ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #9

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no thats not what im saying...i actually believe completely different....

i studied that damn case for my first criminal law class. i lived and breathed it for months....but i also followed the trial way back when..... (aging myself)....

but that is another topic altogether.....

I should have more clearly noted the sarcasm that was my reply
I just did some googling into the german cannibal murderer Armin Meiwes (who was mentioned way back in the posts), and what I didn't realize, was that there was a movie done about him. It was actually back in 2006, and the movie had a 3-year long ban in Germany. It was called "Rohtenburg" (international title, "Grimm Love").
Reading briefly about it, raised the hairs on the back of my neck.
Since LM took bits and pieces of movies and songs and names to invent his stories, who knows--this movie could have another one he watched and got ideas from.
What about "chateau blanc"? I see there are apartments with this name in Montreal near Mcgill university.
I think he did not want to get caught before! This time he did and actually really did not bungle a lot - very carefully organized, planned, with previews getting interest in the upcoming movie opening at a theatre near you, etc etc. This was very planned, organized, produced, marketed and as a result he was the biggest story on the globe for 8 days -- blockbuster producers have trouble getting that kind of publicity all for free! What did he bungle, the whole planet knows him, follows him and the real circus now starts!

I agree thanks good post.

One angle I don't think that has been explored enough is a combo of revenge and blackmail. I am not sure we are reading the script of all of this the same way politicos are. I am very interested in knowing what was in all of those notes sent with the body parts. I think this thing has been scripted, that is part that is different this time and not just by L.M. someone or a group is very angry.

I do believe he has had sex with lots and lots of people whatever his size and however he is as a sex partner. For every "Barbie" trying to get on the news I think there will be more than a few people trying to stay off. If he starts talking about his sex escapades and who his partners are (real and imagined there will be lots of people a few of them possibly important people wanting to switch the topic back to kittens.
I agree thanks good post.

One angle I don't think that has been explored enough is a combo of revenge and blackmail. I am not sure we are reading the script of all of this the same way politicos are. I am very interested in knowing what was in all of those notes sent with the body parts. I think this thing has been scripted, that is part that is different this time and not just by L.M. someone or a group is very angry.

I do believe he has had sex with lots and lots of people whatever his size and however he is as a sex partner. For every "Barbie" trying to get on the news I think there will be more than a few people trying to stay off. If he starts talking about his sex escapades and who his partners are (real and imagined there will be lots of people a few of them possibly important people wanting to switch the topic back to kittens.

I am not sure why so many of you are convinced he didn't act alone. With very very few exceptions, sociopaths/psychopaths tend to act alone. Given the strong narcissism we see from luka, I don't see him sharing his 'glory' with an accomplice. Add to that the lack of evidence of anyone else...I say if it walks like a duck...
Well said! :biggrin: For that matter, ALL places have a darker side. I went into a pharmacy yesterday way 'up north' near our summer home and lo and behold there was a sign which read: "WE DO NOT KEEP OXYCODONE ON THE PREMISES". And I'm in a town of a few hundred! That's just real 'life' in action. People are human with human needs/vices/desires/etc.

This dude does not represent the beautiful city of Montreal nor does he represent my home town of Toronto.


I think he was intended to represent Canada as former P.M. Jean Chretien loved to say (ad nauseum and with little evidence) "the greatest country on earth". As someone joked the Canadians in Europe this summer will be the ones with the American flags are on their bags.
What about "chateau blanc"? I see there are apartments with this name in Montreal near Mcgill university.

I see some references to a "Chateau Blanc" in connection with the movie Heavenly Creatures, but I can't find a good link.
I have a friend whose brother is about the closest I've ever known to "born bad." However, he is adopted and I don't know his personal history prior to his adoption. Plus, I know that my friend, who also was adopted, had issues relating to his adoption and with his adoptive parents, as well. But then again, don't we all have issues with our parents, adoptive or not?!

Anyway, my friend's brother also has been in prison for much of his adult life, while my friend has probably never had anything worse than a speeding ticket. The last time they were together as adults at their parents' house, the brother stabbed my friend in the face with a fork. When they were younger, he cut the brakes on my friend's bike and challenged him to a race down a huge hill. My friend's jaw is messed up to this day from the aftermath of that.

I could go on, but the point is, I also think it's possible that genetics can, in at least some cases, play a huge role. If my friend's brother had not been adopted, I'd probably be more convinced that it could be 100% nature in some cases. jmo

My friend was not adopted, but I call her real dad her 'birth father' because he left so early after she was born.

Her mother did marry a new man when she was quite young, but that is as close as her story gets to dysfunction. She has always hated her new father for taking up part of her mother's attention. She reminds me very much of Eric in that attention was her number one goal, always.

Has anyone else noticed cases of antisocials who seemed like they were spoiled too much? No abuse, and quite the opposite? That is probably dysfunction, if you think about good child-rearing. It surprises me how much it seems to have let my friend foster her most narcissistic and thoughtless parts of herself.
I am not sure why so many of you are convinced he didn't act alone. With very very few exceptions, sociopaths/psychopaths tend to act alone. Given the strong narcissism we see from luka, I don't see him sharing his 'glory' with an accomplice. Add to that the lack of evidence of anyone else...I say if it walks like a duck...

Two different issues: whether he acted alone committing this crime and whether he has committed other crimes.
I see some references to a "Chateau Blanc" in connection with the movie Heavenly Creatures, but I can't find a good link.

Did someone here find photos of Luka in the McGill University area? Le Chateau Blanc apartment building is in the McGill Ghetto area on Lorne Crescent in Montreal.
Montreal police say Luka Magnotta will arrive at Mirabel airport at 7pm.

In his delusional mind I'm sure he expects a welcome that is comparable to the Beatles arriving in America at NY's Kennedy Airport in 1964.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II

Federal sources say the plane is also carrying German and Canadian officials, Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers and Canada Border Services Agency employees. The plane was already in Germany when it added Magnotta as a passenger.

Magnotta is being restrained during the flight.

The plane will land at an undisclosed location. The suspect, however, is expected to be in Montreal as soon as possible to face a judge.

The Quebec prosecutor's office said Magnotta would likely have to appear in court within 24 hours, in keeping with Article 503 of the Criminal Code.


.... hopefully on that aforementioned trolley. The hockey mask (Lecter style). Stainless steel chains. And a full-body, straight jacket.

I don't mind if they paint on big fat black eyebrows, deep eye shadow, or red pouty lips for his amusement (or for the amusement of the righteous jailers).
No one will see it anyway.
Just as long as they keep him restrained. Firmly.

Too bad Mr. Magnotta missed his Magic Red Carpet Moment with the Paparazzi.

Awwwww. The poor thing.

I am sorry, fellow sleuthers.
I am sorry to be harsh.
But I have to speak up.

I find it very, very difficult to restrain myself at this point. This case has been all-consuming, ever since I found myself inevitably engulfed by it.
I am filled with dark, awful feelings of retribution and revenge.
I wish LRM all the worst in the imaginable world, and in any and all unimaginable worlds of sheer hell as well. Fire and brimstone is too good for him.
I have absolutely no pity for him, for what ever reason, for whatever abuse he may have been subjected to.... I just don't. He has done things so detrimentally abject to everything I believe in and stand for, and I want him thrown in a cell, secluded, for the rest of his life, left to rot, die, forgotten, alone, lost.
The sooner, the better.

Most of all, I hate him for....... that.
Making me think and react like that. I am usually a - I would think - normally kind and gentle person. I have never ever had these harsh thoughts before. Never.
Along with me, he has changed the outlook on life for countless others. His victims are many. Lin Jun and his family first and foremost - but also everybody else who ever watched his vile actions.
And, naturally, cared.
I hate, hate, hate him for it all. For what he did, for what he planned, for what he made others take into their lives.
And all for the sheer enjoyment he would encounter, for his sole entertainment, his moment of fame.
For the suffering, heartache and broken trust in humanity he has brought so many of us.
He is a menace, a fiend, a vile, despicable being who does not deserve one ounce of pity, understanding or respect. He does not have mine, and I will never, ever forget these days I have had since I unwittingly, without caution, and unknowingly clicked that link.

Never will I forget. Ever.
Neither will his victim(s). Or loved ones.

Vile being.
I hope he rots in eternal hell.

My sincere opinion only.
Did someone here find photos of Luka in the McGill University area? Le Chateau Blanc apartment building is in the McGill Ghetto area on Lorne Crescent in Montreal.

I recall seeing photos at McGill. Possibly the ones on the stairs that the animal rescue folks tracked down, but I can't say for sure at this point.
I recall seeing photos at McGill. Possibly the ones on the stairs that the animal rescue folks tracked down, but I can't say for sure at this point.

Yes. That's the one we found. 3600 Rue McTavish McGill University.

Edit for Dane: I feel you.
I agree thanks good post.

One angle I don't think that has been explored enough is a combo of revenge and blackmail. I am not sure we are reading the script of all of this the same way politicos are. I am very interested in knowing what was in all of those notes sent with the body parts. I think this thing has been scripted, that is part that is different this time and not just by L.M. someone or a group is very angry.

I do believe he has had sex with lots and lots of people whatever his size and however he is as a sex partner. For every "Barbie" trying to get on the news I think there will be more than a few people trying to stay off. If he starts talking about his sex escapades and who his partners are (real and imagined there will be lots of people a few of them possibly important people wanting to switch the topic back to kittens.[/QUOT

Perhaps LM was for whatever reason, angry at cutbacks in dispensing Viagra and transgender operations in military?
thats all past tense, and its not 7pm there yet.. am i missing something? is he on canadian soil?

It does indeed allude to that fact. Past tense, and "the government of Canada thanks the government of Germany..."
thats all past tense, and its not 7pm there yet.. am i missing something? is he on canadian soil?

Yes, it wasn't written properly. He hasn't arrived yet... due at 7pm. However, they may have been referring to when he was waiting in Berlin to depart ... but presumably the same rules will apply once he arrives here.
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