get to film the most important part of the video - the part where we see him ALIVE! Again, mutilation of a dead body is one thing but a true snuff shows the death.

he appeared to me he had the camera either on a tripod or a fixed object. he moved it when it when he needed to and at one point holds it in his hand.

In closing, something went wrong - the victim died too soon in Magnotta's eyes or the kill was botched or he couldn't go through with it but he still needed that ALIVE one moment DEAD the next aspect.

In theory and this is stretching. He could have killed Lin Jun via drug overdose, hid the body in the bathtub - called someone else over, an old friend a John, wtv - recorded the initial part of the video which is what we see before the stabbing and then dressed the body back up on the bed the same way.

Some of this is far fetched, some of it I think is very likely but the real question everyone should be asking is - why hide the victim's complete face off the top? Why?

P.S. What are these stills everyone is talking about? Stills of body parts in the fridge / head in the bathtub? I'm so sorry to ask but where did you see these and are they online? Do we have proof the body was cut up in the bathtub? For some reason I can bring myself to see stills before I can bring myself to see video. Thank you.

i believe the cleaners said they found skin/blood left in the sink/tub....sorry, dont have a link to post right now....

EDIT: One other VERY important thing I forgot to mention was how POORLY Lin appears to be bound in the video. Another reason why I think it might be a recreation. I suppose if he was badly drugged this was of no concern but I suspect the reason why he was bound (simulated?) while being stabbed by an unknown perp with an icepick was to simulate the famous, initial death scene in Basic Instinct. I think the ropes are entirely for show.

i believe he was drugged...not enough to knock him out...but enough to make him out of seems pretty obvious to me. i also believe that Lin truly thought he was hooking up for a "normal" date.....he could have been drugged first, laid on the bed, then tied up...and so on.....

i still see no reason to believe there was a 2nd person....
but i guess we will find out if so, because i cant imagine LM keeping hush...unless he wants all the glory...
Just a heads up to routinely run an antivirus scan ... Has anyone run into a virus while searching this case? Twice in the last couple of days, while posting on this thread, my browser switched to a window telling me that I couldn't access this site because of a virus (that has never happened before). I did a scan, there was one virus on my computer plus something that looked like a keystroke logger.

Yes, i had it too otto. It is a virus out of Russia. Of mild interest is that Symantec shows the latest version as May 29 2012. It seems i've deleted it, but am using on-screen keyboard for any financial transactions until I can determine that there are no keyloggers left on my 'puter. :(
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